As Phaedrus Said

Summary: They were born twins, but never have they felt like twins. Rin; always looking out for Yukio with eyes of 'brotherly love'. Yukio; admiring his older brother more than should be socially acceptable. Neither acknowledge nor deny their feelings but they do keep them from each other. When high school comes and new people make their appearances, jealousy arises and so will trouble. High School AU

Warning: Cursing. Violence. Twincest. Male x male. (Don't worry. I'm not going to have anything to do with rape and/or forceful sexual situations. If you are looking for that, please turn away. This fic is going to be a very loving and feeling type story.) Slow!Build love. Future sex scenes. Slight OOC. High School AU. Um, there is some underage stuff but only when they are 16 through 18. As kids, they don't do anything. Uh, Tons of jealousy. Flaming!Rin (kinda).

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been going through some life/family stuff (mostly fuckin college agadfgadfgd). And FINALLY THIS IS OUT. 'M SO HAPPEH. Lol. Well, please enjoy the boys and their teenage problems from here on out. I'll be posting again after my fucking long ass break. I'm so sorry. I really am. I know what it is like for a fic to not update. It's like a part of you is dead. So, I hope to change that even with life pooping on me. Lol. See ya, cubs.

Cool Fact: Rin and Yukio have the same birthday as me. December 27th :D

Part 2

Chapter 1: Baggage Hassle

The school was huge.

Think of a big campus, and this one was larger than that. It was practically its own town or city. There was no way this was a private school. It was too flamboyant and flashy to be a professional learning facility. But here it was. Standing tall against the sun, casting shadows everywhere and giving the school a weird mix of feelings. It had a sort of deep air, yet, it seemed like it was trying to mask it with a light and frilly tone. It gave both the boys a hint of circumspection upon arriving to their new home-to-be.

Standing at one of the inner buildings were Rin and Yukio, just gaping at this place along with a few other students. Most of the students were just stopped to gaze at what they were going to be in for the next three years. This was where the first year high school division was to be held. And it was intimidating to most of them, but not Rin or Yukio. They each had their own reasons for not being intimidated. Rin being completely oblivious to its almost intoxicating air, and Yukio, not judging things by appearance, was going to see how it truly was once he could experience the school's true nature.

Yukio watched Rin mouth curse words as he tried to fathom what he was looking at. Yukio was surprised but not too surprised at the building. He had researched it online to get a feel of what he and his brother were getting into. But up close and seeing it in person was different than just seeing it online. Which, Yukio found, happened to apply to many things.

Rin suddenly looked at the ground then back up as Yukio kept observing his brother. Rin shook his head to clear the contemporary shock that followed the school they were enrolled in.

Yukio could see that Rin was uncharacteristically nervous because he was messing with his tie (for what reason, Yukio couldn't quite fathom). But besides that, their required uniform just looked dashing on Rin. It pleased all his fashion senses in his new punk, preppy boy way that Yukio could understand. Yukio really couldn't get enough of his brother's style. Honestly, the ruffled hair with the open jacket and the loose buttoning at the top of Rin's shirt was really weighing on Yukio's mind. But he paid it no attention. He wanted to focus on their new life in the dorms. Yukio picked up his suit case and bags and started walking passed his fellow gawking students, not waiting for Rin to catch up.

Rin was actually pretty excited about this new school. He had everything he could possibly want here now. His clothes, games, manga, and Yukio. He was fidgety though. He wanted to make a good impression to all the new people, and he didn't exactly know how to do that. He wanted to make friends, and not just any friends, but guy friends. He was oblivious, he knew that from Yukio telling him almost every day, but he wasn't stupid. He knew the boys in middle school avoided him. For what, he wasn't actually sure. He just knew he had to do something different. And this wasn't just recent, this was something that had been weighing on his mind for a long time. He just didn't know what to do with anything. But, now was not the time to be worrying about it. Yukio, the ass, was already walking away.

And like a light switch, Rin demurred, "Yukio! You bastard, wait." Rin grabbed his suit case and personal bags to trek after his long legged brother. Rin liked his brother being tall, but damn it if he wasn't slightly annoyed by his walking speed which was as twice as a normal person's stride. Yukio didn't even look back at Rin as they continued down the long stretch of streets.

Yukio paused for a second to grab the map he printed off out of his back pocket. He frowned thoughtfully looking at its directions as he saw out of the corner of his eye Rin catching up and looking around curiously. Yukio focused on the map and looked at how the streets circled around the mountain to get to upper sections. It seemed that there were stairs leading from one street up to the next one and so on. So, it was not going to be too terrible of a walk. He saw most students heading for the general direction of the stairs anyways. And from the ones that didn't have a map glued to their face, Yukio was willing to wage they were upper year students who have probably attended here before. Better follow them. Waving for Rin to follow, Yukio headed up one of the large stair cases that surrounded the mountain. And it seems this was their first out of two, thankfully. Their luggage was getting heavy.

Emerging from the stone stairs, Yukio could immediately tell there were more people here than the first street. And it wasn't all students, but it looked like residents of some sorts, walking around, chatting, shopping. It was like a little urban oasis of small businesses and town's people. Yukio thought that was fairly interesting. Apparently, so did Rin.

"Awwwwwesome! Yukio, they have a Gyuudon store! Delicious!" Rin marveled. Rin's eyes were hungry for meat, always. He knew he needed to eat more fruits and vegetables, but meat was amazingly flavorful to him.

"Yes, yes, Nii-san. This way." Yukio needed to head a little ways down before their next staircase to get to their dormitories. He started off down the road, without Rin again. Yukio kind of liked for Rin to play a little catch up. Always looking for where Yukio was.

Damn. Yukio needed to relax with his brother complex. He knew himself better than to let those thoughts snag on his mind. And so he said to himself but he couldn't help a little dip in his eyelids as he heard his twin wheeling after him.

"Damnit, Yukio, wait up." Rin huffed, his suitcase trailing loud on the pavement. "Give me time to look around and enjoy the scenery, at least." Rin was getting whiny. He wanted to look around now. He wanted to see all the people, the stores, the restaurants. His mouth was watering at the smell diffusing from down the street.

Yukio looked back for a second to see Rin slightly frowning. He then replied, "Nii-san, we will do that afterwards when we don't have all this luggage, okay?" He wanted to please his brother by using placating words. He didn't want Rin complaining about luggage after the third store they looked at. Yukio wanted him to have fun and enjoy himself completely without distraction.

Rin thought for a moment and that seemed like the better choice. Of course, Yukio always knew what was best to do. He liked that about him. Yukio saved Rin a lot of time by telling him what was rational, since he was so impulsive. Yukio complemented Rin indefinitely. Rin has known since they were children. Almost like the perfect couple, he thought a lot of the time. Why he thought that, he didn't know. It just seemed to sit well with their description for the two of them he thought.

Rin nodded, agreeing. "Yeah, okay, Yukio." And soon, Rin took up to following after Yukio as the older twin guided them to their destination.

Reaching the top steps of their last set of stairs, Yukio could see it was, yet again, a different setting. It seemed like the whole student body lived here. There were casually dressed teenagers and young adults everywhere; some carrying books, some drinking coffee, and some looking very lost, tugging around baggage like Yukio and Rin.

Yukio looked back at their map and started heading towards a large row of buildings, all with similar style and construction. Yukio was going to assume these were the dorms.

Once arriving at one of the closer buildings, Yukio paused and asked Rin to get out their submission papers so they could be ready and head on to their room. As they pushed through the doors, they noticed the entry way looking extravagant with students bustling around. The front desk was crowded with people talking about a variety of subjects. Yukio tended to looking to seeing where Rin was with the papers and he had procured them, giving them to Yukio. Yukio waiting to find an opening to talk to one of the desk attendants, he checked out what the people were talking about. It seemed to him students were mostly talking amongst themselves, meeting and greeting their new friends. He then saw someone open up and he walked calmly to the younger gentleman.

"Hello," Yukio started. "We would like to check into our room?" He wasn't too sure what to say, exactly, or how to ask what to do.

"Yes, of course." The man replied gently. "May I see your papers? And if you don't have them, I can pull you up by your name and ID numbers if you want."

"No no, we have our papers. thank you, though." Yukio reasoned, pushing the papers across the smooth counter top. He watched the man make his way around the computer board with much ease, every so often looking to see what the papers said. He looked up and smiled before shuffling off to an important looking box with a plethora of labeled folders. After some searching, he came back with two cards.

Handing them across the counter, he stated, "these are both of your room and ID cards. Your door handle has a card swiper and you just use your card to get into your room. Your card is also used to access to the library and other school facilities. It also has a way to keep money on it for uses like the cafeteria and other appliances." He paused before marking on their papers. "Your room will be on the 2nd floor. These dorms are co-ed, where girls are on the first floor and third, and boys are on second and forth. Do you need anything else?"

Yukio couldn't think of any questions and Rin didn't seem to be chiming in with any concerns either. Yukio smiled and shook his head.

"No, thank you. Have a good day." He said before moving out of the way for another student. Rin followed behind quietly, just watching people and looking at the architecture.

Rin started walking beside Yukio as the path cleared of students. "Where are we at?" Rin remarked, not quite hearing the whole conversation.

"Second floor and on the paper I recall it saying room 2024." Yukio said, pointing for Rin to see the elevator they were going to take up to the second floor. Rin nodded to both comments and headed for the shiny silver doors. Rin pressed the button and the doors opened up immediately to a quite spacious elevator. Yukio was surprised at how fancy this private school and university combo was turning out to be. They climbed in and road it for a short amount before it announced their arrival to the second floor.

Yukio lead the way out and looked around. It was quite noisy with doors propped open and people chatting and moving things. Every so often you would hear laughter and the creak of furniture of some sort moving against the floors. Yukio saw signs pointing either left or right, and left was where their room number suggested.

Following Yukio, Rin gazed in rooms, watched people move down the halls, and listened in on some conversations. It was almost like a sensory overload with all that was happening. So many things, it was making Rin really understand where their life was going to be for a long time. He was excited and nervous all at the same time. A combination of wanting to experience high-school and having to learn how to become adjusted to this life. He stopped his pondering as Yukio came to a halt in front of what Rin assumed was their room. Yukio quickly made use of his ID card and opened their door.

The room was simple in design but had much to marvel over.

Yukio saw the room had a fridge and microwave tucked in a nice corner beside their own personal bathroom. The floors were covered with tatami and everything was kind of in it's own little hole except for their desks which were side by side. Their beds lay across from each other with a low ceiling over them. Much of their other furniture was towards the entrance to their new room.

Rin smiled. This was going to be awesome for him. He was ready for late nights with Yukio, fun outings and shopping. Maybe he would even apply for apprenticeship at a small restaurant. So many possibilities for this new part of Rin's life, that he felt overwhelmed. Maybe he was psyching himself up too much. But he was sure it was going to have some perks. Rin wanted a lot of stuff, but was cautious as to be so greedy. Yukio taught him to want everything, but as reasonably as possible. Yukio taught him so much. Rin was sure Yukio was never going to understand how much he looked up to his younger twin brother. And he was happy, just admiring Yukio from a short distance, never to be able to close that invisible fissure that separated something between them. Whatever barrier it was, Rin was fine with it.

Looking over towards the subject of his thoughts, Rin noticed his twin was already laying out his bags to prepare for unpacking. Time to get started his own luggage.

Sorry for this being late! My boyfriend's mother had surgery to remove cancerous lymph nodes, but here is the next part! I'll be back and updating. :)