I have to be honest with you my dearest readers, I met a girl online and I felt for her so fast and so hard that it crushed me completely, I never saw her like face to face but we talked and well I´m stupid enough to do that type of shit so as I´m broken hearted you may notice a little difference in my latest chapters, I don´t know if you noticed or not but I kinda wanted to share that with you.

**phone rings**

A: I wasn´t sure you would call.

P: I wasn´t sure either, to be honest, I don't know why I did it.

A: I´m glad you did, I really wanted to hear your voice.

P: Are you going to explain to me what the hell happened or are we just going to pretend that nothing happened and that we are chill?

A: I told you in that letter everything I could say, I don't want to put you in danger, don't you see? That's why I left, I didn't want you to be caught on my mess.

P: You are being such an idiot, I'm already caught on this mess, you fucking left me standing on our wedding day, you made me look like an idiot and I was left completely broken. You are so blind and selfish that you can´t see that you ruined our lives, you ruined our relationship and our only chance to be together?

A: Babe, I'm sorry, I truly am. Life if hell without you and honestly, I don't know why am I living for, if it's not with you, I don't want anything.

P: It doesn't look that way, you preferred easy money, drugs, boost, and party, you chose that over me, over us.

A: I'm coming back, I promise I´ll make it up to you.

P: I don´t want you back, I want you as far away from me as you can be.

A: Babe don't say that, please don't say that, you are all I have and everything I want in life.

P: No, I'm not, you have your drug friends and your whores. Alex, I gotta go, calling you was a mistake, I hope you have a good life.

** Piper hangs up the phone and starts to cry **