Chapter 2
Reunion a Conduit and a Vampire
Well, time for chapter 2. Here are the polls.
Infamous: 9
Hero: 12
Now, ordinarily, I would respond to the reviews here. But since the reviews were just the votes and the reasons why in the case of Hero. We're just going to start. So... Let's kick it up.
Tsukune made up his mind. He used some power lines to get on the rooftop next door to the burning building. After running across the roof top, he leapt through the window of the building.
Tsukune navigated his way through the inferno to reach the room where the screaming was coming from. Inside, he found a 4-year-old boy crying in a corner in fear of the flames.
"Dont worry. I'm gonna get you out of here." He said picking the boy up. He then moved over to a wall being careful to keep the boy away from the flames. Once they reached the wall. Tsukune kicked out the window seal causing that part of the wall to collapse.
The fire fighters, upon seeing Tsukune holding the boy quickly got a trampoline for them to land on and with that, Tsukune jumped while turning in the air to make sure to break the boy's fall.
A few minute later, a medic was looking a Tsukune to make sure he wasn't injured. Just then Tsukune's mother Kasumi came running and wrapped her son in a hug.
"Tsukune! Are you alright?" Kasumi asked in tears.
"I'm fine Mom." Tsukune replied to comfort his mother.
"That was a really brave thing you did there, Kid." The fire chief said to Tsukune causing him to shrug.
"I couldn't just sit back and do nothing." Tsukune said simply. Upon hearing this his mother smiled at his attitude.
"Well, we'd better get home." Tsukune said getting up just before Kasumi grabbed his arm.
"Tsukune, are you sure you're okay?" She asked her son in consern.
"I'm fine, Mom. The doctors will tell you the same." Tsukune said nonchalantly before Kasumi looked over to the doctor getting nod of confermation and with that, the 2 went home. Once Tsukune got home and after receiving praise for his actions from his parents, he went up to his room to reflect on the days events.
For what ever reason after what he did Tsukune felt lite. He felt warm. Tsukune then made a small amount of electricity appear in his hand and noticed it had changed from white to a cyan tint. Tsukune then looked over to the mirror in his room noticing his skin had become slightly more tan as a small smile came to his face.
1 week later:
Tsukune was now on the bus returning him back to Yokai Acadamy. Back to his friends. Tsukunes thoughts were racing thinking about how his friends, in particular a certain silver haired vampire, would react to his new abilities.
He decided to hide his powers from his friends until they were forced in to a battle. Which given his past experience would likely be at the end of the day.
The ever mysterious Bus Driver then looked in to the rear view mirror at Tsukune. "You seem different, Boy." The Driver commented.
"A few things have changed since the Lilith mirror incident." Tsukune replied with a slight smile.
After a few more minutes of driving, Tsukune was let of at the bus stop. "Careful, Kid. Yokai Academy isn't any less dangerous.
"Well, as long as my friends around, I have nothing to worry about." Tsukune said with confidence gaining a smirk from the Driver.
A short while later, Tsukune was about to make it to the acadamy main building when he saw all of his friends together. Moka was being hit on by some guys while Yukari was doing her usual thing and claiming that she would have a threesome with Moka and Tsukune. Kurumu began to argue with Yukari claiming that Tsukune would be hers before Yukari dropped a washtub on her head and though he couldn't see her, Tsukune could sence Mizore with both his Vampire senses and by feeling her electrical field.
"Yukari-chan!" Moka yelled with clear stress at the young Witch's continued pursuit of both her and Tsukune and embarrassment and Yukari calling her Tsukune's 'lover'. "What if Tsukune had heard that?" She asked in panic as the Conduit decided to make himself known.
"What if I heard what?" Tsukune asked faking like he didn't hear the previous exchange. After reviewing that he was there, Kurumu rushed at Tsukune and glomped him.
"Oh Tsukune, I missed you so much!" Kurumu shouted while holding Tsukune's head in her large bust. Just then, Tsukune sensed something coming at the Sucubus. He responded by quickly moving his hand and using his thumb and index finger to catch and ice kunai that Mizore had thrown at Kurumu's head.
Tsukune then pulled away from Kurumu and began to speak. " We've only been back together for five seconds girls. Let's avoid the chaos for a little bit please." Tsukune said with a smirk as the girls were in a shocked state at what he just did. "Alright, I'm going to go unpack and then all us going to sit down to catch up over lunch." Tsukune suggested and the others nodded in response.
A few minutes later, Moka was in her room talking to her Inner self. ::Hey, Ura-chan. Is it me or does Tsukune seem... different?::
:: I know what you mean Omote. He seems much more confident, faster, stronger, all around better than he was before.:: Inner Moka said.
::Yeah, he almost like he was...:: She was cut off by a knock at the door. :: Oh, hang on. Let me get that.:: She told Inner Moka. When she opened the door, Outer Moka was greeted by Yukari. "Oh, hi Yukari-chan. What do need." She asked.
"Actually, I wanted to show you this." The young Witch responded before holding up a smiling jar. Upon looking at the jar, Moka was hit with a pink mist which caused her eyes to flash pink. Moka then walked away leaving the little Witch rubbing her hand and saying 'Threesome, here I come.'
::Omote? Omote!:: Inner Moka shouted trying to get Outer Moka's attention. 'Well, this can't end well.' She thought.
About half an hour later, Tsukune was walking to the cafeteria when he was approached by Moka. "Oh, hey Moka-san." Tsukune said casually as Moka came up and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Hello Tuskune." Moka seductively said with a giggle. Tsukune could instantly tell some thing was up with her.
"Uh, Moka-san, are you alright?" Tsukune asked trying to figure out what was wrong with the Vampire.
"Oh, nothing Tsukune. Nothing... at... all." She said while emphasizing every single word.
'Okay, something is seriously messed up right now.' Tsukune thought noticing that Moka's electrical field was completely out of whack. 'I could probably snap her out of what ever this is by take off the Rosary and waking up Inner Moka. On the other hand. This could be the best chance I could get with Moka. Then again. Is it even the Outer Moka that I want? Man! What should I do?'
(Karmic decision point. Wake up Inner Moka or go for the sure thing?)
(Good Karma reward: Inner Moka.)
(Bad Karma reward: Outer Moka aka: Akasha Bloodriver)
There you go. Chapter 2. I really hope you liked and I'm really sorry this took so long. Oh, and sorry for the spoiler for those who haven't finished the manga I've just been extremely caught up with some other fics and with my other hobbies. I'll try to make the next one come out faster. Well, untill then and as always... Keep on keeping on.