Assassination Classroom does not belong to me...

Take's place after Koro-Sensei enters Class The End, and just before Takaoka arrived.

The bell rang announcing school was over and the students headed home. Nagisa walked to the main building and was greeted by a man. He was taken to a room underneath the school and was cuffed to the ceiling by his hands. The man walked out and a different man walked in. He started beating Nagisa will a bull whip.

The next day came and school started. Karasuma started his hitman lessons a few weeks ago and noticed the class had a few topnotch assassins. "Yuuma and Hiroto both have great reflexes and work well as a team. Okano is a former gymnastics member and can catch you off guard.Kataoka has power equal to a guy and she great at close range attacks. Three have great potential but lack the motivation; Terasaka, Yoshida, and Muramatsu. Akabane Karma comes of a lazy person, but shows a great deal of mischief in his eyes, he believes dealing a defensive blow will cause me utter humiliation. Nobody else really stands out when it counts. However, Nagisa has a killing killer intent when he doesn't hide it, somehow he hides it from everyone except the person he attacks, and he rarely shows it. Everyone else needs a little more improvement than the ones mentioned now." Karasuma thought.

P.E. ended and English followed. The students went back into the building and Karasuma had to leave and check in with the General Defense's. They were planning on adding a new personal to the classroom.

"You have had 3 months with the kids and that monster still hasn't been taken care of... Yes, there only middle scholars, but we have a time limit.. To get it taken care of, well be sending in a training specialist. This way you can take time and plan with that hired assassin why the kids are being trained. He'll be arriving tomorrow once everything is finalized with Chairman Asano. That is all. You are dismissed." The General Director of the General Affairs informed.

The bell rang, school was over.

Once again, Nagisa walked to the main building and was greeted by a suspicious man. This time he was dragged to the basement and was tied to a chair. The Chairman walked in.

"Nagisa, I thought I told you not to stand out... You're supposed to be a secret to everyone. That's why I put you in class E. You should explain or you won't go to school tomorrow." The Chairman threatened.

Nagisa started laughing, "Liar, you weren't going to let me go to school the second you sat me in this chair!"

The Chairman smiled, "Sometimes, I think you're to smart for your own good."

"Why because, then it would have been more fun for you to crush me when I did tell you, and break when you keep me here anyways?" Nagisa laughed again.

They both laughed for a few minutes.

The Chairman stopped first, "Are you going to start telling me why, you started standing out?" He asked.

"Standing out? I haven't stood out since I was entered into class E, simply done what I was supposed to make it look like I'm a complete failure." Nagisa retorted.

The Chairman grinned, "Okay, then why did Karasuma, mention your name in his latest report about him needing to keep a close eye on you, since he thought you ere hiding something?"

"Of course he'd think that, the man's a pro, for god sake, besides I am hiding something. I'm in class E for Christ. Nobody knows why. He's just as curious as the rest. I mean were all hiding something. Were trying to kill a monster for 10 billion dollars. Anything else genius?" Nagisa yelled.

Chairman Asano gritted his teeth, "Yeah, tomorrow, you're getting a new P.E. instructor. You're to do what he says when he says it, but be sure not to give yourself away. Nobody needs to know about you, but me, for now. Gakushu, will be taking over you 'education' soon, but not yet. He's not there yet. Don't give him any hints about you. Or it will get a whole lot worse for YOU. If you know what I mean." He started laughing.

Nagisa mumbled how much he hated him and the 'education' started. He was stood up and his feet were chained to the wall and his hands in front of him. His back was beaten with poles and bats until Asano felt it necessary. Then his hands were moved above his head; straightened out, and his stomach flat against the floor. A bucket of hot rocks and iron poles filled to the top was sat beside him.

"We've decided to start with the addition today." Asano said as he lifted Nagisa's shirt off him. "This is going to hurt a lot." He laughed as he grabbed one of the iron poles out of the bucket. "You'll stop being so stubborn and finally cry out in pain." He laughed again as he pressed it against Nagisa's back.

Nagisa screamed in pain. He made sure not to give the man satisfaction by yelling or moaning in pain, but this was to much. He screamed, his hole body ached in pain as his flesh was burned.

The two onlookers stared horrified at the being trapped on the floor screaming in pain.

Something terrible was happening and they caught a glimpse of it.

Trouble began to brew...

Have no clue what this is? Read Assassination classroom. This is twisted from the real manga, but who doesn't enjoy a twist? If you don't like it sorry, but it you do, REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW!

Who are the onlookers? What happened to Nagisa to end up in this mess? Why is he in class THE END?

Maybe find out in upcoming chapters of BEHIND THE SCENE'S!