Chapter 3

"What the hell happened here?!" Mario shouted, his voice barely audible due to the increased level of noise. Mario and Luigi stood outside the door; baffled and slightly confused, they pushed and shoved their way through hundreds of dancing toads.

Luigi cupped his hands over Mario's ear, "What's going on?!" he yelled, hoping Mario heard him correctly. Mario just raised his hands far apart, his palms facing upwards, and shook his head side to side. In the foyer, dozens of bright lights danced around the room, varying in different colors. There was even a disco ball shooting different colors of light all around the room. The music roared in their ear drums, and sounded a lot like the techno they heard on the radio sometimes. Both Mario and Luigi began to call out for Peach, waving their hands wildly, hoping to grab her attention. Peach miraculously saw them from above the stairs over the railing, and slowly progressed through the crowd of dancing toads to get to Mario bros. A few minutes passed and Peach finally made it to Mario and Luigi.

"Princess, what's going on?" Mario yelled in her ear.

"The rave started at 9:00 p.m, so that's what you're seeing now," she replied, pointing to the mass of dancing toads.

"Luigi looked surprised, "Wow princess, I never knew you had it in you," he shouted.

"Hey, I'm still young! I haven't even reached 30 yet! Way to be rude, Luigi!" Peach yelled, trying to not sound offended.

"Sorry, Peach," Luigi apologized, looking down at the black and white tiled floor.

"Why don't you make it up to me by showing me your moves on the dance floor," she responded, grabbing him by the overalls and dragging him into the massive crowd of toads. Mario stood there, baffled at what just happened. He watched as Luigi danced with Peach, spinning her around, dipping her low to the ground, and holding her hand. Jealousy swept across the red plumber's mind, and he ran back into Peach's room, slamming the door behind him.

"Why do I feel like this? What is wrong with me? It's not like Luigi likes her or anything...right?" Mario drowned himself in his own thoughts, plopping down onto Peach's bed. "I can't believe Luigi is gay," Mario chuckled for a moment, "Hell, I might even be gay if I've liked him for so long. I just had no idea he was gay, we could've been partners when we were little if we confessed our love for each other."

"I wonder if Luigi is enjoying himself…"

-Luigi's POV-

I can't believe the princess wanted to dance with me. I mean, it's nice and all, but I hope this doesn't change anything between us. She's a really good dancer too, I can't believe she knows all these moves. I feel like an idiot because I've been following her footwork this whole time. Maybe she hasn't noticed, or maybe she has. Well, it doesn't really matter, this techno song is almost over so I'll be able to excuse myself hopefully. As I'm dancing with her for a few more moments, the song finally ends and I immediately stop dancing. "Wow, you're a really good dancer, Peach," I complimented.

She blushed and smiled sheepishly, "Thanks Luigi."

"No problem, now I kinda have to get back to Mario, he's probably looking for me," I said, making up an excuse to get out of her sight as quick as possible. I quickly turned away and headed for her room, not even waiting for a response from her. All I wanted was to see Mario, nobody else.

-Back to third person-

Luigi stepped into the room, slightly surprised to see Mario on lying on the bed. "Hey, Mario, I thought you would be outside dancing or something," he inquired.

Mario stood up from his lying position on the bed, "Well, I didn't really feel like dancing…that's all."

Luigi stepped a little closer, a surprised look swept across his face. "Oh? Are you sure you weren't just jealous of me dancing with the princess? You don't have to worry so much, Mario. You're my only love, I don't like Peach. I love you," he smiled, and crawled onto the bed.

Mario began to blush profusely, "Hehe, thanks Weegee. I know I can always count on you to cheer me up," after he said this, Mario nuzzled next to Luigi, his warmth now emanating on Mario.

"Hey, Mario, are you thinking of heading back to the party at all?" Luigi asked, sitting up slightly from the bed.

"Nope," Mario replied, lying back and putting his arms behind his back.

Luigi went on top of Mario and leaned closer, "Good," he breathed, "Because we're going to be here ALL night…" Luigi whispered seductively, and passionately locked lips with Mario.

"This is the best party ever…" They both thought as they kissed throughout the night. Their love, eternal as the starry night in the sky, will last forever.

AN: First yaoi fic, equals finished! Yay! I'm glad the select few that read this story enjoyed this(At least I hope you did) and I'll be writing another yaoi story soon. Feel free to tell me if I need to work on anything, because I am quite new to writing yaoi. I don't know how soon I'll have another one up, or what shipping it will be, but it will probably NettoxEnzan from the Megaman battle network series. (Kudos to anyone who know what that is :P)