"M-Masky! C'mon!" Hoodie yelled for me, grinning from ear to ear. I smiled and ran over to him.

"I-I made this for the tw-two of us," He said softly, pointing at a tree.

It looked as if he had carved our names into it, complete with a heart around it. I blushed slightly, looking at the little carvings within the rough, dry wood. I loved it when he did things like this. It seems like just yesterday I was about to show him what sex was (I'm chuckling thinking about it) and now, here we are, a year later.

Not much has changed, to be honest with you. I'm still a brown-eyed brunette with a normal build. Hoodie's the same too, just with silvery-white high-lights in his hair. It's pretty striking against that ebony blanket of black and it's gorgeous.

"Do y-you like it?" He asked, his bright green eyes shining at me.

"No..." I paused.


"I love it, Dove."

Hoodie grinned and gave me a tight hug. I hugged him back, grinning and running my fingers through his hair. I looked at the sky. What a day... The sun had glittered in the sky only a moment ago and it seems to have disappeared in an instant.

"C'mon, I think it's gonna rain," I told Hoods, tilting my head back towards the mansion. He nodded and we began running back, racing to see who could get there first. I guess I should get into everything right about now.

That night, after The Operator had spoken with Hoodie and I, was the most intimate night of my life. I didn't fuck Hoodie, no. I wanted to but he wants to wait.

Anyways, it was intimate in a different way. We laid there, staring and grinning at one another with sweet smiles. I would gently stroke his cheek from time to time, but for the majority of that entire night, my hand rested on his hip. We didn't speak. We just smiled. Occasionally, we'd sigh or whisper I love you. It was magical. After that, we admitted our homosexuality to our fellow pastas, The Operator and his family, and The Observer. It was rough and Hoodie began to cry but, strangely, everyone was so supportive. Yeah, we might be called "Faggots" or "Homos" every now and again but it's said playfully. I think that was the most intense moment of my life, right there. Afterwards, Hoodie and I became more intimate in that way. It's funny, you wouldn't picture Hoods having so many kinks. I mean, he loves food but... this was crazy. So, one night while he and I were getting in the mood, he asked me if I was comfortable with him licking whipped cream off of me. I was shocked, to say the least, but that was night I got my first blowjob, so hey. I had fun.

I mentioned these nights because they stick out in my mind, but nothing is going to be more magical than tonight. No, I don't plan on fucking him, you dirty animals (yet). I smirked.

No, I had something else planned for my Dove...

As we walked into the house, I told Hoodie to go up to our room and grab something for me. In the mean time, I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the giant cheesecake I'd baked for him (yes, I bake. Don't fucking judge me. I'm gay).

He'd thought I'd forgotten that today was his seventeenth birthday. Alas, I did not! I'd gotten up at four a.m to make this damn cake. It was original cheesecake, with a chocolate centering and chocolate frosting spelling something other than "Happy Birthday". I'd done some last-minute shopping and bought him something I know he'll love. I even asked the others to leave he and I alone so that we can share this moment, y'know, with just the two of us. I'm so excited I can barely contain myself.

I quickly spruced up; I put on cologne, changed my shirt, took off my mask and combed my hair. I'm pretty quick. I smiled when I heard my Dove cascade down the stairs. He looked amazing in his white, button-up dress shirt and black slacks. He too, I assume, put on cologne, fixed his hair, and taken off his mask. He smiled and walked into the dining room, gasping when he saw me.

"M-Mask! You look won-wonderful," He grinned and looked me up and down.

"Thanks, I wanted to look nice for you since it is your birthday and all," I looked him up and down, much the same way he did me. The corners of my mouth turned into a silly Cheshire smile and I turned away to let him see the cake. He squealed girlishly and sat down in the chair I so gentleman-ly pulled out for him.

I sat down across from him to see his reaction.

"M-Masky..." He stared at the cake as tears filled his eyes and a blush spiraled across his face.

"Well...?" I questioned, trying to contain my joy.

"It-it..." He paused and looked up at me, a brilliant smile on a brilliant lips. "It says 'Will You Marry Me?'" He read.

I nodded and pulled a little red, heart-shaped box from my pocket. His tears of joy fell down his flawlessly white face, his small and pale hand hiding his blush. I got up and pulled out his chair. I turned it so he faced be and I got down on one knee, grinning as my own tears fell.

"Hoodie, Will you give me all of you so that I can give you all of me? Will you love me to no end so that I can love you as well? And Will you make me the happiest man in this world, and do me the honour of marrying me?" I choked out between sobs.

"Y-Yes!" Hoodie screamed.

"Yes, Yes, Y-yes! Oh my God, Yes Ma-Masky!" He cried as I slipped the little silver-band on his finger.

"I love you, Brian," I said softly, standing up and hugging him. I whispered this into his ear.

"I-I love you too, Tim."

(A/N: The End. I really hope you guys like this because I'm finished. Okay? I really appreciate everything from you guys. I know my updates aren't worth the wait. I've been pretty busy lately but I can always find time for my lovelies. *love* I love you all. Hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I was wondering if you guys had any requests. I'm happy to oblige and even if it's a subject I may not particularly know, explain it as best as possible and I will do research. I'm devoting myself to writing, okay? Sorry about waiting. I will do my best. I love you all. :)
