Disclaimer: All characters except for Meagan, Sasha and a few minor other characters, belong to George Lucas, and we are not receiving any profit off this work of fiction.

This is written in first person point of view of Meagan unless otherwise noted.

From Earth to Star Wars

Interlude: End of TPM and thereafter

Obi-Wan grieves for Qui-Gon.

"Somewhere Out There" (Linda Ronstadt & James Ingram)

Somewhere out there
Beneath the pale moonlight
Someone is thinking of me
And loving me tonight

Somewhere out there

Someone is saying a prayer

That we'll find one another

In that big somewhere out there

And even though I know
How very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing
On the same bright star

And when the night wind

Starts to sing a lonesome lullaby

It helps to think we're sleeping

Underneath the same big sky

Somewhere out there
If love can see us through
Then we'll be together
Somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true

And even though I know

How very apart we are

It helps to think we might be wishing

On the same bright star

And when the night wind
Starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping
Underneath the same big sky

Somewhere out there

If love can see us through

Then we'll be together

Somewhere out there

Out where dreams come true

**Obi-Wan's Point of View**


I stood before the prier, watching Qui-Gon's body burn. I was filled with grief, sadness and guilt. If I had been faster, hadn't fallen down several catwalks, my Master might have still been alive. If only….I shook my head, knowing what he would say about my brooding. Looking down next to me, I saw Anakin struggle with his emotions. The boy had been through enough in the last week. I placed my hands on his shoulder like Qui-Gon would have done for him and what he did for me so many times.

"It's all right Anakin. I miss him too." I could hear my voice tremble with emotion and I was glad that my hood covered the emotions that sprayed across my face.

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "What's going to happen to me now?"

I squeezed my hand on his shoulder. "The Council has given me permission to train you. You will be a Jedi, I promise."

He nodded and I felt him relax a little. Together we watched the rest of my Master's body burn. However, I knew that my grief was far from over, but something inside me told me he would always be with me.

After the funeral was over, everyone slowly drifted away, while my Master's closest friend's said their good byes. I quietly stood, watching and later some came over and squeezed my arm in sympathy as they left. I could tell Anakin was getting antsy, so I knelt down to him. "Why don't you go on back to the palace? I'll be along shortly."

Queen Amidala came and stood behind him. "I'll make sure he's all right."

Anakin smiled up at her as I nodded my consent.

"Thank you Your Highness."

I watched as the two left the area and then I turned my attention back to the last of the glowing embers of the fire. It seemed like only several minutes, but it could have been hours later, when I stood alone. I walked slowly up to the prier, tears forming in my eyes.

I was silent for a moment or so before I could finally speak. "How can I say goodbye to you Master? What can I say to the man that taught me most everything I know? To the Jedi that was my Father, and friend as well as Master. Thank you Qui-Gon, you will always have special place in my heart. And I promise you, Anakin will be a Jedi."

I blinked away the tears, wanting to stay there with him like I always did, but something told me to return to my quarters in the palace. After finding Anakin fast asleep in his own room, I went next door into mine. Without turning the lights on, I took off my robe, and walked across the room and sat down on the couch. Slowly but surely I finally realized I was going to have a long road ahead of me with training Anakin and I needed to sleep. Leaning down, I took off my boots, then the utility belt and Qui-Gon's, now, my lightsaber. Waving the lights on with the Force, I wound my way into the refresher.

When I came back, I couldn't believe Meagan, of all people, was sitting on the couch, and looking straight at me with those deep green eyes. For several seconds, I couldn't find the words to say to her. She looked as surprised as I did as she continued to gaze at me with something akin to pure shock, but also compassion.

Finally, I walked over to her and sat down beside her. Gently she reached out and placed a hand on my cheek. Giving into my grief, I let the tears fall from my eyes. She opened her arms and pulled me close against her. As I cried, she whispered soothingly in my ears and she laid a comforting hand on my head. Somehow, she must have known what happened, for she never asked and I never could find the words to tell her what happened, it hurt entirely too much.

However, the Force must have known how much I needed her that night, despite the fact, not a word was spoken between us.

I slowly awoke early the next morning, lying on the couch where I finally fell asleep the night before in her arms. "Meagan?" I sat up, looking around, wondering where she had gone too.

When she didn't answer, I assumed she was showering and proceeded to get ready for the day. However, when she never appeared, I began to wonder if I dreamed the entire thing, even as real as it was. Sighing, knowing, dream or not, I needed her then. Grateful for at least that, I went to check on my own Padawan and to find something to eat.


Anakin and I stayed for several more days in Theed, quests in the palace, along with the other Jedi. After making our good-byes to the Queen and others, we bordered the transport that would take us back to the Temple. Anakin and I for the most part, stayed in our rooms, mostly just spending time together. At one point in time, he took Qui-Gon's robes and wrapped himself in it to keep warm. Inside the pocket was Meagan's locket. He had always kept it close, just like I kept her other necklace close.

"What's this?" He asked me, curious.

I sat down next to him on the floor where he was sitting. "That belonged to Meagan. She was a dear friend to both Qui-Gon and I."

He glanced at me as I managed to keep control of my emotions at the mention of Meagan, especially since my dream of her the night of my Master's funeral. "Did she die too?"

I sighed as I gently took the necklace from Anakin. "Not exactly, Padawan."

He looked up at me with his wide blue eyes. I couldn't help but smile at his child like innocence. "Can you tell me about her?"

I smiled as Anakin leaned against me, soaking up the male attention that he had been missing in his life since Qui-Gon stepped into his life. "Yes, I would love to tell you about Meagan."

I went on and told him about Meagan, knowing he would eventually hear about her at the Temple and wonder why Qui-Gon or I never mentioned her before. Of course, I didn't tell him about the feelings I still felt for her whenever I thought about her or fingered the ring I sometimes wore around me neck. If there was ever someone that was my soul mate, it was her.

We arrived at the Temple and my new Padawan and I got resettled. The Temple was a buzz about the appearance of the Sith, Qui-Gon's death and my knighthood. It was extremely hard to go anywhere without someone saying something about him. I knew they were not meaning to hurt me, but at the time, I couldn't stand it. The grief, the guilt, was too much. I knew in order to move on and to train Anakin, I knew that I must let go of my grief, even as hard as it was. I knew it would take time and patience on both our parts.

However, the first obstacle was to go through Qui-Gon's things. Bant had returned from her latest mission to be with me through this. I know after losing Tahl she knew what I was going through more than anyone else, but right now, I wanted to be alone. She left me at the door to his apartment.

"You know where to find me, if you need anything." Bant said softly. I could tell she was hurt at the fact I was pushing her away from me. Heck, as Meagan was so fond of saying, I was pushing everyone away. Both Garen and Reeft had contacted me via holonet, and I really didn't want to speak with them either.

"Thank you Bant." Taking a deep breath, I palmed the door open and stepped inside.

Qui-Gon was never one to collect things, so most of his things were just mementos from different places we traveled and things his friends had given him over the years. However, that didn't make it any easier. I had managed to keep my emotions under control until I opened a drawer and drew out the few things that he kept from Meagan.

The tears I had been holding at bay since that first night began to fall down my face. It seemed the people I wanted, that I needed had been taken from me, from my life. How I missed her. I glanced again at her journal, thinking how much I could have used her real comforting presence and friendship right now, dealing with the death of someone that had been the closet thing I would have to a father.

And Qui-Gon. How could I even begin to describe the man that raised me as a teenager? The man that, despite his stern looks had a heart of gold? His connections to the Force and his skills as a swordsman were legendary and I was honored and proud that he chose me to be his Padawan. We didn't get along sometimes when our wills and ideas clashed, but there was no one else we wanted at each other's side when troubles arouse. Our bond was deep, and our relationship was of that of Father and Son and one that I will miss and treasure forever.

I laid down on Qui-Gon's bed, wrapping myself in one of his robes. It smelled, and felt like him, like his presence was with me. I could feel the gentle hand on my shoulder and his quiet deep voice soothing me as I began to cry again. I awoke several hours later, cleaned up the room and then headed back to my room. I left most of his things in a few boxes, not quite sure what to do with them.

When I entered the room, Anakin charged toward me and threw his small arms around my waist. I could see Bant in the kitchen, making dinner for us. "Where were you?"

I knelt down. "Going through Qui-Gon's things. It was something that I needed to do alone."

He nodded, and I felt his grief rise, trying to keep his tears at bay.

"It's all right, Anakin. I didn't quite get through all of it today. After you get through your studies tomorrow, why don't we go through it together?"

He nodded. "I would like that. I still miss him."

"I do too, but he will always be with you in the Force and in your heart." I paused for a second. "And it's all right to cry, to grieve. It's the only way we can move on."

That was all it took and the young boy buried his head in my chest and began to cry. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close as Qui-Gon used to do with me now and then. Our healing had begun and somewhere I knew my Master was smiling.


As time passed, I knew both Anakin and I, were healing and slowly building a steady bond. But just like Qui-Gon and I, it would take time and practice. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night, his death hitting me again and again, and other times it did seem like it had been years since our last mission together on Naboo.

Sighing, I glanced up at the skyline from the Temple observation deck. I remembered the times Bant and I spent up here, wondering which planets we would visit and learn about as we grew to be apprentices, Jedi Knights and then finally Masters.

I had taken Meagan up there to show her the universe, at least from this perspective. She was amazed at the brightness of the stars and learning which were stars and which were planets interested her incredibly. I still missed her more than I should, still thought about her more than I should too. The times after she left, I had begun to move on, but Qui-Gon was with me then. Now, with the two of them taken abruptly from my life, I felt strangely empty. Their presence in my life was suddenly gone and sometimes I still had no idea of where to go or what to do.

I sighed again, looking at the stars. Closing my eyes, I wondered if our connection could reach beyond the stars, to where her universe lay. "I miss you Meagan. Can you even hear or feel me? Do you know I'm gazing up at the stars, wondering if you are thinking of me like I'm thinking of you? Could we actually be gazing at this same sky?"

Opening my eyes, the stars still twinkled and the traffic still flowed, but somehow I felt like Meagan knew I was gazing up at this sky wondering.


**Meagan's point of view**

**On Earth, location: Pine Tree, Colorado**

I stood gazing at the twilight, enjoying the view from my parent's home, a mile or so outside of town. I had my own place, closer to where I worked, but this weekend, Seth, Heather and the kids were in town, so we were all under one roof.

Since my return from the different galaxy, I had readjusted myself to life back on Earth, with my family, and job with the agency I worked with before. It felt good to be back home, to be with normal things, but in some ways I missed my life with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

After I resettled in, and found some time alone, I sat down and actually watched the Star Wars movies. Getting through The Phantom Menace was extremely difficult and I cried while fast-forwarding the fight scenes, well knowing the wonderful man that lost his life and the pain of the younger one, watching his father die.

After I turned off The Return of the Jedi, I sat there, questions swirling in my mind. Nothing had changed. Did my time there mean nothing? Or were these universes completely different except for some things? But not of others? Was my time there completed? Why did I go in the first place? Why in the world did I fall in love with Obi-Wan Kenobi? Why wasn't I there to comfort Obi-Wan after Qui-Gon's death? (Though the other night I had the strangest dream that I actually saw Obi-Wan, who cried himself to sleep in my arms….)

Maybe I would have changed things if we hadn't fallen in love and pulled me back because I failed. I buried my head in my hands, not wanting to think that. Maybe my sole purpose was just to help those kids and had nothing to do with the grand scheme of things and I just happened, on the side, to fall in love with a Jedi.

Meanwhile, Lisa and Heather finally dragged it out of me that I met someone on my trip to Eastern Europe. So, I told them I met a man named "Ben," who I worked with. Of course I changed the names and circumstances, but some of the children I came across could have certainly lived on Earth. I did tell them that I came to care for him in a way that went beyond being coworkers. Looking back on it now, it felt good to tell them that I had fallen in love with a man I may never see again. Of course being in the "Peace Corp", stationed not in the States, but across the seas, that was certainly possible. Not to mention the fact that he was also originally from Scotland.

I sighed, throwing my thoughts off, I began gazing at the sky, counting the stars like Seth and I did as small children. There was so many and I never could get across the entire sky without losing count or where I was. Smiling, I began to wonder if this was the same sky Obi-Wan looked at. It looked similar to the Star Wars sky, but yet was totally different.

I closed my eyes, reaching out within myself, hoping to connect to the energy flowing around and through me. "Oh, Obi-Wan, I miss you so much. The presence in my mind and heart was such a comfort. Do you know that I'm thinking of you right now? That I pray that we can gaze at the same sky, wishing we could see each other again, that we will some how connect despite the distance between us."

I opened my eyes, still seeing the peace in the valley that surrounded my home, but somehow I felt that same peace Qui-Gon taught me of. Somehow, I knew wherever Obi-Wan was, at this exact time, he was missing and thinking of me.

"Meagan?" I heard Dad's deep voice call out to me. "You alright out there?"

I rubbed my shoulders, it was getting colder at night now that fall was here. "I'm coming in, just had to see the stars."

He came out and rubbed my arms. I leaned back against his chest. "I know, pumpkin, it's so pretty out here. Don't know how Seth and Heather and the kids can live in Denver. Too many buildings and people."

I laughed, wondering what his reaction would be to the people I met in my trip to another galaxy. "They seem to like it alright."

He shrugged. "I guess so."

"You just don't like not seeing your grandchildren." I added, still not taking my eyes from the stars above.

He laughed out loud at that. "You got me there."

We stood there quietly for several long moments. "Guess we'd better get inside before your Mother sends out the hounds for us."

I nodded and allowed my Father to lead me into the house. At one point in time, I turned back to take one last gaze at the stars above. I felt that somehow Obi-Wan was telling me goodnight. "Goodnight my love." I sent back, wondering and praying that somewhere out there, he received it.


AN: The interlude was added to the story for several reasons. First of the all, the end of TPM is a crucial turning point in the Star Wars timeline in the fact that Anakin Skywalker is now on the scene and is taken on by Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had just been knighted not long after his Master's death. We also thought that since Qui-Gon was a major part of this story, that his death should be included and since it's also a trying time for Obi-Wan. We also thought that it was a time of transition for Meagan, dealing with going back home and the whys and hows in her life, especially in dealing with her love for Obi-Wan and the fact that she really wasn't there to stop the Jedi's death or help Obi-Wan.

As for "Somewhere Out There" the words seemed to fit on how the two young lovers miss each other, especially as Obi-Wan needs to lean on someone after Qui-Gon's death. It also tells us that the two seemed to connect to each other, despite the distant separating them and the events in their lives. (Meagan's an old fashioned romantic that likes really sappy stuff like that sometimes.)

As a side note, please stay tuned for Part Two. There will be no more postings on this particular story. It will continue on as "From Earth to Star Wars: Part Two." We hope to see you then!!! J