Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho

I'm Not A Drug Dealer!

"Come on! Please?!"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"I said no!"

"With a sugar coated cherry?"

"What part of 'No!' don't you understand?!"

"I'll be your best buddy!"

"That spot is already taken by Hiei and aren't you already Kuwabara's best friend?"

"Details, details!"

"Still no!"

"Come on, don't you want to make your mother proud?"

"Yes, I do want to make her proud and that is exactly the reason why I'm not willing to go along with this!"

Yusuke grabbed his hair, about to pull it out from frustration.

He had been forced to go to school again by Keiko and while had planned to take a nap in class, he had somehow picked up on how much some certain products were actually worth.

Those products included some certain plants and with money-signs in his eyes Yusuke had left school right away when the day was over and sought out his good old friend and plant-expert Kurama.

The only problem was that said good old friend and plant-expert wasn't willing to cooperate with his plan.

"But think of all the money we could make!" the detective was literally on his knees and hugging Kurama's legs.

"I prefer earning my money legally! And could you please let go of me? People are staring." Kurama said as he tried to kick his friend away.

Why did he have to ask how he could help the other boy while they were still in public?

"You'd be helping our customers with it! I've heard it make great medicine!"

"People that need it as medicines buy it from doctors who give a prescription along with it! The people you want to sell it to just want to run away from reality and while doing so they throw away their live, including their money until they're broke and homeless!"

"We'll keep an eye out for how much and how often everyone buys something! Piece of cake!" Yusuke carelessly waved his hand in the air, earning a sweat-drop from Kurama.

"No offence Yusuke but you have the memory-spam of a goldfish." Kurama said carefully.

"What? No, I don't! that's Kuwabara you're thinking about!"

"Then tell me, what did we have for dinner when we all stayed at Genkai's temple yesterday?"

"Uhm… A bunch of vegetarian pizzas?" Yusuke did a dumb guess.

"What? No! Yusuke, Genkai hates pizza and Yukina went out of her way to make a buffet practically enough the feed an orphanage!"

Kurama knew his friend was stupid but this was just insulting towards sweet little Yukina.

"I… I… Just help me! All you'll need to do is use that foxy magic of yours a bit and we'll never have to work!"

"Yusuke, I've said it ten times before on this day and I'll say it again… I'm not a drug dealer!"

And with that Kurama walked off, leaving Yusuke behind to sulk about all the money he now wouldn't earn because his friend refused to grow weed and other plants like that.

The end

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