
Daniel yelled as he ran forward. It was the last thing he remembered saying before falling face down. The scene changed around him as he fell into the dirt. Groaning he pushed himself up. It felt like someone punched him in the gut and dragged him afterward. Looking around Daniel questioned weather he was in Beacon Hills anymore. It seemed like woods were the same but they smelled different.

"Damn it George!" Daniel yelled at he tried to pull himself up. He stumbled and his hand smacked down across the nearest tree leaving claw marks.

This was not good. Daniel was going to kill his sister when he finally got back, or maybe his dad would kill them both. Daniel took a deep breath and tried to work things out in his head. Not like he would be blamed for what he sister did right? Even to him the argument sounded lame. He should have stayed away from his sister when Georgina was practicing magic. It wasn't like he ever showed any interest in learning but still he knew the basic rules of what she did.

Running his hand along the ridges he had left in the tree, Daniel took in his surroundings. It was midnight when he was with his sister but now it smelled like morning. It had to be two or three, not that his parents would have noticed. They had on reason to believe that their kids had sneaked out. Since she was out without permission then Gina would have gone back to their grandfather's house. It was an easy alibi whenever they wanted to get away with things. Their gramps always figured it was payback for the amount of times their parents had snuck out in their younger years. Daniel sighed and turned to head in the direction of the house.

Suddenly dizzy, Daniel had to brace himself but with nothing near he almost landed on his face again. Luckily he stumbled onto something that didn't hurt too badly and it was high enough off the ground that he didn't completely fall. He looked down and realized it was a large tree stump. This wasn't where he was standing with his sister. Daniel was confused but at least that explained why everything felt different, same woods but different location. Daniel wrote it off as he finally regained his balance. Nope, Gina was never going to hear the end of this.

After shifting he took off running, more conspicuous but there was no way Daniel was walking the whole way. While he ran, little things started to seem off. Daniel had ran this path a hundred times growing up but there was something weird happening. Again thinking this was a side effect from his sister blasting him from one place to another, there wasn't much point in worrying about it. Daniel just wanted to get to the familiar house without anything else happening.

Gold eyes and fangs disappeared as the teen headed inside. He was so done with tonight he just wanted to fall onto the couch and sleep. If Daniel knew his gramps he'd be wakened by the smell of bacon in the morning which made Daniel smile just thinking about it.

Oddly the door was locked but the key was easily accessible under the plant on the left. The entrance was usually left open since there were always a few pack members constantly coming and going. Daniel shook it off thinking it was someone who found out where he'd been and was trying to teach him a lesson.

He yanked the door open and was surprised that the only occupant seemed to be awake. Daniel thought that his gramps had stopped taking the late shifts and he knew his dad wasn't home. The familiar sound of the jeep hadn't even been close until just now. Internally Daniel groaned, he knew he was in some dip shit if his dad drove all the way out to find him.

"I'm so killing George when I see her," he grumbled to himself.

"Stiles?" his grandfather called from the kitchen.

Before he could answer, Daniel heard the engine of the jeep turn off and dirt crunching as he dad got closer. He sighed not in the mood for dealing with this at this time of night, or morning whatever he thought. Daniel was starting to get a headache just thinking about how he was going to explain this.

"No it's…"

Before Daniel could finish the door behind him opened up showing a slim figure in the door way. He stood shocked as his headache hit full force and everything went fuzzy before dropping to the floor.

"So he got here before I did?" Stiles asked his dad. They were both standing over this kid in their house who was out cold. The boy had dark hair and seemed to be the same height as Stiles. He was lean but weirdly dragged him to the couch but he never moved. "And he came in through the front door?" Stiles snorted. "Well that's a new one usually they just come through my window." The sheriff groaned.

"Remind me to put a lock on your window," he said.

"No use dad, werewolves remember? Besides I don't think Scott would ever forgive you," Stiles gave his father a small smile.

"Fine," the Sheriff sighed in defeat. "It looks like he opened the door with the key. I asked him if it was you. He finally said no but then you came through the door and he dropped like a rock," he explained. "Look I know I'm still relatively new to this but do you think that he's one of you know Derek's?" the Sheriff asked while still keeping an eye on the boy. Now that his dad mentioned it, the boy actually did remind Stiles a little of Derek but looked way too small and lost for that comparison to really work.

"No he's definitely not one of Derek's pack I would have heard something but he might be a werewolf. We'll find out more when the Scott and the pack gets here." Crouching down to look at the kid it was weird. All the wolves he knew bitten or born pretty much acted the same when they were startled. They shifted or at least would try to fight, this one just dropped or some reason. None of the usual indicators were there but this was definitely something supernatural.

"What I don't get is why he came here in the first place," Stiles continued as continued trying to put pieces together. "I mean we've both been kidnapped but those times were only because something bigger going on. There's always been a reason."

"If anyone gets kidnapped again I swear Stiles…" the sheriff started.

"Even if that does end up happening I'm sure we'll have a lot more to deal with. This is weird but it's too easy for us," Stiles trailed off lost in his thoughts. Sheriff Stilinski could see the change in his son from flailing to controlled. It scared him how fast Stiles switched sometimes but he was grateful. The Sheriff was sure he would have lost his son a long time ago if it weren't for how quickly he was able to adapt. He opened his mouth to say something when the pack swept into this house.

"Hey Sheriff" said Scott as he came through the door. Even with this strange supernatural occurrence Scott was able to offer up a smile. Satisfied that the pack would contact him if needed John grunted and gave a little "Hey Scott" before turning and calling back "I have an early shift so can you guys wrap this one quickly, I can still take him in on breaking and entering." The pack heard him mumbling as he walked away. Stiles felt a little bad, his dad was dealing with this as well as he could but it was still hard to process. He knew how much his dad wanted to help but gave them the space to deal with things on their own.

"Did you need to bring everyone?" Stiles asked as he eyed the amount of people crowding his living room. They all focused on the kid who was still passed out.

"We didn't know what was happening or if anyone else was going to show up after him" Scott shrugged Lydia was already leaning down inspecting he kid.

"What happened to him?" she asked softly.

"I don't know I walked in the door and he passed out," Stiles gestured as if that would help them picture it.

"So whatever it was it happened when he saw you?" Isaac asked.

"Yeah pretty much," said Stiles looking down again.

"Take him in" Derek finally spoke up.

"Who are we going to take him to? The Sheriff doesn't even want to deal with this" Isaac said looking down the hall.

"We could always check with my dad. Maybe he was being hunted," Allison offered.

"Yeah but that doesn't explain how he got in or knew where the key was," Stiles was still stuck on how this kid got in. Stiles wondered when coming in through the window became the normal way for people to enter his house.

"Deaton," Derek said interrupting his thoughts. "We'll make a few calls with nearby packs, Allison can check with the hunters and Deaton should at least be able to help us wake him up."

"Why does he smell so weird" Cora asked seeming to materialize out of nowhere. Stiles jumped internally cursing the Hales and their weird ability to creep up on people. When they had packs attacking no one showed up but one lousy kid who Stiles probably could've taken by himself and they all show up.

"I thought it was just me" said Isaac. They started to throw out different theories when Derek turned to Scott.

"Contact Deaton ask if he's available to handle this" Derek ordered.

"Jesus Derek we're not just going to drop the kid off are we?" Stiles asked surprised.

"No but we need a starting point and since your only contribution was knocking him out we need to look for someone else," Derek snapped. Stiles frowned Derek was being even more of a dick than usual. He opened his mouth to day something when Scott cut him off.

"Deaton's expecting us" he called out putting away his phone.

"Fine you get to haul him to the Jeep" Stiles said as he turned to grab his keys. If Derek was being a jerk so could he. Not like it would actually matter to Derek. It would probably annoy him more than anything and Stiles was ok with that.

They finally made it to the clinic. Derek instructed the rest of the pack to wait while he, Scott and Stiles went into the operating room. Scott placed the kid on the table and started to explain to Deaton the way the kid appeared.

"Got any ideas?" Derek asked when he wrapped it up. He tried to focus but he was also listening to the rest of his pack. Erica and Boyd were outside arguing where the kid might have come from. Cora was going through her contacts she needed to see if any pack they knew was missing a member. What bugged Derek is that he didn't know why this kid would go to Stiles' house. Sure it smelled like pack but his loft would be the more obvious choice if they were all being targeted.

"Well we can try a few things. I want to first check if this is in fact a werewolf or something else entirely. Especially since we have been seeing more unique individuals in Beacon Hills." Deaton started rifling through drawers and Derek could smell the mix of medical supplies and herbs being moved in the room. As Scott and Stiles started to talk through how they would question him the smell of wolfsbane permeated the room. It wasn't anywhere strong enough to harm any of them but it was unpleasant. Derek cringed when Deaton pulled the wolfsbane out and waved it under the kids nose.

"We're not trying to kill the kid," said Stiles as Scott turned his head to avoid the smell.

"Not to worry, this is a small dose and should affect him minimally. Just something to wake him up" there was only a seconds pause before the kid spasmed. His arm came up to his face as if he was going to grab the wolfs bane but only smashed it further into his face. Derek and Scott both surged forward and grabbed him by the arms while his violent coughing started to shake the herb off. Of course thought Derek.

"What was that?" Cora burst through the door. Erica and Boyd were behind her ready in case anything happened.

"Nothing. He just woke up," Derek said struggling to hold the kid back.

"Yeah because someone shoved wolfsbane up his nose," Stiles blurted. Cora paled at the words and Derek nodded at her to leave. She hesitated but closed the door.

"What's going on?" The boy wheezed out. Scott looked to Derek as if asking whether they should let him go but Derek held on and Scott stayed in place.

"You're at a veterinary clinic. Do you remember how you got here?" Deaton's tone was reassuring but firm.

"I was in a house and then I thought..." the kid trailed off and finally looked around. His eyes widened when he saw Scott. When he saw Derek he jumped which caused Derek to hold on even tighter. Flashing his teeth and blue eyes, the boy was transfixed until he made a small noise and looked back to Deaton.

"You fainted and they brought you here," said Deaton. He slipped into a calming tone that Derek could tell was practiced. The kid was too wound up though to really notice a difference.

"What's your name?" Deaton asked.

"D-Daniel," he stammered looking at Derek again.

"Why were you in my house?" Stiles asked coming forward. Daniel looked at him and jumped forward instead of away. "Hey stay still," Scott grunted as he held him back in place. Judging by the surprise on his face, it seemed like his movement had been involuntary. Derek was frustrated, trust Stiles to be a magnet to whatever mystery creature they were dealing with this time.

"I'm-I'm sorry I just," Daniel continued to look between all four of them with an mouth open.

"It's ok start from the beginning. Talk about what you're doing here," Deaton instructed evenly.

"You're an emissary" Daniel said. It wasn't a question, which surprised Derek. He hadn't even know about Deaton's position until recently.

"Correct" Deaton replied. If he was concerned or surprised he didn't show it.

"My twin sister sent me here. Accidentally," Daniel added hurriedly "She was working on spells and lost control," suddenly Daniel looked annoyed. "I told her not to mess with things but she was angry. She let her emotions take over which she never does probably because she thought no one was around" Daniel turned to look at Derek as if he would understand. Instead Derek just glared. Daniel wavered a bit before looking back at Deaton.

"You say your sister used magic and do you also have this ability?" Deaton questioned. The kid looked worried for a half second as if he'd revealed too much. When he answered though his heartbeat was normal.

"No" he shook his head "just her. I've only learned about it in theory she studies under someone else," Daniel finished.

"So you have another one. A druid right? Someone who might be able to get you back to your time?" Stiles asked. The sentence hung in the air for a second until he realized "Wait so are we really talking about time travel here. Like it's a real thing?" Stiles shook his head. They all looked to Deaton who just ignored the question. The kid meanwhile was still frozen in place.

"If it was an accident then how could someone pull that off if they were just training? That seems like a big deal to me no matter where or I mean when they're from" Scott frowned as he tried work it out in his head.

"Look I can't tell you a lot. I might not be able to tell you anything just please help me get back" Daniel turned to each of them as he spoke. When his eyes were on Derek, he noticed that his eyes were still way too golden for someone who wasn't shifted. This kid was weird and they needed to get rid of him as soon as possible.

"Wait if you're here then where's your sister" Scott asked which is when Daniel lunged forward again.