Warrior's Wrath

Chapter 6

A/N: I don't own Dominion if I did I won't be writing fanfics but instead be busy with Season 2. So this is AU with elements from Season 1 thrown in. Author's notes in the end.

At the bunker. General Riesen was handed a comm link. He listened to it a grave expression on his face. He walked over to Consul Thorn. "That was Michael, Alex Lannon is in grave condition," he explained.

"I'll get everything ready, Edward. And Claire?" she asked.

"They found her, she's safe and Becca, he's fine too," he said as he held her shoulder, knowing she'll know who he meant.

"Umm thank you ...now let me do my job" she have a slight smile. Becca started calling the hospital and got herself ready to go there.

Alex felt he was drifting. He felt that half asleep half awake state you get when you really don't want to wake up but you really feel you have to. Voices surrounded him. He felt somebody holding him. Through his bleary vision he saw Michael's face. He looked worried.

"No , I can't leave them, please"..Claire's voice...good ...she's ok.

"Hurry brother, at least it'll buy him time", Uriel's voice said with urgency. Alex heard the soft "shinggg" of a sword drawn. A strange warmth filled his chest. There was quiet then darkness.

Alex opened his eyes and the first thing he felt was pain. A burning searing pain in his chest he sat up slowly then looked down at his chest, feeling the skin gently. There was no sign of what happened earlier. He was puzzled. Alex noticed he was wearing his uniform. He looked around and saw another bed, on it was the slight figure of Bixby. He lowered his legs on floor at the side of the bed and slowly made his way to Bixby.

Her eyes were closed. Alex slowly brushed her hair of her face and gently touched her cheek.

" I'm sorry Bixby,." Alex picked up her hand.

She opened her blue eyes." Alex, you have to forgive yourself." She reached out to touch his cheek.

" I don't know Bix, I seem to be having a hard time with that," Alex said looking down at her hands.

"Alex please you became my family you then Claire I couldn't ask for more. I only ask one thing right now. You have to let go. Alex you're destined to save all of humanity not just me,"blue eyes shined with tears but she looked at peace.

Alex picked up both her hands and kissed them, "Ok, Bix, anything you say kiddo,"

With that Bixby closed her eyes.

Alex felt his chest tighten, breathing was too hard. He felt he was fainting. Strong hands gripped his shoulders. He saw Jeep, he saw a woman with long blond curly hair smiling at him. Claire looking at him with sad eyes. He saw himself standing on a cliff in front of what looked like a large cave. And as he turned he saw Vega in flames. Then the vision ended.

As Michael watched over Alex he saw him toss in his sleep then become still. He stood by the window in Alex's room. His mind methodically sorted through the different events that had come to pass. Alex had died. Right there when he held him in his arms. A few drops of his blood on Alex's chest was an attempt to buy him time so they could get him proper medical help. The healing strength that he used with Alex during Furiad's attack would not have been enough, they needed something more potent.

Before God left an angel's blood especially an Archangel's blood can heal and in an instance or two was used to raise the dead. These instances were documented in the bible as healing done by prophets, but there was angelic presence during those times, all shielded from human eyes. But when God left they were all limited. Uriel used her blood on him to expedite the healing of his injuries especially with his wings. Sanguinem sanctificavit divino sanitatum. The closest latin translation. Healing by divine blood.

It was a closely guarded secret among them. For as their blood can heal, it will also kill. Healing doesn't work on all humans except to a very select few. With the divine markings Alex was one of the select few. Michael and Uriel gambled on that fact. It worked very well, better than they expected.

The accelerated healing didn't escape Senator Thorn and earlier she questioned Michael about it.

"He is the Chosen One, Becca, it is not his destiny to die, the tattoos gave a degree of protection," was Michael's enigmatic reply. Senator Thorn did not press on. She knew better than to pressure Michael to speak of things when he didn't want to, instead she touched his shoulder, Michael leaned into it , took her hand then grazed it with a soft kiss. He turned to her and they both looked at each other then kissed, slow and deep, each drawing comfort from each other. She drew away first," I have to check on what's happening in the city." As she turned to walk away Michael held her hand a couple of seconds longer before letting go.

Alex opened eyes. His mind caught up as soon as his eyes adjusted. He was lying down on a bed. A bright light over him. He sat up. He felt wires around him. Wires on his chest attached to monitors. An IV on his arm. He was alone. He was only wearing pajama bottoms. He was in a hospital room. Vega's bright lights reflecting through the window.

"You're awake." Came the solemn statement from the corner of the room.

I guess I wasn't alone. Alex thought.

Michael turned from looking outside the window to Alex. Through Senator Thorn they were able to get a private room. Her own trusted staff assured everything will be handled with discretion.

He approached Alex with his usual cool, scrutinizing gaze. His eyes rested on where the bullet entered on the left side of his chest which should've shredded his heart. There was no trace of that now. The blue markings on his skin remain uninterrupted.

Alex visibly squirmed under the Archangel's steady gaze and broke the silence first. "How long was I out ?"He asked in a very hoarse voice, he could barely talk. He slowly sat up. Michael walked over to the table with the water pitcher. He poured water on a cup and handed to to Alex.

"Drink slowly and not too much,"Michael instructed as he closely watched Alex, making sure that Alex followed his orders.

"Twelve hours"

"How? I know where I shot myself, I should've died. Did you heal me"? Alex wondered .

"No, you were prevented from dying by the markings, by Father," Michael's deep voice tinged with melancholy. He had decided he could not yet reveal the entirety of the situation to him.

Alex took a deep breath,"Bixby?"

"She passed. Claire made sure she took care of the arrangements."

"So after everything." He fell silent, Gabriel said he could save her. Alex sighed as he relieved the events. "I followed the tattoos I still couldn't save her. The tattoos said 'Death is the true choice,' I choose death," Alex knew that was Michael's unspoken question.

"Not your death. I'm not sure what Gabriel told you in that room, Gabriel wrested the eight ball from Bixby, but she never woke up. She died sometime during the night in her sleep, she died peacefully, Alex."

"You know I spoke to her in a vision. Michael, I just wanted to do the right thing. I just wanted to stop it. I thought maybe if I died , people around me will stop dying too. So when Gabriel told me to choose..."He shifted in the bed and swung his legs on the side placing his feet on the floor as he stared at the markings on his arm.

"As I ran through Vega yesterday and saw what happened because of what people are capable of doing to other people. The hurt, the pain, the killing. I thought what is the point of being the Chosen One? Let's say we fight this fight, it's still going to be the same world, because of us, people, doing the same things over and over again."

Michael gently sat next to him on the bed. Concern over his usual stoic face." That might be true Alex. But for all the bad, for all the darkest moments, don't you think we all deserve redemption. When God left, I rebelled against my kind because I still had faith in humanity. When God left, there was still hope, your very existence, the divine markings on you proves that somehow all is not lost, he will be back, he still has faith."

"Thanks Michael, you really know how to make me feel better. No pressure at all," Alex gave a soft chuckle.

The slightest of smiles graced the Archangel's face.

"Bixby told me to forgive myself. I saw things in my vision. Vega burning. I saw Jeep, Claire, my mom. The markings wanted me to save those people yesterday then led me to Claire and Bixby. But with all that has happened ...I more than realize I don't know what I'm doing. What does this all mean. I need to figure it out ."

" I can help you, Alex. I can teach you only if you're willing."

Alex turned to Michael, "Teach me, I wanna learn everything."

Michael stood and faced him and grasped his shoulder, "Good, we have a lot of work to do."

Moans of passion and desire filled the lavish room while the two figures on the bed consumed one another in reckless, wanton, feral lovemaking. After all their efforts they were spent, they laid side to side oblivious to the world.

The attack was swift the woman decapitated in mere seconds. The man to his credit manage to block the sword that almost fell on his neck swiftly, for he was no ordinary man. Both the attacker and he rolled across the floor. He managed to grab his sword and powerful blows were exchanged. But he was no match for the superior skill and speed of his attacker. As the sword sliced through his gut he fell kneeling to the floor. He looked up as the moonlight hit the attacker's features.

" At least it is by your hands" as he knelt.

"No! it cannot be that simple. Leave now! Your fate will be at another's hands," the voice spoke with a barely restrained fury.

Furiad donned his armour and gave a lingering and anguished look at Evelyn's body. He then flew out of the window.

Sword cleansed with the sheets that were once witness to the heat of two beings' carnal pleasures were now stained with blood from a cold, calculated slaughter.

The figure moved across the spacious room and opened a door. Another figure waiting there stepped out and surveyed the scene, blood rendered stark against the eerie stillness of the moonlight.

The robed figure turned towards the attacker. The attacker dropped the sword as their mouths met in very deep kiss and their hands hungrily explored each other's body.

One drew away, "Not here, not here "

"I apologize sometimes these activities awaken such a blood lust in me. I hope you have no regrets," head tilted at the scene in front of them.

Arika smiled her slow sensuous smile," Evelyn betrayed us, and I know it was just a matter of time she'll have me killed."

"It was a merciful death considering what she did to my brother and I," Uriel stated in cold anger.

"Although, I have to admit the weapons she developed could be of use in the future."

"Well everything is mine now. Come, I missed you too much,"said Arika as she led Uriel out of the room.

Furiad landed in front of Gabriel's aerie. His wound bleeding. The war held no meaning for him now. Father was gone, possibly never to return. Evelyn dead. They were shut out from heaven. With the last of his strength he removed his armour and thrust his sword deep into his chest and fell to the ground.

Gabriel came out. "Well how convenient," he smirked as he grabbed his body by his foot and dragged it inside.

Later, Gabriel sat and contemplated on the events at the Senate Tower. He smiled. He never thought the boy had it in him. The willingness for self sacrifice, and to really take it to the end.

He heard a flurry of wings and saw Uriel walk towards him. "You grace me with your presence sister," as he gave a mock bow.

Uriel ignored the sarcasm, "Michael's blood healed him. I saw it Gabriel, there is really no doubt the boy is truly the Chosen One."

For once Gabriel was silent as he pondered on Uriel's words, the possible implications weighed on him. "So what do you want?" He finally said.

"Michael has lost his way, his love for the humans will be the end of him. In everything they do they damn themselves, that's why Father left. But Michael would rather kill his own kind, he still thinks of them as Father's greatest creation." Uriel walked closer to Gabriel.

"Prove to me that the Chosen One is fated to you and not to him, help him help the humans to their own destruction. I promise you won't face Michael alone, you will have my sword"

"Thank you sister," Gabriel smiled as they embraced.

Senator Becca Thorn along with General Riesen surveyed the city early in the morning. Her critical eye barely missed anything. Checking on the services that were already up and running for the citizens of Vega and effectively appropriating any resources to those that needed it.

After all of that was done she hurried to her lab. She threw on a lab coat that hid her slim figure. She stood over an exam table holding Alex Lannon's clothes and gear. She saw the amount of blood on his clothes and the hole where the bullet passed. Of course nothing about it made sense. Well nowadays hardly anything made sense, she considered. But when she examined him there was just a small wound on his chest. Except for the most part he still he seemed to be in shock and therefore needed medical attention.

Although she is a very skilled public servant, she had always considered herself a scientist first. Before the war as a young girl, she was considered a prodigy. Her mother who was in politics had wished that she would follow her footsteps. But Becca had always been fascinated with the world around her and how everything worked. She was accelerated several times, so that when she entered medical school she was three years younger than everyone else. Even during the war she managed to continue her studies in Stanford University. Of course, most of the science she held close to her heart got thrown out when the angels came down to wipe out humanity. A number of very determined professors made it their mission to continue their education especially for those considered the gifted ones, it was their way of ensuring the future will not be lost. Her group was among the first in the country to study the possessed, the symptoms, their biology as they searched for a possible cure, while serving as a doctor for the settlement around Stanford. When most of California fell, she and her mother moved to the fortified city of Vega. Her research in Stanford helped develop the "possession scanner" used at the gates.

She took some samples from Alex's uniform. She noticed the backpack and opened it, as she rummaged through the energy bars and gear she found a piece of cloth that wrapped something hard. She carefully opened it, the red almost crystal like material looked like a broken piece of a sword, she felt more certain when she saw what looked like dried blood on the sword and on the cloth. As she examined it a realization hit her deep in her gut, that she had seen this sword before when Michael fought off those red armoured angels. She brought it over to another table where her spectron microscope was mounted. After some careful calibrations, data began running through her screen. As Senator Becca Thorn one of the best scientific minds left in the west coast read through the analysis in front of her, a plan began to form in her mind.

In his hospital room Alex sat and thought about all that happened during the week. There was a knock on the door.

"It's me, Alex"

"Come in."

Claire limped over to him then stopped herself at the edge of his bed. She lowered herself to a chair next to the bed. She took his hand and placed it on her cheek.

"Hey, how are you?" They both asked in unison. They shared a quiet laugh and regarded each other thoughtfully.

"Your ankle?"Alex asked.

Claire shrugged, "I just twisted it, nothing broken. They taped me up and I'll be as good as new in a couple of days. How about you?" She asked as her gaze lingered on his bare chest.

" I guess I'm ok, Michael said the tattoos protected me,"

"Did you know that before you shot yourself?"

"No, I just wanted to keep you and Bixby safe."

Claire felt tears gather in her eyes. "I thought I lost you ,Alex."

Alex winced inwardly as he felt the pain behind her words. "No, you can't get rid of me that easily," he gave a weak laugh in spite of himself.

" I have Bixby's ashes, as soon as you get out of here, we can scatter them together."

"Yes, I'd like to do that. Thanks." He gathered both her hands in his and kissed them.

Michael flew outside and landed on the building opposite the hospital. From where he was perched he could stand guard over Alex without being seen. He thought about Alex and Claire. His thoughts turned to the attack on the city, and the fact that he protects the city and in turn Alex. He also thought of the the tedious politics that went with it. Now the Chosen One felt ready to accept his destiny. He thought of Gabriel and Uriel and the rest of his angelic brethren.

He was again hit with a sense of melancholy. All throughout his long immortal existence he has fought. Fought against The Morning Star, fought the wars his Father had commanded him to, laid waste entire nations to exact his Father's wrath. Now this war against Gabriel for humanity.

As much as the burden on the Chosen One is great, Michael knew at the end of the day it was HIS burden for he was The Archangel, The Protector, Alex's guide and mentor. God brought him back after Gabriel killed him for this very purpose for he out of everyone, had discerned that nothing is absolute including his Father's commands.

"Till Father returns and the Gates of Heaven reopen I must not falter for the rise of the Chosen One does not only mean the redemption of humanity, but also mine."


Author's Notes:

So I gave Bixby a different death although I stuck with canon and still have her "die" in the middle of the night.

I love the different theories floating around about who Alex is : Michael's son, brother... uncle lol ( if the series takes this direction it will truly sink a LOT of "ships") and of course God himself, but that would be the movie "Dogma" so I don't know. I put the blood element because I like the idea of an actual connection between them. Michael did hint on the special circumstances of Alex birth during Episode 3, so we'll see.

Even though she was a lying, torturing bitch I gave Rebecca Thorn a back story. The show wasn't very clear about it, but judging her age around mid 40s and the science that they showed her practicing in the show, so she could've been a child prodigy and able to continue her education even during the war in a university like Stanford. In retrospect she was in a way Michael's equal they were both cold and calculating and murdered people. Both beautiful and mad in their own way.

So since this is AU, Evelyn is different but I still I wanted to tie it with the whole Arika and Uriel bit coz they're awesome.

This was never planned to be a clear cut ending its a different take of Alex's journey to make the step to accept his destiny and agree to Michael's help.

To all those who reviewed, followed and favorited THANK YOU SO MUCH. I'm grateful for everyone who indulged my "Dominion" obsession.

Here's a quote from Anne Lamott if you guys don't know it already:Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: You don't give up.

THANKS AGAIN! Hope you enjoyed my little story. Let me know your thoughts thru the reviews.