A/N: Hello, people! LOOK ABOVE! I FINALLY MADE A COVER PIC FOR THIS STORY! Thanks for the good response to the story.

I don't own Harry Potter.

I have a beta.

ENJOY! *NOTE* This chapter is dedicated to everyone, because most of you got the riddle correct! Nice going! *NOTE*

It was an awkward sort of silence they were engulfed in.

Remus had just opened the door to find Harry and Sam nearly pressed against one another! And the look on the man's face was of great shock and mild worry.

"Harry?" the werewolf asked hesitantly, looking nervous.

Harry let loose an uncomfortable laugh and stepped away from Sam. Not necessarily in Remus's direction, just…..away.

"Yes. Would you mind closing the door and putting up a silencing charm?"

Remus looked between he and Sam, distrust marring his features.

"I swear on my magic that I will never mean Remus John Lupin any harm. So I have declared it, so mote it be," Harry stated instantly, wanting to make the man calm down quickly. Harry's body glowed a bright green, before settling down.

Sam looked at Harry and saw the expectant look his lord was sending him. He sighed and placed a hand over his heart. "I, Samuel Sauveterre do hereby promise to never attack Remus John Lupin. Nor will I ever attempt to drink his blood. As I have promised, so mote it be."

Harry waved a hand, using his magic to pull Remus into the room, lock the door and cast a silencing charm all at the same time.

"I am Harry Potter, don't worry, Moony. I just had an incident this summer and now I'm different."

Remus rounded on Sam instantly and growled, "What did you do to him?!"

Sam immediately backed up a few feet and clutched Harry's shirt. "My lord, could you please relay to your friend the tale, so he doesn't attack me? I may be immortal, but werewolf bites and general injuries are still painful and take longer than normal to heal."

Harry sighed and patted Sam's shoulder.

"Will you listen to everything I say?" he asked, Remus.

The werewolf nodded and sat on Harry's bed, mindful to keep his wand in plain sight.

Harry took a deep breath and began.

"So, you don't want anyone else knowing besides me…..and Severus?"

Harry nodded. "Snape already knows because he's half-vampire. He won't tell anyone. I can tell that he's hoping for Voldemort to fall, more than any of us."

"And you're really now some lord?"

"Well yeah, Moony. I'm emancipated and now the lord of my Houses. As for being King, yes. You are the only one other Sam and few other vampires, who knows. I didn't tell Snape and I don't want Dumbledore to know at all. This is something I'm operating from the shadows."

Remus gave him a look over. "You're definitely different. The way you hold yourself has changed. Your eyes seem brighter. You look healthy for once. You smell healthy too."

"So, you aren't disgusted?" Harry asked, worry evident. He was feeling vulnerable, because Moony's approval was probably the most important thing to him at the moment.

"I don't care that you're a vampire, Harry," Remus said, wrapping his arms around the teen. "I just didn't want your story to be like mine was. I had no choice and it was painful. I'm treated terribly by others. I know what it's like to be a 'dark' creature. I don't want the same for you. But I'm glad to hear that you won't suffer like I have."

Pulling back, he ran a hand over Harry's hair. "As for liking men, Sirius and I were together, you know?"

Harry's eyes went wide.

"Oh yes!" Remus nodded. "I like both sexes but Sirius was strictly interested in men. All that talk about him being with women from all over is just that, talk. He didn't want people to know that he fancied blokes."

Harry had to think back on how Moony and Padfoot interacted with one another and blushed. Now that he was sure of his own sexuality, the signs were glaringly obvious. Was he always so slow?

Sam watched as the werewolf calmed his lord down. It was easier to understand why Harry had been so worried about his creäture status getting in the way of his relationship with the other male.

Remus smiled and pulled away. "I ran a little late for your party, but I was able to make it today. I wanted to give you your birthday gifts. A way to make up for the past fifteen years of going presentless."

He reached into his pocket and waved his wand to enlarge a trunk.

After setting it on the floor, he bent and started rifling through it.

"This is the first gift."

Harry took the cloth-covered object delicately and pulled the fabric away to see a fancy mirror.

"That is a Two-way Mirror. Use the standard Marauder phrase and then say 'Moony' and I'll be able to hear you and see you. We can communicate this way. It'll be dangerous for Hedwig to go flying so much and I figured this was a lot cooler than writing a letter."

Harry smiled and thanked the man. He knew that such objects were expensive, but he wasn't about to say anything. He'd stew over it later.

Another small wrapped present turned out to be three quills. One was a large black feather that had green mixed in, the next was a Sugar Quill and the last was a Self-Writing Quill.

"That, is a Dark Phoenix Feather. They are impervious to damage, including fire and cannot be tampered with nor tricked. Also, they don't wear and you will never have to replace it."

After setting the items on his bed, Harry threw his arms around Remus and murmured his appreciation over and over.

"You're welcome. It's time you finally had a good birthday," Remus smiled.

The werewolf then fixed Sam with a piercing look. "You will watch over him while at Hogwarts. Correct?"

Sam nodded instantly, looking worried over the gold that was seeping into Remus's gaze.

"Good," Moony grunted before the gold disappeared and Remus was back in control looking meek.

"Sorry about that. I tend to get territorial where Harry is concerned."

Sam shook his head, but nothing else.

"I'll leave you to your business. Harry, I'll be here for the next few days, in case you want to do anything."

And with that, Remus left the room, taking his now shrunken trunk with him and closing the door quietly.

Sam only shifted away from Harry when they heard Remus reach the stairs.

Harry set up another silencing charm, just to be safe and moved to put his new belongings away.

"Should I take care of my schoolwork now?" he asked, pulling several books from his trunk.

"There was something else I wanted to take care of first," Sam grumbled, looking forlorn.

"I can personally take care of that problem in a few moments. Just be patient."

Sam huffed as Harry situated his belongings.

"My lord, you are being deliberately difficult. I know you can move faster than that!"

Harry sighed and stood, spreading his arms wide. He chuckled when Sam pretty much threw himself into the wizard-vampire's arms.

Sam's mouth immediately latched onto Harry's and the smooth talking, perfectly calm and collected vampire tutor, melted away into something else entirely. If Harry didn't know any better, he would have sworn that Sam was addicted to sex. Blood and sex together.

Of course Sam denied such a thing, but whatever he was currently doing with his mouth had Harry thinking otherwise.

It was dark and fiendish.

Absent-mindedly, Harry remembered to set up several charms and wards that would keep them safe from alerting the rest of the house of their activities.

Sam wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders, while simultaneously lifting his legs to curl them around Harry's waist.

"My lord," he purred between kisses.

"Samuel, you really need to control yourself," Harry smirked, pressing a hand against Sam's lower back to grind the older vampire against his hard arousal.

"It's so hard!" Sam whined, rubbing himself against is king.

"I thought I was the childe in this relationship. How do you become so pliant when under my touch, when you're more experienced?"

Sam couldn't answer as Harry claimed his lips again and laid them both down on Sam's bed.

Sam moaned for his lord and whimpered as Harry pulled away momentarily.

"Calm yourself. We're entirely too clothed for his."

Harry took his time, barely registering that he was a completely different person during sex. He was too busy divesting Sam of his very annoying clothing, that just seemed to get in the way of everything.

Sam's dark auburn hair was becoming mussed as the vampire turned his head back and forth, pleading for Harry to get on with it.

Harry reached up and pulled the tie from Sam's hair, freeing the long strands.

"I like doing this manually, Sam. It's a lot better, believe me."

Once Sam's top was completely bare, Harry moved on to his trousers, which were a lot tighter than normal. They came undone easily and the Boy-Who-Lived smirked.

He slowly pulled them down and smiled when Sam gasped. He was so close. So very close to his prize.

"What do you want me to do now, pet?"

Sam moaned, "Anything!"

Harry grinned and placed his hand over the bulge in the other vampire's underclothes and gently applied pressure to the area.

Sam's hips jerked upward and Harry removed his hand, much to the red-head's despair.

"Please, my lord!" he begged, grabbing for Harry's hands.

The vampire king placed a calming hand on Sam's abdomen, but did not move his hand any lower. Leaning over the vampire's body he proceeded to whisper soothing words into the man's ear, letting his fingers trail back and forth over the smooth skin.

Harry's hand dipped down, under the elastic of Sam's underwear and grasped the firm, leaking appendage, hard.

Sam's gasp was swallowed by Harry's mouth as the teen devoured the older vampire's lips in a brutal kiss.

Harry used his other hand to vanish his clothes as well as Sam's remaining article of clothing.

"Samuel, you know what to do."


Sam suddenly flipped them over, fitting himself perfectly between Harry's legs and resting his head in the crook between Harry's shoulder and neck.

The Potter Lord tilted his head to the left, leaving a bare space for Sam.

The red-head pressed his lips to the flaming skin and moaned, thrusting his hips against his lord.

"May I?"

"Yes, pet."

Sam murmured something in French. Some sort of French spell he had used to prepare Harry several times before. Harry was suddenly slicked and spread, waiting for Sam to get it on with.

Sam was aligned and then, just as he thrust his hips forward, he bit into the skin before him.

Harry gave a small whimper and wrapped his legs around Sam, allowing the vampire to penetrate him at a much deeper angle. It was good. Perfect even. Truly, Sam knew what he was doing, if his previous lessons were anything to go by.

Sam pulled back, bloodied lips a stark contrast to his light skin and yet a perfect complement to his shining crimson eyes.

"My lord, please take me?" the redhead asked, giving a loud gasp.

Harry smirked and reversed their positions, letting Sam slide out of him easily. "Gladly."

He flipped Sam onto his hands and knees and bent the vampire over, fully exposing him to Harry's gaze.

"The spell," he commanded.

Sam muttered in French again and Harry smirked, pushing into his steward in a single thrust,

Sam let loose a very low keen and wiggled his hips. Harry placed one hand on the vampire's back, pushing him into the bedding and pinning him there, while placing the other on the bed beside Sam's head.

His thrusts were sharp and swift, quickly making Sam lose his mind.

The vampires writhed against one another, Sam falling into his natural language and Harry accidentally slipping into Parseltongue.

When Sam bent his head to the side, Harry lunged forward with a powerful thrust, ramming himself against Sam and latching onto the offering.

Sweet blood poured from the wound and Harry lost himself, briefly noting that Sam was squeezing him in a death grip and losing his own composure as they orgasmed together.

Sam shifted slightly and Harry pulled back, allowing himself to abandon the delicious life source flowing through Sam's veins. A slow lick healed the bite and left Sam sighing as he laid there, a boneless heap on the bed.

Harry went to pull away, but Sam reached back and grasped his wrist. "Stay, please? My lord?"

Harry sighed, but relented anyway, "Very well then."

He used his magic to shut the lights off and rolled them onto their sides, where he slipped a hand around Sam's waist, holding the vampire against him.

There was a small purring noise, before he felt Sam's body slackened considerably.

Resting his head against the pillows, Harry allowed himself to join his tutor/lover.

After spelling the blankets to cover them, he joined Sam in the land of dreams.

The next four weeks passed relatively quickly. Snape had visited several times at the behest of Dumbledore and pretty much secluded himself in a corner in the kitchen, staking his territory. Remus stayed for a week, before he was off again, also under orders of Dumbledore. Everyone else was just hanging around.

When September first finally came, Harry found himself more interested in Snape. And not in the, I-want-to-rip-his-head-off sort of way. The man's snark had been upped to the maximum level in the past few weeks, but rarely was it directed at Harry. Harry had actually had two decent conversations with the man! And Snape didn't even know that he was 'the king'.

Also, now that he was a vampire, he had realized that Snape smelled amazing! Seriously, he had always been under the impression that the man was the most disgusting thing to walk the Earth, but now he didn't. Something in him swore on every grave with his family name on them, that Snape was under a glamour.

Sam had been teaching him to 'sniff out' enchantments and he felt that there was a very strong glamour covering Snape from head to toe. And if this was fact, what did Severus Snape look like? Would he look as delicious as he smelled?

This was a conundrum and Harry was intent on finding out the ruth and soon.

Sam himself, had become somewhat clingy. Sam was like that after sex and blood. Even though he managed to outwardly appear perfectly fine, there were little parts of him that Harry could tell were whining for him to be more daring in public. But Sam held himself back.

So, Harry decided to ask the vampire to be his boyfriend. Something in his not liking the fact that they were able to casually fuck and share blood without anything else between them. He truly liked Sam, but 'fuck buddies' wasn't something he wanted. Ever since, Sam was always close, in some way.

Sam seemed to think it was his job to be at Harry's side all the damn time. And when Harry asked why Sam was so ready for sex all the time, he was told that Sinclaire had been very demanding in that department, coming out of nowhere just to avail himself of Sam and randomly disappearing right after.

Harry promised his boyfriend, that he wouldn't do that. Especially since Sam was on top most of the time, so he would usually be the one leading the activities, with Harry murmuring dirty words and orders throughout the whole session.

The train ride wasn't as boring as all the other years. It was a lot better. Harry was able to splurge on the trolley and bought himself a lot of Blood Pops. He also ate a lot of Chocolate Frogs. Something in him was demanding sweets. Sam said something about cocoa being a natural stimulant for vampire brain activity or something along those lines. He didn't really care enough to pay attention.

During the ride, he had been called over to Professor Slughorn's compartment, to join the man for lunch. The others who had made it that were worth mentioning, were Ginny, Neville and Zabini Blaise.

Zabini watched him the entire time, taking in his much longer hair and striking features.

Neville was gaping and Ginny had a very poorly hidden look of lust on her face. He nearly grimaced, but held himself in check. He had never been interested in her and she would just have to learn the hard way.

"Harry my boy, I see you've been made Quidditch Captain for Gryffindor! By Joe my boy, what an accomplishment!" Slughorn praised.

"I was shocked to see the badge. Apparently it was this, or Prefect. I chose this because I get all the advantages that Prefects do, such as taking and giving points or using the Prefect's Bathrooms, without having to stay out late every night on patrol."

Slughorn's eyes twinkled mischievously, "That's a very Slytherin way of thinking, Harry my boy!"

"That doesn't shock me, sir. I was supposed to be in Slytherin," Harry answered, much to the shock of everyone in the compartment.

Zabini was practically drilling holes into his head.

"Truly?" Slughorn asked in wonderment.

Harry nodded. "Yes. I had denied the suggestion vehemently though, because I had met Draco Malfoy and I saw him get sorted into Slytherin."

At the confusion he was met with, he went on to explain.

"I lived with magic hating muggles for most of my life. My cousin, is a bully. He thinks that because he was born with money, he is better than others. He whines to his father for and about everything. When things don't go his way, he runs. Can not hold himself on a one on one fight and only fights when his lackeys are with him. He has no skills or talents and is pathetic in pretty much everything. I lived with this for eleven years and learned to despise it. I'm then introduced to the Wizarding World and the first magical child I met, was exactly like my lump of a cousin. So with this in mind, why would I want to associate with that? He was sorted and then I was sorted and I begged for any other House, I didn't care where, just not with him. I am a Slytherin, not matter what I House I was placed in. I'm more of a Slytherin than the Slytherins. Because unlike them, I am a Parselmouth, which brings me a lot closer to Salazar than any of them could ever wish to be."

Everyone gaped. Well, everyone but Zabini gaped. The Slytherin was still burning holes into his head. So, Harry turned to look at the teen straight in the eyes and gave him a smirk and a quick wink. The teen turned to look out the window, but Harry could tell he'd gotten to him.

"Amazing, dear boy!" came Slughorn's cheer.

Harry and Sam were standing in front of the carriage, looking at the Thestrals.

Sam was frowning. "I've never seen one before. We don't have them in France. We have Pegasus' and some Hippogriffs, but that's all. They're sort of…"

"I know, you don't think they're attractive. But really, they're just misunderstood. They're actually very friendly to be around."

"Do you spend time with them or something?"

"He doesn't….I do."

Both looked up to see Luna Lovegood. She was standing before them with a Quibbler in hand and a pair of very odd glasses on her face.

"Hi, Luna!" Harry smiled.

She gave a small curtsy, "My king."

Sam stiffened instantly and Harry's eyes went wide.

"How did you…"

"I always know things, Harry."

"Seer," Sam breathed the word with a certain sort of respect and awe.

"Are you really a Seer, Luna? Do you take Divination?" Harry asked.

A frown came over Luna's dreamy expression. "Divination cannot be taught to everyone, no matter what you try. It is a skill that few possess. Professor Trelawney is a mediocre Seer. Though she does know about what is necessary to know, she cannot teach it to those who do not have the powers of a Seer in their blood. That is why most of the school does terribly in that class."

"Can I possibly get you to tell Hermione all of this? Because she thinks Divination is a load of rubbish and refuses to acknowledge it, even though it was Divination that damned my parents to an early grave."

Luna nodded and smiled. "Hermione must be shown the true way. The Blibbering Humdingers tend to cloud her mind with doubts about anything she cannot find explained within the pages of a book. But some things cannot be explained, no matter how hard we try."

Harry nodded, knowing very well that what she was saying was true. Hermione had to be given proof or else she didn't believe it.

"Want to join us, Luna?"

"Alright. Would you like a Quibbler?"

They entered the carriage and Harry nodded accepting the magazine. Sam graciously accepted his as well and gave her a nod.

"With this month's issue, you get a pair of Spectrespecs. They're very useful and can see through enchantments that are meant to hide something, glamours of all sorts and even Invisibility Cloaks. I figured you should know that I've seen you sneaking about the school at night under your cloak."

Sam turned to give Harry an expectant look.

He shrugged, "I don't follow the rules very well."

Harry had to leave Sam standing with the firsties as he went to the Great Hall. Since he and Luna were a bit later than everyone, the entire hall had turned to see who was entering.

With a wave, Harry and Luna separated to their own House tables to await the sorting.

"Are you really sure he'll be a Gryffindor? Because I don't want a Slytherin in our House," Ron said when he sat.

"Ron, I'm a Slytherin. I'm only in Gryffindor because I refused to be placed in the same House as Malfoy. That's it. Sam will be a Gryffindor, since he's going to be with me. Deal with it."

Hermione reached over and smacked Ron upside the head. "It's not the House that's bad, Ronald. It's the person."

"Sorry! Merlin you like hitting me too bloody much!" the red-head frowned.

She huffed and pulled a book from her bag. "I can't wait to learn about…."

Harry tuned her out after a few moments. Hermione was no doubt going on about what they would learn this year. However, she had probably read about it in their fourth year, so none of it must have been a surprise to her.

The hall quieted as McGonagall entered the room with the little firsties and one sexy vampire in toe.

Sam caught his eye and immediately smirked. Harry returned the look with one of his own, accompanied by a small wink.

The sorting went as normal, until Sam's named was called.

The girls in the Great Hall immediately burst into whispers about his good looks and several blokes grumbled about more competition.

He sat on the stool with the hat on his head for several moments, until his mouth starting moving vigorously and several balls of flames circled his head, nearly touching the hat.

"Okay, okay! Gryffindor! Put the fire out!" the hat yelled suddenly.

With smirk and flourish of his hand, Sam banished the flame. He then stood, handed the hat to McGonagall and sauntered over to Harry's side where he sat and leaned heavily on his king.

"Was that really necessary?" Harry whispered.

"He was being difficult. I just had to find the right incentive to get him to put me with you. He commented on our relationship, my lord," Sam whispered back.

"Starting something you can't finish right now. Not a good plan, pet," he countered.

Sam snickered and straightened.

Ron looked like he was about to be ill and Hermione was giving them a calculating glare.

"What?" Harry asked, looking perfectly innocent.

"How exactly did you become interested in men?" Hermione asked, giving Sam a warning look.

"Cho sort of ruined my courage with women. So, I switched to men and no offense, but I think girls are missing something big that I prefer," Harry grinned suggestively, quirking an eyebrow.

Her face flamed and mouth dropped.

Sam snickered. "He's very perverted," he stated with a grin.

"You're no better, remember that."

The vampire stuck out his tongue.

The next morning, they had N.E.W.T. Potions, double block before lunch, which was three hours. After lunch was DADA and then freedom for the rest of the day.

The N.E.W.T. year always had less classes, in exchange for more studying time.

Potions had been an interesting affair. Harry, having forgotten his potions book because he didn't know it was is first class and wasn't walking back up the stairs just to get it, rummaged through the cupboard to borrow one before anyone else showed up.

He ended up with a ratty old book, but appearances meant nothing, because that book was the key to his success. The instructions inside it were scribbled out and new ones were written beside them in a very fancy script.

So, when Slughorn had them brew Draught of the Living Death, Harry went with the newer instructions and ended up being the only person to get the potion correct.

Looking in the book, he found several other different instructions as well as several spells and curses that had been scrawled over the pages.

The back of the book claimed that it was property of the Half-Blood Prince. Someone who was a half-blood, had owned this book and obviously was a Potions expert. From the date on the book, the person had gone to school in the seventies, which ruled out a lot of people instantly. He concluded, with all the information he had, along with the faint scent coming off the book, that it once belonged to Severus Snape, who had admitted to being part of the Prince family.

How ironic that the man's old book found its' way into Harry's hands and ended up being what made Harry win a bottle of Felix Felicis.

At lunch, Harry could feel a pair of eyes burning into his skull. Looking up at the Head Table, his eyes connected with Snape's and he could see a small amount of curiosity in those obsidian orbs. Slughorn, who was seated right beside the man, was gesturing in Harry's direction. No doubt the man was regaling his amazing brewing capabilities to the previous Potions Professor.

Then Harry remembered, he had a double block of DADA after lunch, which meant that he would be subjected to nearly three hours of Snape.

After lunch, the DADA classroom was a somewhat welcomed sight. It was his favorite class, though he wasn't sure how long it would continue to be. Snape made it very obvious that he did not like Harry and he really didn't want his favorite subject dampened by a broody Potions Master.

The room was a lot darker than it used to be, but was also more orderly that before. For the impersonated Moody, it was packed and a great mess. With Umbridge, there were cat items everywhere, making it feel crowded. Snape had only put up some creepy paintings and some portraits of people. There was a large space in the center of the room and the desks were placed around it in a circular fashion.

Snape stood in the center, with his arms folded.

"Take your seats. I do not care where, but if you cause trouble, you will not like...the consequences," he drawled.

Harry and Sam took a seat together and Harry told Ron to sit with Hermione and possibly woo her. That cause the Weasley to flush, but nod slightly. Maybe he had a brain after all. There was hope!

"I...have been give the job of acquainting you with the proper dueling techniques that will...allow you to survive in battle. Previously in this class...you're teachers have been...inadequate. The only one who possibly did anything remotely useful, was Lupin. My class...will be different."

He looked all of them over, with a glare.

"However well practiced I am in this...particular subject, the Headmaster feels that I will need an assistant for this class. Upon hearing this, he informed me...that the one who achieved the highest grade for their Defense O.W.L last year, will earn the...privilege...of assisting me. Surprisingly, this person also attained the highest ever grade in the Ministry records for the O.W.L.s in Defense, which immediately...has earned them a status as a Silver Medal Defense Master. If they manage...to have the highest grade for their N.E.W.T.s...they will automatically become a Gold Medal Defense Master."

The class looked at one another in shock, though Harry already had a feeling he knew who the Silver Medalist was.

Snape's gaze landed on him.

"Mr. Potter, managed to receive a triple O in his Defense O.W.L. Somehow, he managed to demonstrate spells that were above seventh year level and earned himself extra points."

The class looked at Harry in shock now. He was still staring at Snape though.

"Mr. Potter, care to show me...what you can do?" Snape asked, voice a smooth baritone.

Harry nodded and stood.

Facing Snape, he held his wand up, prepared for whatever the man would throw at him.

"I have permission, from the Headmaster...to use two of the three Unforgivables, Mr. Potter. Can you handle it?" Snape seemed to taunt.

"Whatever you dish out, I can take, sir."

"You will explain to me the Cruciatus Curse, after this, Crucio."

Harry's mouth twitched, but other than that, he did not move and inch nor make a sound.

Snape held on for a moment, before pulling back. Harry let out a small sigh of relief.

"It didn't work," one of the Ravenclaws stated with a frown.

Harry shook his head. "No, it did! However, I have a high pain tolerance. The Cruciatus Curse, in my opinion, is the worst of the three Unforgivables. The Killing Curse does just that, it kills, There is nothing else about it. It's a quick death. The Imperius Curse can be used to cause pain as well, but the Cruciatus is the worst. Think of fire. Your blood and veins are on fire and you can't put it out. The pain just continues. There are no spells to stop it, until the caster stops the curse itself. It's terrible."

"Then why didn't you react?" Zabini Blaise asked stiffly, looking intrigued.

"There are differences to the two times I've been cursed with the Cruciatus Curse. The first time was in my fourth year. I had just spent over an hour running in a large maze and nearly got killed by a Blast-Ended Skrewt, an Acromantula and a Boggart that turned into a Dementor. I was then portkeyed away to a graveyard on the edge of Little Hangleton where Cedric was killed instantly and I was bound to a gravestone and forced through a very painful ritual of bringing Voldemort back to human form. Absolutely worn out and in a lot of pain already, didn't help me. I will admit to having writhed on the ground, screaming myself hoarse. It was bad.

However, there are differences between now and then. My pain tolerance is a lot higher. I am in perfect conditions and in full health. Then, there was the intent behind both castings. Voldemort wanted to hurt me. He wanted me to suffer. The professor was only demonstrating it, he wasn't focused on the same thing Voldemort was. Also, Professor Snape is not as powerful as Voldemort is. And finally, the emotions behind it weren't strong enough."

Hermione frowned and asked, "What do the emotions have to do with casting an Unforgivable?"

He smiled briefly. "Remember how for the Patronus Charm, you need to channel joy and happy memories?"

She nodded.

"You have to do the same sort of thing with dark magic. Last year, in the Department of Mysteries, Bellatrix Lestrange told me that I would never be able to cast an Unforgivable because I did not have enough hatred and anger in my heart to accomplish such a task. When she proceeded to insult me, I became very angry. I chased her for a while, before finally using the Cruciatus.

Here's where the problem starts. She was correct. To cast such a thing, you need powerful negative emotions for it to work. The problem is, when I saw the woman who was inadvertently responsible for my godfather's death, writhing in pain at my feet all because of me, I enjoyed it. I liked the fact that I was the cause for her suffering.

I got away with using it, because I supposedly was experiencing a deep amount of trauma after witnessing my godfather dying and I wasn't in the right state of mind. Also, because I used it on a widely known Death Eater, apparently it was excusable. Yes I know, we have a biased Ministry."

The students were probably in shock. To hear that Dumbledore's 'Golden Boy' actually cast an Unforgivable Curse on someone, was definitely something to shock people.

"So, in essence, it takes power, skill, emotion and intent to make the Cruciatus Curse work. Professor Snape lacked, intent, emotion and some power in his casting and that was why I was barely affected. Also, you have to factor in that I was prepared for it this time. Whereas last time, I was not ready to steel myself against the curse. Also, Voldemort is considerably more powerful."

Snape was watching as he educated the class on the Unforgivable, but never once said anything. Not even a quip or a dirty look.

Snape's wand flashed and Harry was able to silently pull up a shield at the last second. Snape advanced and Harry rolled to his left while simultaneously throwing a Diffindo in the dark-haired man's direction.

Snape easily blocked it, redirecting it to the side. Harry cast a Reducto, which met Snape's Expulso head on. Harry followed it up with an Everte Statum that hit Snape straight in the chest and knocked him to the floor. But, as Snape went down, he cast a Deprimo, which pulled Harry to the ground as well, nearly crushing him under an invisible, heavy weight.

Snape was quick to his feet, using Serpensortia to surround Harry with snakes.

Harry shifted and twirled his wand in a circular motion. The first spell he could think of, was one he could not do unvoiced. "Deletrius!"

The snakes immediately disintegrated with loud shrieks of pain. Harry aimed his wand and said swiftly, "Colloshoo! Conjunctivitis! Confundo! Carpe Retractum!"

First Snape was forced to remain in the spot he was standing. Then, Harry's second curse hit him in the eyes, blinding his with unbearable pain. Confundo was added to disorient him and finally, he wrapped the man's body in an unbelievably tight rope.

Just for good measure, at the end he said, "Expelliarmus!" Snape's wand was ripped from his grasp and landed in Harry's outstretched hand.

"I win," he stated, much to the shock of everyone in the room.

Harry cast a silent Finite Incantatem on himself and stood slowly. That crushing spell hurt!

He trudged over to the professor and used the same spell. Everything was removed, but the Conjunctivitis curse, which should only be healed by a certain potion.

"My apologies sir. I didn't want to give up, just because I was pinned to the ground. Do you have Oculus Potion on hand? Or should I take you to Madam Pomfrey?"

"I'm a Gold Medal Potions Master. I always carry potions with me. It's in the room already. Just summon it!"

Harry shrugged and lifted his wand. "Accio Oculus Potion!"

It was suddenly in his hand and he placed it within Snape's own hand. The man uncorked it and drank the contents.

Shaking himself off, the swelling around his eyes disappeared and he stood, a bit unsteadily.

"I will admit, Mr. Potter. You were a lot...better than I expected. Most would have given up as soon as they were pinned to the floor."

Snape took his wand from Harry and with a look of absolute agony, he muttered, "Five points to Gryffindor."

"Thank you, sir."

Harry returned to his seat with a small smile.

That was the best duel he had even been in. It was exciting. Blood pumping through his veins quickly. Hearing his own heart being in his ears. And the look of enthusiasm that had seeped into Snape's gaze, before he blinded the man, made him...happy?

"As you witnessed, Mr. Potter used several...light spells and curses, for purposes that were not light. He started with a severing charm...which could have cut me in half, and even used another charm to...disintegrate several living beings. The fact that they were snakes does not matter. Charms that you were taught to use in normal activities...such as cleaning or working of some sort, he used in a very dangerous way. If Reducto or Expulso were used on a person, that person would explode. These are considered light...spells, that both of us used in deadly ways. You could disarm someone, levitate them high enough and drop them to their death. Remember, just because it's labeled as light magic, does not mean it can't be used to kill."

The rest of the class was used to show them the proper way to hold a wand and how the wrist is supposed to do the main movement, not the entire arm.

Harry had to admit, that Snape made Defense awesome. Or maybe he only thought that because he was beginning to find the man good looking? And that scent!

Sam rested against his shoulder as he ate. The redhead had-had quite a day himself. And now, he was clinging to Harry's robes and nearly sleeping on his shoulder.

"You can't sleep yet. We have assignments to finish," he reminded the vampire.

His response was a moan.

Harry sighed. "How to keep you awake?" he hummed.

Sam looked up and smirked. "I can think of several things, really."

There was a loud and obnoxious round of coughing from Hermione.

"Not at the table, please?"

Sam pouted and Harry shrugged, murmuring, "Later."

The grin he received was priceless.

A/N: Another chapter is finished! Yay!

How was it? Let me know in a constructive, respectful manner, please?

Check out my other Harry potter stories. Surge de Hydra(SLASH, complete) Tom/Harry. It's Okay Now(SLASH, just updated) Tom/Harry/Draco. Friend or More?(SLASH, updated recently) Tom/Harry. Her Eyes(updated recently) femHarry/Snape. Careful What you Wish For(SLASH, in progress) Draco/Harry. What's in a Name?(updated recently) femHarry/Tom and The Lonely(just updated, SLASH) Harry/Cedric.

See ya! :D