The Sexcapades of Dean and Emma
Summary: Fairly obvious by the title, I would think, this is a collection of one-shots all about Dean and Emma's journey of sexual exploration.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Everything (unless mentioned at the beginning of the chapter) is owned by the WWE. Also, adult content. Duh.
A/N: The chapters are not in any particular order for this story, but they all take place within the same timeline. This was born from my new obsession with Dean Ambrose and Emma of the WWE thanks to the amazingly talented typhoidcandy and the rest of the Demma brethren of Tumblr. I have only recently begun watching wrestling again, so I'm going to do my best to get the character's voices right. Be gentle with me. I'm trying. This is also an exercise on my part in order to get better at writing sex scenes, so –again- it won't always be perfect. I just hope you all enjoy it. Also, requests are welcome if anyone has anything they want to see. I plan on this going as long as I have ideas to write without getting too repetitive.
Another A/N: In this story, Paige didn't lose her Diva's Championship to AJ (because that was bullshit, the way the WWE handled that) and The Shield never broke up (because it makes me sad). My focus is mainly on Emma and Dean. The only title changes, roster shake-ups, or other major storyline shifts I add will be what fit with the chapter I am writing at the time. I think it is safe to say, don't expect me to follow the weekly storyline. It's not going to happen. I am also fully aware that intergender matches don't happen very often anymore, but let's pretend that they do. Ah, the joys of fiction, getting to make things up!
Even after nearly a year, Dean Ambrose and Emma Dashwood were widely considered the most mismatched couple in the WWE. Emma was almost certain that it would always be that way, unless by some strange happenstance Kane hooked up with Bayley when she was finally tapped to be on the main roster. That one might trump her relationship with Dean, but she liked Bayley too much to wish that on the poor girl. It didn't matter to Emma, anyway. The rest of the roster could think what they wanted; she and Dean were perfectly happy.
It was actually thanks to Kane and the rest of The Authority, much to their chagrin, that she and Dean even became friends. She'd known him at NXT but they had rarely interacted or spoken to each other. She'd ended up on the receiving end of The Authority's wrath thanks to Cameron, who had leeched onto The Authority after Naomi dropped her like a sack of horse manure. Under the guise of doing "what's best for business" they created a Number One Contender tournament for Paige's Diva's Championship. Rumors around the locker room were that Cameron asked to be pitted against Emma first, considering her an easy target to knock off in her quest for the title.
Long story short, Emma won the match and advanced on. Cameron… had been less than pleased.
She had somehow managed to convince Stephanie and Triple H to put her in a mixed tag team match with Kane against Emma. The kicker was the Emma had no idea what was going on until she met The Authority in the ring. Triple H explained that the match would begin immediately once he and Stephanie exited the ring, whether she had a partner or not. If she did, it would be a mixed tag team match; if not, it would be an intergender handicap match.
Emma had been terrified as Stephanie called for a male member of the roster to be Emma's partner. Tears welled in her eyes when silence fell upon the arena. With Daniel Bryan and John Cena both out with injuries, there were few Superstars on the roster willing to incur the fury of The Authority. She attempted to muster the courage to face them, one hundred percent positive that she would be doing it alone.
That was until "Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta." rang out through the packed arena. The crowd cheered and Emma felt such relief that she collapsed back into the turnbuckle, thanking the heavens that she'd been close enough to reach it. The three members of The Shield entered the arena through the crowd as usual and it ended up being Dean who joined her in the ring. Seth and Roman begrudgingly took a seat at the commentator's table, though it was that apparent they wanted to be closer to the action.
Stephanie and Triple H left the ring, clearly embittered by the wrench thrown in their plan, but stayed close. Cameron was livid and once the bell rang, she launched herself at Emma. The match had gone back and forth, Cameron almost pinning Emma after a crossbody from the top the top rope less than two minutes in, but Emma fought back with a viciousness that surprised not only The Authority, but The Shield as well. Numerous tags were made, pins were attempted, and while Emma smashed Cameron's face into the commentator's table Dean connected a Dirty Deeds on Kane despite Kane's height advantage, winning the match for Emma.
Completely elated, Emma returned to the ring as Cameron and Kane slunk back to rejoin Triple H and Stephanie and practically pounced on Dean. Completely frozen, Dean stood with his feet shoulder width apart, arms straight out, and eyes bugged as Emma's arms wrapped round his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist. Roman and Seth would later tease him about resembling a "spazzed out starfish." Once he'd regained his senses, Dean quickly began peeling the bubbly Australian off of him. Emma released him and apologized sheepishly for her outburst of emotion, but she wasn't really sorry. She gave a quick, breathless thanks to Seth and Roman, who had joined her and Dean in the ring to offer their congratulations for winning.
It was then that she realized that Santino had made his way down to the ring and at the first sight of him, her vision turned red. He seemed worried, asking her if she was okay and trying to check her over for injuries, but she felt like was her heart beating in hear throat and couldn't respond. He even had the gall to subtly hint that she should move away from her three saviors and Emma felt something in her snap, "WHERE WERE YOU?!" She bellowed at him, "Why didn't you come to help me?" She demanded as her fury swelled. How dare he? "You would have left me to THEM and not done a damn thing about it!" She hadn't expected The Shield to come to her aid, but she had hoped that Santino cared for her enough to. Apparently she could trust near-perfect strangers better than her own sort-of boyfriend.
Santino tried to spout out excuses, but Emma refused to listen. She was livid and without even thinking, she felt her open palm make contact with Santino's cheek. With Santino in shock, she managed to catch him with another hard slap, sending him to the ground. As he lay vulnerable, Emma's enraged mind went to one place: Pain. She stomped down on him with all of her might, trying to inflict as much pain on as much of his body as possible.
After shaking off the shock of witnessing Emma's actions, the members of The Shield pulled Emma away from her apparently now ex-sort-of boyfriend and out of the ring. She tried to get back to Santino to continue her revenge, but Roman lifted her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and Seth placed a hand on Emma's shoulder so that she wouldn't fall if she tried to buck herself off. Emma continued to scream at Santino as The Shield carried her away.
Despite eventually apologizing to Santino for her actions, she made it clear that she never wanted to speak to him again. There were very few people Emma felt she could trust after that, particularly amongst the male superstars, so she'd unsurprisingly begun to get a lot closer to Dean, Seth, and Roman. She had as big of a target on her back from The Authority as they did and they saw it only right to bring her into the fold. She retained her own music and ring attire, but she knew that she could always count on them to protect her if need be. As Roman had said, "We know you're tough, you've proven that. But one person can't fend off The Authority. We need to stick together."
Through it all, she had fallen quite hard for Dean. He was a very kind and sweet in his own way and she found that she enjoyed spending time with him, even more so than Seth and Roman. He felt similarly but, given his romantic track record, neither was comfortable pursuing a relationship until Seth practically locked them together in a closet after no longer being able to handle the unresolved sexual tension.
Emma, for her part, was happy that Seth had spoken up. She may have been mortified at first but that quickly faded when Dean articulated his feelings by saying, "You make me wanna get my shit together… I'm sure there's a more romantic way to say that, but I know fuck all about romance, so there you go." She had shut him up with a kiss and the rest was history.
Emma smiled at the memory. He may not have been Casanova when it came to romance, but he tried and the occasional night out together at a nice restaurant following a movie or a play or any activity that didn't involve a club was alright with her. She didn't want or need constant tokens of his affection or material expressions of his love.
The dipping of the hotel bed brought her back to reality. She looked over and caught sight of blue eyes and dimples. Dean had a slight smile on his face and quickly caught her lips in a kiss. She welcomed it, resting her hand on his neck, "You were smiling, Blondie," He said when he reluctantly pulled away, "What were you thinking about?"
"Us," She replied, "When you saved me from The Authority the first time and when Seth forced us to accept our feelings for each other."
"Only time I haven't been pissed for being locked in a fucking broom closet."
"It wasn't actually locked," Emma countered with a smirk, "He just barred it shut with a chair and wouldn't let us out… And how many times have you been locked in a closet?"
Dean's eyes shifted back and forth for a moment, "Never mind," He said as he kissed her once again, effectively dropping the subject. She chuckled as she ran her hand through his slightly damp curls.
The kiss grew more passionate as Dean pushed against Emma, pinning her to the bed. She moaned as his tongue entered her mouth and he shifted to straddle her waist. He broke the kiss just long enough to pull his shirt off, his mouth back on hers with a vengeance once the offending piece of clothing was discarded. Emma's hands moved to his back, tracing his rippling muscles from neck to hips. God, he loved the feel of her hands all over him. He could feel himself harden at her mere touch and he wanted more.
Moving ever so slightly, Dean placed a knee between Emma's legs. She gasped as his knee traveled back and forth over her most sensitive of areas, "You like that, baby?" Dean growled seductively in her ear.
"Mmm," Emma replied, "Yeah… Oh god…" She moaned as he pushed his knee harder against her.
With a smirk, Dean continued, "I'm thinking," He gave a small nip on her earlobe, "that I haven't shown you my appreciation enough lately." It was a lie, of course. While Dean may not have been exceptionally romantic, he always had little ways of making her feel loved and appreciated, "After tonight, after I show you just how much I appreciate you," His tongue invaded Emma's mouth for a moment before his continued, "you won't be able to walk right for a week."
A mischievous smirk graced Emma's lips and she replied, "Just a week? Don't tell me you're losing your touch, Ambrose."
"Is that a challenge, Dashwood?"
Shifting back, Dean pulled Emma up so that she was seated and made quick work of her shirt, kissing the crook of her neck and relieving her of her bra. He pushed against her, their bare chests melding against each other. Panting as Dean found the sweet spot near her clavicle that drove her wild when he kissed it, Emma ran her hands down his sides and begrudgingly pushed against his hips so that he slid off next to her.
If she had the capacity to think of it, she would have been grateful that neither of them was wearing socks or shoes, as they would have been a hindrance to getting Dean's pants off. All she could comprehend at the moment, however, was the fact that his pants were still on. That needed to change. She reached for the button on his jeans, her hands gently grazing down his torso. He moaned as his jeans got tighter, "You wanna speed this up, Blondie?" He asked as she rubbed her hand over the bulge in the front of his jeans, "I'm workin' to bust outta these pants if you don't get them off soon."
"Mmm," She replied, teasing the button, "So impatient."
"Just don't want to have to buy a new pair of jeans if I don't have to," He replied thickly, but she knew he was joking. She smiled, pushing him back on the bed and kissing his mouth. He gasped as she began trailing kisses down his neck and chest. She paused at his nipple, taking it in her mouth and sucking. A moan caught in his throat and his vision blurred. He was pretty sure that when she moved on she mentioned something about wishing they had some whipped cream, but his hearing was a bit impaired in that moment, so he couldn't be sure.
Kisses and gentle nips traced down his torso until finally, mercifully she was back at his pants. She made a show of taking them off, naturally. Dean liked to rip clothes off as fast as possible. Emma was slow and methodical, making him wait for it. When she knew he was watching, Emma bit one side of her lip as she took the waistband in both hands and -with an expression of extreme concentration that drove him to the edge with anticipation- released the button from its hole. Then, ever so gently, she lowered the zipper and began tugging the jeans down his legs, exposing his black boxer briefs.
"Fucking hell, Emma," He moaned as she tossed his pants aside, "You're driving me crazy, woman."
"Then why don't you do something about it?" She asked coyly, removing boxer briefs. That was all the encouragement he needed to retake control. He gripped her waist, eliciting a gasp of arousal, and flipped her on her back once again. Placing a quick, hot kiss to her lips, Dean turned his complete attention to her clothed lower body. He wrenched the button of her pink pants open and pulled them off as quickly as he could. He could always buy her a new pair if he stretched them out too much or ripped them. It would be a small price to pay in his opinion.
A low growl rumbled in Dean's throat as seized the fabric of her panties in his teeth and pulled them off. Emma bucked slightly as he did so and a warm feeling of satisfaction spread throughout him. He inched back up to her, kissing every bit of her he could reach, when he stopped at her knee. The pleasure he derived from giving her pleasure was just as intoxicating as melding wholly with her. He could wait for that for just a little while longer. Emma gave him a confused glance when he stopped, but was instantly reassured by the hungry gleam in his eyes and the way he licked his lips.
Groaning in anticipation, Emma readied herself as Dean lifted her leg to rest on his shoulder and kissed his way from her knee down her inner thigh. His breath was hot on her delicate skin, her breath becoming more and more labored until a shuttering moan escaped her mouth as Dean ran his tongue oh so gently back and forth over the soft folds between her legs.
"Ah… Fuck…" Emma moaned as Dean kissed, licked, and gently nipped her all over. He sucked carefully on the supple lips, eliciting a fevered, "Oh… God… Harder. Dean, harder…" That's what he loved to hear. He wanted to know what she wanted, how she wanted it. He sucked harder on the lips, exponentially pleased with himself as a guttural growl erupted from Emma's mouth. Putting his tongue to good work, Dean darted in and out of her slowly with long strokes, swirling inside her as he did so. Emma raked her hands through his hair as her body arched. Dean firmly placed his hands on her hips to keep them in place as he moved his tongue upwards to her clitoris, "Oh fucking hell…" Emma panted as he drew circles around the sensitive pearl with his tongue.
It could have been minutes, hours, or days that Dean spent worshiping her with his tongue and his fingers. He followed her directions to the letter; sucking, kissing, and massaging when and how she desired. He wasn't satisfied until he pushed her over the edge; until he had to retrieve his shirt to wipe the evidence of her orgasm from his mouth.
Surprisingly cat-like, Dean crawled up Emma's body, peppering her torso with feather-light kisses, "I guess I'm lucky," Dean said as pressed his lips to Emma's neck and sucked.
"Lu… Lucky why?" She implored breathlessly as he ran a hand up and down her ribcage.
"I'm lucky," Dean replied, his hand resting on her breast and massaging it tenderly, "because I know how fast you recover. Lucky me, I found a girl whose rocks I can get off more than once. I don't think you realize just how hot that makes me, Blondie, knowing all the things I could do to you to keep you going."
Emma chuckled through her daze, "But here you are," She said impishly, "just talking."
"Sassy," Dean countered, moving his hand from her breast and dragging his tongue over her hard nipple. Her body arched of its own accord sending her breast farther into his mouth. He welcomed it, sucking and kissing the supple flesh until Emma beckoned him upward. She pulled him into a deep kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I love you, Blondie," He said through the kiss. It had taken him way too damn long to feel comfortable saying those words. He'd been intrigued by and attracted to her since NXT (it hadn't just been his sense of justice that brought him out to the ring that fateful day, after all), but he fallen for her like a sack of bricks off of the Empire State Building after spending a ridiculously short amount of time with her.
She pulled back slightly and gazed into his beautiful eyes, "I love you, too, Mustang." Dean rolled his eyes. She would never let him, Seth, and Roman live down that damn horse-centric interview. She called them 'Mustang,' 'Pegasus,' and 'Thoroughbred' whenever she got the chance.
"I'll show you 'mustang'," He practically growled, reaching to the bedside table and snatching a condom from the open drawer. Quickly rolling the thin sheath onto himself, Dean captured Emma's lips in another kiss and hitched her leg around his waist. His cock, which had been rock-hard and screaming for release since she had enticed it through his jeans, damn near cried out in joy when he finally entered her. Emma's nails dug into his back as he circled his hips, a shockwave of pleasure radiating through both of them.
They were completely lost in each other. The world could have been blowing up around them and all that would matter would be the two of them. The two of them together, just as it should be. Dean's forceful strokes, succulent lips, and dirty assertions; Emma's roaming hands, perfect legs, and encouraging exclamations. It was all either of them needed.
Emma slid her sneaky hands down Dean's back, her nails leaving red marks during her descent. He hissed contently at the sting. He loved it when she left marks on him. His pleasure only intensified when her hands squeezed his ass and she whispered, "Maybe I should get a riding crop for that gorgeous bum of yours. You are a mustang, after all. Don't I need to break you?"
"You can try, baby," He replied, "It takes a lot to break a mustang like me."
"All the better." Emma countered, taking advantage of his distraction and flipping him over. A groan caught in his throat as movement added pressure to his cock, "Oh… didn't expect that?" Emma teased as she began rocking back and forth on him.
"Holy shit..." Dean moaned, "Faster, baby." Emma smirked, leaning forward resting her hands on his shoulders and using them as an anchor to aid her speed. Taking advantage of her proximity, Dean gently captured her bottom lip between his teeth. Emma moaned as he nibbled and kissed her mouth while his hips worked in perfect tandem with hers.
Dean felt himself approaching the point of no return. He didn't want to risk coming before Emma and not letting her finish. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he flipped her over and took control once again. He moved his hand down to her clitoris and circled it with his fingers as he carefully rocked back and forth. The expression on her face told him that she was close. His fingers worked faster and faster until finally she screamed in release. Before exhaustion overtook her completely, he allowed himself his own satisfaction, his scream joining hers in a beautiful harmony.
Rolling to Emma's side, Dean took a moment to catch his breath before removing the condom and disposing of it in the bedside garbage can, "Good thing you bought these," He said to Emma, "Didn't expect we'd run out of the last pack so fast…"
"Maybe we shouldn't have sex as much," Emma replied jokingly, her breath still ragged.
Dean glared at her, "Bite your tongue, woman." She stuck her tongue out at him and bit down, "Ha. Ha." Emma chuckled and smiled, "Never stop smiling."
Her smile grew bigger, "With you, I don't see why I would."
Shaking his head, Dean scooted closer to her and gave her a quick kiss, "How did a scumbag like me get lucky enough to find an angel like you willing to give me a chance?"
"You aren't a scumbag," Emma insisted, "You've had a rough go of it, but you've come out on top." If it were anyone else, Dean would have argued with them but he knew that there was little chance of arguing with Emma and coming out on top, especially when approaching the subject of his past, "I love you, Dean Ambrose. Nothing and no one can change that."
"I love you, Emma Dashwood," Dean replied, "And if anyone ever tries to take you from me, I'll rip 'em apart." Emma smiled and cuddled into Dean. He had never been a cuddler and only very rarely cuddled with any of the girls he'd been with before Emma, but with her everything was different. He gladly welcomed her to his side and wrapped his arms around her. Emma placed a gentle kiss on Dean's lips before making herself comfortable in his embrace.
While Emma dozed, Dean ran his hand over her arm contemplatively. The irony wasn't lost on him that the best thing to happen in his life outside of The Shield happened because of the very people who were attempting to destroy him. For what was probably the millionth time since he and Emma began dating, Dean very seriously considered sending The Authority a 'Thank You' fruit basket. Then he reminded himself that they would probably just throw it out, so why waste the money when he could just show his appreciation by kissing her in front of the WWE universe whenever he felt like it. Normally Dean didn't care for PDA, but with Emma he was willing to make an exception and if it just so happened to piss of The Authority in the process, both he and Emma had absolutely no qualms about it whatsoever.