Present Day

New York

He picked up her scent an hour before he heard her car in the distance. It had been an entire year since she'd shut the door on his I love you and returned to the Institute. A year of Logan dismantling the Institute's security system at Victor's demand, so he could perch at her window late at night, and listen to the sounds of her careful breathing. A year of drinking himself stupid at every bar in the county, eyes begrudgingly on the dance floor, wishing she was there to drag him onto it. A year of her sweet scent evaporating first from his sheets, then his bedroom and kitchen, and finally the cabin in its entirety. A year of running his fist through the walls, a year of cutting a bloody path of deer and wolf through the forest, a year of wishing like hell she'd hurry up and come home.

"Come on, dammit," he growled, eyes scanning the trees, expectant, anxious. Would she stay?

By the time she pulled up he'd parked himself on the porch, hands braced against the rough of the railing, expression unreadable in the twilight. She stepped out of the car, wearing a cottony shirt he didn't recognize and jeans. Her hair was shorter, but her eyes were still blue enough to glow.


She was busy taking in the cabin, the freshly naked trees, the carpet of leaves patterning the ground between them.


At his persistence she finally lifted her gaze to his. He was handsome as hell stripped down to nothing more than a pair of low slung jeans and a dark beard. Kitty took her time running her gaze over every part of him, searching for something she hadn't committed to memory, and coming up gloriously empty. He was as spectacular as she remembered.

"Like what you see, little kitten?"

She touched her cheek, indicating the dark beard shadowing his cheeks, "You've let yourself go, Mr. Creed."

He smirked, her arousal hot and heavy in the air, "You don't like it, baby?"

Kitty returned his smirk with a smile that threatened to bring him to his knees.

"I like it," she finally replied, her eyes drifting again and again over his expanse of naked chest. "All of it."

Victor said nothing, absorbing her presence in turn. His gaze lingering on the swell of her breasts, her slim ankles, and finally her face. Dappled in the setting sunlight, she was perfect. Kitty edged around the back of the car, lifting the trunk and producing a large duffel bag.

Victor's brow rose, "You planning to stay a while?"

"Forever," she replied, slamming the trunk as she shouldered her bag. His shoulders dipped in relief, as he let out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding. She crossed the distance between them, sneakers crunching across red and tangerine leaves. A cool breeze lifted her hair, washing Victor in the sweet scent of strawberries. He took a deep breath, acutely aware of how long it had been since his sheets had smelled like her.

"You took your damn time," he growled as she climbed the steps, and dropped her bag at her feet.

Kitty lifted her chin, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth as she remembered a conversation they had out on the porch the previous fall.

"We both know you could have taken what you want from me days ago."

"I've been patient."

"So have I."

"You told me you'd wait."

Victor shifted to face her, hand lifting to push curls off her cheek, revealing the twin marks his incisors had left months and months ago.

"It wasn't easy," he admitted quietly, eyes finally straying from the slope of her neck.

"I told you I'd be back," Kitty said.

"I know," Victor replied. "It didn't make the waiting any easier."

"I meant it, you know."

He lifted his brow, waiting.

"About forever."

Victor dipped his head, drawing her close enough that he could place his mouth over his markings. She shivered at the feel of his lips against her skin. His arms slid around her waist, crushing her to him in increments as he mouth trailed up and across her jaw and finally found hers.

"I love you," she murmured into his kiss. "I love you. I love you-"

He lifted her into his arms, abandoning her duffel bag to the night, as he carried her to bed with every intention of giving her a thorough welcome home.

the end