Thank you followers, favorites and commenters
The plot beta made major changes to this chapter.
Note there is an A/N section at the end of this chapter. (I hate long sections before the story) I also gloss over the aftermath of food issues. I took a few liberties with the Quibbler.
The windows were coated with raindrop trails. It was the dreariest forecast since Harry came to stay in Diagon Alley. Charms kept part of the alley dry, but it didn't seem to matter since there was nonexistent foot traffic.
"No rooster?" James commented to his son.
"Not this morning Dad," Harry yawned as he stretched.
"What's wrong, son."
"I'm… starving," Harry replied.
"That sounds more like a normal teenage boy," James commented. "Son, those potions are working. It's going to take time for your body to find a new normal. Don't let me keep you from breakfast. We can talk later."
Harry raced through his morning routine. His grumbling stomach was setting the pace. For years Harry could ignore his stomach, but in less than a week at the alley, he'd changed. He felt like his hunger could never be quenched. Was this feeling Ron's driving force? No wonder he downed so much food. It frustrated Harry that the dining area was busier than normal. Shop workers, Aurors and country witches were crowded everywhere. He even picked out a few different year classmates from Hogwarts.
Harry joined the only person he knew, who wasn't caught up in a deep discussion. Irena Irwin was sitting at one of the smaller booths in the back. She was laughing before Harry could get comfortable. A news owl was trying to dive bomb him. Old Errols flight patterns were better. Harry quickly paid the bird to get every one's eyes off him. He wasn't pleased with what he saw.
"Irena is there a publication that isn't filled with propaganda?" Harry asked.
"There is Harry but it has other problems," Irena responded. Harry encouraged her to continue. "You have to deal with farfetched ideas that are likely bogus. Many assume that The Quibbler is like The Sun or any other tabloid publication. Xenophilius Lovegood is… well unique. He's an excellent writer and editor, but some of his beliefs are extreme." Harry didn't know what to say. "Harry, I can send you some back copies if you want."
"It's worth a shot," Harry responded.
"Your grandfather limited your father's subscriptions because he thought them to be a distraction. We forgot to include you when we selected the 4 publications. We thought The Daily Prophet, the parseltongue bimonthly magazine, Quidditch Star and Crossing Muggle Lines would be enough," Irena stated.
"Irena, I don't think I care for the Prophet but I understand why I should read it. I'm really curious about the snake magazine, but it's too soon to tell what I think. And I prefer to play quidditch over reading about it," Harry explained while Irena got the picture. "I haven't even seen the other yet."
"Crossing Muggle Lines doesn't have a backorder system. Your first copy will have to wait for the next release. It's written by muggleborns or half-bloods that try to mix the best of both cultures. It covers logic, expanding magic with muggle ideas and some complaints on backward Wizard nature," Irena explained.
"Hello Harry," interrupted Fay Dunbar. She was standing there with her friend, whose name Harry was embarrassed for not remembering.
"Harry, I must get to the library, I'll send those copies to you," Irena stated as she gave her goodbyes.
"Would you care to join me?" Harry asked, trying to be polite.
"Is that alright with you Lisa," Fay asked as Harry got a clue to relieve his embarrassment.
The girls carried on pleasantries until Fay stated what made her seek Harry out. "Wonderful idea on the potions tutor. You have to get an O to take the NEWTs class and I want to be an Auror. Have you already selected your potions?"
"Ah… Not yet, there are so many choices. Have you started?" Harry asked.
"We only found out yesterday. My parents let me invite Lisa over since she wouldn't have any resources since she is muggleborn," Fay explained.
Lisa timidly spoke up, "My mum was excited about the tutoring layout. She thought it sounded like that best for learning to live in the wizarding world. She thinks Hogwarts should offer some sort of home economics course." Fay had learned to let muggle references slide since she would not get them.
"I think it might have been better if Hermione arranged the sessions." Fay commented.
Harry responded, "Fay, we don't need another class. Everyone has different interests and needs. This way we all get to pursue something we find useful or need. Besides, we are doing ourselves no favors staying in Hermione's shadow. And I'm sure Hermione would be happy to go over her best plan for OWL with you."
"Wouldn't she have the best academic selections," commented Fay.
"True, but none of us learn like she does. Wouldn't it be nice for Hermione to get a chance to challenge herself. Plus, this will let Neville and I learn something," Harry stated.
Lisa started, "Harry, can we work on potions we've already covered?"
"That is all going to be up to the tutor. I would hope that if potion shows usefulness or progress it would be approved," Harry answered.
"Are you going to tell us who the tutor is, Harry?"
"Don't know yet. McGonagall only recently approved the plan."
Fay started going on about who she thought were cute NEWT level males. Harry wanted to fade into the background. Lisa face matched her red hair. Harry couldn't of been happier when Fay's mother took them to do their shopping. Harry bid them goodbye and excused himself to his room.
"Good breakfast, Son," James said as Harry nodded. "Harry, I've never been in your shoes. You know what it's like to be starved. I want you to know that you have options. Healers can only treat what they know, not what you haven't told them that affects you."
"Alright, what are my options," Harry asked.
"You could wait the change out, but I think you're just at the beginning. Or you can talk to the healer again. Getting healthy has nothing to do with being macho. No one has grounds to judge you. Thankfully, most have never experienced more than passing hunger," James explained.
"The healer is what you think is best?"
"Son, we can't make this choice for you. Part of our want for a check-up is we don't want you to suffer. It's already hard knowing that there isn't an easy solution for the mental effects. Son, know that there is support out there," James responded.
"Will the healer know when things will stabilize?"
"A healer would have more information about the clues, but they would still have to give you an educated guess."
"I'll set-up an appointment," Harry answered.
"Son, send Dobby so you don't have to think about it. Plus that elf loves doing things for you," James stated as Harry did as he advised. Harry called and explained to the little elf. He was afraid he gave the elf freedom to bring him food every 5 minutes.
"Hope, I'm not interrupting boys," Lily stated.
"Harry, don't worry about explaining," James reassured. He mouthed, "I didn't want her to have to cry."
"Anything planned besides the hard stuff?" Lily questioned while explaining she wasn't clueless.
"It's about time I take care of my eyes. Any opinions on new glasses, mum?"
"Harry, you're not going to want the attention a drastic change causes. Maybe less noticeable frames, but the same shaped lenses. Or you could forget everyone and pick your favorite." Lily smiled. "Promise me you will get yourself some ice cream."
Dobby interrupted, "Gringotts will see Harry Potter."
"See you later Mum, Dad," Harry said as he grabbed his school stuff.
"You want Dobby to take you?"
"No, Dobby, my stomach will like me better if I walk," Harry responded.
Harry made quick time navigating nearly empty Diagon Alley. Magic mops were cleaning up messes from the night's rain. People wouldn't take the time to watch so they got mopped too. The variety of rain coverings that wizards came up with was humorous to Harry. Standard muggle umbrellas looked like they would work better than most of the contraptions. Gringotts' white marble seemed like glass in the rain. The bank had awnings out that were not normally there.
Another goblin ushered Harry up to the spa like healing rooms. The skylights were charmed to show that is was a sunny day. The area was still unnaturally peaceful. Healer Mason dismissed the goblin usher and asked, "Any new problems Mr. Potter?"
"Hunger," whispered Harry as he found his nerve to speak.
A goblin rushed in interrupting the visit. Madam Mason gave him a glare that made Snape seem warm. She carried a heated conversation in Gobbledegook with the goblin. It took her a moment to collect herself before she began, "Mr. Potter, I've been informed that your guardian is in the bank." Harry bleached and started to shut down before Mason explained. "The Goblin Nation recognizes its own law, not that of the wizarding world. In our eyes your guardian is Sirius Black." She had to repeat herself multiple times for Harry to understand.
"You have options, Mr. Potter, but the goblins would prefer for your guardian to be present. I will not let them over look your rights," Mason commented. Harry silently agreed to have Sirius join him.
Sirius stood strangely serious and awkwardly with Andromedia Tonks outside the door to the exam room. Mason motioned Sirius in and told Andy where she could stay. Harry interrupted, "Can she stay?"
"That is up to you, Mr. Potter," Mason stated. Harry confirmed his choice and Mason Said, "Why don't I give you a few minutes."
Harry was pulled into a tight hug when the room cleared. Sirius apologized profusely until his cousin gave him a lecture that it was not helping. Harry asked, "What are you doing here? Isn't it risky?"
"Don't worry, Pup. Andy is getting me prepared for dealing with the ministry. We're here for me to claim my family title." Sirius explained. "Harry quit avoiding. What's going on?"
Harry explained, "Dad thinks there is more help available for my reactions of feeling hungry. Sirius, he says my problem is related to knowing what it is like to be starved." Sirius nodded with knowing eyes.
"You're smarter than most for seeking help. I'm proud of you and you don't have to do this alone. Not any more, Harry," Sirius responded.
Madam Mason returned with a variety of options to help Harry with his recovery. She explained how everyone would have different reactions to the regiment Harry was taking. The intention was to get Harry health not to torture him mentally. The feeling of hunger after starvation was explained to be worse than the original lack of food. Sirius helped Harry evaluate the options to best suit himself. They added a slow release nutrients potion and Harry would carry snack bars with him. This plan lets Harry control part of the changes.
Madam Mason was pleased with Harry's progress. His neck was strengthening, and he had grown over and inch. All of his weight gain seemed lost on his added height. Harry would be the healthiest he'd ever been entering school this year.
The exam room burst with laughter as Harry watched Andy and Madam Mason gang up on Sirius. The animagus couldn't settle on a plan of attack. He switched from complaining to flirting at the drop of a hat. Madam Mason deemed him recoverable. She set him up with a nutrition plan and explained he should be as active as possible. His muscles had started to atrophy. She thought most of the physical effects of the Dementors would be over in a month, but only if he had proper care.
After they were finished the party sought out the Black family manager. Everything was different about the Black family rings. The future barer wouldn't know if the ring would accept them until the ring was on the finger. More blood was required and the rings didn't change colors like Harrys. The obsidian jewel stayed just as black as it had always been. The goblins had Sirius write out the family motto with the blood quill. It was required by the last head of the family.
Sirius delayed all family work until later. The trip was too much. It took both Harry and Andy pleads to get him to return. He wanted to follow Harry around in dog form but didn't have the energy. Andy promised Harry she would keep him up to date.
Poor drainage from the rain was flooding the front of the Wizard's Eyes store. Harry should have taken the appearance of the front as a reason not to go there today. A half coherent wizard, that claimed to only be there on rainy days, helped Harry. The wizard must have been blind since he thought Harry was an adult half-goblin. Harry didn't trust him for treatment outside of self-correcting glasses. Anything else could wait until Sirius or someone else could go with him. The self-correcting lenses made Harry understand why no one noticed that his glasses hadn't been updated. It wasn't needed in the wizarding world.
The bad weather made Harry return to his room. He apologized to his mum for missing ice cream. His planned school work seemed to fly by. Harry was nearly finished when an owl dropped a sopping package.
The inside of the packaged was dry and contained the last 4 issues of the Quibbler. A light weight cardstock covered newsprint bound with a simple string binding. It made for a cheap but effective publication. There were articles on exploration trips that searched for mystery answers and proof. Pictures of the oldest know kneazle, interviews and theories on everything. The writing format did not force anything like the articles in The Daily Prophet. The articles weren't filly or trying to pull on heartstrings. Theories were present as theories, often seeking help to prove their validity. All interviews were presented as fact, no matter how crazy the person.
Harry's family debated the Quibblers articles on the ministry's perceptions of Sirius. One article claimed he broke the safety net when he escaped. He was now reflecting Dementor's abilities in normal populations. The ministry didn't want to be seen wrong about his identity or innocents. James liked that it made you think. Lily was amused that the word fear was never used. It seemed that was all the article described. Harry wasn't sure how an article could state everything and nothing at the same time.
The Quibbler did not get full approval from Harry's parents. It was agreed that it was better written than The Daily Prophet. They didn't tell him no but made him promise to question everything. Harry was keeping it for at least its humor value.
James now claimed Harry had wrackspurts every time he would stare into space. The two would share a smile and Harry would return to whatever was keeping him busy. They agreed wrackspurts were better than having to claim a wandering mind.
The weather affected the Leaky Cauldron's customers. Harry missed the old wizards playing games. Tom had managed to catch a cold, so Harry kept his distance. Harry returned to his room since there was nothing better to do. It was so bad that he even pulled out the talisman kit.
Lily declared a story night. The family went in rounds exchanging tales. James and his self-claimed cousins, Lily and Sev, Harry and his accidental magic burst filled the evening.
After a normal night's sleep, Harry woke to a rooster crows and owls tapping at his window.
Dear Mr. Potter,
The headmaster and myself were pleased with your effort on setting up potions tutoring sessions. I will not insult you with Professor Snape's response. We did approve Neville and your plan. Patricia Bourne a 6th year Ravenclaw was selected to conduct the tutorship. She is intending to become a healer and has the top OWLs scores of her year. She is distantly related to the writer of Moste Potente Potions. Ms. Bourne will contact you in the next few days.
I must warn you that Professor Snape is threatening to hold her accountable for all melted cauldrons.
Sincerely yours,
Professor M. McGonagall
Harry wrote quick notes giving the tutor's name to Fay and Lisa. He didn't want to forget with the distraction of his other letter.
My family's plans have changed. I return from France on Wednesday. Mother has broken her foot. She refused my advice of using magical means to heal it. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday when my father is going to take me to Diagon Alley to get more books.
Harry was sure Hermione hadn't received the tutoring information before she had written. She would have peppered him with questions. Yesterday's boredom made him look forward to the company of his friend. He did worry it would change things with his parents. How would she react to all of his changes? He wrote a reply and told Hedwig to deliver it after she returned from France. Harry loved his bright bird that promptly went back to sleep.
Harry snacked on one of his bars as he opened a small package. There were 3 parselscript books and a note. Irena explained that she bought them at auction for a sickle. There wasn't time to let him check them out. She had found Snake Migration, Slytherin Secrets and Truth and Snakes. Harry was no longer sure that he liked his grandfather's restrictions. Who wanted to sit in the library to read a whole book. His father caught his frown.
"Son, what are you think about?" James asked.
"Thinking a bean bag chair might be a good addition to the library," Harry commented.
"I thought we wanted you out as much as possible," James stated. Harry explained the planned limits on his parselscript books. "Son, there are ways of bending the rules."
"James is teaching your son bad habits a good idea?" Lily interrupted.
"Lily, my dad did not leave me in the library in the summers. Harry doesn't have that option. Shouldn't we trust him?" James asked.
"Alright James, I'm just being over protective. Remember me with the toy broom," Lily answered.
"Harry you control the catalog, the catalog controls the restrictions. Word of wisdom, never take more than one restricted book out at a time. Remember, if the books in the Hogwarts restricted section, it's against the rules to remove it from your library," James explained.
"Harry, I do trust you," Lily said.
"Thanks Mum. I'm going to get breakfast."
The dining area was back to normal, busy with people of all sorts. Harry spied Seamus and Dean Thomas. All of Dean's half-siblings were teasing him. What witch was he going to enchant? It was one of the times Harry was grateful that he didn't have siblings.
Harry interrupted, "Mind if I join?" All of the little ones clamored for his inclusion.
Dean started to tease them in turn. Their laughter was infectious. The country witches found them adorable. They offered the kids love potions to help them on their quest. Aurors shared funny tales of love potions gone wrong. They enjoyed their time until Dean's mum took the younger kids back to muggle London. Her instructions were different from Neville's Gran. It was normal for her to let Dean function independently. She wanted him back at the Leaky Cauldron for lunch.
Mrs. Finnigan dropped by from her group of Irish witches. She questioned Harry about his summer. She requested that he teach her son how to take better care of his appearance. A money pouch was handed over and she teased them, "Watch out for girls and love potions."
"Mrs. Finnigan, do we really need to watch out for love potions," Harry asked
"Boys you're at the age when people take chances and don't know any better," she replied. "My roommate sent one of the boys to the hospital wing for a week. It was only supposed to make the boy complement her, but she didn't make the potion correctly."
"You guys have my back, right," Dean asked. Harry and Seamus agreed before leaving the Leaky Cauldron. "Ah, leave me alone if it's from the Patil sisters."
"I doubt any of them are here today. Let's enjoy ourselves," Seamus requested.
Harry taught the guys how to navigate their shopping quickly. They ogled the new Firebolt broom. Dean found a book that included potions for an artist. Seamus told them about all the fire related magical creatures. He was hoping they'd get to work with some in class.
The time with the guys did Harry good, but he missed Ron. His friend might not put much effort in things outside of chess, but he could carry a serious conversation.
Too much school work made Harry roam. He started keeping tabs on an orange cat. The activity helped him feel like he wasn't turning into a hermit from all of his school work. The cat was a regular escape artist. Two shop workers were bruised from trying to catch it. Only a cat would believe it owned the world. And it would return at feeding time.
The game of Ludoipsum was skipped that evening so Harry could plan out Wednesday. He wanted to be free of his school work. Harry was worried Hermione's opinionated nature would take over if he didn't have a plan for the tutoring sessions. He valued her friendship and knew her ways saved him on more than one occasion. But Harry was glad that he learned he could be a good student without the rigidness. He did worry about how his changes would impact his friendships.
Lily started a conversation to remove Harry from his brooding mood. "What has you on your toes, Harry?"
"I'm worried about my friends."
"Sweetheart, true friends can handle your changes. Harry, you're only putting your best foot forward. You haven't changed your personality," Lily explained.
"I'm not sure I understand myself, how can I love the change and hate it all at once."
"Harry, that is too much inter perspective. Is there anything on your list that I can help with?" Lily asked. Harry explained his plan and told her that he did not know how to start selecting potions. She questioned him, and directed without giving solutions. He thanked her before getting ready for bed.
James made Harry read one of the wizarding tales before he gave his normal bed time story. Harry listened to tales of misadventures on flying carpets. He was sure his trio did not have a clue what real trouble included.
The following morning Harry woke before the rooster. He ate a snack bar and put on his neck brace before entering the library. His checkmark list showed that he was over a day ahead. That accomplishment could of let him slide, but he didn't want to become complacent. The astronomy workbook didn't feel like work. Harry hoped he would be finished with all of the first year material in September. He was making small gains with his penmanship. This left his rewrites for the last week of vacation. History textbook was replaced with How Not to Start a Goblin War. He read one of James' recommendations on visualization for transfiguration. He mixed practical work in with his family wand for charms. DADA was a free for all, with all the library resources. He declared the work for the tutoring sessions counted for potions. He wasn't Hermione, but he was gaining confidence in what he knew.
At breakfast Harry managed to snag a stool next to the Aurors. Madeye Moody was taunting them declaring that Harry had accomplished more than they ever would. He won the aurors over with the claims he'd done nothing special. In return Harry got them talking about how they used potions with their work. One of the younger ones claimed they could get by with just calming draughts for overly excited victims.
Harry decided to go to Diagon Alley's public library for his potions research. His mum had helped him split his requirement into 3 sections, healing, practical, and fun. James gave him the title for a book, Potions for the Mischievous so fun was covered. His current list suited him.
Stomach soothing solution, slow-releasing calming draught (idea coming from his nutrition potions), bruise balm, magical and muggle 5 generations solution (for making family trees), secret ink, doubling potion, giggling draught, ghost coloring potion and cauldron gummy candy (who wouldn't want to know how to make something edible in their cauldron)
The library research was going until Harry heard the potions master's voice. The stack of tomes made it easy for him to hide. He didn't know why he was always eavesdropping, but he could not pass up the opportunity. It didn't take Harry long to figure out that he did not have enough knowledge to keep up with the conversation. He was also embarrassed to think about his mum's reaction if she found out.
He avoided the professor and used an out of the way study desk. There was a whole tome on calming potions. He found a few that met his slow-releasing idea. He copied them to look over later. He was lost in medical potion tomes when Irena found him.
"Issues with your library, Harry?" she asked.
"Only that I don't want to sit in it all day."
She laughed at his answer before greeting the portrait behind them. "Nice to see you, Mr. Peverell."
"Ms. Irwin, do me the honor of introducing the boy."
"This young man is Harry Potter," she stated.
"Son, you should carry on the family tradition and introduce yourself to all the family portraits." Ignotus Peverell commanded.
"Yes, sir," Harry said as he noticed the folded cloak in the portrait's arms.
"Harold should be able to explain," he stated before leaving his frame.
Irena explained, "He's talked more to you than anyone, I've seen. I love portraits, they're the only downside of being muggleborn."
Harry thanked Irena for her help finding the potions he wanted. And he bid her farewell.
The day was spent at his latest reading location beside the entry wall into Diagon Alley. Slytherin Secrets was not what he expected. It was written by an early Head of House. The book explained how to manage ambitious self-centered students. Salazar was sympathetic to the old families when Hogwarts was founded. He was willing to try to bridge old values with the new education. That was why he was sought after by so many of the pureblood families. The house had never stopped bridging those differences. The book even alluded that it was his namesake grandson that famously left Hogwarts. The author talked about Hogwarts code of conduct that was fused in its charter. The head of house explained how to cover it without offending the old families. The small book contained all the information need to manipulate any Slytherin. It sickened Harry to think of Voldemort having access to such a powerful book.
Harry made notes to find Hogwarts' code of conduct. Was it lost? He didn't recall covering such a thing. He also wanted to ask Irena about other books written by Hogwarts staff. Was it Salazar or his namesake that left the school? Harry didn't understand how you could leave a life time's work.
The day was successful. Harry was as ready for Hermione as he ever would be. His father ended the day with a tale retelling his day of family lectures. Harry hoped he would enjoy the portraits more than his dad.
A/N First, I'm not trying to bash Hermione, I'm only trying to characterize Harry. Remember how bossy she was in the early books.
Fay's friend is going to be Lisa Moon (JKR had Lily Moon on her list before she decided on Harry's mum's name)
Here's a few questions/comments I've received by PM or comments.
Why a neck-brace and what does that have to do with neglect? Many neglected kids' muscles don't develop correctly. The problem is there are many other medical reasons for the same poor development. Plus, I'm helping a friend (foster mom) help a sweet child who should have never needed to wear a brace. Please people, don't leave kids strapped in car seats and don't delay getting these kids help.
Why aren't you bashing whatever character? JK Rowling covered a wide variety of personality types in her work. I don't/won't bash a person for personality. Jealousy can be seen all over, but if you need a clear picture visit a class of 4 year olds. I'm not joining the bash Ron camp or any other.
Relationship/pairings? They are 13. There is more to life than romantic relationships. I will not set relationships.
You should write it this way… is open to everyone so write your own story. Talking portraits is not original to me and I'm not going to vent if you run with the same idea.
If you do want to input..
Should Hermione's visit be more than a day?
Harry and Draco are always going to be oil and water. But how should Draco mature?
And you can always volunteer to be a grammar/spelling beta.