Hello. Welcome to the first story I've written on this account set in the modern era. In this we see the same gang as the other stories I have planned the Phantom riders (Danny, Elsa, Hiccup, Astrid, Jack, Merida, Eugene and Rapunzel) in the same pairings (Danny/Elsa, Hiccup/Astrid, Jack/Merida, Eugene/ Rapunzel) at college. For note yes this is ultimate Phantom (Check profile for Bio.) and the others will be halfafied in the future. Pascal is still a chameleon but max and Olaf are dogs. Also the dragons are dragons but at first only Skyfire is seen. He and the other dragons all live in Danny's pocket dimension/lair. Night furies have the ability to shift in size from terror size up to bewilderbeast size but they prefer their normal and terror sizes.

Danny is the one who purchased the house and is renting it out. He also owns a moterhome of the same make as the rust bucket in Ben 10 a race against time. It has all the gadgets and weapons that the rust bucket has in the show, including the flight mode from Ben 10000 and is submersible and space worthy.

Chapter 0 prologue: The Escape.

The boy was strapped to a table as the lab around him burned. He looked over at the metal hulking robot as it staggered backwards towards the portal. Then he looked over at the cooling system for the reactors. The ghost had walked through the portal and attacked the scientists there before setting off explosions from combustible containers nearby. Then it was attacked by the auto defences but as it fell back a blast caught the cooling system.

He looked around to see the unconscious scientists. He could already feel his powers coming back. Base don his calculations he will get intangibility back just as the thing blew. He knew that he wouldn't get back enough power to save anyone else but, as this was a remote facility why the hell would he want to?

This was the question running through his mind as he coldly regarded the 3 people right next to him. One was his sister, who had come asking for money from their parents and had not even tried to help when she saw him. She just watched and waited for her cash. Then there were his parents, the lead researches on the project to vivisect him. He had been missing for 2 weeks but no one would care, save Skyfire. Those creatures had tortured him for 2 weeks and had neglected him for 16 years so why the hell should he save them?

"Phantom?" he saw his ex-family get up. It was his former mother who had spoken up.

"Please help us." His ex-father begged. His gaze hardened.

"No." Internally he gained a bit of satisfaction from the shock that crossed over their faces.

"But, but you're a hero." Jazz tried.

"Firstly the drugs I was pumped full of will only have worn of enough to turn myself intangible. And secondly." His torn turned ice cold and rock hard here. "You made it very, very clear that you do not deserve saving. Anyone who would torture a 16 year old or watch without protest is pure evil." With that he knew it was time for the boom and turned intangible stating calmly. "Honestly you killed yourselves and deserve what you're getting." With that he closed is eyes as the now alert and horrified scientists worlds were consumed by the life ending blast.

When the blast cleared there was just the boy, restored to full power by the energies released in the blast, and a safe deposit box.

Phantom watched the cut's and scars particularly the large Y on his chest disappeared before transforming, his hair turning black and his eyes blue. He walked over to the box, whose lock had broken to find money and a spare suit. Putting on the suit and pocketing the money he climbed out of the crater and ran back to his former home where he grabbed his research, including everything relating to the Phantom serum, particularly the 15 samples he had. And walked out of the house. He then extracted all his money from his accounts and closed them. Transferring everything to new accounts by contacting his White house contacts. Then he bought an old motor home and a load of clothes and drove off. On the dashboard was a letter congratulating Daniel Fenton on his acceptance into the Ivy League Archipelago Collage.

There we go. Now we have set up the scene. If you wondering who certain characters got into an Ivy League college archipelago (Named after the location for HTTYD.) Offers scholarships on less intellectual pursuits like sport and the arts.

Anyway this introduces us to Danny and a bit of his past. Yes he had been captured by his parents and the GiW (Who were destroyed in the explosion so wont be around later.) and experimented on for a fortnight. He was a bit cold and cruel in this chapter because, well could you be civil to someone you spent the last 2 weeks being experimented on by.

Anyway the next chapter will introduce the others and the house Danny will have bought. In it you will see a lighter happier Danny. As well as some Phantom action. Se you next time.