A/N: I'm back with a new Chapter! This chapter was from an idea that I had that was in my head for a very long time.

I don't own the Characters in this fanfiction. All of them are owned by Riot Games.

Anyway, enjoy!


'Italic' - Thoughts.

"Normal" - Speech.

Few days later…

Fiora watched as Yi lay on the bed, unconscious. She kept hoping that Yi would wake up. Much to her disappointment, he didn't. He was still asleep and the bandage on his left shoulder had a red stain where his wound was. Fiora sighed.

'Please wake up, Yi.' She sighed again.

Few minutes later, Soraka woke up with a yawn. She saw that Fiora was still beside Yi's bed. She noticed that the bandage had a red stain and she heaved a sigh of relief as Yi was still alive. She stood up and walked over to where Fiora was.

"Want some breakfast? I'll cook for you and you can stay beside him. I'll bring the food over." She asked.

"That'll be great. I'll grab a glass of water in case he wakes up." Fiora told her roommate.

"I'll take a bath first. I'm still tired after using my healing powers on him. Don't stay there for too long."Soraka reminded her friend.

Fiora nodded and Soraka made her way to the bathroom, grabbing a towel and some clothes. Fiora stared at Yi for what seems like an eternity. Minutes later, she stood up and walked towards the kitchen to grab the glass of water. Soraka was out of the bathroom with a fresh pair of clothes as she hung her towel in the toilet. After getting the glass of water, Fiora made her way back to where Yi was lying down. She placed the glass of water on a small table right beside the bed as she sat down on the stool once again. Soraka tapped her shoulder, indicating that breakfast is ready. She sighed and stood up, making her way to the kitchen not before turning back to look at Yi's unconscious body on the bed. She then made her way to the kitchen and had her breakfast. After a few hours, Soraka was called for a match. She bid goodbye to Fiora and she left the room. Fiora closed the door and sat on the stool beside Yi's bed again. She wasn't called for matches because she faked an illness so that she could take care of Yi. She couldn't imagine what would happen if Yi was alone and something happened to him.

'Oh, I forgot to take a bath… I should do that now.' Fiora reminded herself.

She stood up and walked towards the bathroom, grabbing her towel and her everyday clothes. While in the bathroom, her mind was full of scenarios of Yi dying. She tried to get those thoughts out of her head but to no avail. She imagined Yi being stabbed in the chest while protecting her. She shook her head vigorously to erase the heartbreaking scenario.

'No… I won't let you die. I will protect you.' She said.

As she stepped out of the bathroom, she saw that Soraka was back in the room, lying on the bed. She could see that her friend was very tired from the match. She went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water for Soraka. She grabbed the glass of water and made her way to Soraka's bed. She handed her the glass of water, which Soraka thanked her. Then, they started talking about Soraka's match, which went on for an hour. They didn't notice that Yi was having a very bad nightmare by a dark figure that entered the room without a noise.

With Yi (In his nightmare)

"Where am I…"Yi said

He slowly opened his eyes. He looked at his surroundings but all he could see was a black void with nothing around him. He tried to stand up but a force was pushing him down. His blade was missing.

"This force… An evil aura is around here…" Yi muttered.

"Do you mean me, bladesman?" A demonic voice filled the void, as a hysteric laughter echoed around the black void.

Yi turned around and saw a pair of red eyes and a devilish smirk. He saw the demon's blade, surrounded by an aura of darkness. He watched helplessly as the demon approached him slowly. He tried to struggle free but the force holding him down was too strong, even for him. As the demon reached a few meters from Yi, he raised his blade, smiling like the devil himself, and pierced Yi through the heart.

With Fiora and Soraka

They were still talking about Soraka's match and Fiora was laughing when Soraka told her that the enemy team got baited at baron, which caused Soraka's team to get an ace and win the game after a tiring hour. They immediately stopped talking when they heard a scream. They dash towards the source of the scream, rapier and staff in hand. Together, they saw that someone was standing over Yi's suffering body. The figure turned towards the both Soraka and Fiora before giving them the smile of a devil. Fiora lunged forward with her rapier but missed as the figure disappeared into thin air. She dropped her rapier and tried to comfort Yi from his nightmares. After a few minutes, Yi was unconscious again.

"What caused him to be like this…"Fiora muttered.

"Probably that figure that vanished."Soraka told her.

They both looked at Yi, who lay unconsciously and was sweating profusely.

"It was a nightmare. The dark figure caused the nightmare and uses it on Yi."Soraka explained.

Fiora looked at Yi, a very worried expression on her face.

'You have to wake up, Yi. Please!' Fiora prayed.

Few hours later… (Night Time)

It was getting late and Fiora was still by Yi's side, her rapier on her hips. Soraka had gone to bed as she was tired by the number of matches that she had to participate. She had been beside him since the dark figure vanished. She was beginning to feel tired but she needed to be awake to make sure that Yi was unharmed. Just before the clock struck midnight, Yi stirred in his sleep. Fiora immediately held his right hand.

"Yi…?" Fiora whispered, trying not to wake Soraka from her deep slumber.

Yi slowly faced his left side and saw Fiora's watery face due to her tears. It wasn't tears of sadness. It was tears of happiness.

"Fiora…?" He said weakly. He tried to sit up in his bed but he winced as he felt a sharp pain on his left shoulder. Fiora immediately pushed him back down to his bed and tucked him in.

"No, don't move yet. You're still recovering." She said through her tears. She managed to smile through her tears.

Yi smiled weakly at her. He could see that she was suffering because of him.

"How long was I out…"He asked her, his voice soft, but audible.

"3 days. You were having a nightmare a few hours ago by a dark figure. I couldn't stop him." Fiora said with sadness in her voice.

'Nightmare? A dark figure?' Yi thought to himself. He vaguely remembered that he was in a black void, a dark figure with a blade filled with darkness approaching him with a smile as evil as Nocturne himself. The figure stabbed him straight in his heart. Yi clutched his heart, feeling a slight pain but the pain was mostly from his injured and broken left arm. He sighed. He saw that Soraka was still sleeping soundly on her bed and he checked the time. It was midnight. He looked at Fiora, who was trying her best to keep herself awake but failing as her eyelids began to feel heavier and heavier.

"Get some sleep. I will be fine."Yi told Fiora. Fiora tried to object but Yi assured her that he will be fine. He managed to stand, enduring the pain on his left shoulder. He clutched his shoulder with his right hand to try and prevent the pain. Fiora looked at him, a worried expression on her face. She knew he was forcing himself to be fine. She hated it when he forced himself just for her. When Yi stood up, he pointed to Fiora to lie on the bed. A slight blush appeared on Fiora's face but Yi didn't notice this so she heaved a sigh of relief. She stood up from the stool she sat on and lied down on the bed. Yi limped and slowly sat down on the stool, facing Fiora with a weak smile.

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Fiora quietly asked the injured bladesman with worry in her voice.

"I will be fine, Fiora. Now sleep." He assured her.

She looked at him, puzzled but she was fast asleep when Yi stroked her hair gently. Yi managed to pull the blankets and put it over her though he had to endure the sharp pain from his left shoulder. He then gripped his left shoulder and fell to his knees.

'Vayne has an eye of a marksman… Hell, she could even shoot with her eyes closed. Her shot was deadly accurate… My arm needs a week to heal before I can use it properly, but if that particular spot on my arm is targeted, it's dead for sure…' Yi made a note on his head.

He stood up and made his way to the window to stare at the night skies. He saw his blade leaning on the window. He picked it up and he frowned. The blade was almost broken. He had to make a new one but the only one that can forge such a sword is a blacksmith in Ionia. He also needed a new armor as his shoulder plate was turned around to sit on the stool where Fiora sat only to meet a dark figure standing in front of him. He barely had time to dodge as he hopped back from a vertical slash. He saw that the blade had an aura of darkness. He was surprised that there wasn't any noise and he was even more surprised that Fiora and Soraka were still asleep but that wasn't the time to be surprised. He turned to look at the figure but it was gone. Yi looked around the room, cautiously. A sound of what seemed like feet touching the floor was heard behind him. He instantaneously turned and blocked another vertical slash. He winced in pain as his wound in his left shoulder began opening.

"Who are you?" Yi asked as he panted.

"Your worst nightmare…" the dark figure chuckled. It rose its' dark blade, and lunged at Yi. Yi tried to block it by placing his sword horizontally across his chest but the dark and powerful blade simply pierced through the sword, destroying it and hitting him dead on the wound of his shoulder. The white bandage was slowly turning into a bloody red stain as blood began pouring out of the wound. Yi screamed, causing Fiora and Soraka to jolt up. Fiora immediately grabbed her rapier and lunged at the figure but the figure managed to block and it vanished into thin air again. Yi strongly gripped his left shoulder to prevent the blood from flowing out. Fiora dropped her rapier and asked Soraka to bring some bandages and first aid. As Soraka went to grab the items that she was asked to bring, Fiora laid Yi on the ground and vigorously ripped out the red stained bandage. Yi screamed in pain, trying his best to endure the sharp pain. Soraka came rushing towards Fiora with a first aid kit. She brought along her staff to heal the wound that was opened up by the dark figure. Fiora had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Oh god, Yi… How-how did this happen… Why didn't I hear anything when I was asleep…"She stuttered.

Yi reached up his right arm to grab hold of Fiora's cheek.

"I'm sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn't have asked you to sleep…"Yi said weakly.

Soraka had her staff on her hands and she began healing Yi's left arm, especially the shoulder as it was badly damaged.

"The healing will be temporary. We will need to travel to Ionia as my powers are stronger there. We will go to this temple that I know." Soraka said.

Once the bleeding stopped, Fiora immediately wrapped Yi's left shoulder with another bandage. Yi winced in pain and held back a scream. Fiora apologized but she told him to endure it.

"It will be hard to get to Ionia… Let alone getting past the gates of the Institute Of War… The guardian will be there. And most of the champions in the Institute are looking for me." Yi said to them, his voice barely audible.

Fiora hugged Yi and held on to him tightly. Yi smiled weakly at her.

"I will be fine, Fiora." He assured her.

But Fiora was having none of it. She didn't want the person she loved to be dead. She wanted to be with him forever.

"I will protect you…"Fiora told him as her tears still streamed down her beautiful face.

Yi chuckled weakly and his right hand dropped to the ground softly, indicating that he had fainted due to the amount of blood lost from the wound. Fiora cried. This was the first time in her life that she cried for somebody that she loved. She didn't even cry when her parents were murdered. She only had vengeance and revenge in her mind during that time. Soraka looked at her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"He will be fine, but we need to bring him to the temple at Ionia and fast."The starchild to the duelist.

Fiora didn't say a word but she nodded, indicating that she understood. Throughout the whole night, she guarded Yi's body, rapier by her side.

Morning came and she immediately woke Soraka up to indicate that they have to leave the Institute now to avoid detection. Yi woke up, struggling to stand up. Fiora held out her hand and smiled. Yi gladly took her hand and she pulled him up. Yi lost balanced and fell forward. Luckily for him, Fiora was strong enough to not be affected by his fall. He leaned on Fiora, causing her to blush.

"Thanks." Yi smiled.

"Y-You're welcome. Can you walk?"She asked the bladesman.

"I think I can. I will have to limp my way with you and the starchild." Yi answered her, finding his balance by holding Fiora's shoulder.

He was wearing a dark t-shirt with what looked like a shoulder plate on his left arm. Soraka opened the door and scanned her surroundings.

"Coast is clear. We need to move now. I know the way to avoid the guardian of the gates."She told them.

They nodded and quickly rushed out the door. Soraka locked the door so that no one else would be able to open the door other than herself and Fiora. Fiora supported Yi as they both began to run. Soraka was leading them and she scanned the other hallways to make sure that nobody had spotted them. On some hallways, there were some champions patrolling the area such as Darius, The Hand of Noxus, with his brother, Draven, The Glorious Executioner. At one time they were almost caught by Quinn, but it was mostly because of Valor. They managed to avoid the bird and they were approaching the gates of Institute. The guardian was sleeping. Soraka told them to hold their ground while she slowly approached the guardian. She placed what looked like a sleeping pill on the mouth of the guardian and she put up a hand sign to where Fiora and Yi was located, indicating that they only had a few minutes to leave before the guardian wakes up. Fiora supported Yi and they began running towards the gates with Soraka. They didn't notice that a certain female saw the whole thing. She followed them towards the woods and jumped from branch to branch, silently.

With Fiora, Yi and Soraka

They had stopped running, trying to regain their breaths in the middle of the forest. As they were about to continue walking, a crossbow bolt shot towards Fiora. Her instincts came to life and she dodged it, looking at trees to find out who shot the bolt.

"Where do you three think you're going?"

Fiora looked up and saw Vayne. Shauna Vayne. The person who shot Yi on his shoulder. She looked up at her, with an expression of rage. Vayne simply looked at her, expressionless, emotionless, her crossbow ready with a few bolts attached to it. Fiora told Soraka to take care of Yi while she unsheathed her rapier.

"You will be sentenced for working with the betrayer, Grand Duelist."Vayne's voice, cold as ice, told Fiora.

"I do not care! He won't do such a thing!" Fiora shouted with clear anger in her voice.

"Then so be it. You and that goat shall die along with that accursed bladesman."Vayne said, her voice stern and demanding.

Yi looked on as he was supported by Soraka. He wanted to help her, but he was powerless to do so. He knew that Vayne never misses her target. And if she had a target, she will do anything to kill her target. He was worried for Fiora. He tried to shake himself free from Soraka's grasp but he didn't have too much strength. He sighed in defeat and watched as Vayne and Fiora fought, the Duelist against the Night Hunter.

A/N: This chapter was actually rushed as i had a huge headache while typing this. Anyways, hope that this chapter intrigued you!

Review and Fav! Criticism is appreciated as this is my first time writing a fanfiction! Thankyou!


Mundian To Bach Ke (By Punjabi MC)