A/N: This Story contains graphic violence and Non-con. Which means rape. Later on in the story there is self- harm and self-hatred. I hope that I did not offend any victims in making this but this story has to start somewhere.

Chapter 1

Hinata brought both his hands up and cupped them around his mouth gently blowing his warm breath into them. He rubbed both his hands up and down his arms as a gust of wind blew gently, a shiver running down his spine. He walked silently along the paved road in the cold night cursing himself for not remembering to bring his Karasuno Jersey jacket.

As he walked home after a long day of practice he decides to take a different route to his house, not having the energy to climb over the towering hill. Hinata clutched his bag as he made his way through the empty streets, trying not to focus on the eerie silence it seemed to have. He walked quickly and quietly wanting to reach his house as soon as possible as he started to feel an unpleasant feeling settling at the pit of his stomach, he now wished that he would have taken up kageyama's offer of spending the night at his place, but the boy brushed it off saying he needed to help his mother with something when in fact he had already made plans that night to stay up and enjoy playing a new video game he had gotten from his dear friend Kenma.

Hinata's uneasiness began to grow each second that passed as he felt as if someone was watching him from a far. His heart pounded; slamming against the walls of his chest with such intensity he was sure it would break a rib. He tried to ignore it, concentrating only on putting one foot in front of the other but each time his sneakers scraped the pavement he was sure it was the sound of a pursuer. He entered a narrowed alleyway and was immediately strucked by its disgusting stench that it seemed to emit. He threw a glance over his shoulder, and the shadows produced by the moonlight danced on the walls of the alleyway, forming creatures he dared not look in the face.

He felt like screaming, crying, running, anything to get out of this alley, out of the dark.

He bit back the shriek that swelled at the back of his throat, as he heard the sound of heavy boots hitting the ground beneath a few feet behind him. He brought his hands to his neck, trying to work it down, but he couldn't steady them long enough to do much of anything.

A tear track of sweat slid behind his ear, though he could almost guarantee it was the caress of death. He started to walk faster, even though it made more noise, and noise wasn't something he could handle at the moment. A feeling of dread crept up from the pit of his stomach; a cold wave embalmed him as the hairs rose on the back of his neck and his mouth ran dry. He trembled with fright, the menacing aura he felt behind him made him want to crawl in a hole in hopes of being hidden.

His knees shook with each step he took, he felt as though in any second he would collapse from the overwhelming fear he felt. This was the first time the oranged haired boy felt so terrified that he couldn't even fight back as he was afraid of the things that would happen to him. No matter how fast he walked he felt as though this alleyway had no end to it. In his vision, the alley stretched out forever disappearing in the darkness leaving only the brightly lit moon up above to shine brightly. His breath stopped for a moment as he felt a presence behind him, he knew at that moment that it was already too late to run and prepared himself for what was about to come.

Hinata made a pained sound as he was thrown harshly against the murky wall of the alleyway, his back arching forward at the sudden pain. He stood up shakily, keeping a hand on the wall as he looked over to where a shadow was beginning to come near him. The dark figure loomed over him, his face being hidden beneath a dark hood leaving only the bottom half of his face to be revealed.

The young boy let out a whimper as his wrists were caught in a tight grip, he struggled to break free but the more he resisted the more pressure was put on his wrists. Hinata's whole body shook as he was backed up against the wall furthermore, tears welled up at the corner of his eyes and he found himself unable to call for help.

"Hello there, little birdie" the taller of the two muttered, grasping hinata's arms in one hand while the other reached up to remove his hood. The man's voice was deep and it frightened him. Hinata shivered in his place as the man then continued to softly caress his face with his free hand. The young boy cringed, his tears finally falling down his face as he knew what this was leading up to. He bit down on his bottom lip to keep the cries from coming out as he felt the man's rough hands slide down towards his neck and collarbone. Hinata panicked as the hand went to grasp his neck fully giving it a quick squeeze.

He watched through wide terrified eyes as the man bent forward and whispered hotly in his ear "Does the little birdie speak?"

Being too afraid to answer he simply swallowed loudly, not answering the man's question. His heart raced as he felt the hand tightening around his neck each passing second making it hard to breathe.

This is it, he thought. I'm going to die here in this dirty alleyway by the hands of this man. The thought made hinata sob out loud. He didn't want this. He didn't want any of this. He parted his lips; his need for breath becoming greater as he struggled to form words.

"…S…Sto-..p" he choked out. His vision starting to go blurry from the lack of air.

"Ohh?" the man questioned a smile on his face. "So the little birdie does talk!" he exclaimed enthusiastically, loosening his hold on the boy. Hinata gasped sucking in as much air as he possibly could.

"My name's Aoi" the man whispered hotly against his cheek, sliding his hand down and cupping the boy's groin before harshly tugging on his shorts and pulling them down. Hinata cried out and shivered as the lower half of his body was exposed to the night's cold air. Hinata struggled even more and he fought to break free from the man's strong grip. He wished he would have just gone through his usual route now. Maybe this wouldn't have happen if he did.

He just wanted to go home.

Hinata opened his mouth to say something, to protest his discomfort, but it only came out as a garbled sound that made the other laugh and speak. "You're a pretty thing and I can't wait! I wonder if you'll scream." He said sadistically tugging on the younger boy's crotch painfully.

The boy cried harder this time feeling completely useless. He was disgusted at the older man for what he was about to do, but most of all he was angry at himself for not being able to fight back or do anything.

"Whoa, would you look at that!" Aoi mouthed into his neck. "You're already hard! What a slut" he said and that remark made hinata cringe, he didn't like being called that.

And it was true. He was almost hard and that made him sick. Did he secretly like this? How could he?

Once again, Aoi tugged roughly at the boy's crotch, which made hinata want to scream. Stop, he tried to force out of his mouth, but instead two fingers were forcefully shoved inside his mouth. He tried biting but instead it pressed down on his tongue, thrusting deep into his throat almost making him gag.

The world blurred as Aoi spun hinata around by the shoulders and slammed him against the building, his face pressed against the disgusting wall and his hard cock rubbed painfully against brick walls as Aoi pressed himself up against him.

He shuddered as a warm hand reached down below and pulled apart his bare ass. Hinata wanted to scream so badly but all that came out was a muffled whimper.

"Eager now aren't we, little birdie" Aoi laughed huskily.

Then, something slightly wet and completely foreign pushed into him and he stood still for a moment before trying to squirm away and relieve himself from the pain he felt down there. Aoi's fingers were inside him and he felt fear, and then soon enough another finger was pushed into him. Hinata didn't know how much more of this he could take before he finally breaks.

Why wasn't he trying to fight back? He should be able to get this guy off of him; he knew he could if he tried hard enough-

The fingers were gone, and he felt something hard being pressed against his back. Hinata heard the sound of a zipper being unzipped and pants falling down to the floor as the sound echoed throughout the abandoned alleyway. Soon enough he felt an arm snake around his waist, lifting him off from the ground

There was a long pause.

Something much larger than Aoi's fingers was forcefully shoved into him, tearing through resisting muscles without hesitation. Hinata let out an agonizing scream as his whole body racked with pain.


The pain tore through his entire small body and he felt like someone had split him in half down the middle. A single thrust and oh god was there nothing but pain. He screamed and shrieked with each continuing thrust as the taller man went faster and harder.

Aoi leaned down and muttered in his ear "It's a little rough at first, but with a bit of blood it'll be easier"

Hinata could do nothing but sob and as he let the taller man continue on doing shameful things to his body. He could vaguely hear himself begging him to be released, for him to stop. A strangled whimper escaped from his throat; he could feel Aoi inside of him, his hand gripping tightly on to his left side. He thrusted in and out, taking everything that Hinata had and destroying it, shattering him into a thousand pieces.

Hinata felt sick. He wanted to throw up but there was no time for it because the thrust became more frantic, going faster and harder as the pain skyrocketed.

And soon enough, Aoi came inside him.

After a moment, Aoi roughly pulled out of the smaller boy. The sudden movement tore him open all over again, but it was the slosh of semen dripping out of him that truly made him sick. Hinata's wrists were released and he fell on his knees feeling numb all over, crying hysterically.

"I hope we could do this again sometime, little birdie" he could hear him say before laughing sadistically. The taller man watched as the younger boy crawled towards his shorts.

"Tch" he said with an annoyed expression, kicking the boy away from his shorts and continuing to kick him.

Hinata laid on the ground, his shorts laying a few feet away and feeling pain everywhere. He watched as Aoi stumbled back towards the tip of the alley, turning around and waving goodbye to him before he was fully gone.

He realized with growing horror that he had came as it was cooling between his thighs. Hinata hated the thought that he was forced to succumb to his own pleasure, although he didn't want it. Aoi's face burned into hinata's mind, he wouldn't be able to forget that face for the rest of his life after the horrific things he's done to him.

His stomach churned and he turned to the side to empty the contents of his stomach, the foul stench making its way up to his nose. He wanted to die. He realized this when he pushed himself away from the mess with his weak arms.

He felt pathetic. He put himself in this mess. He felt disgusting and god did he want to disappear. He curled into a ball and the slight movement managed to trigger the jagged pains along the lower half of his body.

Hot tears fell from behind closed eyes, and he choked, taking comfort in the fetal position he was in. He listened to the quite chirping of birds and the gentle blowing of the breeze. Hinata remembered that there was a world outside of this alley where Aoi had-

Then suddenly hinata had the intense desire to get as far away as possible, to get away from this place, to see his mother, his sister and know that that they were safe and warm inside their loving house.

It was only by relying on the strength to see his loving family that he managed to get up on his feet. He panted for breath as he immediately sagged against the alley wall. Every single movement he made sent bolts of agony racing down his body.

He was very exhausted to where he wanted to lay down and never wake up again. But if he did that he'd never see his dear friends again. It was enough to motive the small boy as he pulled up his shorts, trying his hardest to ignore the searing pain each movement brought.

He began his long journey home, limping the whole way.