Almighty Zero

Warning: AU. Fem!Kuroko. Bad!GoM. Slight OOC and typos. Grammar mistakes.




Chapter 1:

The Trade




"So here it is, huh?"

A petite figure looked up from a small paper she was holding to the gate before her. It was covered in dust and spiders web. And of course, spiders wandered here and there. Her shoulders trembled from the view she just had. The long teal-haired girl examined the address once more, thinking if this was the right place and it was unfortunately.

The girl groaned in depress. She couldn't protest either way since her family was out of money now due to her father's company went bankrupt recently. Without a choice then she decided to register into a cheap high school in order to ease her parent's situation. Thanks to her landlord, this school was the only option she got. The other school was either too expensive or its distance was too far away.

"Teiko High School," she recalled the school's name in a whisper before bringing her foot into the building. She figured the classes had already started as she strolled the main hallway and found it empty.

The odd thing she heard from the neighbourhood about this school that although the cost was cheap, its basketball team had won many matches back then. And with those never-ending championship, it should have increase the school's quality. But what really happened was the opposite.

Then she remembered the warnings she received from her landlord about this school. There was something off regarding its students. But why? It doesn't make sense. She shook her head, demanding herself to think about that matter in some other time. Right now she had more important thing to do. The principal office.

It took 10 minutes for her to realise that she had walked through the same corridor all over again which concluded that she was completely lost. Not to mention she had kept the principal waiting for god knows how long.

"I'm so screwed..." She muttered. She then started to look around her to find some help or maybe a person or anything that useful in the moment. Her azure eyes lighted up as they caught a person's shadow behind one of the trees in the school backyard. Without thinking twice, she roamed to the tree.

It revealed that the shadow was belong to a teenager boy in his uniform. Probably one of the students who actually had the guts to skip classes, though it was still early in the morning.

His back was leaned against the the tree with his arms crossed. His head was hung low, making his bangs covered up the half of his face. She guessed he must be fall asleep as she heard quiet snores.

Gathering her courage and taking a deep breath, she then bended over to see if her guess was correct. But, the sight wasn't clear enough. Even though she really hate to wake up a person's peaceful slumber furthermore this person was a completely stranger to her, she didn't have another choice. She swallowed hard before she slowly carried her hand to sweep his red bangs.

It was now or never.

"Don't even think about it."

"Eh?" When she heard him suddenly talked in a firm voice, she was about to withdraw her hand immediately. But it was too slow for him. She gasped as he grabbed her hand in a flash. The boy then raised his head, revealing his rigid face and stiff facade.

Her body became tensed when her sky-blue iris met his heterochromatic ones. The mix of blazing crimson and striking gold, giving an intimidation aura with just one look at them. She was loss at words by his vision. Like she was under his spell, forbid her to break their eye contact.

Awkward silence filled up the air around them until the boy tightened his grip on her, making her hissed in pain. "Don't eh me," His eyes narrowed. "You know exactly what I'm saying, don't you?"

She blinked her eyes for a couple of times before processing what he meant in her mind. Then it hit her. "A-Ah! About that, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you."

He snorted. "How slow," Although he said those words in a murmur, she could hear it loud and clear. But she restrained herself not to argue something that frivolous. "Who the hell are you anyway?"

Not wanting to make a fuss by his rudeness, she calmly answered him. "I'm transferring here."


"Well, you see I got lost on my way to the principal office. Then I saw you here and thought that you... could help me?"

"And what will I have in return?" A small smirk found a way to his arrogant face. The girl simply rolled her eyes.

"What do you want from me?"

"Money, of course."

Great. Just great. Her expectation was ultimately right. It hit the bulls-eye perfectly. "Hate to disappoint you. But to be honest, I don't have any money right now."

He locked his gaze on her, seeking for an evidence if what she had just said was really the truth. "Is that so?" He lifted one of his eyebrows. The girl answered him with a nod.

"No deal then." He let go her hand. She saw it around her wrist, there was a small bruise. The boy must be quite strong to have a force like that. Hell, the word of strong might not enough to describe it.


"Like I said, no money no deal."

Her eyes opened wide in shock. "B-But..."

He then nonchalantly stood up from the ground. He glanced at her with pitiful look before leaving her with a wave. "Later, snail."

The girl clenched her hands without her noticing. Not because he had gave her a lame nickname but she just couldn't let him escape just yet. After all, he was her only hope to save her in this critical moment.

She quickly picked herself up. No, she won't let him. "Hey, wait!"

Lucky to her, the boy wasn't that far from her. He froze in his pace after hearing her bold voice. The boy smirked. This girl was too stubborn for him. Just like someone he once knew.

He looked at her by his broad shoulder. "Not giving up yet?"

"No," She replied him with her keen eyes. "I will never."

"You're an odd one." He turned around to her. "Despite the fact that you absolutely have nothing to trade with, you're still hoping?"

"There's nothing wrong for keep hoping while you had the chance," She said confidently. "Besides, I actually do have something to trade with."

"Oh, do you?" He scoffed.


"Then what is this 'something' of yours? If it's not valuable enough, I won't agree to it."

She let out a heavy sigh. To tell you the truth while she made this dilemma decision a second ago, her mind was not in the right place. She didn't have a time to think thoroughly about its consequence. All thanks to her impatience. But this was the only weapon left she got to make her plan go smoothly.

When the girl in front of her suddenly went mute, he thought himself that maybe it was all a lie from the beginning. But the glare he had received from her earlier was definitely not one. She was very serious.

"How slow."

Her eyebrows twitched. Those words again but this time though he said it more clearly. She sighed. She couldn't keep him waiting or else, he might be really leaving her.



She shut her eyes, "I will do anything you say for a week."

The boy stared at her for a while after hearing her unexpected declaration. Not only her head was as hard as a giant rock, she was also utterly reckless. Did she even consider the outcome first before finally deciding it? And to think, she sacrificed her dignity all for fulfilling her foolish hope.

Really, he could never understood her. Girls are complicated in his opinion. But she alone was unique in many ways.

"Make it two."

"Huh? Why?" She gave him that look like he came from an outer space.

"A punishment for being too slow," He casually reasoned. "Take it or leave it, snail."

"Hey! I have a name, you know." She complained but he ignored her nonetheless.

"Well? What will be your decision?"

She breathed out. "...It's a deal then..."

"Now that got settled," He smirked. "About the principal office, first of all, we are in the school old building. That's why the map you had wasn't much helping."

The girl's jaw dropped spontaneously at his shocking conclusion. So the whole time instead her got lost, she was in fact in the wrong building? Then that would make more sense about the creepy gate and the suspicious deserted main hallway. But why didn't the principal tell her before? Didn't matter, she could ask that later though.

"The new building is right behind it."

"Then why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" She asked, out of curiosity.

"I can do whatever I want." She had figured he would answer her like that. So he is one of those bad students, she thought.

"Well," She then bowed in shortly. "Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it." She gave a small smile to him.

When she was on her way to go to the new building, she did caught him whispering something that confused her. Big time. But she let it aside.

"Welcome to hell, snail."




To be continued.




AN: Soooo what do you guys think about the first chapter? Sorry if some grammars are wrong. English is not my nation language. But I'm very welcome to any reviews, favs, follows from all of you who had read this. Thank you. Btw, this is my first fanfic. So please be patient with me.