AN: Sorry I haven't updated this story in awhile I've been very busy recently I'll try to get this stuff out there sooner but no promises ugh this is gonna be a long day isn't it... anyways on with the story!
It had been a long time since Shiemi had seen that wolf demon. A long time but she never forgot the wolf but it wasn't bugging her to much she still had her grandma after all. Today was nice she was at a market with her mom getting some seeds to plant it was a normal day nothing new had really happened but there was one thing different. There was a one eyed demon sitting near by in a box. He was asleep at the moment this area was as close as he could get without getting his face blown off.
He picked up his head adjusting his position to get a better look at the market area there where many small food stands set up here he liked that. It meant there was always food to steal and scavenge for. It was a normal day, as usual the place was lightly packed people where here and there but from what he saw it looked pretty calm today so he got out of his box and stretched his body. He let out a long loud yawn and shook any sleep left in his body out. It was nice out today the sun was shinning the birds where chirping and it looked like the amount of exorcist usually out there was lower. "today is gonna be a good day I can feel it. Today will be the day I steal that steak." He'd been eyeballing a steak out on an open stand near by they usually had the best food to steal the guy running the stand however was an exorcist and always spotted him before he could even get a meter close by.
So now with a plan being finally made today would be different he was gonna have that steak for sure. He looked around spotting the best path over he then slowly crawled across the floor under a crate he stole from a close by fruit stand. After he got half way to the stand someone stepped on his tail he yipped and pulled it under the box and remained still he could hear an eerily familiar voice outside "what was that? Did you hear it to?" "yeah but what was it?" another voice said, he didn't know why but the other voice for some reason really pissed him off making a small growl escape his mouth. "ma there I think it came from there!" he could here arguing amongst other things "their gonna find me errr I need a diversion they'll ruin my plan... wait that it!" the demon turned around under the box lifting it up a little to make sure he had a clear shot then BAM he ran like a bat out of hell, he zipped at the stall, however the Exorcist acted to fast and attacked him with the giant cleaver he was using to hack at the meat a second ago.
The demon wolf stopped just a little to late and almost lost his head, the wolf then proceeded to grab the crate behind himself and turned chucking it at the exorcist knocking him over, he then ran jumping over the now subdued Exorcist and up on the stall he then grabbed the steak and ran out as quick as possible only catching a glimpse of Shiemi from the corner if his eye causing him to stop to look at Shiemi. "you." his tail began to wag but her and her mother starred at him horrified slightly dampening his mood "young one? Do-don't you remember me? We-ahh!" he yipped as a steak knife landed in front of him digging into the concrete
"stupid demon!" the Exorcist got up pulling out a revolver from behind the apron he wore at the stall "get away from them you beast!"
The Exorcist shot at the demon dog causing him to yip as a bullet rang past his ear "errr exorcist Asshole! Eep!" he was cut off by another shot that barely missed his paw so he did what any logical creature would do. He turned and ran like his life depended on it.
"wait! Come back!" yelled Shiemi as she raised a hand at the now fleeing demon and was about to run after when her mother grabbed her "Shiemi quickly lets go home!"
The demon had finally reached his safe spot besides the box he'd sleep in there was an abandoned building he enjoyed living in to. By now his mouth was watering the steak in his mouth releasing a heavenly aroma and although the sight from earlier was still in his head right now all he could think was "food". He quickly began to eat the food, gnawing it down as it was his first meal in days and even then the steak was very unfulfilling and left his stomach grumbling for more "errgh I'm sorry I can't fill you up anymore but we made a promise remember?" his stomach growled painfully in response making him fall over in pain ears drooped and jaw clenched tightly as he forced down what some dogs called second lunch. He swallowed and weakly stood up the run from earlier taking a toll on his body.
"owowowow, shit these simple actions get harder to perform each day" as he stood he walked over to a red torn couch in the building it was set against a wall opposite of it was a window thin curtains dimming one of the only light source in the building. He sighed and laid his head on the torn arm rest as his eyes began to get heavy as weariness fell upon him he fell asleep.
Shiemi was currently tending to the plants watering them while her mother was inside working in the shop. Shiemi couldn't concentrate though as for whatever reason that demon dog's image was logged in her brain. She gave a long deep sigh as she couldn't figure out where he remembered the demon from. That was when her grandmother walked out. "hello Shiemi." spoke the little old lady as she stepped out a smile plastered on her face. "how was your day Shiemi?" "hm? oh it was great I had a very interesting day actually" responded Shiemi. The grandmother quirked an eyebrow up curiously "really? What happened?"
So once Shiemi finished telling her grandmother what had happened at the market area she waited for her grandmother to respond "Shiemi... do you remember how long ago when you where much younger you met a large dog and forced us to heal it?" Shiemi thought for a second it had been a long time ago when she was younger but she could never forget her best friend however the mental image of him wasn't to great anymore as she could no longer remember much of the large dog/wolfs features.
"yes gram I remember... but whats this got to do with him?" asked Shiemi.
"well Shiemi that demon sounds like the dog from your childhood. But I thought it had died long ago I never would of expected it to still be alive given its condition when it left." the grandmother said while stroking her chin thoughtfully.
"oh... WAIT WHAT!" yelled Shiemi as her grandmothers words registered in her brain.
AN: Done! So finally I completed this chapter I hope you enjoyed it and yes there was a time skip I am sorry time skip haters but it was between that and 10 extra useless and stupid chapters so trust me the time skip is worth it. Also the amount of chapters long this story'll be has been increased. Anyways see ya guys next chapter goodbye for now!