A/N: *Peeks out from behind the screen* Hello all! No I didn't give up on Surviving. My laptop died shortly after I posted the last chapter and as someone who lives paycheck to paycheck I didn't have the funds to run out and get a new one right away. Thankfully my tax refund came in and the first thing I got was my new computer! Forgive me my mistakes, it's been awhile since I've had a chance to write!

My love and thanks for all the support Surviving has received! Your follows, favs, and reviews mean the world to me!

Twilight isn't mine. Surviving is!


"Three." Edward steps out of the basement and I follow closely behind him; his hand griping mine tightly.

"Edward." I whisper and point towards a window halfway down the hallway. He nods and we quietly make our way to it.

His eyes dart around the frame before he pushes it open slowly. He sticks his head out and looks around.

"I don't see anyone but that doesn't mean they aren't there." He looks back at me. "Bella…if they come promise me you'll run, even if it means leaving me behind."

"I won't leave you!" I vow as my eyes begin to water and I shake my head. He grabs my face and gently wipes the few tears that have escaped away.

"I love you Bella." His lips softly meet mine. He pulls back and stares into my eyes. "I don't care what my parents say… when we get home you're sleeping in my room."

I let out a soft laugh. How does he always know just what to say? I pull his head back down to mine for one more kiss before he turns and climbs out the window. He jumps the short distance and lands roughly.

"Fuck." He swears lowly as he stumbles.

"Are you okay?" I whisper; swinging my legs out the window.

"I'm fine. Come on love." He holds out his hand for me. "Be careful of your wrist baby."

I put my good hand in his and push off the ledge. As soon as my feet hit the ground a loud slam comes from somewhere upstairs.

"We need to move." Edward turns and we start for the road; Edward limping as we go. His right ankle is swollen and already turning a nasty shade of purple.

I hear the sound of a door slamming and look back to make sure no one is coming after us. My eyes scan the house and my heart speeds up. Something about it seems so familiar...

"What's the matter?" Edward turns, his eyes sweeping the property.

"I…nothing. Let's get out of here." I say giving the house one last glance.

We reach the road and look both ways. "Which way should we go?" I ask; panic beginning to set in. Any minute Felix could discover that we've escaped.

"See the lights way down there?" Edward points toward a row of lights that shine like a beacon of hope. I nod and we start down the road, moving as fast as we can.

Miles later my legs begin to shake with utter exhaustion; my body protesting every step I take.

"Just a little further love…Almost there." Edward repeats his mantra again. His body is shaking just as hard as mine but he refuses let either of us stop. "If we stop to rest, we won't get up. We have to keep going. Just a little further love."

"I'm so tired, Edward. I'm so tired." Tears run down my face. I feel like a failure, like I'm letting him down. "I…" The sound of a car engine revving cuts me off.

"Shit! Come on!" Edward grabs my hand and we take off, running as fast as we can. Away from the danger speeding towards us.

Before we can make very far the car screeches to a stop and three shots ring out. Edward stumbles forward and falls to the ground, blood pouring from his body.

"EDWARD!" I scream and drop down next to him; my hands hover over the bleeding wounds.

"Edward… please!" Tears stream down my face. "Please don't leave me!" A kick to my ribs sends me flying.

"Thought you could out run me girl?" Felix bends over me and grabs the front of my shirt. "Your dumb cunt of a mother thought she could do the same and look where she is. Six. Feet. Under."

"FUCK YOU!" I scream and claw at him.

He jerks my body up and releases me. "I do love the hunt, Isabella. Tell you what. I'll give you a five minute head start." He grins and pulls out his gun.

"If you think I'm leaving Edward behind you're more delusional than I thought." Tears continue to pour from my eyes but my words come out steady.

Felix throws his head back in laughter and points his gun at Edward's still body. "Your precious Edward is lying dead not five feet from you and you think I'm delusional?"

"He is not dead!" I scream. I refuse to believe it. I can't. I can't be in a world where Edward doesn't exist.

Before I can even register his movements Felix turns the gun on me and fires two rounds. The force of the bullets knock me off my feet. I hit the ground and the pain in my thigh and arm becomes almost unbearable.

"Don't worry dear Isabella. Those little wounds won't kill you." Felix sneers and puts his gun in the waistband of his pants. "I told you before, I had to kill your mother too fast and I will not make the same mistake again. Bring me my knife, Chris." He calls out the guy waiting near the car.

"This is going to hurt." He says as he grabs the knife from Chris's hand. "I'm going to make you hurt."

I throw my hands up and try to push him off. "Yes, Isabella! Fight me!" His laughter starts as the blade sinks into my stomach.

I cry out and begin to kick and hit him in earnest. I feel the blade slice my skin over and over and my vision begins to blur.

"Fuck, Felix, the cops are coming." Chris's voice yells as sirens blare in the distance. Felix stands up and I take the opportunity to flip over. I begin to drag my body towards Edward. I need to get to him! I need to make sure he's okay!

"You see this Chris? Even knocking on death's door and the bitch still tries to get to her dead boyfriend." Felix's foot slams down on the wrist he first broke weeks ago. I scream and pull my wrist to me, holding it close to my body.

"Felix… The sirens are getting closer." Chris says lowly.

"Get the car started." Felix kicks me over so I'm lying on my back again. "Looks like I'll have to finish this faster than I wanted." He grabs a rock and towers over me.

His hand comes down intense pain instantly rips through my skull. A white light blinds my vision. This is it. This is how I'm going to die.

"Fuck man, she's still breathing! Finish her… We gotta get the fuck outta here before the cops show!"

"Such a fighter. Just like your parents. Too bad you ran. If you would have stayed at the house I could have put your body in the same grave as your dear dead daddy." I feel Felix's weight straddle me as my vision begins to clear.

His dark menacing eyes meet mine as he grabs my hair and pulls my head back. "Goodbye Isabella." Felix says as he drags the cold blade across my neck.

"EDWARD!" I cry out as I jerk straight up in the bed, my hand coming to my throat.

"Shhh baby. It's okay. I've got you." Edward's arms are around me in seconds. "We're safe. We're home."

I sag into his embrace and throw my arms around him. It's been six months since we were found on the side of the road. Six months since we were left for dead.

Physically we are healing faster than the doctors had ever hopped for. A miracle is what they're calling it. A miracle that Felix didn't cut just an inch deeper when he dragged the blade across my throat… A miracle the bullets missed Edward's main arteries and organs.

Mentally I'm a wreck. My nightmare have gotten progressively worse. Every night I am forced to relive the horrors that we had to endure. The horrors that could happen again.

Because Felix is still on the loose and I know he'll be back for us.


A few hours later I make my way into the kitchen. The early morning sunlight is streaming through the windows. I walk over and let my gaze take in the view. Home. I never thought I'd see this place again.

We've only been home for a few short weeks. When I woke up in the hospital and saw my parents sleeping in chairs near my bed, I thought I was dreaming.

I was afraid to move. Afraid that if I did I would wake up back in that hellhole. But I knew it couldn't be a dream. If it was Bella would have been with me.

I remember moving my hand and my mom jumping up.

"Oh Edward!" she cried, causing my dad to wake.

"My boy. My son." My dad sobbed.

"Where is Bella?" my eyes darted around the room looking for her.

"Oh baby, Bella is in the ICU still." My mom said brushing my hair out of my eyes.

"Still? How long have we been here? Where are we? How long have you been here? Where is Alice? What…" My questions poured out.

"Calm down sweetheart." My mom cooed.

"Take a deep breath for me son. That's right in and out. In and out." My dad said checking my monitor.

"We're in a hospital in Florida. You and Bella have been in Jacksonville since you were taken. The police found you and Bella a week ago on the side of the road. Your dad and I have been here since they called. Alice and everyone else is still in Forks but they will be catching a flight out now that you're awake." My mom moves closer and stares down at me.

"And Bella?" My voice comes out as a whisper. Why hasn't she said anything about Bella?

"Edward we should wait until you're stronger…" My dad starts but I cut him off.

"No." I growl. "Where is she? How is she? I need to see her." I try to sit up but he pushes me back down.

"Careful son. Your body has been through a lot."

"Please dad. Tell me." Tears sting the back of my eyes. "Mom…please!"

"Bella's in a coma sweetheart." Fresh tears run down my mom's face.

"A…a coma? But she's going to wake up…right dad? She's going to be okay?" I look at my dad; my eyes pleading with him. I don't want to live if she doesn't.

"Bella suffered a lot of injuries…" He trails off.

"What? What aren't you telling me?"

"Bella had a fractured skull and her throat was cut." My dad's eyes water as my mind tries to comprehend what he just said. "She lost a lot of blood son. They lost her on the table a few times."

"Can I see her? I need to see her!" I sob. "Please dad! I… I… Please!"

"Happy Birthday, Edward." My dad's voice rips me from my memories.

I turn and lean against the counter. "Thanks dad."

"Any special plans today?" He asks filling a coffee mug and handing it to me.

"Thanks." I take the cup and take a seat at the counter. "No plans. Just going to stay home with my girl. The gang is going to stop by later this afternoon."

He takes a drink from his mug and stares at me. "You and Bella are going to have to venture out sooner or later." He sighs.

"I know dad." I run a hand through my hair. "I. I'm just not used to the 'freedom' if you will."

"I know son. I know." He crosses the room and sits next to me. "Graduation is in a few days. Do you feel safe enough… Are you going to walk with your class?"

Technically graduation was supposed to be two weeks ago. But Alice; being the crazy pixie she is, got the entire school to sign a petition to hold the ceremony until I was back in Forks and healthy enough to walk with everyone.

"You know we've hired the best…"

"I know dad." I cut him off with a laugh. My parents went overboard on the new security system and personal bodyguards.

"It's a bit much, but until that lunatic is caught it's here to stay." He stands up and put his cup in the sink.

"Bella and I appreciate everything you and mom have done for us. You taking a sabbatical from work to stay in Florida with us. Mom flying back and forth for all those months. Both of you for never giving up hope that we were still alive." I stand and throw my arms around him.

"Thank you dad." He squeezes me tightly. "I love you old man!" I laugh as he pulls back and smirks.

"Just pray you look half as good as this when you get 'old' son." He laughs bringing me in for another hug.