Hello all!
I have a brand new update for you – about time, no? And thank you to those of you who have suggested titles – I appreciate them all! I'm really torn between a couple of them, so I might actually put up a poll to see which one's preferred. I'll keep you posted. If anyone has any other title suggestions, please feel free to let me know!
And an explanation for Harry's Gate which seems to be causing some confusion: Harry's Gate is the primary Gate – meaning all the connections to Earth from off-world are made to his Gate. However, if his Gate doesn't receive the "password" – a spell from his wand – then it acts like it is offline and the connection is essentially "forwarded" to the Gate at SGC. The delay is minimal – just a second or two – so it's not something SG teams or SGC have noticed. Also, the hangar is spelled so that it's only accessible to people who are in MP.
Now enjoy the chapter! And don't forget to tell me what you think!
Chapter Nine
Harry, despondent and in no mood to contact the SGC, spent some time with his friends and godson instead, and even checked in with the Asgard to see how they were faring. Their prototype ion guns, which they hoped could destroy Replicator blocks through sheer kinetic force, were of interest to Harry, and he went through the Stargate to assist them in designing and building their new weapons system, especially since the ion bolts needed to bypass the Replicator-enhanced shields. Harry was confident they would be able to create these new weapons, and even had the Hedwig follow him back to the Ida Galaxy, to make sure she would be retrofitted with the newest weapons system of the Asgard.
Soon, Harry was confident they had found the perfect solution.
"See, this way the bolts will refract, which would allow them to bypass a shield and strike the intended target!"
Hermiod and Kvasir carefully examined Harry's modified design and calculations. "It should work," the former pronounced.
"Now we just have to make sure the bolts can strike multiple times every time you fire it, to make sure you can cover the entire Replicator-controlled ship."
As Kvasir and Hermiod got back to work, Harry began to modify the design so that the ion bolts could be fired from a handheld weapon. Ideally Harry would be able to combine it with DOBBY, so that if he ever encountered the Replicators he could simply destroy them. The Asgard also found the idea to be interesting, although they decided to incorporate them into their internal defense systems instead.
Thor was about to conduct their first battle with the Replicator-controlled ships using the newly built ion guns when Freyr appeared next to him aboard the Hedwig.
"Harry, I need your assistance," Freyr said matter-of-factly.
"What is it, Freyr?"
"The humans of Earth have made an error with technology that is advanced beyond their knowledge and have put one of the Protected Planets in jeopardy. They have asked for your assistance since we cannot interfere."
Harry's eyes widened. "Of course, I'd be happy to. But-" Harry looked out to see the Asgard ships preparing to battle the Replicators.
"The problem will not take long to fix. You should be able to return before the battle begins."
Harry nodded. Letting Thor know he had to take care of a problem but that he'd be back before the battle began, Harry went through the Stargate to Earth.
When Harry appeared at the SGC, the entire base was frantic over losing power, and he found himself at the business end of an array of guns.
"Stand down!" General Hammond ordered as the power returned.
"Harry, perfect timing! We could really use your help," Major Carter said as she hurried towards him.
When Harry looked at her questioningly, she sheepishly explained, "We inadvertently, totally accidentally, caused a foreign element to enter the K'Tau sun."
Harry was surprised. Freyr had mentioned the advanced technology, but still! He had no idea there existed such a device. "How?"
Sam looked awkward as she spoke. "Our wormhole picked up a super-heavy element and carried it into the K'Tau sun as we passed through it."
Harry shook his head. "That's impossible. There are safety protocols-"
Sam was embarrassed and apologetic as she said, "Unfortunately, we have our own dialling computer and we're still experimenting with it, so we sometimes bypass a few steps in order to get a lock."
Harry shook his head in disappointment and anger. "That was incredibly irresponsible of you."
"We know that now, and we're going to make sure this doesn't happen again," Sam promised.
Harry couldn't believe the sheer stupidity of the SGC. Clearly Sam could tell what he was thinking, for she looked ashamed and couldn't meet his eyes.
"What was the super-heavy element that you introduced into their sun?"
"Plutonium," Sam answered, leading the way to the briefing room.
Harry looked over the plans and calculations she and the other scientists had made to solve the problem.
"Neither will work," he declared.
"What?" Sam looked devastated. "But-"
"I can fix it, however. It's a simple matter."
Before Sam could open her mouth to undoubtedly ask him questions, Harry spoke up, his tone not at all friendly as it had been before. "I am in a hurry, Major. There is a critical battle about to start that I need to be there for, but was interrupted because Freyr said you asked for my assistance. I will fix the K'Tau sun and then I must return to Othala as soon as possible."
With that, Harry beamed himself out of the SGC and to the hangar. He quickly headed for the molecular constructor, and after creating what he needed, he flew to K'Tau using the Kreacher. Once he was a sufficient distance away from the K'Tau sun, Harry released the plutonium neutralizer and didn't bother waiting to watch the neutralizer get pulled in by the gravitational pull of the K'Tau sun and merely flew down to the planet.
"Harry!" Daniel greeted him with relief when he spotted him.
Harry nodded a curt hello to the other members of SG-1 before looking at the sky. The reddish tinge was disappearing, and soon the light returned to normal.
"There." With that, Harry made his way back to the Kreacher.
"Wait, Harry, please," Sam pleaded.
Harry took a deep breath. "I know you are sorry, Major, and that you'll take care to ensure this doesn't happen again, but this is what happens when you mess with things you don't understand. I know you mean well, but had I not intervened, everyone on this planet would have perished. Do you understand that? Your calculations were wrong and your plans would have failed. Your foolish actions would have ensured the extinction of an entire race of people!"
"Hey now!" Colonel O'Neill protested. "This isn't her fault."
"Not just hers, no, this is on all of you. It is one thing when you do something that might put yourselves at risk, but it is unconscionable when you involve people who did not ask for this. The people of K'Tau have done nothing wrong, except that they were on your list of planets to visit, and for that they almost died." Harry paused before he entered his ship. "An alliance between our two peoples is, I believe, inadvisable at this time."
Harry then entered the Kreacher, ignoring the protests and pleas.
Even after the battle with the Replicator-controlled ships was over – fortunately in their favour as the ion bolts fired from the new ion guns performed as expected – Harry was still furious with SG-1. He knew they meant well, but it was exactly this type of arrogance and disregard that had gotten Earth unknowingly embroiled in a war with the Goa'uld.
Harry could see the good the members of SGC were doing, of course, but it didn't negate the terrible consequences that they brought on others. All of his friends and loved ones were in the Goa'uld crosshairs because of them, and if he didn't have the Ancient Repository in his head, who knows what might have happened? Plus, it was one thing if they had encountered an unfamiliar technology that they'd accidentally turned on or something, but they were messing with Stargate protocols, taking risks and short cuts to make sure they could connect to certain worlds, without even considering that there might be good reasons why they weren't able to get a lock. Their actions could have cost the lives of the people of K'Tau, and this wasn't the first time that SG-1 caused catastrophe for the other humans in Milky Way.
"One day the humans will join as the Fifth Race, but their time has not come yet."
Harry turned towards Thor. "It may never come."
"Perhaps. Perhaps not."
Harry looked at Thor for a minute before speaking. "My people aren't from another galaxy; we are from Earth. We are the true descendants of the Ancients, and centuries ago we hid ourselves from the other humans on Earth because our powers made them frightened and envious. I only discovered the truth about aliens and our ancestry a couple of years ago."
Thor blinked.
"So you see, my ire with SG-1 is very personal. Their actions have brought Earth into the crosshairs of a terrible enemy, and as a consequence, billions of innocent lives are at risk. And what's worse is that no one except for a few hundred, maybe a few thousand, people know of the danger we are all in. My people and I might not have either had it not been for my accidental discovery of SGC. Knowing what they have done and yet to continue to take such careless actions… it's unconscionable and unacceptable. They do not deserve to be considered as one of the Great Races – they are utterly undeserving of it!"
Harry breathed heavily, having finished his rant, and looked at Thor only to see him staring at Harry unblinkingly. Harry awkwardly coughed and rubbed the back of his neck in discomfort. He definitely had not meant to vent all of that to Thor.
"The Tau'ri are young," Thor said at last. "Younger than you, despite being older physically. They will grow and learn and make mistakes along the way, as millions of other humans across the Milky Way and beyond have done and will continue to do. So do not judge them too harshly – no true harm has come of it, and their hearts are in the right place."
Harry sighed and slowly nodded his head in reluctant agreement.
"As for the other matter… You are a friend of the Asgard and a most valuable ally against our fight with the Replicators and the Goa'uld. You can be assured of my discretion."
Harry shot Thor a small grin in relief. "Thanks Thor."
Telling Thor had been a spur of the moment decision, but Harry didn't regret it. Still, Harry returned to Earth and gathered the MP together – along with Kingsley – to discuss the recent events and what he'd revealed.
"Are you sure that was wise?" Kingsley questioned.
"Thor promised to not reveal it to anyone, and we can trust his word," Harry said confidently.
"And what about the Muggles? Are you going to see them again?"
He groaned. "I suppose I must. Eventually. I'll let them stew for a little longer. Oh!" Harry dug through his bag and grabbed the robes before distributing them. "Here, got these made from Madam Malkin. I figured we should make it seem all official and everything."
Katie pouted. "How come we only get the black ones?"
Harry laughed. "Because those are the only ones that you'll most likely need. And it's not like you'll be able to wear these anywhere else – no other witch or wizard is going to understand that coat of arms. They'll just think it's Grindelwald's symbol."
"What does it mean?" Seamus asked, examining the triangle, the circle within it, and a line that bisected them.
Harry exchanged quick looks with Ron and Hermione before shrugging. "It's an homage to Dumbledore," he fibbed. "The Tale of the Three Brothers in the children's book The Tales of Beedle the Bard was his favourite story, and the symbol represents the powerful objects that Death granted the three brothers."
"Neat. Too bad Grindelwald ruined it," Dean said.
"Doesn't it just suck that Dark Lords ruin the best things?" George said with an exaggerated sigh.
Wry chuckles broke out amongst the MP.
"Also, I'm going to have another ship soon. The Asgard are giving me one of the ships they recovered from the Replicators. I'm going to modify the ship to run Ancient tech, and although it won't be as powerful as the Hedwig – it won't use the Potentia – it'll be more than enough to fight the Goa'uld."
"Are you still going to build another Asgard-Alteran vessel?"
Harry nodded. "This one'll just be a stop-gap."
"What are you going to call it?" Ron asked.
"I don't know. The Padfoot?"
Hermione wrinkled her nose. "The Sirius would be better."
"How's that better?" George asked, offended that Padfoot of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs was being slighted.
"How about the Marauders?" Neville suggested.
Kingsley coughed. "Perhaps you should list them individually, so you don't have to include-"
"Wormtail," Ron hissed.
"I'm going to call it the Moony," Harry declared. "Just like the man himself, the ship isn't perfect, it's a little worn and patched up in places, but the Moony is just as strong and capable as any ship out there."
"Well said," Kingsley declared with a smile.
Harry returned to K'Tau while Thor was on his way to the Milky Way on his new ship while also transporting the Hedwig. After he finished with his important business in the Milky Way, Thor would be stationing the Hedwig on Titan; Harry had thought of Ganymede, but apparently the Muggles had done "fly-bys" and he didn't want to risk his ship being discovered.
Harry made his way to K'Tau because he had no idea if SG-1 had caused any more trouble for the people there, and honestly, he liked the people of K'Tau and wanted to make sure they were doing well.
Elrad greeted Harry gratefully, having heard from SG-1 that he had intervened to save them. Thankfully, Elrad didn't know much about him to tell SG-1 besides his powers and his relationship with Freyr, and both of those things the Muggles had already known about. And despite his protests, Elrad – and surprisingly Malchus – insisted a feast be held in his honour. In spite of some awkwardness on his part – as well as his embarrassment over their fawning – Harry enjoyed a relaxing and celebratory evening with the people of K'Tau before returning to Earth.
The evening had done much to cool his temper against SG-1, and so Harry decided to visit the SGC again. He was still angry and frustrated with them, but as was pointed out to him, it wasn't as though they'd known their actions would lead to such disastrous consequences. And while they should have been more careful – and there was really no excuse for their actions – his disapproval and distance wouldn't make that outcome more likely. Still, Harry had no intention of forming an alliance with them. Yes, the American Muggle military was extremely resourceful and they did their best with what they knew, but Harry could predict what would happen if he did form an alliance with them: They'd get themselves – and Earth – in hot water, and then call on Harry to bail them out. Harry had no intention of becoming the answer to all of their problems.
When Harry arrived at the base of the Stargate in the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in a flash of light, it was to the sight of SG-1 dressed in their more formal attires (or so Harry assumed, as Daniel was dressed in a suit) watching a small holographic recording of Narim.
Ignoring the sight of all the guns trained on him, Harry approached SG-1 and gave a nod in greeting.
"Harry!" Sam said in surprise.
"Was that Narim?" he asked.
She exchanged startled glances with her other team members. "How do you know Narim?" she asked.
"We've met," was all Harry said in response.
"Ah," Jack said, with a knowing tone in his voice. "You too, huh? I thought it was just to us primitive people."
Harry snorted but didn't say anything. He looked at them closely before asking, "Why are you all dressed up? Did you just come from a funeral or something?"
"As a matter of fact," Jack said as he led them down the ramp towards the conference room, "Yes. Omoc – he died from a heart attack. Did you know him?"
Harry nodded. "My… condolences."
Jack snorted.
"Hey now," Daniel said, "It was a great funeral, if somewhat strange. There were so few people there."
Jack turned to Daniel incredulously. "Hey, you knew him. What's strange?"
General Hammond cleared his throat as he came to stand in front of them. "Harry, welcome back to Earth."
Harry nodded. "Thank you."
Sam hesitantly said, "Harry, about what happened before..."
Harry shook his head. "It's alright, Major. I spoke with Thor, and he reminded me that you are still... rather young." He ignored the exasperated glance that Jack shot Daniel. "The error in judgment was disastrous, but unlikely to be repeated. So let us put this behind us. The people of K'Tau are no worse for wear, after all."
"Does that mean that you will reconsider your refusal to form an alliance?" Daniel asked.
"No, I still don't believe it is a good idea. However, my people and I remain dedicated to protecting this planet and others like it from the Goa'uld. Since you know more about the state of this galaxy than we do, I have come for whatever information you have on the Goa'uld – their territories, tactics, alliances, et cetera."
Jack frowned at Harry. "Wait, you expect us to give you the information? Just like that?"
Harry shot him a pointed look. "For your planet's protection and to fight the Goa'uld. I didn't realize this would be an unreasonable request."
Daniel cleared his throat before anyone else could say anything. "I'm sure it won't be, Harry, but General Hammond will have to speak to the President first. In the meantime, why don't I give you a brief tour?"
General Hammond looked at Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter, and seeing they had something important to tell him, nodded at Dr. Jackson.
"Now Harry, I actually had some questions for you..."
The tour didn't take too long, as much of the area was sensitive and therefore off-limits to Harry. It thankfully meant an end to Daniel's questions, of which there were many. Harry had a hard time trying to say enough to satiate Daniel's curiosity, yet not so much to give himself away. After all, he knew very little about Lantea, and the last thing he wanted to say was anything that could indicate even a hint of magic.
Fortunately Harry had gotten a lot better at lying, and so Daniel believed that the Magus Praesidium was an elite branch of the Lantean military, which was made up of young people Harry's age. Daniel found their society fascinating, which he believed was advanced yet backwards at the same time – which technically wasn't untrue. Of Harry's powers he asked very little, likely realizing that either he'd get nowhere or that he wouldn't understand even if Harry explained.
Once the tour was completed, Harry was brought to a conference room. Daniel left, but assured Harry that General Hammond should be coming by to speak to him soon. But it didn't take long before Harry found himself growing bored. He was contemplating beaming himself to the hangar to brew some potions or something, but before Harry could do so, General Hammond arrived.
After meaningless pleasantries, he tried to talk Harry into forming an alliance with Earth or to provide them with weapons, both of which Harry steadfastly refused to comply with. Harry wasn't sure if it was his age or if he had just become more sensitive about it after his experience with the Tollan Curia, but he found General Hammond to be patronizing. He was respectful and polite, but it was as though he thought he could talk Harry into agreeing with him if he spoke to Harry for long enough to show him the error of his ways.
"You will not be able to convince me," Harry said sharply at last, his patience having been worn thin. "I understand you believe we'll be able to help each other, but in actuality you cannot help me or my people. There is nothing you can provide, nothing that we want, but there is plenty you could gain. That is not an alliance.
"Now, if there is nothing else, I have better things to be doing than sitting here listening to this nonsense."
General Hammond sat silently for a moment. "Give me two days. I will have my people gather the relevant intelligence for you."
Harry gave a curt nod before beaming himself away. He should have just copied whatever was in Dr. Jackson's office. That was a complete waste of my time.
When Harry arrived back at the SGC two days later, it was to the sight of SG-1 departing through the Stargate.
"Lower your weapons!" General Hammond ordered before he came down to meet Harry.
"General," Harry greeted. "Where is SG-1 off to?"
General Hammond paused, but eventually said, "Tollana. They've agreed to give us ion cannons in exchange for trinium."
Harry looked at him in shock. "Seriously? The Tollan ion cannon?"
The General nodded, his expression echoing Harry's misgivings. "We were also surprised, but the ion cannons will be invaluable to Earth's defenses against the Goa'uld motherships."
"Cannons?" Harry asked, having caught the pluralisation.
"Yes. Enough to fully surround Earth."
Harry shook his head. He'd worry about that after. "So do you have the information on the Goa'uld?"
Harry sat at the conference room and looked through the folder. It was rather sparse; even though Harry suspected they held some information back, it was still disheartening to see, for it was clear they didn't have much information on the Goa'uld to begin with. It was more than Harry had though, and that would have to do for now. Perhaps later on he would ask them to arrange for a meeting with the Tok'ra.
"Thank you, General Hammond," Harry said as he closed the folder. "I will be in touch."
With that, Harry beamed himself away to the hangar, intent on getting to Tollana.
Harry arrived on Tollana, only to see greater security forces surrounding the Stargate than he'd previously seen.
"I am here to meet with Narim and SG-1," Harry said, not fazed by the sight of their weapons aimed at him. "They should already be here by now."
One of the guards, having recognized him from his previous visit, nodded to the others and offered to take him to see them.
"Thanks," Harry said, and followed the man.
The building they entered had doors that looked exactly the same as all the others, but clearly there was a way to tell, for the man was soon greeting Narim, and Harry could see SG-1 standing behind him.
"Harry!" Sam, Daniel and Jack said in surprise as "Henrici!" came from Narim.
"I was not expecting you," Narim said as Harry entered his home.
"I was just at the SGC and General Hammond told me what was going on. I decided I had to see it for myself."
Once the guard was dismissed, the group let out sighs of relief. Harry looked at them in puzzlement. "What's going on?"
"Well, there seems to be a conspiracy of some sort within the Tollan Curia," Daniel explained. "We've tagged the trinium to see what they're going to use it for, and we're going to go into Travell's office and access her computer, to see what they're up to."
Narim offered, "Only the highest ranking members of the Curia would have access codes to the security system in the building where Travell's office is located. Omoc was among them and I have his code, assuming it is not deactivated."
Harry shrugged. "Even if it is, I'll be able to get us in."
"Us?" Jack asked.
"You don't think I'm going to let you do this without me, do you? Considering the troubles you lot get into?"
Jack smiled grimly before turning back to his team. "Okay. Daniel, Carter, go with Narim and Harry. Check out Travell's office, see what you come up with. Teal'c and I will track the trinium."
Jack gestured towards the device on Narim's arm. "Um, that's the thing that lets you go through walls, right?"
Narim looked at Jack warily. "Yes."
"Got a couple extra layin' around?"
Narim shook his head. "That would be a violation of-"
"Good!" Jack said, ignoring Narim's protests. "How about weapons?"
"Colonel O'Neill..."
"Just in case," Jack added.
Narim looked extremely perturbed. "You know our security sensors disab-"
"The weapons carried by your security forces remain unaffected," Teal'c pointed out.
Harry stifled the "Go Narim!" that wanted to burst out of him seeing the conflicted expression on Narim's face smooth into determined resolution.
As they made their way towards Travell's office, Harry could practically feel Narim's misgivings.
"If this doesn't work, security will be here in seconds," he warned them.
Harry moved towards the yellow keypad. "Here, let me."
Focusing, Harry used his powers to get the doors to open.
"Nice," Daniel said, "Way to go, Harry."
They moved towards the console, and Narim activated it and began to quickly scroll through the data.
"Here. This is a private communication sent to our chief of science and technology just after the meeting."
Sam couldn't believe what she was reading. "There was no random ion cannon test."
"It says a Goa'uld ship entered orbit, and that the ion cannons fired in defense."
"Ineffectively." Daniel looked at Narim.
Narim's concern and puzzlement was obvious. "I don't see how that could be! Our ion cannons have always been successful against Goa'uld motherships."
"Maybe this Goa'uld has developed shields that make the ion cannons ineffective against them," Harry suggested, and resisted the urge to say 'I told you so'.
"That would be catastrophic! We have no other weapons capable of defending-"
"Wait a second," Sam interrupted them. "This makes no sense. It says despite resisting your attack, the ship left peacefully."
"Yeah, right," Daniel said sarcastically.
"Why would a Goa'uld mothership impervious to your ion cannons just leave?" Sam questioned.
"There must be more," Narim concluded. He searched the records but didn't find any other mention of a Goa'uld ship.
"It must have been discussed off the record after that," Daniel said.
"Well, we know the ion cannons are useless if they won't defend against Goa'uld motherships anymore," Sam commented.
"Which explains why Travell was willing to give us as many as we wanted."
Both Daniel and Sam looked grim. "Let's see if we can find out what the trinium is being used for."
Narim, looking equally as grave, began searching once more.
"Here," he said, and Harry watched as a huge explosion was displayed on the screen.
"Whoa!" Sam said, startled.
"It's a weapon of mass destruction." Narim felt as though he'd been sucker-punched. To see such a thing being built and tested by his own government somehow felt like a huge betrayal.
"So where does the trinium come in?" Harry asked.
"Trinium is required to house any device that generates our phase shift technology."
Daniel exchanged a worried glance with Sam. "Are you saying this bomb is made so it can go through anything?"
"Theoretically, yes." The concerned look on Narim's face faded, replaced with one of relief. "Of course, that must be it! This weapon is intended to replace the ion cannon in defense of our planet."
Sam couldn't let Narim delude himself. "Sorry Narim, but that just doesn't add up. A Goa'uld would never drop by just so you could check out his new shield technology and then go away to give your people time to build a weapon to penetrate it."
"What else could have possibly happened?" Narim exclaimed, unwilling to see the truth.
"Think, Narim!" Harry challenged, but before he could say anything more, Travell and several security officers entered the office.
"Please, lower your weapons. The building is full of security."
Although Harry could have easily disabled them all, he let Carter and Daniel be disarmed. He had to bide his time until he had all the information he wanted. Still, Harry didn't appreciate the manhandling.
"What do you think you're doing, Narim?"
Narim looked furious. "What do you think you are doing," and here he paused, before he said with emphasis, "Chancellor?"
As Travell looked past them, Harry stiffened, and saw Sam doing the same. There was a malevolent presence nearby, something utterly foul – Harry imagined Voldemort might have felt like that.
"She is doing what she must to preserve your world," the evil presence said smugly. Harry realized it was a Goa'uld when its eyes flashed with that eerie glow. As Travell lowered her head in shame, Harry couldn't hold it in anymore.
"You are in league with a Goa'uld?" Harry was unable to hide his disbelief.
"His name is Tanith," Sam supplied.
"Yeah, aren't you supposed to be dead?" Daniel asked in exasperation.
"If you must know-"
"I must," Daniel piped up insolently.
Tanith glared at Daniel but continued. "I had left Apophis's ship in an escape pod long before the sun exploded." He turned to Sam. "Thank you, by the way. In destroying his fleet, you did me a great favour."
Harry tuned them out. He focused his hearing, hoping to pick up Jack and Teal'c.
Unfortunately, Narim, who was standing beside him, suddenly spoke up, breaking Harry's concentration.
"How could you do this?" he demanded of Travell.
"I have done nothing alone, Narim. The Curia is acting in the interest of Tollana."
"You murdered Omoc!"
"Had we not done what we did, there would be no Tollana to speak of," she said defensively.
"And there won't be if you do not fulfill your promise, Chancellor," Tanith said, bringing the focus back on himself.
"Rest assured, we will deliver as promised," Travell replied, though she didn't look at Tanith, as though she couldn't stand to look at him. Harry shared her sentiment. Merely being in the presence of the Goa'uld was making Harry want to take a long hot shower and vigorously scrub himself raw.
"You and the Curia are not in power to make such deals on behalf of the Tollan people. We would rather fight and die than trade our technology to the Goa'uld!" Narim passionately declared.
"I wonder if you would be so quick to make that decision were you in my position."
Harry, who had thus far remained silent, spoke up. "You would not be in this position had you listened to someone other than the supposedly superior Curia – like me, for instance. I cannot believe your foolish arrogance. After selling out your people and millions – maybe billions – of others to the Goa'uld, you still believe you are doing what is best?"
As the startled gazes swung to him, Travell – who had not once glanced at Harry – finally looked at him, though she didn't say a word.
Harry's hearing finally picked up Jack and Teal'c – who were hiding from the Tollan security forces. Knowing they needed to be warned, Harry beamed Sam and Narim away to them. As Tanith snarled in fury, Harry smirked. When Tanith raised his hand device to punish him, Harry blasted him against the wall before summoning Tanith's hand device. Tanith was pulled along with it until he hit the console, and the device was ripped off his arm and landed in Harry's palm.
"Now," said Harry, "How about you all put your weapons away before I take them away?"
Daniel stood over Tanith, the Tollan gun aimed at his head. "Nice work," he said to Harry. "Where did you send Sam and Narim?"
"To Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c."
"You have no idea what you've done," Travell said, her voice wavering.
Harry raised his eyebrow. "What I've done? What I've done?" Harry exclaimed, offended.
"Tanith has a master."
Daniel scoffed. "Of course. He can't have done all this by himself. Apophis dead, fresh out of an escape pod… Of course he would have to ally himself with someone more powerful."
Harry used his powers to force Tanith up against the wall. "So, who are you taking orders from then?"
"Apparently the one he serves has no name," Travell informed them.
"Oh, he has a name. The likes of you are simply forbidden to know it."
Even several feet in the air, the Goa'uld hadn't lost his superior and smug attitude. Harry squeezed him tightly until Tanith had trouble breathing. "You know, I wonder if you will die if your host suffocates," Harry said conversationally. "Now, who is your master?"
"Y-you wi-will pay for th-th-this insolence!" Tanith bit out, his voice hoarse.
Harry sighed. "I so don't have time for this." Harry approached Tanith and looked into the Goa'uld's eyes.
"What are you doing?" Tanith demanded, before he suddenly found himself without a voice.
Harry knew it would be difficult – if not impossible – for him to Legilimens Tanith, but the host was a different matter altogether. Although the Goa'uld controlled his body, his mind was his own, even if there wasn't anything he could do. And once the host – Hebron – knew what it was Harry was looking for, he was eager to help.
It didn't take Harry long before he had all the information he was looking for. "So Anubis, eh?" he asked Tanith once he withdrew from Hebron's mind. He hit Tanith with a Stupefy.
"Harry?" Daniel asked, wondering what had just happened.
"Later, Daniel." Harry discretely put his wand away before he turned towards Travell. "Well, if you wish to avoid the wrath of his master, you'll need to demonstrate your new technology to ensure that it works as expected. You need to send one of these weapons through your Stargate to Earth. He has to make contact with his master in 30 minutes, so you might want to get to it."
Travell looked stunned, her eyes staring at Daniel in horror.
"You knew exactly why you were building these devices and what they would be used for," Daniel reminded her.
"You just didn't expect them to make you pull the trigger," Harry said scornfully.
At that, Travell looked at Harry, who was staring at her devoid of any expression on his face.
"The Goa'uld have no choice. Earth is a protected planet. They can't do it themselves without having to deal with the Asgard," Daniel continued.
"I had no choice either," Travell finally said.
"Liar," Harry spat. "You had a few options. You could have taken my advice months ago when I first came here and warned you that this very thing could happen. Even if you did not wish to protect other human worlds, you could have developed better defenses, at least. After all, the Goa'uld had successfully destroyed your vaunted ion cannons before. But you did not, because you thought you had no equal, that you were superior. That I, despite my skills and knowledge that even the Asgard sought, clearly must have known nothing of value when compared to the genius of the Tollan Curia. But even after you found yourself in trouble, you still did not seek help – from the Asgard, the Nox, not even the humans from Earth. You were willing to risk genocide just to protect your own lives and your own pride. Rather the mighty Tollan Curia continue to claim their vaunted superiority than confess they don't know what to do."
Harry's harsh words and punishing gaze caused Travell to drop her head in shame.
Just then, the door opened and Jack and Teal'c entered, followed by the Tollan guards.
"Hi kids!" Jack said with a smile.
"Where are Sam and Narim?" Daniel asked.
Jack shrugged. "Doing what needs done is my best guess."
When Daniel opened his mouth to undoubtedly ask Jack to clarify, the room shook. "Ah, there it goes."
"What have you done?" Travell demanded.
As the room shook again, Jack turned his steely gaze towards Travell. "A couple of your ion cannons are making sure Earth, and who knows how many other worlds, are safe from that bomb."
Travell dropped her head into her hands in despair. "If they haven't already, the Goa'uld will soon realize that we no longer intend to honour our end of the bargain. Tollana will come under an attack that we cannot hope to defend ourselves against."
Jack turned to Harry. "Anything you can do?"
"My flagship is with Thor, and the ship that I rescued you and Thor in will be of no match to this Anubis's fleet, at least not by itself. Our best bet is to evacuate as many of the Tollans to another world as possible."
"We have a few ships of our own," Narim announced as he and Sam entered the office through the wall. "Even if they can't defend us against the Goa'uld, we may still be able to evacuate our people."
"We don't have time to waste then. Get as many people to the ships and the Stargate as you can; we need to be out of here before this Anubis shows up," Jack ordered.
What happened after that was pure chaos. The planet that was chosen as an evacuation site was one of the planets they had previously considered before choosing Tollana. The good thing about the planet was that it had a Stargate, so that they could also send people through using the Gate rather than having to rely on just their ships. As SG-1 moved to assist Narim in the evacuations, Harry sought out the Curia, because he wanted to ensure the process would be as safe and orderly as possible. To that end, the Tollans had to be informed of the severity of the situation, so that they would follow directions and actually leave their planet. When Harry tracked down the Tollan Curia, however, he was stunned to find they were waiting to board the few Tollan ships that were being mobilized.
Harry shook his head. "You disgust me," he spat. "You are abandoning your people in their hour of need to protect your own hide? I mean if anyone deserves to face the consequences of their stupidity, it's you lot. I am sure there are plenty of more deserving people who should take your spot."
There were no protests of innocence and no indignant cries. They knew their arrogance had put them in this position. Still, they were angry, humiliated and devastated.
One of them eventually responded. "We are the democratically elected leaders of our people; among the most qualified to lead our people through this horrific time-"
"That's debatable, considering this disaster is of your own making. Or do you need to be reminded?" Harry pointed out.
Travell cleared her throat. "This is not the time for recriminations."
Harry snorted. "You still need to tell your people the truth, to make sure they know that the need to evacuate is real. High Chancellor Travell, why don't you do the honours? This way, we can all move forward."
Jack came up to them then. "There you are," he said with exasperation. "The Tollans are refusing to believe the threat is serious, despite Narim's best efforts. Perhaps you should do something about that, Chancellor?"
"Better do it now, Chancellor, before we do it for you."
At Harry's threat, Travell nodded. Harry cast a Sonorus on himself. "The people of Tollana, listen! High Chancellor Travell has something to say."
With that, he cast the charm on Travell and gestured for her to speak. Travell looked resigned, but when she spoke, it was with confidence. She tried to instil as much hope among the people as possible, although Harry doubted it worked.
The announcement from Travell wasn't received well, to say the least. Although a few shot Narim betrayed glances, most were furious with the Curia. After all, had they come forward, perhaps they could have made some contingency plans and more of their people and their world could have been saved. Alas, there wasn't much time remaining. Tollans rushed from wherever they were to the few ships that they had and to the Stargate.
Unfortunately, they had all forgotten something in their hurry: Tanith's ship, which was filled with Jaffa. Tanith was unconscious, floating beside Harry, but they weren't; as soon as they realized the Tollans were planning on escaping – and they couldn't get a hold of their master – they began to fire on the planet. The ships that had just taken off were blown out of the sky; the people lined up by the Stargate were also killed. Many of them activated their phase shift devices to avoid the attacks, although the Gate itself soon became a target.
Harry and SG-1 made their way to the Stargate. Harry opened the wormhole and told SG-1 to go through. "Hurry!"
Sam paused and tried to look for Narim, but a shot that almost hit the Gate caused her to abandon her search and dash through the wormhole. Harry followed, and as he did, he hoped some of the Tollans managed to survive.