"Oh Elsa, if you could just… Just meet him." Anna said sipping from her coffee cup. Elsa laughed and rolled her eyes at her younger sister.

"Meet him? Anna, you haven't even met him yet." She reminded her. Anna sighed and looked at the thin air like there was some movie going on. In her mind, there was. She collapsed her hands together and rested her cheek against her arms.

"Oh but he's so… Handsome." She said dreamily. Elsa laughed and was joined by a chuckle from Kristoff as he came in behind them.

"Still rambling about this Hans character?" He asked Elsa as he filled her cup with some water. They both stared helplessly at the red head before she snapped back into reality and looked from blond to blond.

"What?" She asked making them both laugh again. "Laugh all you want… But at our wedding, you will not be invited. Either of you." Anna threatened getting to her feet.

"Good, I don't want to be there." Kristoff replied. "Where you going?" He asked her. Elsa bit her bottom lip, looking up at Kristoff wondering how he was taking the whole Anna having a crush on someone else. She was the only one who knew that he had been crushing on Anna for as long as she could remember. She imagined he wasn't taking this well.

For week's Anna wouldn't shut up about Hans. Apparently she had met him while in school. He was a senior while Anna only being a sophomore. Anna had never spoken to this guy but she swore they were meant to be. Elsa was a little worried about how far Anna was taking this or how far she planned to take it. She personally felt that Kristoff and her little sister would make the cutest couple. But Anna had never said anything about liking Elsa's best friend.

"I have to go to the library. To get caught up on some work. See you guy's later?" Anna asked them tossing her cup into a nearby trash can. Kristoff nodded and smiled at her before she made her way out the door and his smiled dropped. He set the pitcher of water down and sat where Anna had been sitting before.

"Oh, don't pout." Elsa pleaded. Kristoff looked up at her with his chocolate brown eyes and she couldn't help but feel bad for him. Poor guy put up with all of Anna's helpless crushes that never led anywhere. "You know… You could always tell her that you like her." She pointed out. She let out a short humor less laugh.

"No way. Elsa, I cannot do that. Ever. And you can't say anything. Ever." He told her with all seriousness. "And besides. What's the point? It seems like she's very caught up with this Hans character." He said, slumping in the wooden chair. His boss would probably get onto him for sitting on the job but at this point that worry was not in his head.

"Okay, okay. Fine. I won't tell her. But you should know that I do not approve of it. What if she feels the same way?" She asked. Kristoff looked at her.

"You're her sister. You guy's tell each other everything. Has she ever said anything about me? Like, at all?" He asked. She pressed her red lips into a thin line and looked away from him. No, Anna had never said anything about Kristoff. But that's because she doesn't know how he feels! "Exactly." He grumbled.

"I don't know what to tell you." Elsa said.

When Elsa got home later that day the house seemed quiet. Since her parent's passed away it had been quiet and she found it uncomfortable sometimes. But if Anna was home usually there'd be music playing to loud or something to fill the quiet. Elsa knew it bothered Anna to, and she definitely did something about it.

"Anna!" Elsa called setting her purse and key's on the table and making her way to the kitchen. "Anna, what do you think we should have to dinner? Grace is gone tonight. This means I'm cooking!" She felt like she had to yell. If Anna was in her room then she was all the way up stairs. Kristoff had gotten off early and they had sat for a while talking about random nothing's. They could do that so often they lose track of time so easily. She had known Kristoff for a while now.

They were the same age and went to school together. The first time they met was when they did a physics project together their freshmen year. Kristoff had to come over so they could get some last minute things and he immediately fell in love with her little sister, Anna. Of course, Elsa didn't know it at first. They weren't really close until their sophomore year.

Both of them were shy and awkward so it was hard to work together. But in her sophomore year Elsa was made fun of a lot and once when it got out of hand Kristoff had stepped in. Then they started hanging out more and bonded over a lot of things. They could talk for hours and Kristoff could make her smile. She was never picked on again at school. She had to admit, for a while she had a crush on Kristoff but it quickly faded after a while. By the time she found out he was crushing on Anna she had been trying to get them to bond but it never worked.

Kristoff and Anna were so different it was hard to find thing's to talk about with the two. Kristoff was so shy and grumpy all the time and Anna was so outgoing and bubbly and loud. Maybe she could bring Kristoff out of his shell that he hides in constantly. Of he would just talk to her!

"Elsa! Elsa!" She jumped at the sound of Anna's voice coming from the living room. It slowly made its way to the kitchen. Anna was grinning ear to ear. Her eye's bright with excitement and her face practically glowing.

"What is it?" Elsa asked her almost worried about it. Anna leaned against the counted after snatching water from the fridge and sipping from it.

"It's Hans! He's so kind! Oh god, Elsa. Now you have to meet him. And his eyes are so much prettier when up close and…"

"Anna… Anna, slow down. I don't understand what you're talking about. What's going on?" She asked holding up her hand before she could go one rambling again. "Take it slow." Elsa pleaded. When she placed her hand back at her side Anna took in a deep breath but the smile never disappeared from her beautiful freckled face.

"After I left the coffee shop I went to the Library to get caught up on some work like I said I was going to do. And while I was there I ran into him. Elsa, I was so scared. I didn't know what to say to him but…"

"Hans. Him being Hans, right?" Elsa asked. Anna nodded but barely had time to before she started talking again.

"I ran into him by accident in the Nonfiction section and then we started talking. He was getting caught up on some work as well. What luck that we were both there at the same time, huh?" Anna asked.

"Must be meant to be." She muttered though she didn't mean it. Not that it mattered. Anna had already started talking again.

"So he asked me what class I was working on and I told him Biology and he said he was really good at science so he came to help but we totally didn't do any work! Elsa, he's from Arkansas. And he has a lot of siblings. I forgot how many he said. But he said he's not close to any of them. So he decided to move down here. He's new to the school which I found suppressing because he has so many friends. After that he asked if I would go out with him. For coffee. I thought I'd take him to where Kristoff worked but I was afraid he might embarrass me he does that a lot…"

As she went on talking about how they had a wonderful conversation and how she spent the whole day with Hans talking about anything and everything about both of their lives Elsa started on Dinner. She decided spaghetti was good for tonight. It was easy and fast. After Anna was finally done with talking about their conversations at a coffee shop Elsa had never heard of she was at the table with her head in her hands.

"After we got done with our coffee, which I didn't drink any of mine because I just had coffee, He took me to this place where we sat on a high wall and watched the sun go down together…"

"Cliché romance. Good job Hans." Elsa mumbled, unimpressed.

"And then something crazy happened! Elsa, he kissed me and…" Elsa dropped the plates she had been carrying to the table making them shatter all over the floor. Anna yelped and stopped talking.

"He kissed you?" Elsa asked, looking at her little sister concerned. The broken plates on the floor were no concern to her at the moment. Anna looked from the plates back to Elsa.

"Yeah? Why is that so shocking?" Anna asked getting to her feet and stepping over the glass carefully and got the broom from the closet. Elsa felt anger boil up inside her.

"Anna, you just met this guy. You know nothing about him. He knows nothing about you except you're two years younger! He can't kiss you!" Elsa shouted snatching the broom from her sister's hands. She had a habit of cleaning everything she could when she was angry. Anna though was beyond confused.

"Elsa, what are you talking about? Why do you get any say in who is able to kiss me and what he knows about me? We talked for hours! I know tons of stuff about him!"

"You don't even know his last name Anna!" Elsa yelled stuffing broken glass in a trash bag. "You know absolutely nothing about him and I will not allow you to date someone that much older then you! Forget about it!" She yelled. She knew she was just saying that because she was always thinking about how cute Kristoff and Anna would be together but she knew Kristoff well. She knew he wasn't going to break Anna into a million pieces.

"It doesn't matter how old he is Elsa! Why do you get to decide who I get to date? This isn't your life, Elsa! You're not my mom!" Anna imminently regretted the word's once they left her mouth but she couldn't take them back. Her face was red like it always was when she got mad. Elsa had her back turned to the redhead and she let out a sigh, closing her eyes and letting the pain pass with thoughts of her mother racing through her mind.

"No, I guess I'm not." Elsa muttered. "But I am older then you. And I know how these things work…"

"How? You've never even had a boyfriend! You know nothing about love!" Anna yelled. Elsa turned to her and couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips.

"Love? Anna, please." She rolled her eyes and finished cleaning the mess she made. Anna scoffed and rolled her eyes at her sister.

"What?" She asked.

"You don't love Hans. It's just a crush. It's gonna pass and you're just going to end up hurt. Trust me." Elsa said.

"Trust you? How can I trust you? You've never been in love! You never even talk to anyone but Kristoff. Elsa you don't even know me! How do you know if I'm not in love with Hans? You're so pushy! You think you know everything about everyone but you don't!"

"Me?" Elsa narrowed her eyes. "I'm just trying to protect you, Anna!"

"Yeah? Well stop! I'm tired of you trying to 'protect' me. I'm not a child, you know. I don't need your help. In fact, I'd be so much better off without you!" Anna pressed past her sister, they were both just mad. Elsa knew Anna was just saying it, she didn't mean it. But it hurt like hell. Elsa felt tears well up in her eyes and she couldn't help but feel helpless.

"If that's how you feel then I'll leave." Elsa muttered not facing Anna.

"Good riddance." Muttered Anna. Elsa felt a stab of pain in her stomach. She picked up her purse and phone and her keys off the table. She needed to breathe. She needed to go at least for a little while. She ran to the living room and for the front door. She half wanted Anna to run after her apologizing and begging her not to go. But she never did. So Elsa got in her car and drove off. She didn't know where she was going. Anywhere but this house at the moment.

After a while of just sitting at the table, unable to eat, Anna grabbed her cell phone and dialed her sister's number multiple times. But she never picked up. She left tons of voice mails but she never got an answer. Finally, Anna gave up and called Kristoff.

"Hello?" He answered, sounding tired. Anna knew he had just woken up from a nap and she felt bad for waking him up. But she couldn't help the sob that escaped her lips. This was all her fault. "Anna? Anna what's the matter?" He asked her.

"It's Elsa. God, Kristoff we had a fight and she left… I don't know where she went… She won't answer the phone… I… She took the car… I don't know what to do." Anna cried. Kristoff couldn't help but feel his heart shatter into a million pieces when he heard her cry. He would do anything to hold her and make it go away. To be able to hold her at all.

"Okay. Anna, calm down. I'm sure she's fine. What did you guy's fight about?" He asked pressing the phone between his shoulder and his cheek so he could slip on his regular pants and not PJ pants.

"I don't know, Kristoff. I'm worried. W-what if… What if she… Starts again? It would be all my fault." Anna sniffled.

"Anna, no. That's not going to happen again. And even if it did… It wouldn't be your fault. Anna, I'm coming over. Don't you dear leave your house. Stay right there. We'll figure it out when I get there." He told her.

"Alright." Anna sucked in a breath and held it. She didn't know what she would do if she lost Elsa like she lost her the last time. She couldn't do it. Not again.



"Everything's going to be alright." Kristoff promised to her softly.

Just minutes later, Kristoff drove up Anna's driveway where she was waiting on the front porch. Her head in her hands. She looked up when the car door shut. She stood to her feet and through her arms around Kristoff's neck but willed herself to hold back her tears.

"It's all my fault." She muttered. He was shocked and for a moment he didn't know what to do. But then he relaxed and hugged her small body to his own. He closed his eye's taking this moment in while he could. He didn't know if he'd ever been close to her like this.

"Tell me what happened." He muttered, pulling away. She nodded and they went inside together.

Elsa always seems to run to alcohol when things get tough. She wants to forget so she turns to the one thing that will help her wipe away the memory. She is never herself after just a couple of drinks. The first time Anna found Elsa drunk she had not only been drinking but she had been hurting herself. Scars on her arms and some on her legs. It was after their parent's died. The morning after she was sick and stayed in all day. Elsa didn't necessarily like to talk a whole lot. So she just didn't.

She was found by one of the cop's in town and brought back home. She had tried to drive home and almost wrecked. Elsa blabbered about how she wanted to crash and how that was her intention. She yelled and they had fought. Until she finally went to bed. Anna found that Elsa hadn't stopped the self-harm even after she stopped drinking. Sometimes she still saw the scares on her arms. She didn't know how to stop them from appearing on her sister's pale body.

"We just argued and then I told her I didn't need her. Kristoff, I didn't mean it. I was angry. She is always trying to control me…"

"Protect you. Anna, she's trying to protect you. She has a point. What do you know about Hans anyway?" He asked.

"Lot's. We talked all night."

"A relationship takes more than just a night to develop-"

"For some people." Anna muttered harshly.

"Okay. What else?" He asked not wanting to start an argument with her now. She didn't need it tonight. But he did hope that Anna would see that this thing she has with Hans isn't real. Even if Anna wasn't into him he wanted her to be with someone that wasn't going to hurt her and he was so convinced that Hans would.

"After I told her that I didn't need her she said that she'd leave and I told her to leave. And… She did. This is all my fault. She's going to kill herself and it's going to be my fault. We have to find her." Kristoff wanted to take her hand or catch her eye or hug her again but he couldn't. Instead he ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"Let's go look for her, shall we?" He asked.

"She finds a different bar every night Kristoff, how are we going to find her?" She asked. He got to his feet and she followed soon after following him to the door.

"I don't know. But we're going to find her. Anna, everything's going to be fine. It always is." He told her.

When they finally pulled up to Kronic's Bar where they found Elsa's car parked Anna had managed to calm herself down. She was nervous. She couldn't sit still bouncing her leg and biting on her bottom lip every once in a while muttering how this was all her fault. All the while Kristoff was calling her cell phone. But there was never an answer. Once they were parked Anna jumped from her seat slamming the door behind her and first going to her car. She opened the front door and slipped inside and picked up Elsa's phone from the middle.

"At least we know she wasn't ignoring us." Anna muttered looking up at Kristoff and shrugging her shoulders. Anna slipped from the car taking Elsa's phone with her and then they made their way inside. She looked around and eventually asked if anyone had seen her.

"Tall, blond, pale. It's really light blond. Bright blue eyes." Anna said, desperate for someone to say they had seen her. When Anna slipped into the girl's bathroom while Kristoff was searching for her elsewhere Anna found Elsa sitting in the corner, her knees pulled to her chest and her pale face bright red and stained with tears. "Oh, Elsa." Anna muttered softly.

"I'm not drunk." Elsa muttered softly. Anna kneeled next to her. "I thought about it though. You didn't mean it. Anna, you didn't mean it. I know that. So I didn't drink." She said simply shrugging her shoulders.

"I didn't mean it. I wouldn't be better off without you. Elsa, I don't even know how to cook Ramen." Anna muttered and Elsa cracked a smile. "I'd probably burn the water or something. Set the house on fire." Elsa laughed softly and it was so great to see her smile.

"That's what Grace is for." Elsa muttered.

"I never liked Grace's noodles." Anna said making her laugh again. She pressed her lips in a then line and then sighed. "Kristoff is outside. We better go tell him you're okay." She got to her feet lending a hand to Elsa and helping her back to her feet.

"You called Kristoff?" Elsa asked a little embarrassed that her best friend would have to see her like this. It wasn't the first time and he's seen her at her worse. But this time she'd remember it. He'd probably be disappointed.

They reunited with Kristoff and went outside. Anna gave Elsa her phone back.

"I think I should drive her home." Anna muttered crossing her arm's over her chest and hugging herself to keep the cold away. "I don't think she's in the best condition to drive." She said glancing at Elsa where she was leaned against the white colored car. Kristoff nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, of course." Anna looked from Elsa back to Kristoff and smiled softly.

"Thank you for helping me." Anna said. Kristoff smiled and thanked that it was so dark outside or she might have caught the blush keeping on his cheeks. Anna's figure was barley visible in this kind of day but she was still as beautiful as ever. Her bright eye's reflecting the moon light.

"Anytime, princess." Kristoff said.