Author's note:
So, the last chapter is here, guys! :) Thank you all for your reviews on the last one, I know that this story is a bit frustrating (and trust me, you will want to shoot me on the end) but I love to write such things. :D
As for your wishes and pleas to get them together, read the second part of the A/N below the chapter.
Thank all my loyal readers and reviewers – Athenalarissa, Azucar (Sugar), Celestrial Moon, Com2meZT, Mine1986, Miss Suave, ncistivafanforever, Tivaheartbreak, trixie111, Sue Dooley, VendelaGraci and of course BertandTiva (Eve)! You're wonderful and terrific people who always read and review my stories and I'm so grateful to you for all the feedback! :)
Thanks also to other people who reviewed, followed or favorited this story as well as just stopped by to read. It was a wonderful ride with you again and I'm looking forward to meet with you in a new story of mine I'm currently writing. :) Thank you so much for your expressed support and just for everything, you're amazing!
Now, on with the chapter – welcome to the inevitable fallout... :)
I do not own NCIS or the characters, neither do I own Pretty Woman.
Chapter 7
"Eight years... Eight freaking years... I longed for this..." She sighed dreamily, still not able to come up with some intelligible sentence. Her dream, her wishes, her craving – it was finally satisfied. Vast majority of what she felt towards him since the day they've met, no matter whether it had sexual subtext or not, was fulfilled. It was hell of a time to get to this point but it surpassed all her expectations.
Tony's face held an expression of surprise at first, feeling truly flattered and rather astonished that she wanted him for so long. After all those years when he asked himself whether it was just him who physically desired her, whether she even thought about him this way and whether all the teasing and flirty-banter wasn't just imagined, he finally got his proof that she felt the same all along.
He couldn't help the smile that crept into his face, replacing the amazement there. He felt flattered, pleased and acclaimed because to know with certainty that the desire for one another was mutual, was indescribably wonderful feeling. Furthermore, she didn't try to hide it anymore, she accepted it and admitted it unabashedly and that meant she didn't think it was wrong.
Ziva meanwhile pulled herself together enough to attempt to sit up, hoping her arms won't betray her because she was still rather weak and dazed. It felt so unbelievable what one powerful orgasm could do to her, especially when it was provided by the man she wanted so much and for such a long time. She knew she couldn't forget about this night ever in her life. Especially when she didn't have too many pleasant memories and this one was one of the nicest memories she could even remember.
"Not to mention that these two last months were living hell." She remarked with a sigh while trying to lift her flabby body up, accusing him of making her feel horny for more than sixty days and forcing her to throw herself at him countless times before he finally yielded. Not in a way she exactly wanted but still.
She accepted his hand he offered to her to help her to get into the sitting position as she was finally able to unglue her body from the piano and sit up straight, hiding her lap from him because she put her legs back together. She raked her hair and wiped off the beads of sweat on her forehead as a result of her fighting against her release. The dizziness still lasted so she closed her eyes for a little while to make the blood flow properly in her head.
Her brain finally started to work thanks to it and she suddenly realized that he didn't say anything and the silence was killing her. Sure, there was still the storm outside but it seemed it was slowly calming down – the thunderbolts were just occasional and the rain wasn't that intensive as it was. It was like if the intensity of the storm went hand in hand with her effort to get what she wanted. And now when she was finally satisfied, the storm was subsiding.
She blinked with her eyes and opened them, immediately locking her gaze with his. She didn't have to wonder anymore why he kept his mouth shut because the emotions were written all over his face. She saw the uncertainty, the hesitance and the sudden self-consciousness very clearly and it didn't take her long to realize he didn't know how to behave now. That he wasn't sure what he could and couldn't do or say, that she will probably want more or on the contrary – order to him to forget about it all.
She had to smile at his face and how he looked so timid and tentative because it was totally adorable. He had almost the puppy's eyes look she secretly loved so much and that always softened her usually strong attitude. It was also an assuring smile because she wanted him to know that she appreciated a lot what he just did and that she definitely didn't plan to behave to him somewhat angrily but actually the other way around – she wanted to swallow him with gratitude.
She raised her hand and reached with it into his hair, weaving it lovingly and gratefully, the smile never leaving her face. She wanted to assure him that he didn't have anything to worry about and in this case she was sure that actions were better than words. Words could cause some argument and she didn't want to argue with him, not to mention that she didn't even have the strength to discuss anything.
He closed his eyes for a moment, purring in delight when he felt her fingers to play with his hair and opened them again to look at her when she spoke up. "Thank you." She told him, slipping her fingers on his ear and cheek, watching him intently and smiling at him sweetly. She even rather voiced her appreciation, just to make things clear, because she knew this was a huge sacrifice from him.
Tony cracked a smile when he realized that he didn't have to worry, at least in this very moment and leaned unconsciously into her caresses. "You're welcome." He replied, his eyes again shining with their usual twinkling sparkle, revealing that he actually liked very much what he did and that he didn't regret it.
It sort of boosted her hopes again – not that she was still horny but she didn't want to give up of her greatest desire. She sent him another smile and shifted her fingers on his lips, tracing the skin on them in attempt to memorize every detail. It was the very same mouth which provided her the unbelievable pleasure and all she knew was that she wanted to kiss it, not to find out whether his kiss still felt the same but because she wanted to express her thanks also to this part of his body which he was able to so marvelously use.
She tilted her head and started to lean down for a kiss, her eyes travelling between his eyes and lips to show him her intention. He saw it and even though he wanted to kiss her as well, he was still afraid of it. He was scared of the reaction that might be caused by it so he rather pulled away a little bit and tried to look completely normal like if nothing serious happened.
"Actually, it's I who should say thank you." He said quickly when she didn't stop her movements and continued to bring her head closer to his.
She postponed her plan for a little while but still remained in her current position, wrapping her hands around his neck to be sure he won't try to escape. She was just curious for what he wanted to thank her since it was her she got something from him after she begged him to do it. In her eyes he didn't have anything to thank for, he could reject her and leave her, he didn't have to care about her suffering. Yet, he did and for that she was thankful.
"Really? How's that?" She asked him curiously, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck, watching as another wave of uncertainty and probably fear washed over him. It was obvious he wanted to prevent her from kissing him and that's why he said what he said.
"Hey, I'm the movie fan here." He laughed nervously, trying to come up with something very quickly and ignore her luscious voice that was still darkened with the lust.
"And uh... this particular scene from Pretty Woman is actually my favorite." He added, hinting again how much this situation resembled to the movie they've both seen numerous times.
She giggled which was something he totally didn't expect but had to return the smile because he loved when she was so relaxed and so natural. It was a rare occasion when he saw her like that, without any sign of inner misery or that she was haunted by some past memories or nightmares. And it made him feel a lot better that it was him who was able to make her to forget about it all, even for a little while.
"I'm glad I helped to fulfill one of your fantasies then." She said, licking her lips seductively and wondering what other fantasies he had about her and whether they resembled to hers when it came to him.
His heart almost stopped as set of rather nasty images appeared in his head out of nowhere. She didn't even have any idea what was sometimes happening in the mind of his. How shameless, depraved and smutty situations he envisioned when he looked at her or just thought about her. His sexual fantasies regarding her were always rather rich and colorful and truth to be told that to make her scream his name while experiencing the pleasure on his piano really was one of his fantasies.
He watched completely stunned how she darted her tongue out and moistened her lips properly, inching her face and their mouths even closer. He couldn't help it and started to lean in for a kiss as well because it seemed as a wonderful idea after all. They both wanted it and he stopped to think about some consequences since his mind was preoccupied with steamy thoughts.
Their lips met with a surge of electricity and Ziva didn't hesitate to set the pace in which they moved their mouths against each other. Her soft moan didn't escape his notice and it encouraged him to use his hands. Since her hair fell over her head, he tried to remove them out of his face, tucking them behind her ears. But he took his time, he enjoyed the smoothness of it between his fingers because he loved her untamed brown curls.
He palmed her cheeks and let out a moan of himself when he deepened the kiss while she raked her fingers across his skull, down on his neck and then back up. She was arousing such amazing sensations in him, he couldn't quite comprehend it. The love for her streamed through his veins ceaselessly and even though he knew she was kissing him just to thank him for what he just did for her, he couldn't stop the feeling that there was something more behind it.
That passion, the effort and the energy she was spending to show him her gratitude was insinuating something deeper, something more significant than pure lust. He couldn't be mistaken, he was practically one hundred percent sure of it. His heart jumped with joy but he knew he had to keep himself down and not to start pushing her about the unresolved issue between them. This night wasn't about it, it was more about her gratification by which he could show her that the thing between them wasn't meaningless.
She moaned deeply when he took the initiative and opened her mouth to him completely when his tongue demanded the entrance. His magnificent and skilful tongue intertwined with hers and she had a hard time to keep herself sitting on the piano. She almost fell down into his lap because she was leaning her whole upper bodily part to him so she could enjoy the kiss as much as possible.
Moreover, he grabbed her by her neck and with the change of the angle he was pulling her head down more forcefully. She put her hands on his shoulders to prevent herself from crashing down into his crotch even though she wanted it like nothing else. But this kiss was about thanking him, not seducing him. She could try that later. And judging by the ferocity he was giving into the kiss, she had a chance to be successful.
Tony sensed that it was getting out of his hands, that he was enjoying this kiss too much than it was appropriate. But he couldn't help himself, her lips were sinfully addicting and he would do anything in the world or give up of everything he owned just to taste them again. His lungs were burning as they screamed for the so much needed oxygen but he couldn't bring himself to inhale properly.
In the moment he almost resigned and reconciled with the fact she will probably end up on him and in his bed, both naked of course, she suddenly saved him from his own overactive filthy imagination by breaking the kiss. His body welcomed the fresh air and he felt as she took a deep breath as well. He expected she will start to drink his lips again but another kiss didn't come.
He opened his eyes and looked at her, realizing she was watching him with a silly face. "You are one of a kind, Anthony DiNozzo." She breathed out with a sigh, expressing her gratefulness over his previous actions.
She highly doubted that any other man would be able to sacrifice himself so much, leave his feelings behind and give her what she so much desired and not seeking or demanding anything in return. It was selfless fulfillment of her own selfish plea. He did it without any ulterior motives, he did it just because he wasn't able to stand when she was suffering, he did what she asked him to do just because that was what he always did.
He chuckled delightedly because it flattered him a lot and nuzzled her nose with his own. He would do anything for her because he loved her and even though it pained him not to know whether she felt the same or that she was afraid of letting it go, he didn't have the heart to deny her anything. He knew it was probably wrong, that he should have more respect to himself but love was blind.
He winked at her and smiled at her in his typical DiNozzo way as an answer because he couldn't find the right words how to express himself better. She smiled back at him in return, her fingers shifting on the nape of his neck and toying with his hair playfully. He noticed her greedy look as another wave of desire washed over her and all she could look at, were his lips.
His face turned serious when he realized she will probably try to kiss him again which she did immediately after the realization dawned on him. She didn't give him any chance to defy, she just attached her lips to his and started kissing him with a renewed passion and uncontrollable vigor. The only possibility he had, was to comply with her wish and submit to it but he was still on alert, ready to stop her if it took some direction he wouldn't love to follow.
She moved up on the piano without breaking the kiss so she was sitting right in front of him and she spread her legs again to get a better access to his mouth. Her fingers buried into his hair and he moaned in pleasure. She took advantage of it and shoved her tongue into his mouth without asking for permission. He could just grip her neck but immediately loosened the clench since he didn't want to leave any marks on her delicious throat.
The moaning she started with every movement of her lips against his, pointing out her need for him with the way how their tongues battled for dominance and the vibrating sounds it was causing, made him realize that she turned into a seductress again. She wanted to make him to give in to the temptation because she was pretty aware that he had to have some problems with his self-control. She wanted to take advantage of his vulnerable state.
But he couldn't let her to do it even though his body screamed for her. He gave her what she needed, this would be just some icing on the cake they both longed for but the fact he provided her with the satisfaction didn't mean he was willing to cross the line. He still had some dignity and he wasn't that weak to yield. His feelings for her were strong and after what just happened between them, they were even stronger.
So he managed to unglue her mouth from his for a little while. "Ziva..." He tried it but was silenced immediately by another kiss because she apparently wasn't interested in what he wanted to say. All that had some meaning for her was his mouth.
His stubbornness, however, didn't let him to give up so easily and he again used his strength to unstuck her from his face. "I think..." It was the only thing he let out of his mouth as she whimpered whiningly, took him by his chin and kissed him rather violently, not giving him a chance to pull back.
It was like if she found her new favorite meal because she obstinately refused to give up his lips. She relentlessly continued to devour them, biting them, tracing her tongue across them like if it was the most scrumptious dessert in the world. She couldn't stop herself even if she wanted, she totally lost herself in the sensations she was experiencing thanks to his luscious kiss because in her opinion – his kiss was the best thing she has ever had the chance to taste.
She was getting out of control, not even her need for the oxygen didn't interested her enough to let go of his mouth. Tony, however, began have problems with breathing. She was secured to his lips and probably even some kind of crowbar wasn't able to pry her off. He tried to moan in protest to give her a sign that he needed to breathe but she just swallowed it all, reaching with her tongue deeper inside his throat.
But her primal instincts kicked in as her head started to spin without the fresh air in her lungs and her brain and she reluctantly broke the kiss with a smack. They were both breathing heavily, sucking in the precious air they both so much needed for living. Nonetheless, the way she massaged the nape of his neck gave him a certainty that she wasn't entirely done with him.
So he made use of this opportunity when she finally came to her senses for a little while and tried to speak up. "We should... Go to..." He managed to say between deep breaths, continuing in his sentence he started few seconds ago but she didn't let him to finish. In the moment she registered he was trying to tell her something, her hot moist mouth was on his, interrupting him again.
But this time he didn't relent, he was determined to finally put an end to this. He understood she wanted to kiss him to express her thanks but this was crossing the line he didn't want to overstep. He had to again remind her that they were playing according to his rules and he was supposed to be the one in control. She obviously wasn't the reasonable one tonight so he had to play the role of the person with the responsibility.
He pushed her away from him rather roughly and forcibly to show her that she had to stop with her current actions and that he meant it totally seriously. "Go to sleep." He said with firm determination, holding her neck to thwart her possible attempt of kissing him.
Ziva just whimpered because she missed his swollen toothsome lips immediately, her mind totally blank because all she could think about was how to have a taste even more from the depths of his mouth. Even though she got what she wanted and she wasn't so horny anymore, her need for him however grew. After the satisfaction he just gave her, she realized she could live from it for the rest of her life but she also wanted more.
She started to wonder what was behind his behavior and why he shoved her away like that. Then her ears caught the word 'sleep' and she immediately grinned, ignoring his hands on her neck. "Yeah, sleep. Together." She breathed out, her voice thickened by the lust as her heart threatened to explode with the joy that he finally yielded and wanted to go with this further.
However, she got a very cold shower when he took her hands, unwrapped it from around his neck and put them between their bodies as he disapprovingly shook with his head. "Just to sleep." He clarified sternly, putting an emphasis on the first word to show her that this little game between them just ended. He was tired of it, really.
Her excitement cooled down and her brain again started to work thanks to it. The desire disappeared from her eyes and was replaced by hurt that pierced through her heart. It was painful rejection, a horrible one but she knew she couldn't blame him. She completely stopped control herself and unfortunately, he still knew how great mistake it would be if they actually slept together.
She yanked out her hands from his grip and straightened back up. "Right. Just to sleep." She confirmed fretfully, embracing her body with her arms in attempt to protect herself because she suddenly felt very cold and very vulnerable.
She was mad and hurt, but she was angry mostly at herself. Not that she regretted what happened few minutes ago, never in her life. She practically forced him to do it and she couldn't be happier with it because it was truly an amazing experience but she was constantly getting her hopes up. She was so hopeful of him changing his opinion that the rejection was always even more devastating than the previous one. She was harming herself because she couldn't help herself from wanting him.
She averted her gaze from his, absently flitting her eyes all over his apartment, avoiding purposely his face. She didn't want him to know about her pain because it wasn't fair to him. He would probably blame himself and truth to be told – it was primarily him who was hurting here. Her pain had a different and shallow meaning, not like in his case of unknowing whether she loved him back.
Her body shivered because she didn't feel the warmth anymore and her arms instinctively started to rub her goose bumped skin. Tony watched her with interest, sensing that the rejection affected her very much but he didn't have any other choice. She didn't give him any, it was the only way how he could stop her. He wondered whether she was offended as well, judging by her effort not to meet his eyes.
"Will you be able to walk?" He asked her after few seconds of silence, caressing her calf once again because he just couldn't resist doing it. Since she didn't seem to have any intention to leave the piano, feeling totally comfortable with sitting on it, he thought that she might have problems with walking.
Her head immediately snapped at him, looking rather insulted and watching him in surprise. "I hope so." She replied impudently, her eyes studying him carefully and wondering how far his selfishness could go. Odd thought, granted by her own egoism she showed this night.
Sure, he gave her an unforgettable satisfaction but that didn't mean her world turned upside down. She was still a consenting adult, completely capable of doing anything. She didn't need some kind of protection or support, she was able to do everything by herself. And the fact she let him to do what she let him to do, didn't mean she will melt everytime he looks at her. On the contrary, she was ready to pour cold water on him, just in case he would think highly of himself.
"And don't flatter yourself so much." She barked at him and disgustedly looked away. Now, she was even mad at him because after what had happened between them tonight, he just had to return back to his 'I'm-the-only-man-in-the-world' character. Like if he was the only man who could make her feel like that.
Tony knew very well that in this state she was currently in, it was better not to irritate her. He didn't know what exactly was behind her sudden coldness and whether it was really aimed at him or whether she was just angry with herself but all he wanted was her comfort. He didn't mean it badly or that he was bragging about himself, he was just worried whether she was OK.
But he rather gave in, holding up his hands in defeat, giving her a silent apologize that he even dared to ask. He wanted to cherish the memory on this night and argument wasn't really something he would like to start. He pushed away the bench and stood up with a resigned sigh, hoping that she will let him go to sleep without any other advances or propositions.
His legs lead him to the other side of the piano, offering his hand to her as a support, just in case she would need some. She watched him closely but still avoided his eyes and turned her head away scornfully at his gentlemanlike gesture. It all made her angry even more and she was even angrier because she couldn't detect the right reason of her sudden anger.
She was just angry with the whole world – mainly with herself because she couldn't stop herself from wanting him and for hoping that he will yield and give her the satisfaction in a way she so much wanted. She was mad at him for that he was constantly rejecting her and yet he was still so irresistible, so nice to her and so attentive. She was mad at the weather because the storm outside primarily caused that she had to stay in his apartment which gave her numerous opportunities to proposition herself to him.
She put her hands on the piano to lean against them as she carefully lifted one of her legs and shifted it on the bench, moving up closer to the edge of the piano and preparing herself for the standing up. Despite her claims that she won't have any problems with walking or moving in general, her body was still rather immobile and that annoyed her to no end since she was irritated and didn't want to give him some form of satisfaction in showing him how much she was affected with the gratification he was able to give her.
Tony just watched her with amused smirk, hiding it behind his hand on his mouth even though she wasn't looking at him and rather decided to completely ignore him. It was obvious that she had problems with getting her body to work because if she was able to move normally, she wouldn't try to stand up so cautiously. But he let her to fight this battle alone, still on alert just in case she would need some help. He wasn't that cruel after all.
Ziva huffed triumphantly when she put the second leg of hers on the bench but immediately furrowed her eyebrows contemplatively. She wanted so much to try whether her legs were able to keep her standing but like that she would concede that the impact of her orgasm was greater than she was admitting. And she didn't want to let him to know it.
She fidgeted around on the piano for a while, trying to ignore his eyes on her back and giving her legs a bit of time to get ready. When she concluded that she had enough energy to make it, she gathered her strength and started to rise her body up. It went surprisingly well and she thought she was successful until she shifted her weight on her legs. Her knees buckled immediately as well as her disloyal hands and she almost fell on the ground if it wasn't for the brake in the form of the piano keys.
"Whoa, take it easy." Tony exclaimed worriedly and didn't hesitate to offer his apparently very much necessary help.
He was immediately at her side, grabbing her by her waist and providing her the needed support. She didn't have the strength to fight with him, she was too surprised how her body surrendered without a struggle to the effect of her release. She vaguely registered that he helped her to slide down from the piano keys on the bench to sit down on it so she would have something solid beneath her.
Maybe it was time for her to admit openly that her world actually turned upside down thanks to what happened between them tonight. That she was shaken to the core by it and she will never forget it in her life. That she will melt everytime he looks at her and not only that because it was exactly what was happening to her right now. She totally melted in his arms as he tried to do his best to help her sit.
She hated her treacherous body for how it was reacting to his closeness – another wave of arousal shot through her like a bolt out of the blue when she felt his hands to soothingly caress her in attempt to comfort her. Her anger vanished in a blink of an eye and she let herself to be worshipped by him in this amazing way. She unconsciously drew him up to her, forcing him to sit down next to her as he completely wrapped her into his embrace.
"OK, maybe do flatter yourself so much." She murmured, hiding her face into the crook of his neck shyly, reveling in the warmth of his body.
Tony just smiled knowingly and only kissed her temple gently, refraining from commenting because he could say something boastful and that might either anger her or to give her some false impression that he might want to go further. He was absolutely contended with cradling her body in his arms, pressing her to his chest tightly and listening to her breathing.
When her hand grasped his T-shirt, he knew that it was the best time to put an end to this before she'll become all desirous again. He pulled away and stuck his finger under her chin as he lifted her gaze to his and realized that he decided right because her eyes began to darken with lust again and he wasn't sure how much he was able to take. She just blinked at him innocently and waited for what he will do.
He raised his finger and traced it across her cheek, looking into her eyes and wondering whether it was all dream or not. "Come on, let's get you into the bed." He then said after a little while, ready to give up of his own bed and let her to sleep it in like he originally intended. He wanted her to be comfortable in his apartment since she was a guest after all.
Ziva looked at him surprisingly, feverishly thinking whether it might mean what she thought but she didn't have so much time to ponder it. He stood up, bent down and caught her behind her knees as he scooped her in his arms, wanting to carry her into his bedroom since she was too weakened to walk by herself. He ignored the gasp she let out of her mouth in astonishment and let her to wrap her arms around his neck as he made a first step in the direction of his bedroom.
"Your bed?" She asked him for assurance, her voice hopeful once more because she just couldn't help herself. What else she could make of it if he is offering her his bed right now?
Tony stopped in his tracks and look at her sternly, however he couldn't hide the playful twinkle in his eyes. "I'll take the couch." He explained and continued in his way without any other word, considering this conversation and this night as a finished one.
Ziva, however, refused to be disappointed by what he said and just smiled secretly to herself. She snuggled up into his arms and let him to carry her into his bedroom, already forming a plan in her head. When they will be in his bedroom how hard it might be to make him to stay there with her? To use her persuasion skills to make him to sleep with her in the same bed? And to create some advantageous situation so she could make use of it and make him to give in to the temptation? She just wasn't giving up her hopes, especially when she was already successful tonight. And she was willing to risk one more rejection and try another seducing attempt because deep down she already knew that he is the only man she will ever want.
Wow, I know you want to kill me, literally. :D I'm sorry but I haven't realized how selfish Ziva actually is in this story when I first wrote it, I realized it now when I re-read it. I'm so cruel to poor Tony, I should be arrested for it. :D I know that the end left many unresolved feelings and such and I know there are a lot of unsaid things and things that aren't explained thoroughly but I wanted to finish it like that.
Anyway, I truly hope you enjoyed it despite my cruelty – I just wanted to resolve somehow the sexual tension between them, not to resolve their feelings. However, after some kind pleas and prompts, I'm not refusing a possibility of a sequel to give you the settlement you wish for. I have something in my mind already but I'll get to it in a month or two so it'll take some time. I'm currently working on the new story and I don't like to write two things in the same time because I confuse the storylines then and use the same words all over again. So please – bear with me. :) Those who know me from 'Kissing Deal' then you know how cruel I can be but if I promise that they will get together in the end and that it's worth to wait for it and let them to go through all the misery, then it's true and I really fulfil your wish as best as I can. I am just that type of writer who loves to write about proper development and not to jump to them being together in a love bubble without any solid explanations. Have the patience and I will give you what you want, I can promise that to you. :)
Eve, I really hope you liked this story that was dedicated to you and that you enjoyed it. :) Hopefully, your views on pianos didn't change too much as the view on Pretty Woman did. :D Thank you so much for being such an amazing girl and good luck on college!
Thank you everybody all over again, I love you and you know I really value your opinions. Hopefully, we'll see each other again soon in a new story of mine or in the possible sequel to this – I'll see how the writing goes since my school duties will soon outweigh the writing desires.
Have a nice week everyone and don't plan to kill me, shoot me or torture me, please. :D I'll make it up to you with more stories in the future. :)