"After months plotting Madara had found Kurama the Nine Tailed Fox on a mountain side and used his EMS to control him and have him submit to him. The nine tails was now under his control. He then returned only to summon the massive fox and attack the village with the powers of the nine tails. Hashirama was shocked when he saw Madara was attacking the village with the nine tails. How could this have happened? The man attacking the village, his village, his home and his dream. As the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf all life within the village were his to protect. Raged built within Hashirama as the man attacking was neither the Madara he once called his friend nor was he his rival anymore. For the first time in his life Hashirama had decided that in order to keep his village safe he was going to have to kill Madara Uchiha. Hashirama pushed Madara and the fox out of the village using his Wood Style Jutsu. Madara activated his EMS and launched a barrage of fire style jutsus but Hashirama blocked his mud wall. Swords and others weaponry were exchanged during the heated battle. Neither side was giving an edge nor were both men as both willing to fight to the death. Hashirama summoned his Wood Style: Wood Dragon Jutsu and bound him and held the massive fox down."

"Madara and Hashirama continued to exchange blows as the fox broke of the wood dragon's bind which gave Madara the opportunity to use his Susanoo of the nine tails. The fox was covered in Madara's complete blue body Susanoo which was a giant samurai like armor. The beast gathered a massive amount of chakra and ate it. In mere seconds it launched a powerful tailed beast bomb. The tailed beasts most powerful and devastating attack." Minato went stiff when he remembered how he managed to faced the power of the tailed beast bomb himself. Despite his courage at the time he was also frightened at the seer power of that much condensed chakra being blasted at him nearly wiping 30 plus buildings and several shinobis and civilians. "Hashirama activated his sage mode and used his summoning jutsu and summoned his Summoning: Quintuple Rashōmon." (The user summons five Rashōmon gates to block an incoming attack. The defence is quite formidable, and with five gates, the user is also able to change the trajectory of an attack as powerful as a Tailed Beast Ball equipped with a Susanoo sword.)

"The tailed beast bomb stroke the Rashōmon walls which caused a massive blast which created a valley. When the smoke cleared Hashirama used his Wood Style: Laughing Buddha Jutsu as several hands the size of a tailed beast appeared to restrain the attacking tailed beast. Then Hashirama used one of his most powerful jutsus Sage Art: Wood Style: Shinsu Senju, Veritable 1000-Armed Kan'on. After creating a gigantic wooden statue that possesses thousands of hands, Hashirama utilizes all of these hands simultaneously to deliver thousands of powerful blows to the tailed beast. Due to the sheer volume of the punches involved, defending against the entirety of them is nearly impossible. Hashirama had then separated Madara from the nine tails and bound the massive fox to the side of the newly craved cliff and bound it with his Wood Style: Great Forest Jutsu. Now with the nine tails out of the way Hashirama set his on Madara."

"The two men clashed as their swords clashed neither side were giving an inch. Madara swung his sword before firing multiple shuriken as countered it with a wood clone and substitution jutsu as he used his Secret Earth Jutsu: Deep Forest Creation to summon a forest and used the roots to try to hold his down but Madara countered with a Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation Jutsu to burn away the roots and trees that were attacking him. Hashirama continued his offensive attack as he summoned several giant shurikens and swords from his large storage scroll as he threw several shurikens at Madara's direction. Madara managed to evade the large shurikens only for Hashirama to sneak up behind him as Hashirama stroke a deadly blow to the former Uchiha head. Madara's armor was ruined so he ripped it off and dashed for Hashirama. He managed to block several of Hashirama's attacks and did something unexpected."

"He bit off a chuck of Hashirama's flesh and ate it like a cannibal." Everyone watching who were either green as to the disgusting site or throwing up badly. "Hashirama was taken by surprise by this as he winced in pain but quickly recovered as Madara had made a dash towards him as to land the final blow Hashirama stroke his sword right into Madara's heart. Within minutes Madara Uchiha was dead. As Tobirama, Mito and several leaf shinobi appeared to the battle site they were amazed at what they saw. Madara Uchiha was dead and the nine tails was binds. Hashirama Senju, their Hokage had won. It was all over. As the rain poured heavily a waterfall had formed from the center of the cliff and a raging river. This was two of the powerful shinobis of their time had battled for the last time. This place by the edge of the border was now known as The Valley Of End. Hashirama turned his attention to the nine tails. Realizing that the fox was too powerful and destructive Hashirama looked him in the eyes and decided that it was best to have it sealed away so that no one would ever use the fox's power for vengeance or destruction ever again."

"Mito decided that she would seal the fox away within her body thus making her the first ever Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox. The Senju brothers and the present shinobis were surprised at what Mito had just said but understood her decision. If they sealed the fox away in a non living container it could break out and cause more damage and destruction. And if Mito were to be the container of the nine tails then the fox almost no possibility in escaping from its prison and with her will alone she could the fox at bay. Hashirama knew it was a big risk so he and Tobirama went about and made sure that no one was to speak about Mito being the new jinchuuriki or were to speak ill will of her. The shinobi that were present knew that the wrath of the Tobirama Senju and protectiveness of Hashirama Senju was legendary as their strengths alone. But they also trust Lady Mito's decision for she will be the only one standing in the way of the Nine Tails freedom. In other words she is willing to sacrifice her will to keep the fox at bay. This earned her the respect of the shinobi present. They know now that the Will of Fire in their Hokage can never be extinguished so long as they united there won't an obstacle that they can't overcome."

"The present shinobi vowed that they would not breathe a word of this to anyone no matter what. With that having settled and with Mito's Uzumaki prowess in sealing arts Hashirama, Tobirama and Mito sealed the nine tailed fox inside Mito thus making her the Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox. They then left the Valley of the End. This was where Madara was thought to be dead by the Hashirama Senju but they were wrong. Unknown to them Madara used one of the Sharingan's most forbidden jutsu: The Izanagi."

"A genjutsu/illusion that is cast on the user instead of others that removes the boundaries between reality and illusion within their personal space. To a degree this allows the user to control their state of existence, but it is normally active for only the briefest of moments. But it comes with a deadly price; the caster of this jutsu looses one of their sharingan eye forever. The same is to be said with the sister jutsu: The Izanami. A genjutsu which affects the target through physical sensations shared between them and the user, instead of affecting the chakra steams of the opponent to perform the illusion. This technique capable of altering destiny, Izanami is instead one that "decides" it."

Everyone looked like they had seen a ghost. Madara Uchiha returned back from the dead and was alive even after being killed by Hashirama Senju was now standing there without as so much as a scratch on him.

"With the use of the Izanagi Madara had brought himself back to life. Then Black Zetsu appeared with a White Zetsu carcass. Madara placed the carcass into the coffin and added a little bit of his chakra to the carcass which caused it to morph into an identical clone of Madara himself for the White Zetsu can morph itself into identical clones of the person that touches him or vice versa. Meaning everything down to the smallest detail including the chakra signature would be identical to that of the original but there was one flaw. They don't possess the same strength and skill sets as the originals do. With everything set in play Madara and Black Zetsu fled the village while his copy was buried secretly where no one would ever find it. When Madara left the village, he left with a special trophy from his fight with Hashirama: a mouthful of Hashirama's flesh that he transplanted into his wounds. It was not until decades later, towards the end of Madara's natural life, that the cells had any effect, awakening the Rinnegan (in the process restoring his right eye). With the Rinnegan he was able to summon the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, which he used to cultivate a mindless living clone of Hashirama from which he believed he had produced a much larger scale of White Zetsus enough to create a White Zetsu Army."

Madara had awakened his Rinnegan. The Shinobi's, Konoichi's, elders and civilian and Daimyo paled when they saw Madara Uchiha had the eyes f the Sage of the Six Paths, the fabled Rinnegan. What's worse was that he has the knowledge on how to use it and a mindless living clone of Hashirama from which he used to produce a White Zetsu Army. What is going to happen now that Madara possesses the powers of the Sage of the Six Paths? Tsunade was clenching her hands into fist until her knuckles were white. Her grandfather's cells had been used to create a mindless living clone of Hashirama himself and used processing unit for these abominations. Tsunade wanted nothing more than to beat bloody fucking hell out of Madara and eradicate the entire White Zetsu Army for disgracing her grandfather. Heck even just about everyone were pissed at what Madara had done to the first Hokage mainly Tsunade, Hiruzen, Koharu, Homura and Danzo. After a while they calmed down and preceded them to continue.

"Back in the village after six months of contraction from Madara's attack with Nine Tails Hashirama had gathered the other Kages of the Five Hidden Villages in the Land of Iron for the first ever Gokage(Five Shadow) Summit alongside their advisors/guard. The Hidden Leaf was Hashirama Senju alongside his brother Tobirama, the Hidden Sand was the Kazekage(Wind Shadow) and Shamon, the Hidden Mist was the Mizukage(Water Shadow) and the future Third Mizukage, the Hidden Stone Village was the Tsuchikage(Earth Shadow) alongside Mu and finally the Hidden Cloud Village was the Raikage alongside A. This was shortly after the system of hidden villages was established. In an attempt to balance the power between the villages and as a sign of goodwill, Konohagakure intended to distribute the tailed beasts it had acquired to the other villages for free but Tobirama insisted that the villages pay for the tailed beasts they received. The Kazekage, however, noted that Sunagakure(Hidden Sand) already had a tailed beast within their possession and instead asked for an alternative payment of a portion of the fertile land of the Land of Fire, their closest neighbour, and 30% of the asking price from each of the tailed beasts that the other nations would pay for. Most present were outraged by this and threatened war against Sunagakure, but Hashirama was able to quell their rage by speaking of his hopes for the future of the shinobi in hopes they could forge an everlasting unity."

"Despite Hashirama's headstrong leadership, the new system of ninja villages achieved peace for a time. Tobirama was able to start training his own three-man team consisting of Hiruzen Sarutobi, Homura Mitokado, and Koharu Utatane. But the peace Hashirama had worked so hard for was starting to unravel; at some point Takigakure(Hidden Waterfall) sent Kakuzu to assassinate him. Although he defeated Kakuzu, other wars began to break out. It was during one of these battles that Hashirama ultimately died. Before his death he passed the title of Hokage and his Will of Fire to Tobirama, but had also instructed him not to mistreat the Uchiha. Tobirama's role as Hokage was to help Konoha's shinobi transition from valuing their clan above all else to valuing the village as a whole. To this end he created such institutions as the Academy, the Anbu, and the Chūnin Exams. While largely successful, enough that other villages adopted the same organisations; the Uchiha resisted the loss of their autonomy. Already wary of the Uchiha because of his history with Madara, Tobirama created the Konoha Military Police Force for the Uchiha to run, publicly as a sign of trust but primarily so that the Uchiha could focus their energies into something beneficial."

"Like Hashirama before him, Tobirama tried to foster good relations with the other villages. He planned an alliance between Konoha and Kumogakure, but during a formal ceremony he and the Second Raikage were attacked by the Gold and Silver Brothers and left near death. Konoha and Kumo eventually ended up on opposing sides during the First Shinobi World War. While on a mission during the war, Tobirama, his team, as well as Danzō Shimura, Torifu Akimichi, and Kagami Uchiha (one of the few Uchiha to move beyond his clan) found themselves surrounded by Kumo's Kinkaku Force. With no way for all of them to escape, Hiruzen volunteered to be the decoy, boasting that, as the strongest of their group, he stood the best chance of surviving the encounter; nevertheless, he asked Danzō to look after the others. But then Tobirama had volunteered to act as decoy. He passed the title of Hokage to Hiruzen and his Will of Fire before sending them off, and died a noble death." Hiruzen, Koharu and Homura lowered their heads when they remembered when their sensei Tobirama sacrificed himself to help them get away.

"With Hiruzen having beaten him to the title of Hokage, Danzō began planning to someday attain the title himself. Taking up the village's more clandestine operations was something that Hiruzen noted because of his own indulgence, which he allowed Danzō to create the Anbu subsidiary named Root. Within this group, Danzō himself hand-picked various young shinobi with noticeable potential to join. At some point, Hiruzen married Biwako and they had a son, Asuma, and at least one other child who, later in his life started leading his own team of new Academy graduates consisting of Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade. Although he was close with all of his students, Hiruzen had the highest hopes for Orochimaru," Jiraiya and Tsunade scowled when the traitor's was mentioned. "A genius like himself who, after the deaths of his parents, was only further motivated to have a deep impact on the world. Hiruzen led Konoha's forces through the Second and Third Shinobi World Wars."

"As with all wars, the Second Shinobi World War brought forth many heroes and took even more lives. It was during this war that Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru were entitled the legendary "Sannin" or Densetsu no Sannin(Legendary Three Ninja) rose to fame and received their nickname from Hanzō during a skirmish with Amegakure(Hidden Rain). Tsunade in particular became famous as the world's greatest medical-nin while successfully countering all of Chiyo's poisons. Her ideas and skills revolutionized shinobi squads to include medical-nin she trained personally, increasing mission success and survival rates, a system that remains in place in the present. She is thus cited as having made great contributions to Konoha's victory as well as the current system of all medical-nin. It is also likely that this war was where Sakumo Hatake made his name as "Konoha's White Fang." Kakashi looked down in shame as the harsh words he had said to father about the mission that he had failed before he had committed suicide. A lone tear ran down the corner of his eye. "But despite their efforts they could not prevent the three way assault from Kumo(Cloud), Iwa(Stone) and Kiri(Mist) on Uzushiogakure(Hidden Whirlpool)which caused the downfall of the Uzumaki Homeland and one of Konoha's greatest allies." Kushina lowered her head when she saw how her homeland was destroyed during The Second Shinobi War.

"Fortunately a large number of Uzumaki's had survived and were brought to Konoha where they were given sanctuary in their sister village. And it was the war where Tsunade lost her younger brother, Nawaki and her lover, Dan Katō. (Tsunade had a sad look on her face when remembered the lost of the two most important people in her life.) It was also during this war that Sasori's parents died. At the same time, Chiyo swore vengeance against Sakumo for killing her grandson's parents. It is also likely that it was during this war that Sakumo Hatake would fail a mission vital to Konoha's war effort. Subsequentially, he was ostracised and ultimately committed suicide: an action that would shape his son's character for years. The Ame(Rain) Orphans Nagato, Yahiko and Konan who had lost their parents during this war, leading Jiraiya to take care of them for a while, claiming it was the least he could do. One of the orphans, Nagato, would come to desire an end to war because of his experiences from this war. Three years Jiraiya had watched, trained and cared for the three orphans." Jiraiya smiled when he remembered all the moments he shared with those three kids.

"And it was during that time an ambush occurred on Yahiko by some Iwa-nin which caused Nagato to kill the man in cold blood but it was of self defense. When Jiraiya had arrived he was shocked to Nagato covered in blood as the Iwa-nin was a few feet from him flat on the ground with a puddle of blood underneath him. What surprised him even more was that Nagato had obtained the Rinnegan." Everyone gasped when they saw the eyes of the Sage. The Rinnegan. There was someone else aside from Madara and who had the Rinnegan and he was trained by Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya took the time to explain to Nagato and his students the legend of the Sage of the Six Paths and his Legendary Rinnegan. Jiraiya had also first believed that Nagato was the Child of Prophecy and will be the one to shift the balance between good and evil. After three years training the three kids Jiraiya decided that it was time for him to return to Konoha. Despite the fact that it pained him to leave his students he knew that they could take care of themselves. Besides he was still a Leaf shinobi and he was needed there for. After Jiraiya had left Ame the three formed an organization they called Akatsuki, with Yahiko as its leader, and began advocating an end to war. Their message proved popular and they gathered many followers; even Jiraiya would sometimes hear news of their exploits." Jiraiya had a proud look on his face as to how much the three kids he trained and how far they had come.

"During that time Orochimaru orchestrated the last known rampage of the Eight-Tails in the Hidden Cloud by infiltrating the village while disguised as a Kumo-nin and posing as Blue B's doctor in order to trick him into taking special genjutsu inducing pills, allowing him to extract the tailed beast. After its rampage, Orochimaru obtained the severed horn of the Eight-Tails and harvested Blue B's DNA from it.

"In the Hidden Leaf Village, Mito Uzumaki had come towards the final years of her life, the time of the sealing of the new jinchuuriki was near and it was decided that a new host for Kurama would have to be found. Kushina Uzumaki, one of Mito's clansmen and survivors of the three way assault, was then selected for the role due to her special chakra. Terrified by the idea of having been taken from her home to become a jinchūriki, Mito comforted Kushina, and told her that in order to counter the fox's hatred; she needed to fill herself with love. Some time after this, the beast was presumably extracted from within Mito and sealed into Kushina." Kushina still remembered the very words Lady Mito had said to her before of her passing.

"After the sealing Kushina was enrolled into the academy. Wanting to make a strong first impression, she proclaimed to her class that she would be the first female Hokage. The other kids laughed at her statement, and began calling her Tomato because of her then-round face and fiery red hair. This prompted her to lash out and pummel the kids who teased her. This, in addition to her red hair flying wildly around her as she did so, earned her the nickname Akai Chishio no Habanero(Red-Hot Blooded Habanero)."

Kushina remembered all the times she had been bullied and teased due to her red hair and being an outsider. But then she realized that she had others helping her and supporting her over the years but Naruto had no one until he met Sakura. Was this what her Naruto went thru? Was this how her baby boy felt when he was ostracized by everyone around him? To have no one beside him, to comfort him, to protect him when he needed them from the beating and abuse inflicted on him by everyone around him. The sheer thought alone brought Kushina to near tears. Minato wrapped his arms around his wife and comforted as Kushina muttered under her breath "I failed him Minato." He instantly understood who she was talking about? Minato looked at his wife as he vowed he will do everything he can to bring their son home.

"Minato was immediately drawn to her bright red hair, finding it beautiful. Minato was a natural prodigy as a ninja, the likes of which appears only once in a generation."

"Jiraiya later became the teacher of Minato Namikaze and two other unknown genin. Jiraiya took particular interest in Minato, taking him as an apprentice, and among other things teaching him the Summoning Technique and senjutsu.Years later, after they graduated and became ninja, Kushina was kidnapped by Kumogakure forces. Konoha mobilized its ninja to retrieve her, but only Minato noticed the strands of red hair Kushina left behind to mark their path. Minato, acting alone, rescued her from her captors. On their way back to Konoha, Minato confessed his admiration for her hair, causing Kushina, who had previously believed Minato "unreliable" and even "girly" to fall in love with him." Natsumi and Menma stared at their father strangely wondering how he was even considered "girly" before looking back at the history that was being displayed to them while Kushina nervously scratched the back of her head with an embarrassed blush on her face.

"With his love, Kushina was able to keep the Nine-Tails sealed within her at bay. They eventually married a year after the Second Shinobi War. From observing a Tailed Beast Ball, Minato began a three year process of creating the Rasengan, the height of shape transformation. He would spend the rest of his life trying to combine it with his own nature. After proving himself an accomplished and responsible ninja, Minato was placed in charge of his own team, consisting of Rin Nohara, Obito Uchiha, and Kakashi Hatake. The Third Hokage gave Minato the special task of helping Kakashi overcome the bitterness caused by his father's death and remind him of the human element of being a ninja. Minato gave his team a bell test upon its formation in order to teach them the value of teamwork. Although they passed the test, Kakashi would remain a staunch advocate of prioritizing the mission over the team, causing conflict with Obito. Minato did his best to keep the two on good terms." Minato remembered all the happy times he had with Team 7. His team. His new family.

"During the Third Shinobi World War, Kakashi was placed in charge of the team for a mission to destroy the Kannabi Bridge, which would hinder Iwagakure from using Kusagakure(Hidden Grass) as a relief point. Before beginning the mission, Minato and Rin gave gifts to Kakashi to celebrate his promotion to jōnin, though Obito had "forgotten", straining their already poor relationship. Minato was soon called to the front lines, leaving the team to complete the mission alone under Kakashi's command. The three were discovered by Iwa-nin along the way and Rin was captured. Kakashi elected to abandon Rin, believing it was more important to finish the mission before concerning themselves with her safety. Obito became enraged at the idea and insisted that they focus on her rescue."

"When Kakashi refused, Obito left on his own, remarking that Kakashi was worse than trash for abandoning his friends. Obito located the cave the Iwa-nin were using as a hideout, but was found by a camouflaged Taiseki before he could launch a rescue. Kakashi, moved by Obito's earlier words, arrived in time to save him from Taiseki's attack, but lost his left eye in the process. From his desire to help Kakashi, Obito awakened his Sharingan, allowing him to see through Taiseki's camouflage and kill him. Obito and Kakashi infiltrated the cave and released Rin from her restraints. Her captor, Kakkō, caused the cave to collapse around them. As the team ran for the exit, Kakashi was struck in his blind spot and fell. When Obito noticed that Kakashi was about to be hit by a falling boulder, Obito pushed him out of the way and became trapped in his place."

"With the right side of his body crushed and no way to free himself, Obito accepted his fate and made an offering: to give Kakashi his left Sharingan as an apology for not getting him a present earlier. Rin performed the transplant and, once the procedure was finished; Kakashi used his new Sharingan to kill Kakkō. Iwa reinforcements quickly began to further compress the rubble, forcing Kakashi and Rin to leave Obito behind. As the rocks tightened around him, Obito reflected that he had finally started to get along with Kakashi and that he couldn't confess to Rin that he loved her. Kakashi and Rin were rescued by Minato, they went ahead to destroy the Kannabi Bridge and, when they returned to Konoha, Obito's name was engraved on the village's Memorial Stone."

Fugaku could feel tears running down his cheeks. Despite the fact that Obito was the black sheep of the family, Obito was still his nephew even after all the hard times Fugaku had given him, he was family. Mikoto placed a hand on her husband's shoulder. She knew there were times that he would blame himself for ostracizing Obito from the clan which lead to his death. She knew Fugaku still cared for him even after his death. Fugaku wiped away the tears in his eyes. Itachi saw his father had cried for the first time in his life. He knew the feeling of loosing someone important.

"Unfortunately fate had other plans for Obito Uchiha. He was found and nursed back to health by an elderly old man. But not just any old man. It was Madara Uchiha." An aged Madara had appeared before Obito's bandaged covered body. The void was as silent as the night. They couldn't believe their ears. Obito was alive. He was alive and had survived the cave-in. but now reality gave them a hard slap to them especially to the Uchiha Family, Minato, Kakashi and Kushina. Madara Uchiha was still alive. How was that even possible? How was it that this madman who went into hiding for so long had lived and survived thru till the Third Shinobi Wars?

"He brought Obito to Mountains' Graveyard and tended to his injuries, removing those body parts too damaged to be healed and replacing them with limbs cultivated from the cells of Hashirama Senju. Despite his injuries, Obito's right Sharingan had survived intact. Although frightened by Madara, Obito felt indebted to him for saving his life and was willing to render any assistance he could, an offer Madara made clear he would collect upon. Obito began a long rehabilitation process, eager to recover enough for him to return to Konoha and help his friends and the village with the still-ongoing war. With the help of White Zetsu and another spiral-faced Zetsu he nicknamed Guruguru, Obito became accustomed to his replacement limbs and the abilities they granted him. All the while, Madara would tell Obito about the harsh realities of the world and his plan to save it, which the young Uchiha disregarded."

"Sometime after the events at Kannabi Bridge, Rin was secretly kidnapped by Madara Uchiha under the guise of the Hidden Mist's doing, and had Three Tailed Giant Turtle Isobu sealed into her. She was also branded with the Forbidden Individual Curse Tag and programmed so that the tailed beast would be let loose within Konoha once she and Kakashi returned to Konoha. She was soon rescued by Kakashi. To ensure the retrieval of the tailed beast, various jōnin and Anbu-level Kiri shinobi were sent to chase after them. During the end of his recuperation process, White Zetsu informed Obito that Kakashi and Rin were elsewhere about to be killed by Kirigakure ninja unaware this was all Madara's doing to have Obito join him and help him achieve his long live plan Infinite Tsukuyomi. Obito was insistent on helping them, which Guruguru offered to help with by encasing Obito with its body. Before leaving, Obito thanked Madara for all his help but said he wouldn't be returning. Madara made clear his conviction that Obito would return to him. Guruguru directed Obito to Rin and Kakashi's location, along the way informing him of Minato's absence."

"Surmising the true reason she was made a jinchūriki, Rin, being unable to take her own life, asked Kakashi to kill her in order to protect the village, to which Kakashi refused, stating that he had vowed to Obito to protect her by any means necessary. Rin, however, later chose to commit suicide rather than risk Konoha's safety which she achieved by intercepting Kakashi's Chidori, which was meant to hit a Kiri-nin, impaling herself and dying before the boy she loved with the two unaware of Obito's presence. Rin also used the last of her strength to whisper Kakashi's name before she died, with her death leaving the enemy ninja stunned and both Kakashi and Obito horrified. When Obito and Guruguru arrived they found Rin and Kakashi surrounded by Kiri-nin and Kakashi plunging his Chidori through Rin's heart. Rin's death caused each of their Sharingan to mature into Mangekyō Sharingan, a process that also caused Kakashi to pass out. Enraged by what had happened, Obito used a combination of his Mangekyō Sharingan's Kamui and the Wood Style of Guruguru's body to slaughter the Hidden Mist ninja. When all of them were dead, Obito cradled Rin's lifeless body, ignoring the unconscious Kakashi. Rin the girl he had fell in love with was now gone. She was gone and he was too late to save her from being killed by Kakashi. "

Kakashi fell to his knees when he saw the images being shown to them. Obito was there. He was there when Kakashi had rammed his Chidori thru Rin. He couldn't hold it anymore. Tears ran down Kakashi's face as he knew that he had failed to keep his promise to Obito. To protect and keep Rin safe from any and all costs. That was the promise he made to Obito before he died. Yet there he was to witness the brother he never had to have him witness the Chidori plunged into Rin. Instantly killing her and the promise he made along with it. 'If only I watched and stayed with her, I could have prevented her from being kidnapped. If only I had listened to Obito that day none of this would have happened. He would be still here with us and not joining Madara.' It hit him. It hit him like a strike from his own Chidori. It was Madara that emphasized this whole sheared. He was the mastermind behind Rin's kidnapping. He was the one that turned Rin into a jinchuuriki. He was the one that forced Rin to have no other option than to desperately kill herself thru Kakashi's Chidori when it meant for the enemy.

Kakashi rage exploded within him as he was unable to contain the hate he now felt for the ancient Uchiha. 'MADARA UCHIHA YOU FUCKING BASTARD. YOU'RE THE REASON RIN IS DEAD AND WHY OBITO NEVER RETURNED. YOU PLANNED THIS. YOU FORCED ME INTO KILLING RIN. YOU PLANNED ON MAKING OBITO YOUR PAWN IN YOUR EVIL SCHEME. I'LL MAKE YOU PAY MADARA. I SWEAR I'LL MAKE YOU PAY.' Kakashi screamed in his head. The undeniable rage was slowly building up as tension started to rise for the former member of Team Minato, Kushina and the Uchiha's. For Minato it was because Obito was his responsibility and was like a little brother, so was Rin and Kakashi. He always looked out for the three and now he learns that everything was set up by Madara for his so call plan. "Madara you will pay for what you have done. I swear it you red eyed demon. I will make you pay." Minato vowed in his head. Kushina had always loved how silly yet sweet Obito was. She just adored him but now because of that monster Madara, Obito had become a pawn in his evil scheme.

For the Uchiha's this was personal. Fugaku regretted that he was never there for his nephew. Even when he was growing up alone during the war Fugaku still regretted not doing more for Obito. But now after learning the truth behind Obito supposed death, he was determined to bring him home. 'When all this is over, I'll be bringing you home Obito. I'll be bringing back to us. I promise.' The Head of the Uchiha Clan vowed to himself. Mikoto loved her nephew just as much as her own kids and after Madara had turned him into. Just like her husband, she was determined to help bring Obito home. 'Just you wait Obito; we'll have you back home where you belong. With your family. I'll even cook you my famous pot roast stew. I only pray that that you realize and make amends for your mistakes Obito.' Itachi knew Obito well since he was the clown of the clan when he was still a kid. To Itachi, Obito was still family and would to anything to protect that family.

"Obito returned to Mountains' Graveyard, vowing to do anything for Madara if it could bring him together with Rin and Kakashi again unaware that Madara had managed to catch and convince him to do his bidding for him. Madara explained his Eye of the Moon Plan, which would replace the current world of violence and death with one where nobody ever needs to die. Obito was intrigued, determined to create a reality where he, Rin, and Kakashi could exist alongside each other. Madara imparted all of his knowledge and plans to Obito, taught him about abilities he would need moving forward, entrusted him with his possessions, and manifested Black Zetsu to act as a guide. Having left almost all that he had to Obito, Madara disconnected himself from the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path that was keeping him alive and told Obito that until his revival, he was to act as Madara Uchiha."

"For months Madara had shown Obito and taught him everything there is to know about Infinite Tsukuyomi and how it must be executed. Shortly after Madara's death, Obito had started and had always wearing a mask, moved in the shadows of the ninja world to acquire the remaining pieces of the Eye of the Moon Plan using Madara's name." This surprised Minato, Kushina, the elders, Uchihas and those who knew of that faithful. Was it really Obito as Madara that night? Was Obito really the one who unleashed the Nine Tails from Kushina's seal? They decided to wait and see what happens next.

"Obito and Zetsu went to Amegakure (Hidden Rain) to seek out a group that had earned several loyal men and women to fight for the peace of the Hidden Rain. He approached the fledgling Akatsuki lead by Yahiko and two friends Nagato and Konan with an offer of support in creating the world of peace they envisioned. In truth he only needed Nagato, in whom Madara had implanted his Rinnegan several years earlier and who would be needed in the final stages of the Eye of the Moon Plan." This caused the shinobi's expect Danzo who was now sweating wondering if they would find out about his secret alliance with Hanzo looked at Nagato with complete shock. Just like Obito, Madara had planned on using Nagato as another pawn for plans. The question now remains is how many more people have to be sacrificed for this madman's plan to come to flourish.

"While Obito was almost able to sway Nagato, the Akatsuki leader, Yahiko, declined; Obito claims he eventually agreed without informing Akatsuki's other members. Hanzō became aware of a group of ninja who began a quest to end war through unorthodox means within his country. Though Hanzō initially admired their strong pursuit for peace,Danzō manipulated him into thinking that the group was a threat to his power. Hanzō then teamed up with Danzō by sending some of his forces to deal with Akatsuki and to kill the group's leader, Yahiko and captured Konan in order to do so he agreed to help Danzō n order to receive help in claiming the title of Hokage. Obito learned of a conspiracy between Hanzō of the Salamander and Danzō Shimura to eliminate Yahiko. He intercepted and killed the members of Akatsuki that tried to rescue Yahiko and, once Yahiko was dead, encouraged Nagato in a new direction for the organization, one focused on acquiring the tailed beasts. Hanzo had lured Yahiko to a meeting where he forced Nagato, Yahiko's team-mate, to kill Yahiko in exchange for Konan's life."

"However, Yahiko committed suicide by impaling himself upon Nagato's kunai to spare his friend the anguish and burden of killing him himself. Following Yahiko's death, Hanzō managed to cripple Nagato, but in a fit of rage he slaughtered all of Hanzō's forces and the Root shinobi aiding him. After a brief skirmish with Nagato, Hanzō and Danzo had fled the scene. Nagato became the Akatsuki leader and began recruiting powerful missing-nin to their cause. Once Zetsu became a member, Obito, using the name Tobi, joined as Zetsu's subordinate so that he could have a public persona but in secret Obito and Zetsu are well preparing for Madara's Eye of the Moon Plan and their backup plan."


Jiraiya formed a rasengan and prepared to slam it into Danzo when an invisible stopped him from ramming the spiraling sphere into Danzo's chest and crushing his heart. Guardian Bylotrax held out his hand to prevent him from killing Danzo. "While your reason to kill him is valid there are others who have more than their fair share in killing that man. While I don't welcome violence within my presence, I do not wish to clean the blood spilled all over or among the others as well. Justice will be served for his crimes and to make sure he cannot escape." Bylotrax's wand flashed a small light around Danzo. "I have put him in a body bind that prevents him from leaving your home before and after his judgment once when you return to your dimension and from anyone that tries to rescue him."

"Thank you Guardian Bylotrax. At least now we can be confident that he won't be able to escape from getting what he deserves. Now then let us continue where we left off." Hiruzen said as he thanked the guardian for doing so.

"Sometime after Team Hiruzen was disbanded, Orochimaru had began and performed various experiments on his prisoners, some being fellow Konoha shinobi he kidnapped. He used them as human guinea pigs to develop techniques that would grant him immortality, the end result being Living Corpse Reincarnation. Sometime later, Orochimaru was at the outskirts of Kirigakure as he found Kimimaro, the sole survivor of the Kaguya clan. Soon after, thanks in part to Kimimaro; Orochimaru's research on the source of Jūgo's powers led him to find the Ryūchi Cave and master senjutsu. Unable to enter Sage Mode because of the fragility of his host body, Orochimaru instead developed an alternate method of harnessing his senjutsu chakra through cursed seals, which he tested on Anko and several others before eventually using the finalized versions on Kimimaro and the Sound Four."

"Orochimaru found the Iburi clan living underground near Konoha. Taking an interest in their ability to become smoke, Orochimaru took advantage of the clan's fear of their imperfect and potentially fatal transformation by partially stabilizing it with his cursed seals. Telling them that he needed more research to perfect the process, the clan willingly gave Orochimaru test subjects. Orochimaru had witnessed Itachi Uchiha performing a training run normally meant for older and more experienced users due to the danger of it. After the young Uchiha flawlessly completed it, Orochimaru instantly became amazed and excited at Itachi's advanced growth rate. He also allied himself with Amachi out of interest for creating a shinobi capable of underwater combat, kidnapping Land of the Sea villagers for their experiments, while introducing Anko to the project."

"Orochimaru became an Anbu member and joined Root to work directly under Danzō Shimura, while also becoming a mentor to Anko Mitarashi. It was during that time that Orochimaru met Kabuto Yakushi while accompanying Danzō in forcing the boy's guardian, Nonō, into a mission to infiltrate Iwagakure and confirm the Intel on what the village was planning. Soon after, Danzō notices Kabuto Yakushi spying from the window and decides to recruit the boy as well. However, in time, both Kabuto and Nonō become assets too dangerous to be left alive and Danzō tricks a brainwashed Nonō into killing Kabuto. Danzō sent Orochimaru to ensure no survivors, however, he instead took Kabuto under his wing without Danzō's knowledge as his right hand and spy with the promise of an identity. At some point, Orochimaru had also surgically replaced Danzō's right arm with Shin Uchiha's, infusing the limb with Hashirama Senju's DNA to modify his physical energy covered it in bandages to make it look like a sustained injury from the war."

Fugaku was growling angrily while glaring daggers at Danzo for stealing what belonged to one of his clansmen while at the same time Tsunade was ready throttle Danzo and make sequel like a pig before removing his limbs slowly and most agonizing way possible. As a medic, Tsunade exactly where and which part of the body it would take to make the most number of damage and how to make it the most painful way possible.

"During the final laps of the Third Shinobi Wars, Minato's signature ability was the Flying Thunder God Technique, which he'd gained a mastery of superior to its creator, the Second Hokage. Using the technique, he could instantly move to the location of anything marked with his special seal, whether a tool, place, or person that was branded. His exploits with this technique gained him the moniker "Konoha's Yellow Flash". Minato encountered A of Kumogakure a number of times during the war. During their first meeting, Minato and A compared their speed, with Minato proving the faster. He received orders to retreat before their competition could resolve, but he lingered to compliment A and his brother, B, a jinchūriki like Kushina; he encouraged A to take care of B and remember he was a person. A pursued Minato, so Minato moved against B, threatening to kill him if A didn't let him and his team go. Minato was confident he and A would someday meet as Kage. It was also thanks to this jutsu that Minato was able to take down 10,000 Iwa shinobi and provided Konoha the victory over the Third Shinobi War."

"When Hiruzen sought to end the bloodshed from the Third Shinobi World War, Danzō voiced his disdain, feeling that a truce was spitting on the memory of all the Konoha shinobi who died so far. Understanding Danzō's pain, (Sakura, Satsuki and Sasuke scoffed at the thought of the old warhawk feeling any pain for the loss of their shinobi during the war.) Hiruzen decided to take responsibility for the loss by stepping down as Hokage. At a meeting with the Land of Fire Council, Danzō strongly suggested that Orochimaru be made Fourth Hokage. Hiruzen, however, pointed out that Orochimaru had grown power-hungry and showed signs of sinister intent. Ultimately, Minato Namikaze was elected as Fourth Hokage unanimously, excluding Danzō who detested the idea, feeling that following Hiruzen's ideology will ultimately destroy Konoha. Orochimaru left the Council room in rage for that he had been chosen to be the next Hokage and took his frustration out on his test subjects, killing a majority of them due to failed experiments. As his test subjects began to die off month after month with more civilians disappearing, Orochimaru was caught red-handed by Hiruzen. Though he knew it was his duty, Hiruzen lacked the will to kill his student, allowing him to escape."

Hiruzen looked down in shame that he let his former power mad student getaway for all the crimes he had committed against the village and its people. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see that it belonged to Enma. "Hiruzen, I know I have been hard on you old friend for letting that snake get away. But I also know that I can't blame you for reasons. You were conflicted between the student that you cared and the monster that had killed so many innocent lives. Yet you only saw your student. The one you had taught before his thirst for power and knowledge for jutsus had consumed him. Had this been one of my own flesh and blood if I would have done the same thing." Hiruzen smiled. "The past may just be that old friend the past. But I promise the next time I see that snake I will finish what I started all those years ago." Enma just nodded.

"A few months after Minato had claimed the title of Hokage, he was announced as the new head of the Namikaze Clan. During that time Kushina was in for a surprise. This was the day that she had found out that she was pregnant with triplets. In Obito visited Rin's grave in Konoha. Kakashi was already there when he arrived and Obito, watching secretly, heard him confide to Rin's grave that Minato's wife, Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze, would soon be giving birth to her triplets. Knowing that Kushina was the Nine-Tails' jinchūriki and that the seal keeping the Nine-Tails contained within her would weaken during childbirth, Obito tracked her down on the night of October 10. He killed her Anbu bodyguards and midwives Biwako and Tajiri, and took her newborn son, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze as hostage to prevent Minato from interfering."

"Minato was able to take Naruto and his siblings Natsumi and Menma from him, which distracted him long enough for Obito to escape with Kushina. He extracted the Nine-Tails from her body, placed it under his control with his Sharingan, and ordered it to destroy the village. He glanced down and was surprised that Kushina was able to survive the extraction. He ordered the fox to kill Kushina but she was saved by her husband and the father of her children Minato Namikaze the Fourth Hokage and the Yellow Flash of the Hidden Leaf Village. He had arrived just before the fox stroke his wife and flashed to a safe house along their three newborn children. He placed her on a bed next to her babies before he grabbed his cloak and flashed to the battlefield. Obito summoned the fox and then started destroying the village."

"During the Nine Tails attack on Konoha, Danzō insisted that the Uchiha clan not be allowed to join the battle in fear that someone like Madara Uchiha would take advantage of the situation and capture the Nine Tails. Ultimately, he convinced Hiruzen to have the Uchiha purely protect the citizens and avoid the Nine-Tails. Minato soon afterwards arrived on top of the Hokage Monumentto help in the village's defence. Before Minato could contribute much or even tell anyone what had happened, Obito located him and tried to use Kamui to send him away and prevent further interference. Minato was able to escape with his Flying Thunder God Technique, but Obito pursued him. Minato did not recognize Obito as they fought; instead suspecting he was Madara Uchiha. He initially struggled to successfully strike Obito but, after several failed attacks, Minato finally hit him with a Rasengan and branded him with a Flying Thunder God seal, allowing him to teleport to Obito whenever he wanted. He then used a Contract Seal on Obito to release the Nine-Tails from his control."

"So it's true then, Obito was the one who killed Lady Biwako and staged the Nine Tails attack on the village exactly the same way Madara did during Hashirama-sama's time as Hokage. He planned this so the Uchihas would be looked down and feared but most of all hated. Because of Madara, our clan has been feared for his doing and now history repeats itself thru our own clansmen, Obito Uchiha." Sasuke said for the first time after learning the truth. His voice was cracking in anger and disappointment.

Mikoto just hugged her son telling him that everything will be alright and they will find a way to fix the done to their clan by Madara and restore Obito back to his former self. Sasuke just nodded as he hoped that she was right about this. Hiruzen was saddened that Biwako was killed during the resealing of the Nine Tails but was glad that if he had joined her in the afterlife then he would be getting his ass kicked for dying and not looking out for her sons, family and rest of the village when they needed him. Asuma was a little angry that Obito had killed his mother but will see to it that they bring him back and have him apprehended for his crimes against the hidden leaf and the Uchihas.

"Wounded and deprived of his best weapon, Obito fled to Kirigakure, where after some time Obito secretly took control of the Fourth Mizukage, in effect making him the de facto Mizukage. After Kisame Hoshigaki became disillusioned by the lies of the world, Obito (as "Madara") revealed himself to Kisame and promised to help make a world of truth. Kisame became his loyal servant, one of the few Kiri-nin to knowingly work for him. During this time Obito discovered the circumstances of Rin's death: that Kiri had sealed the Three-Tails into her to make her a time bomb that would destroy Konoha. At Rin's insistence, Kakashi killed her to prevent this from happening. After learning the truth of Rin's death Obito used his Mangekyou to influence the Fourth Mizukage into wiping out the bloodlines of the village and nation. And so began the Bloodline Purge of the Hidden Mist."

"After Obito/Tobi had fled and had no longer being controlled, the Nine-Tails began retreating from the village, though it continued to attack the Konoha ninja that pursued it. As it prepared another Tailed Beast Ball, Minato once again arrived in time to stop it, this time by dropping Gamabunta on top of it. He had Gamabunta keep it restrained while he gathered the chakra needed to transport the Nine-Tails to Naruto and Kushina's location, the farthest from the village he could get. Minato cased a barrier seal jutsu around them and the fox so no one could interfere while Kushina restrained it and erected a barrier so that it couldn't escape while they decided what to do."

"Already dying from the Nine-Tails' removal, Kushina offered to have it sealed back into her so it would die with her. Minato rejected this, believing the Nine-Tails' power would be needed in the future if and when Tobi struck again. Minato would make Naruto, Natsumi and Menma the Nine-Tails' new jinchūriki so they could make use of its strength. Because the Nine-Tails' chakra was too immense to seal into an infant, Minato started performing several hand signs. Kushina recognized them and tried to prevent them but was too late, Minato had summoned the God of Death, the Shimigami through the Dead Demon Consuming Seal/Reaper Death Seal; a dangerously powerful seal that seals anything and/or anyone soul into the user but at the cost of the users soul and sacrifices it tothe Reaper of Souls. He summoned him to have cut the fox's chakra into three ways, sealing the Yin half Natsumi, the Yang into Menma and the body and soul into Naruto." Minato and Kushina winched when remembered the day they made their kids the jinchuurikis of the village especially Naruto the village's punching bag.

"After the sealing for some reason Minato's life was sparred. He was willing to sacrifice his life for his family and village but was given the chance to raise his children with his wife and be a father. Kushina had been taken to Tsunade immediately due to nearly being drained of her chakra. After some time Tsunade was able to save Kushina's life but was told to be bed rested for a few days. The villagers, councilmen, advisors and clan heads were asking/demanding what had happened to the Nine Tailed Fox. When Minato explained how they were attacked, his battle with Madara Uchiha (which pretty much shocked everyone) and the sealing of the fox into his three children. Before anything threats were to concur Minato explained the seal he had used was designed by the Shimigami himself making it impossible for the fox escape and at cost of the user's very soul."

"The people of the leaf village were surprised that their hokage had survived an encounter with the Shimigami and lived. This caused Minato's ego and pride to go to his head as the villagers were praising that beloved hokage had successfully cheated death. Minato then announced the true heroes' who defeat the Nine Tailed Fox. He informs them that Natsumi and Menma contain the chakra while Naruto contained the soul of the fox. In their eyes they looked at Naruto as majority thought he was the demon fox itself and were silently plotting to kill him while openly praising Natsumi and Menma as the heroes that saved their village."

"Ever since that faith day, Naruto's life was filled with nothing but neglect and being hated. By the time he was three his parents decided to train his siblings leaving him in the dust. They pretty much ignore him, his cries and his pleas or they would punish him for something he didn't do. They would neglect him on his birthday which is ironic considering that he was born on the same day as his siblings, Christmas parties, family vacations and family gatherings. His siblings would insult, hurt and even make his life a living hell. Even his own godparents told him that in their eyes that he's not worth training. Every day the villagers and several Jonin, chuunins and a few ANBU would glare hatefully at him and attack him and beat him to inch of his life when he is alone."

"He would scream for help, for mother, father or anybody to come to his aid but no one came. Even his own clansmen and siblings would glare, insult behind his back and mistreat him. And he was heir of both clans due to the laws and traditions as the oldest child will be named clan heir. Every time he walked with his 'family' the villagers, shinobi and clansmen would praise his siblings while he would glare hatefully or throw rocks at him when his family isn't looking at him and most of the time his siblings and their friends would gang up on him and beat him just for kicks or blame him for property damage from the pranks they had caused to the village or even occasionally steal his allowance which he had saved for months to buy some new clothes or even something to eat due to all the stores tripling the price whenever he wants to buy something. On several occasion the store employees would either beat him up just for walking in or because after Natsumi, Menma and friends steal all his savings for themselves leaving him at mercy of the store owner for not having any money for themselves leaving him at mercy of the store owner for not having any money before being flung out of the store by the hair resulting in a mob gathering for the annual Naruto the Demon Fox Hunt. Even though the clan is made of some of the most powerful seal masters majority still believe that Naruto is the fox in human skin, completely powerless to do anything. That's why they intend to hurt him and make him suffer they believe they getting revenge on the demon fox when clearly they are blindly attacking their Hokage's son."

Tears ran down Kushina's eyes as to how bad a mother she truly was to Naruto and was angry that at herself for doing nothing to prevent this from happening and for not protecting him when he needed her while Minato was glaring daggers at the twins who gulped loudly and were visibly sweating knowing full well that they were in deep trouble with their parents and they knew that there was no escape for what comes next. "When we get back you two little demons have a lot of trouble coming your way for all the damage you have caused. Especially for what you have done to your brother." Minato said in low and cold voice.

The two trouble twins had the nerve to flinch when their father called them demons. When they looked to their godparents for help, both Jiraiya and Tsunade just looked away. They turned to receive a slap on the cheek courtesy of their mother. Many of the flinched when Kushina had so boldly slapped her twins in the face. Natsumi had tears running down her cheeks. She was crying. Her mother had just slapped her across the face. The red-streaked blonde looked to the older redhead with a confused and teary expression on her face. "Kaa…kaa-chan w…why did you hit we did…didn't do anything." Natsumi said in shaky voice. Kushina's anger spiked a little when the younger reddish blonde said that.


They watched as to all the beating, abused, neglect, murder attempts and poisoning Naruto had endured over years. How could someone let alone a child survive such an onslaught? Natsumi was crying even more when she saw what her older brother had gone thru. While they had been pampered with good food, great friends, wonderful things, a warm bed for the night and their parents' love her Naruto Onii-chan had been starving for so long that he literally had to go thru garbage just get something to eat or sleep outside of the house or in his old crapped up little room with broken and old furniture. Even their parents never checked to see if Naruto was ok or even felt that if anyone even loved him while she and Menma have been guarded by everyone and had people care for them. Her heart was aching. Natsumi couldn't take it anymore. She started begging for forgiveness. She couldn't bear seeing her Onii-chan's painful life anymore.

Menma on the hand looking like he didn't care. He loved seeing Naruto suffer. It made feel superior to his weak pathetic excuse of a brother. And no one will challenge his authority. "Oh boo ho. So what if the loser went thru all that, big deal. It's not like anyone had ever care for that weakling and if he can't stop crying about it then he shouldn't even be the Hokage's son. Heck, he shouldn't even be a Namikaze am I right Tou-san?" was Menma said before a powerful punch had impacted him right in the stomach. Menma held his stomach in pain before a thunderous fist smashed right into his face sending him thumbing off a few feet from where he was standing. His vision was a little blurry but he was able to identify his attackers.

Sakura had punched him in the stomach causing him to lose his balance and driving him back a few feet before Satsuki's fist slammed into upper jaw pushing him down even further. "Don't you dare talk about our Naruto-kun that way you ungrateful little shit. Naruto-kun is, has and always will be a far greater shinobi you will ever be and is way stronger that you could ever imagine or dream to become. You will never be able to beat our Naruto-kun because you care for yourself and that alone makes you weak and always make you weak." Sakura said in an icy cold voice that sent chills down their spines "You're not worth our time or not worth for us in showing our half our strength to. You aren't a threat at all. All bark and no bite is what you really are." Satsuki added in a voice just as cold as Sakura's.

Menma's pride had just taken a major blow. How dare these useless whores attack him? The son of the Hokage, clan heir and the village hero. He will make them pay by making them his bitches. "YOU FUCKING BITCHES. HOW DARE YOU ATTACK ME? THE VILLAGE HERO. I'LL KILL YOU, YOU FUCKING WHORES." Menma dashed towards the two girls with an incomplete rasengan in his hand. Before he even get close to them, Minato flashed in front of him and slammed him to the ground hard. The rasengan dissolved from his hand as Menma slowly got up only to have Minato slap him across the face. Menma held his bruised cheek.

Minato had an angry look on his face which was starting to scare Menma. "Who taught you the rasengan Menma because I specifically stated that you weren't ready for such a jutsu and after watching your display from just now as well as your arrogance I will tell you that you will never use it ever again. So I'll ask again. WHO TAUGHT YOU THE RASENGAN." Menma was really scared of his father right now. He had seen his father like this before and it terrifies him. "I…I took it from your study and trained in s…secret so t…that I could surprise you with it."


His father had just banished him from the clan, from his own house. This was not happening. It can't be happening. Menma looked towards his mother and godmother with a pleading look on face begging them not to banish him. Kushina stared at him with an indifferent face before uttering the very words he was afraid of. "I, Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze, Head of the Uzumaki Clan and Matriarch of the Uzumaki-Namikaze Clan hereby agree with the Head of the Namikaze Clan with the banishment of Menma Uzumaki Namikaze from the Uzumaki and Namikaze Clan as well as the Senju Clan. I also disown him as my heir and child for he is to never return to the clan until called upon by the Head of the Uzumaki Clan herself." Menma felt like Sakura and Satsuki had just punched him again. His mother had agreed with his father about banishing him from the clan and had also disowned him as her son and heir. This was a disaster. He was going to lose everything. And if that happens, he'll be defenseless, no one would respect him. He can't go or do anything he pleases. His only hope now is that is his godmother and he hoped that she will disagree with this banishment.

If Tsunade takes him, he can ask her to make him her heir then he'll show his parents what they had been missing and fro there he'll back everything that was taken from him and make them all pay for banishing him. Yes, that was how it was going to happen. But alas all fantasies must face reality. Tsunade was having a turmoil. On one hand, she could disagree with Minato and Kushina and be shunned like the rest of the village would soon shun Menma. On the other hand, she can come to agreement with Menma's banishment as well revoke her status as godmother and cut all ties with him and let have a taste of his own medicine. Just when she was about to make her decision Bylotrax used telekinesis on Minato, Kushina, Jiraiya and Tsunade.

To show them what Menma's intentions truly were? And what they saw, they didn't like one bit. If this was Menma taught of them and how he could use them to his advantage then to hell with it. This runt needs a lesson humility and respect. It's time for a major attitude change and this was the only way to do it for an arrogant punk ass brat like Menma. Jiraiya was also thinking the same thing when he saw what Menma had intended to do with the toads. And he wasn't going to let that happen.

"I, Jiraiya, One of the Legendary Sannin of the Hidden Leaf Village and Toad Sage of Mount Myuboku hereby revoke Menma Uzumaki Namikaze as the summoner of the Toads summons as well as revoke his status as my godson and student until deem fit by yours truly." Jiraiya said in a voice that meant that he means business. This wasn't the goofy, perverted old mad but rather toad sage and one of the strongest war veterans of the Hidden Leaf talking.

"I, Tsunade Senju, Head of the Senju Clan hereby agree with the Head of the Namikaze Clan and the Head of the Uzumaki Clan with the banishment of Menma Uzumaki Namikaze from the Uzumaki and Namikaze Clan as well as the Senju Clan. I also disown his status as my godson never to obtain anything until he is called upon by Head of the Senju Clan herself." Menma's entire world came crashing down. He couldn't believe it. His family had just disowned him. He just lost everything and now he had no name, no home, no family. No nothing. He curled up into a ball and started crying. How did this happen? How could this have happened to him?

Minato and the others paid no mind to Menma's little pity party expect Natsumi, Kakashi and Tenzo who felt sorry for the poor boy especially Natsumi. Not only did drive her Naruto Onii-chan away but now she had also lost her ototou after her parents have banished him. Why was this happening? How her wonderful family could began to fall apart? Hiashi was looking at the situation with calculative look in his eye seeing if he can find a way have things work in his favor which did not go unnoticed to Bylotrax and the Sphere. Minato looked at Bylotrax as the message was down to him and the others. Minato thanked him and ask to continue. "Guardian sir, please continue. We need to know what happens next and what we should have for our son when he needed us."

"There are only a few people who were willing to care for the young blonde that prevented him from going insane and suffering from horrible torture done to him by the villagers and his family. They are Kurama the Nine Tailed Fox (which surprised only a few while the rest had already known), Hiruzen Sarutobi, Asuma Sarutobi and Konohamaru Sarutobi of the Sarutobi Clan, Sakura Haruno, Mebuki Haruno and Kizashi Haruno a civilian family, Satsuki Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Mikoto Uchiha, Fugaku Uchiha and Shisui Uchiha of the Uchiha Clan, Misuko Torunabi his personal doctor and older sister figure and finally the Teuchi Ichiraku and his daughter Ayame Ichiraku of the Ramenstand. They are the reason why Naruto has not gone insane and killed himself and it was because of that Naruto felt the love and warmth of a family and loved ones."

Kushina flinched when the thought of her baby boy killing himself came to play while Minato was clenching his fist until his knuckles were white as how bad of a father was he as to let his son suffer to the point of wanting to commit suicide. But worst of all is that they never had given Naruto the love and warmth of a family is what hurt them the most.

"Sakura was the first ever friend Naruto made when he had saved her from the bullies from the park but it was really Sakura who had prevented Naruto from jumping off the cliff of the Hokage Mountain and killing himself that day." Natsumi flinched when she heard this. Her nii-san wanted to kill himself. Why would he want to do something like that? "Naruto introduced himself to Sakura and the two kids became the best of friends. Despite the fact that Naruto holds the body and soul of the Nine Tails, Sakura didn't run away or leave him. Instead she stood by him, as unlike the idiots of the village, she didn't see him as a monster but as Naruto, her friend, her crush and someone she truly cared about. It was proven when Naruto put himself in harm's way to save Sakura from being imbedded with shurikens after she tried to protect him from three drunken chuunins who nearly succeeded in killing them. Fortunately, Itachi Uchiha had arrived in the nick of time by killing one of them before arresting the rest and having them sent to Ibiki Morino."

"He brought the kids to his former classmate and medic Misuko Torunabi and explained the situation to her after she had finished healing Naruto and Sakura. Sakura tackled Naruto onto the hospital bed after he had woken up. Seen then the two had been inseparable and the two kids even confessed that they had feeling for one other. Sakura's parents Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno had taken a liking to Naruto seen then and had always welcomed him with open arms. Naruto even mentioned his encounter with Kurama, The Nine Tailed Demon Fox and explained everything to even the part where he had offered to train him and those who were willing to join. Months after training with Kurama, Itachi and Misuko, the between the Leaf and Cloud had come to end and an alliance was to be formed."

Unknown to the Leaf, the civilian council of the Hidden Cloud who still follow the Third Raikage's concept that only bloodlines and military power makes the village stronger had prepared a couple of their shinobis to steal among two of the Leaf's most prized clan heirs. Sasuke and Satsuki Uchiha for the Sharingan Bloodline and Hinata Hyuga for the Byakugan. The two ambassadors were to sign the treaty between the two villages and form an alliance among their villages. At late night, they set their plan to motion. They went their separate ways, one to the Uchiha Compound and the other to the Hyuga Compound. Both were successful but they never expected into an obstacle on either side. Hiashi had killed the killed the Cloud-nin for attempt of kidnapping of the Hyuga Heiress while Naruto who had just escape from another fox hunt had wandered into the Uchiha territory where he witnessed the Cloud Ambassador had just kidnapped Sasuke and Satsuki knocking them out and carrying them away under his arms."

"Realizing what was happening; Naruto sprang in to prevent him from escaping from the vicinity with the Uchiha twins. He fought with all his strength against a well seasoned war veteran to a standstill but the cloud-nin had the upper advantage. But before he could land a devastating blow, Asuma Sarutobi had intervened after returning from his mission and managed to knock out the kidnapper. Naruto explained everything and begged him not to tell about this incident before leaving Uchiha Compound. The next day, after everything was settled amongst the leaf council, Asuma asked his father, Hiruzen and the Uchiha Clanhead Fugaku if they could meet up at the Uchiha household to discuss what really happened that night. A few hours later, Asuma came by with Naruto it tow. He explained everything and Naruto even revealed everything about himself from why he was there to his painful life at home to in the village to barring painful scars all over his body. The Uchihas and Sarutobis have vowed to make those who wronged Naruto pay for what they did to him."

"Ever since that day, they become a family. Mikoto and Fugaku had taken the roll of becoming Naruto's new parents. Mikoto practically mothered Naruto and made sure that he was eating well and was loved b a family. Fugaku and the rest of the Uchiha Clan had taken a liking much faster and was constantly welcomed to any of the homes in the Uchiha district and is allowed during their training sessions especially Shisui who constantly teases them but mostly Itachi and Misuko. Naruto had revealed to be prodigy in ninjutsu, Fuin/sealing and many others. He even introduced Sakura and her family to them and they became an even bigger family. Satsuki had also begun to fall for Naruto but hid it away for she knew he was with Sakura and she didn't want to ruin the bonds that they have created among them. For two years Naruto, the Uchihas, Harunos, Sarutobis, Misuko and Ichirakus have created the bonds they had between them. They trained, learned and shared every happy moment. Naruto even showed them what training methods he had been using when he was with Kurama."

From here on, they viewed all the things that Naruto had taught them and all the jutsus, seals and techniques that he had created. He even apprehended several spies within the village and had Itachi capture them.

Natsumi was looking awe while most of the adults were looking with disbelieve and amazement as to how powerful Naruto truly was. Natsumi couldn't believe the level of power, strength and skill he possessed. Then she realized something. During all of their sparring sessions, her onii-chan had been holding back. Natsumi paled when she realized that he could have destroyed them at any time and with just one particular jutsu yet he still held back for their sake.

Natsumi realized now that even thought they had never been a proper family to Naruto but he still cared for them. Her onii-chan still cared for them and they took it for granted. Natsumi cried once again but was silently vowing that she would make it up to her onii-chan in any and everyway possible. A perverted came to mind which caused Natsumi to blush beet red but she quickly shook it off. But this not go unnoticed by Sakura, Sasuke, Satsuki and Mikoto. They theorized that Natsumi must have started to develop a crush on Naruto but she's going to be disappointed because Sakura and Satsuki don't plan on letting anyone other girl especially the whore of the Hyuga Clan near their man. But they will keep an eye on Natsumi just incase.

Kushina and Minato stared at Mikoto and Fugaku with hurt looks in their eyes. The two older Uchiha's had taken their son when he needed a family while they just left him to fend for himself against the wolves. They should have been there for him. They should have been there for their little Naruto but they had lost their chance and will never see or make it up to their little boy ever again. Menma who finished his little pity party witnessed everything his brother had and started to grow jealous of his power, skills and prowess. It was suppose to be his. Everything that Naruto did was supposed to be his including Sakura and Satsuki and he make sure that he gets what he wants. But still unaware that the others will be keeping an out for him in case he tries something that could get himself throw in prison or worse killed.

But most of all, they relived the night Naruto had left the clan and the village to confessing everything including his crush for Satsuki to being betrothal to Sakura and Satsuki to all his encounters after he left the village including his rape. It took 12 men including Mebuki and Ayame to hold down Mikoto, Misuko, Sakura and Satsuki from killing Danzo while Itachi had to restrain Sasuke from strangling Hiashi due to the fact that it was Hiashi who had secretly revealed Naruto's location to the mob after he narrowly escaped Danzo's Root base.

After everything had calmed downed, the sphere showed them what happened in the council room and were a little satisfied but completely until everyone from that's night encounter screams and begs for death to claim their soul only for it to never.

"Well then this is the end of your history and the life of young Naruto in the Elemental Nation. But the tale of the one of the greatest heroes of Time Dimension because now you are about live the of Naruto on Earth in the Year 4018 where the epic battle takes place." A sudden flash of blinding white light came from the Sphere and they were taken into the next chapter of this journey.