Hey people, look who isn't dead! I've had this story mostly written for a really long time and just haven't gotten around to doing anything with it. Updates will be weekly. Probably. No promises. So hope you enjoy, review if you want to bring a little joy to my life. Or not. That's.. cool too. (sniffle)
The year is 8589. It has been almost 300 years now since the day the world ended. Humans are foolish. They think there is an answer for everything; a way to solve every problem. And sometimes they become so desperate that they make the problem worse. Innocent people were left to die, people who were simply unlucky. And that's what it all came down to in the end- luck.
The Plague had rushed through the land and destroyed most of the planet, leaving behind nothing but the strongest. Entire cities were lost and destroyed, burning to the ground as the disease caused desperation and panic. There was no cure. There was no fixing it. There was only saving the people that were still left to be saved. These people soon built huge cities to keep safe from the dying, infectious people outside their walls. Safe havens for those still safe. Once the people outside had died of the incurable diseases, the ones inside were safe. So for a long time, the people in the walls moved and grew and repopulated the earth.
For awhile, life went back to normal. People got jobs, families grew, and resources from around the world became dedicated to six separate cities; Arcadia, Eden, Eldorado, Goshen, Zion, and Elysium. Arcadia was located in what used to be Russia, Eden in past China. Eldorado was located in Brazil, Goshen in Australia, and Zion in Libya. Finally, there was Elysium, located in America. Each city had there own ways of making money depending on their location, but that's unimportant now. No, now an explanation of what happened when there was no more room for the booming population.
People had a lot of children then, trying to get back the population of earth. The problem was that after a hundred years, the cities were no longer able to hold them all. Traveling between the cities was difficult, as the only way was city sanctioned aircraft, and expanding the cities was out of question. Not enough resources were left for everyone to live comfortably. So Officials, leaders of the cities, met together on a small island that used to be the United Kingdom, and decided on a plan of action for overpopulation.
Every family would be allowed to have one child. Only one. And if this command wasn't obeyed? They would set up other cities. Outside the walls.
But they wouldn't be like the six main ones. They would be slums, shambles, shacks set up to house the people that no longer fit in the safe havens. Families who had more than one child were breaking the law. They would be punished by having their second child sent to the outside. There would be no government except that of the nearest City to rule them. The police would be forceful, but none such as the Border Patrol. The men and women that would be set along the wall to keep the 'Unnecessaries' out of the City. Force would be allowed, and they could stop at nothing to keep the others out.
At first, everything went alright. Families began having fewer children and the ones that had more than one had them taken. The smaller cities were alright in the beginning. Wood and brick houses given to the unlucky children, looked after by volunteers until they were old enough to watch after other outcasts. That was how the cycle worked; cast out from the City, brought up by a previous unnecessary, then move on to raise another. Food was scarce, but there was enough. That is, until the people in the Cities grew cocky.
They heard that the towns outside weren't all that bad, and a more reckless group of 'Luckies' as they came to be known, was created. They had children at young ages and had many. The population of the outside grew ridiculously, so a new idea was formed by the Officials. The first child could stay in the City; the second child would be taken. If there was a third child, it too could stay. The number would trade off, one being kept and the other taken. And still the conditions in what became known as 'Dystopia', all of the space outside of the cities, became worse and worse. There were too many people and too few resources left on earth for the Officials to keep the Cities comfortable and Dystopia liveable. So the outside was once again cut off, but this time with people still alive on the other side.
Police forces were pulled out, leaving only the Border Patrol, who did an excellent job of keeping the desperate people out of the Cities. Dystopia fell into ruin and hell. People stole and fought and were never punished by anyone but each other. People died of hunger, thirst, and disease. The City's gates only opened when children were brought to the hell hole that was Dystopia. But that didn't stop the Unnecessaries. They got in anyway.
They stole from the Luckies, either out of need or spite. The people in the Cities were rich and healthy. So what if an apple or two went missing from the ornaments on their tables once in awhile? But the law wouldn't stand for it, and if an Unnecessary was caught on the City side of the wall, they were immediately (and publicly) executed. And so the world kept turning, rebuilding itself into a hell on earth for the unlucky people, and a utopia for the lucky ones.
Now there was the occasional problem; twins. Two children born at the same time and not by the fault of the parents. For as far as the society had come in ridding everyone of disease and problems, they had yet to stop people from having twins. So it was decided that at random, one would be kept and the other left in Dystopia. Not by any fault; just fairness to the rest of the community that had to give up children if they had more than one. So one lucky twin would stay, while the other was taken.
It is with one such twin we find ourselves with at the beginning of our story. The lucky one, a young man about 19 years old, living in the City of Elysium. He lived in a huge mansion with his mother and father. Everything about the family would have been normal; if the garden in the back didn't lead directly into the Wall. The giant stone structure that separated Elysium from Dystopia. That separated him from his twin brother. All his life, his parents had made it known that there was another son on the other side of the Wall, and all his life, the boy had wanted to go there. Very few citizens actually knew what Dystopia was like, and the boy had always wanted to know. What would it be like to live on that side of the Wall?
For someone so privileged, the boy didn't take well to fancy living. He preferred to roll in the mud and play games with his friends when he was younger, not be locked in some stuffy drawing room drinking tea. He hated tea, so he constantly made a secret switch to coffee. Anyway, the young man had often dreamed of seeing Dystopia, of finding his brother, and an adventure. So as this story starts, we see a handsome young, blue eyed, blonde haired boy staring at the Wall of Elysium, preparing for his friend's party that night, wishing nothing more than to be on the other side. What he didn't know was there was another handsome man, a little older and a little shorter, with blonde hair and emerald eyes standing with an identical copy of the Elysium boy, wishing the exact same thing, but from the other side of the Wall. And he wasn't simply wishing. He was planning on how to make it come true.