A/n - So, this is the last one, and hopefully, I tied it into the first one as well as I hope I have. Admittedly, I don't think I've ever actually sat and watched The Notebook all the way through, so if I got it wrong, I apologise. I hope everyone liked this little collection, especially you Michy.

W/C Without A/N - 327

Prompt used - 9 Last Day Together.


"He's not doing well," the Healer said quietly, telling Draco what he already knew. Harry's health had been deteriorating quickly over the past few months, something Draco had been dreading. Nodding to the Healer, Draco entered the private room Harry was being hosted in, and took a seat by the bed.

Harry looked at him, and for a moment, Draco saw recognition in his eyes.


"I'm here, Harry," Draco replied quietly, a lump in his throat making it hard to swallow. Harry didn't often recognise him anymore, and it was a gift every time he did.

"I'm scared, Dray. I don't know who I am anymore. I don't know who you are, most of the time."

"You'll be alright," Draco lied, stroking Harry's cheek gently.

"What will happen, when I don't recognise you at all?"

"I'll still be here. Every minute I can, I'll be here with you. I love you, I always have. I always will."


"Yes, Harry?"

"Is our love strong enough, to take us away together?"

Tears poured down Draco's cheeks as he smiled at Harry. The reference, lost on neither of them, to Draco's favourite film, was bittersweet to Draco's ears.

"Our love is strong enough to do anything," he choked out, hungrily taking in the smile Harry gave him, one that reminded him of all the years they had enjoyed together.

"Come to bed, Draco?"

"Are you sure? Are you ready?"

"I'm ready. Come to bed, Draco, please?"

Draco nodded, climbing into the hospital bed beside Harry, wrapping him in his arms.


Savannah stared at her parents in the bed, wrapped around each other, their hands joined together, even in death. She laughed through her tears, and when the healer looked at her with confusion, she explained.

"My Fathers first got together watching the movie, the notebook. They could never have survived without each other. This was the only way for them. I'm glad they got their happy ending."