Chapter 18: I Won't Forget this Night

It was the middle of night, everyone blissfully asleep, in the girls' room, Lana sleeping next to a slumbering Lexy who in told used Lana's longer and much fluffier tail as a pillow, Darwin who managed to find a bowl to sleep in slept soundly, the quite night only slightly disturbed by the sound of dings and bangs in the kitchen

"Hmmm…there's nothing good to eat" Kate said to herself rummaging through the kitchen's refrigerator looking for a midnight snack

"I see you're busy" a voice said with a chuckle

"Eeeek!" Kate squealed in shock, causing her head hitting the upper part of the fridge as she jolted up, Kate groaned trying to nurse the top of her head and then looked for the source of the voice.

Standing in the door way was Gumball with a small smirk plastered on his face with his arms crossed

"I thought I'd find you here snacking late at night" Gumball walked to her and leaned on the counter top

"Yeah…I couldn't sleep so…" Kate couldn't finish as a red blush invaded her face, embarrassed at the fact of being caught in the act of snacking at night only harden the blush, her fingers fiddling with each other as she tried her best to keep an innocent look

Gumball laughed slightly at Kate's reaction, a reaction he has grown fond of but never the less he didn't treat her any different from before

"Well if you can't sleep we could always go to the music room" Gumball said all too cheerfully

Kate face turned even more crimson as Gumball said those words

"N-no, no i-its o-o-k" Kate stuttered turning more red than ever

"Come on" Gumball waved for her to come along

"Well…o-okay then" Kate said shyly

Gumball and Kate were in the mansion's music room a place rarely used by Gumball, but thanks to Kate who took good care of the mansion, it was in excellent shape, the music room was fairly large, walls painted with a light shade of blue and having the lights slightly dim gave it a pleasant calm beauty, as if watching a very cloudy after noon, the walls covered in various instruments ranging from guitars, flutes, and small bells and chimes, but in the centre of the room was the one to top it all, a slick black grand piano, Gumball walked forward sat on the piano's chair and patted the side close to him signalling Kate to sit next to him.

II Music montage II

'Note: Play "Everglow" by Coldplay while reading this part'

Kate happily complied and did as such, not one of them spoke as Gumball played a very slow and soft tune, his fingers delicately pressing the keys, Kate remised at the soft sound delightfully, thinking back to times were if she ever had a nightmare she'd called Gumball just talk about it over the phone, but Gumball the caring and selfless person he is most people likely dismay, snuck out in his sleeping attire just to see if she was okay, Kate came out of her thoughts by Gumball's slightly shifting, Kate didn't seem to notice her own arms wrapping themselves around Gumball's arm and her face flustered yet this didn't stop herself from cuddling his arm, the tone of the soft music echoed through walls, though Gumball wasn't playing any song in particular but the soft sound of the piano echoed the room.

"Oh they say people come, say people go

This particular diamond was extra special

And though you might be gone, and the world may not know

Still I see you, celestial"

Gumball stood up from his seat and walked to the centre of the room as the moonlight shone through the window, he turned to Kate and small polite smile he offered his hand out to her elegantly.

"Like a lion you ran, a goddess you rolled

Like an eagle you circled, in perfect purple

So how come things move on, how come cars don't slow?

When it feels like the end of my world

When I should but I can't let you go?"

With a brave smile Kate grabbed Gumball's hand

"But when I'm cold, cold

Oh when I'm cold, cold

There's a light that you give me when I'm in shadow

There's a feeling you give me, an everglow"

Gumball and Kate soon started to dance in a slow pace hand in hand, the moon shining through the windows as the two span, twist and held each other, their eyes focused on each other as Gumball guided her in the dance

"Like brothers in blood, sisters who ride

And we swore on that night we'd be friends til we die

But the changing of winds, and the way waters flow

Life as short as the falling of snow

And now I'm gonna miss you I know"

In the heat of the moment they stopped momentarily, slowly their lips touched softly.

"But when I'm cold, cold

In water rolled, salt

I know that you're with me and the way you will show

And you're with me wherever I go

And you give me this feeling this everglow"

For a small beautiful moment in time they were two hearts, one soul, sharing a moment that comes maybe just once in a lifetime.

"What I wouldn't give for just a moment to hold

Yeah I live for this feeling this everglow"

The two parted lips and looked into each other's eyes, the reminiscent of the warm kiss still lingering in their lips. Kate smiled at him as she tucked her head in the nook of him neck, just feeling Gumball's warmth.

"So if you love someone, you should let them know

Oh the light that you left me will everglow"

They held each other for what seemed like eternity but nevertheless it was something both didn't seem to mind, the moonlight shining through the window was slowly being covered by the clouds above, throwing the two in a vast darkness yet an everglow of what started stayed, like the small ember of a candle. They were in love…














Funny bonus for the loyal reads:

The next morning

Lana stood at the door of the music room with a dark aura surrounding her, she glared at Gumball and Kate, who the slept in each other's arms all's while sharing a couch, the position the two were in was somewhat cute and romantic, sleeping side by side with Kate using Gumball like a body pillow

Gumball was the first one wake up, stretching and yawning before his eyes widen in embarrassment upon seeing the vixen standing on the front door with a furious glare

"I see you two had fun last night" Lana said in a jealous tone as her eye twitched

Gumball's face turned even redder and steam was coming out of his head

"L-Lana it's not what it looks like" Gumball said nervously trying to explain the situation clearly

At the exact moment Kate woke up half asleep as she rubbed her half lit eyes she looked at Gumball and smiled not seeing Lana behind him

"Good morning, Wasn't last night fun, Gumball? It was a little scary at first, but I'm happy that you taught me new things." Kate said in a sleepwalker like state

"K-K-KateI think you should wait until your fully awake before taking" Gumball said a little too fast for Kate to respond

Kate only fell back asleep on the blue feline's lap making him blush, Lana could only ghoul at what was happening in front of her.