As a HUGE fan of Sasusaku, I'm ashamed I did not realize July is Sasusaku month. I'm even more saddened that I am SEVEN days late on this. So I shall make up for them all tonight...morning…at this moment. So no one say; "but you're late!" Yes I know I am late. I do have a somewhat valid reason though. I just got home from the beach and I did not take my laptop with me so there fore I couldn't write even when I knew. I found out the last day of last month so I couldn't really do much about it. Anyways without further adieu, here is the first prompt!

Sakura wrinkled her nose as she popped open a new can of paint. The smell of those strong chemicals was nauseating, however the smell of fresh paint was soothing. It was like a new start, fresh beginning, an end to the nightmares; hers and Sasuke's. Sakura poked her head around the doorframe and looked at the calendar on the living room wall. Sasuke was due back from his rescue mission tonight. She had to hurry and finish painting a couple spots over and touching up the doorframe, then she had to move all the furniture back into the bedroom. Though it was the early morning she didn't want to take a chance and have him walk in on her in the middle of her big surprise.

She sighed and looked around the room. She started her little project a couple days ago. The rest of the house was a subtle cream color. Their bedroom was almost a dark room. She absolutely hated it, but Sakura wasn't changing it for herself. She was changing it for her beloved boyfriend of five years. She smiled fondly at the thought of him and gave a sad sigh remembering he was on a mission to track down a ninja from their own village who was trying to go rogue after his parents were trialed by the elders as a danger to this village.

They were proven guilty of attempting to over throw Tsunade and take over the village. When the boy heard of it he took all of his parents knowledge of the village and fled to the Sound and Grass village to betray Konoha. Originally this village was for Naruto but Tsunade believed maybe Sasuke could talk sense into a boy who is in a similar situation Sasuke was in years ago.

Sakura let out another sigh remembering that the boy he was and the reason he became that boy, is the reason she is repainting their room. The nightmares he had, the entire corpse of his fallen clan and the anger towards the elders he had still sat in his brain. The death of Itachi still haunted him. Sakura would wake up in the middle of the night to Sasuke furiously scratching at his hands; he claimed he was getting the "blood" off himself. She would have to grab his hands and place them on her heart to remind her he is still here with her and not in the past. Sometimes he would get so riled up in his sleep he would attack Sakura. Once he woke up to him on top of her with his hands firm, but not a death grip, around her throat. The Uchiha refused to speak or even look at her for days.

Light blue, she picked light blue as the new color for their room. She hoped the light color would relax him and drive the nightmares away, the guilt, the sorrow, the pain. Light blue for the sky, symbolizing the endlessness of it and a bright happy future together, with not just her but all of his friends. Light blue was also for the water, the water he would often stare at that sat in the lake by the Uchiha compound. The place he first met his best friend, Naruto. She even went as far as making the light blue towards the ground more of a darker shade than the blue towards the ceiling so it would look more like water. She looked up and smiled at the faint, fluffy clouds she painted on the ceiling. Hopefully he would love it.

She smiled at her handy work and closed the can. The pinkette looked at her clock and slightly panicked. It was the afternoon already and the paint had yet to dry. Moving the furniture was not an issue. It was the drying of the paint that she could not control. She mentally cursed herself and threw the brush on the ground causing it to paint a streak down her entire left leg.

She froze when she heard the front door slide open and Sasuke's familiar sigh he lets out when he comes back from a mission. She cursed herself even more knowing something like this would happen.

"Sakura?" Sasuke called from the front of the house.

"In here Sasuke-Kun." She answered dejectedly.

He walked in and gaped at the beautifully painted room. She blushed and wished he hadn't come home so early, though she loved when he did she wanted so badly for this to be perfect.

"Someone's been busy." He mused, encircling his arms around her waist and kissing the tip of her nose.

"I wanted it to be perfect so I could surprise you." She sighed quietly. "I don't want your nightmares to plague you anymore." Sakura added in a hushed tone.

"Sakura." He sighed, his eyes softening as he realized her intentions behind this. He kissed the top of her head and nuzzled his nose into her hair. He inhaled and sighed. He loved her scent. She looked down and saw she got a lot more paint on herself than she realized. Too late to warn, it had rubbed off on Sasuke now too. She tried to push away but he only held on tighter.

"Sasuke-Kun, your clothes, the paint is on it."

"It's okay, it'll have the smell of fresh paint."