Thanks for 3K views on this story! Sorry for not uploading a chapter in a while, but I've started another fanfic; Crusaders of Justice, where the CMC all don the costume of Mare Do Well and fight crime. Be sure to check it out!

The sun was shining brightly as Shadowflight got out of bed. He did his daily morning routine of putting his disguise on and making sure he was ready to go outside. He also checked his fridge. Most of the things in there had expired, since he didn't eat them, he just bought food so nopony would get suspicious. He would probably replace them tomorrow. He went outside, as usual and saw it was cloudier today, but the sun still stuck out.

A brand new day for him, and he couldn't be happier. Though he couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen soon. He buried that thought temporarily and took flight.

Rainbow Dash slept in. Her shift wouldn't be with Shadow today, which made her quite upset, but not too much. She needed to avoid him for a bit. After all, she got to practice more on her flying, maybe she would see her friends as well. She wondered if Twilight was getting on alright with her flying. Yeah, that would distract her from things.

She stayed in bed for a little while longer, before finally getting up and flying out. She flew, looking at everything below her. The Crusaders playing Superheroes, Big Mac on a date, oh hey and Twilight, Who looked like she was going in the direction of Rarity's Boutique. She flew down to see her friend.

"Twilight! Hey,Twilight!" The purple alicorn looked up to see her friend flying towards her, and waved back.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash"

"Twilight, where are you going?"

"I'm just going to see Rarity."

"Okay. I've got a day off, why don't I come?"

"Sure" Twilight answered and they both headed to Rarity's. They arrived at her boutique, opened the door and their friend behind the counter greeted them pleasantly.

"Oh hello there, you two" Rarity said cheerfully. "Everything alright?"

"Yes, actually. We wanted to see you. Is everything alright?" Twilight asked

"Everything's fine, but it has been slow today. Shouldn't you be at work, Rainbow?"

"Nah, my shift is later. It's Shadow who's in right now"

"Shadow? Ah yes, Shadowflight." She realized "Has the fellow been settling in?"

"Oh yeah, he's nice" Rainbow replied "Really really nice, and he's awesome, as well"

"Really? Does he do a lot of stunts like you?"

"Well, no. He... Just is. He's a nice guy, we both like to talk about me, he always bails me out when I'm caught practicing. He's a really nice guy..." Rainbow trailed off. Rarity knew what was going on.

"Rainbow, do you?" She didn't need to finish the sentence. Rainbow Dash simply stood there. A couple of silent seconds went by, and Rarity squealed in excitement.

"Oh, this is so exciting! I can organize a date between you two, with candles, in the moonlit nighttime, and-"

"Whoa!" Rainbow cut Rarity off "Hold on there!" Twilight was staring at the whole thing, not knowing what to say, until she finally managed to speak.

"Rainbow, are you sure you love him?"

"I, uh, I don't know, Twilight. In feel kinda different around him, like everything is better. It makes me feel confused" Twilight looked worried, really worried.

"Um, I have to go. I'll see you girls later" Twilight rushed off. Rainbow didn't know what it was. She suddenly seemed really tense, and just took off. Now it was just her and Rarity.

"My dear, what was that about?" Rarity asked Rainbow, who was just as confused.

"I don't know, but I felt like running after you started to plan a date for me" she looked at Rarity.

"Sorry, darling. I suppose I got a bit carried away, but love just gets me so excited" she said in defence. "Also, it's a bit of a surprise that we're talking about your romance life"

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, I just never took you for the romantic type" Rainbow was about to retort, then stopped.

"I don't know what to do, Rarity."

"Well, maybe you could just ask him out?"

"What, dinner and candles? That's not my style"

"Well, why don't you just do something you like? Something. um, 'awesome'?"

"Yeah! Like seeing a Wonderbolts performance, or flying in the night when it's hard to see."

"Well, I don't know about any Wonderbolts shows; mostly because I haven't heard you talking about going to one, but flying in the night sounds nice"

Shadowflight was close to finishing work for the day, he just had to make sure all the clouds stayed where they should. He was contempt with what he had, but he wished Rainbow Dash was with him right now. Everything was more fun when he ha a friend with him.

A friend, he wasn't sure if that was all be wanted her to be, anymore. He believed his brother could be right, and a changeling could truly love, but can a pony give their love willingly? What if it's not possible...

He slapped himself, making sure he never thought such things. He made a promise, and he would keep it. But he was afraid, afraid he might drain her by accident, or worse, on purpose.

Twilight had just run from her friends and was now pacing in her room.

"No, no, no, no. She can't love him! I still don't know if he is who he says he is!" she ranted to herself "I've found nothing conclusive! What do I have to do, sneak in his-" she instantly got an idea, and went to her new bookshelves. She looked through them, finding the category she was looking for and got out an advanced spellbook. she looked through it, until she found what she was looking for.

"Yes!" an invisibility spell was what was on the page. She read it, then practised a couple of times, to make sure she got it right. She then left

"Spike, I'm going out! I'll be back soon"

"Okay, Twilight" Spike called back. She walked towards where she knew his house would be. She then positioned herself behind the house, and she waited outside in the bushes. She was there for about 20 minutes, when she saw him return.

She quickly activated the invisibility spell, and came out, being sure not to make any noise leaving the bushes. She watched him get his key out and open the door. She quickly slipped inside as he closed it. He instantly went upstairs, which left her free to investigate the ground floor. She looked in the living room, nothing out of the ordinary, if a little empty. She looked in the small downstairs cupboard; which was also perfectly normal. She then moved on to the kitchen. She looked around. Once again, normal.

She was about to move on to creeping upstairs, when a horrid stench filled her nostrils. She looked around for where it could be coming from, she looked at the fridge. She walked towards it, and the smell got stronger. Twilight opened the fridge, and put a hoof on her nose. The food in there smelled horrible! everything was rotten, like it had been in there for weeks! She looked at one of the labels of hayburgers, they expired last week. Another foodstuff had gone bad in two weeks. There was other stuff in there, too. Everything was bad!

"It's like he doesn't even eat!" Twilight thought "Or can't"

She then crept up the stairs, where Shadowflight was. He had the window open, and was drawing on his bed. She wanted to check around his room, but she was afraid he might hear her. She slowly backed down the stairs and waited for something to happen. After 30 minutes of waiting, she was growing slightly impatient. She then heard a door closing upstairs. She slowly went back up and saw that he wasn't there, he was using the bathroom.

She immediately took the chance to find out what he had been doing up there that whole time. She went up and saw a book, a sketchbook. She looked at it; it had A4 sheets of paper and the cover was blue. opened it. The first thing she was a drawing of a forest. She turned the page, there was a black castle. Next page and her eyes widened, there was a photo of three changelings sitting together, with Queen Chrysalis, and a drawing of the same thing. He was a changeling! She was about to grab the photo, but she heard the bathroom door opening, and had to leave the bedroom. The windows were open, so she flew out.

She found it, and she had to get the proof. When she did, she would get the guards over, and take him in.