
Jace sat beside Clary's cot in the infirmary. Brother Enoch had told them it could be many days before Clary would awaken. Her injuries were worse than they thought and it took several hours for the Silent Brothers to treat her. They had been told that Clary had the touch of death on her. Somehow, she survived. Jace knew why, Freya, the special little girl who had worked her way into the hearts of everyone at the Institute. They'd filled the Clave in on all that had happened with Sebastian at the docks. Alec had taken his father and shown him where they had destroyed the head and body. They'd been informed much to Jace's relief that the Clave had decided to allow Freya to stay and study with Clary and Jace at the New York Institute.

Isabelle and Alec had taken quite nicely to being an Aunt and Uncle. Alec was tutoring her in Shadowhunter history and Isabelle was teaching her to be a warrior. Jocelyn and Luke had taken Freya to meet the pack and they fell instantly in love with her. Every night Luke would read to her like he did with her mother every night as a child. It seemed history was repeating itself. Jace wished Clary could see it. He knew she would be incredibly happy.

"Hi Daddy," Freya said coming in and leaning on his shoulder. He smiled and pulled her into his lap.

"Hello little one." He said ruffling her hair.

"I'm not little, I'm a warrior. Aunt Isabel said I'm even better at swordplay than you were at my age."

"She did, did she." Jace answered.

"Yes, and she said I would probably beat Uncle Alec too." She continued. "I'm still not too good at using the bow yet." She said sadly.

"Don't worry." Jace said squeezing her. "Uncle Alec wasn't good at shooting either. It takes a lot of time and a lot of practice. Tell him to let you use my old bow. It's too small for me, but it would be perfect for you."

Freya's eyes shone. "Really, can I go tell him now?" She asked.

"Absolutely." He said winking at her. She kissed him on the cheek and happily ran off.

Jace leaned forward in his chair taking Clary's hand. "You should see her, she's amazing. Please, wake up. We need…I need you. We've made so many sacrifices, and I know a Shadowhunter's life is full of sacrifice, but I think we've sacrificed enough, you and I. Sebastian's gone, and we're safe, for now. Everything is good, except you're not here to share it with me. It's killing me Clary. You're my life, my entire being belongs to you and you alone. I know that Freya would like you to be in her life right now, she needs a mother. She has Isabelle but that isn't the same. You're the one who gave her life, it's your blood that runs in her veins. You have so much to live for, and I know your body's weak, but please fight your way back to me." He choked back his tears. "I love you."

Alec watched Jace talking to Clary and it broke his heart. Clary fought so hard and almost died to save Freya and she would do it again in a heartbeat. He knew that. He was worried about Magnus, it had been two weeks since he was taken to the Spiral Labyrinth and they hadn't heard anything. Of course, warlocks tended to stay to their own, but Magnus was their representative to the council and Alec was worried he wouldn't return.

Catarina had been their resident warlock helping to tend to Clary's injuries. He remembered when it was Jace lying there on that cot with the Heavenly Fire burning in his veins, how worried they had all been. Jace beat it with Clary's help. Together they were an invincible team, two halves of one soul making each other stronger. They were meant to be together. He was convinced that he had that with Magnus, but the Clave frowned on Shadowhunter Downworlder relationships it just made it worse that he had a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend. His family's line would end with him. They didn't like change, they were a thousand year old body set in their ways. Little did they know or understand that these things happened and each time they did everyone became stronger. He knew that his mother, Jace, Isabelle, and Clary all didn't care, and it made him feel good that he could be part of the change in the Gard. Even Aline and Helen were finding more acceptance outside of Idris. He knew that the change would be a long time coming but he wasn't giving up Magnus just because the Clave said so.

"Why so serious?" A voice came behind him.

Alec's heart stopped, he turned around. "By the Angel Magnus! Oh thank the Angel you're alive! I've missed you." He reached out and pulled Magnus into his arms.

Magnus chuckled, "I've missed you too my love. I've heard Catarina has been a great help here at the Institute."

Alec pulled away. "She's amazing, but she's not you."

"How's Clary," Magnus asked his expression darkening.

Alec sighed. "It's been four days, and while the Silent Brothers have confirmed that she will live, she hasn't awakened."

"Has Catarina seen her?"

Alec nodded. "She confirmed that Clary's energy was dangerously low when Jace got her back here."

"I'll take a look at her as well. I'm sure she'll be all right and that she'll wake up very soon." He said reassuringly.

"Thank you," Alec said leaning into him. "I was so lost."

"I was lost too."

Alec kissed him. He didn't realize how much he missed this.

"Magnus?!" Isabelle said excitedly from behind them.

"We're busy Iz." Alec said angrily. "Come back later."

"For Angel's sake Alexander, you're not the only friend Magnus has!" Isabelle teased.

"I missed you too Isabelle. I heard you're becoming quite the teacher." He said winking at her.

"Not as good as Jace, he's very patient."

"And how is little Freya."

"She thinks she's a warrior." Jace said leaning in the doorway. "There was some talk about an Uncle Magnus."

Magnus blushed. "I have a certain fondness for Freya. She is very special."

"Like her mom." Jace agreed.

"I told Alec I would take a look at Clary if you don't mind?" Magnus asked.

"That would be great, if you're up to it." Jace replied offering him his hand.

"I am back to tip top shape. I even put on some glitter today."

They all laughed as Magnus shook his head and little flakes of glitter sprinkled onto the ground.

"Do not get my daughter addicted to glitter, Clary will hate you forever!" Jace warned.

Magnus chuckled, "for some reason the child doesn't like it. Well I can't say she doesn't like it, she thinks it looks beautiful on me, but does not want any on her. Oh well, I guess she has her mother's lack of fashion sense."

Jace laughed. "Well Uncle Magnus can give her lessons."

Magnus nodded. " Now if you don't mind I'd like to go and check up on Clary. I will see you later Alexander."

Alec blushed fiercely.

"And Jace," Magnus said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Would you please go get some rest, you look like a corpse."

Isabelle and Alec burst into fits of laughter. Jace threw them a venomous look and stomped off.

Jocelyn was sitting next to Clary when Magnus walked into the infirmary. Jocelyn looked pale and drawn. Magnus put his hand on her shoulder. "You have a very brave daughter."

She smiled up at him. "I know. Freya takes after her. She reminds me of Clary when she was little."

Magnus nodded, "I agree."

"Magnus, I have a question." Jocelyn said tentatively.

"You want to know if Freya carries the blood of her father."

Jocelyn nodded.

"The child does carry the blood of her father, but from all I can see, and what I have sensed, her heart is full of light. There is no darkness in her."

Jocelyn looked relieved. "Then there's no chance of her becoming like…"

"Sebastian, there is always a chance of darkness in children. However, it is the family that fosters the darkness or light. Valentine fostered darkness in Sebastian. He taught him the ways of evil. Freya has a gift, a family that will teach her the ways of hope and love. If that does not change she will follow the path of light."

"Thank you…" Jocelyn said taking his hand.

"Do not thank me yet," Magnus said putting his hand up. "First allow me to examine Clary and make sure she's all right."

Jocelyn nodded and got up. She put her hands on his shoulders. "I am very blessed to have a friend like you."

"And I you." Magnus replied. He bent down over Clary and was still for several seconds. He could feel Jace watching him across the room. "Clary, you must wake up child. Your family is waiting for you." He whispered to her. "Now is not the time for rest. It is time for rejoicing." He stood and looked at Jace and smiled.

Jace came in to meet him. "I didn't want to get in your way." He said quietly.

"You were concerned about Clary, I understand." Magnus answered. "I believe that she should regain consciousness in the next twelve hours. Her energy is back to where it should be and everything is healing nicely. She should still take it easy for a week or two and slowly get back into training. Other than that everything will be fine."

"Thanks Magnus."

Late that night Jace lay beside Clary. He held her gently in his arms so he wouldn't cause her any pain. He had his eyes closed, listening to the steady beat of her heart. He knew Clary was strong, she'd always been a fighter right from the moment he met her. She was the most amazing person he knew. He took her hand in his, opening his eyes suddenly when he felt her intertwine her fingers with his. "Clary?" He whispered. Gently he touched her cheek, her eyes fluttered open. He smiled, "Clary, you're back."

"Where have I been?" She whispered hoarsely.

"Sleeping, you were hurt pretty bad. Would you like some water?"

Clary nodded. He got up and went to the metal table that held a pitcher of cold water. He poured a glass and put a straw in it, before taking it back to Clary. Gently he put the straw to her lips. "Go slow."

She took a few sips of water, and then lay back on the pillow. "Is Freya all right?"

Jace chuckled. "She's more than all right, she's amazing." He answered. "The best news is she'll be staying here with us."

Clary's eyes brightened. "Really?"

Jace nodded. A wide smile spread across Clary's lips. "Kiss me."

"What?" He laughed.

"Kiss me."

He lay down beside her and pressed his lips to hers, murmuring against them. "Whatever your wish my queen."