"Are we really just going to watch sports all night?" Connor groaned. "What's the point?"

"I see," Miles responded. "You want to make things more interesting. Well, the best reason to watch sports is to gamble on them. Want to make a bet? I'll let you pick which team you think's going to win. Loser pays the winner fifty bucks."

"I'm ten," Connor pointed out. "Do you really think I have fifty bucks to bet on a stupid football game?"

"Alright. I've got a better deal then," Miles offered. "Loser sleeps on the couch. Winner gets your bed tonight."

After all, Connor's room had been where Miles had slept over when he was a little too drunk to drive before the kid had shown up and taken it over and Miles' was not eager to experience the pain that was waking up on Bass's couch again.

"Uh-uh," Bass insisted as he walked back into the living room with a beer in each hand. "No way. You're not making him sleep on the death couch."

"Fine," Miles gave in with a dramatic sigh. "But the kid says he doesn't have enough money for a real bet, so I guess you're going to have to fund his side of the original offer."

Bass handed Miles his beer as he suspiciously asked, "Which is what?"

"Connor chooses which team he thinks will win and if he's right, I give him a hundred bucks," Miles responded. "But if he's wrong, then you scarf up a hundred bucks on his behalf. It's perfect. The kid's got nothing to lose."

"Fine," Bass grumbled out reluctantly as he took a seat next to his friend. "But you're sleeping on the couch."

"How are things going with Bass?" Nora questioned as she got settled on the couch in Charlie's apartment. A smile formed on her lips as she asked, "Have you two had sex yet?"

"No," Charlie responded. "I mean, it's not like we didn't want to. But Connor was there and Danny was asleep in the living room and it kind of killed the mood."

"Sounds like you guys need someone to watch Connor overnight," Nora commented.

"That's the plan," Charlie agreed. "Assuming we can find someone Connor would be willing to have babysit him for that long."

"Well, I'm sure I could convince Miles to help me watch him sometime," Nora offered.

"Thanks," Charlie responded. "Maybe if we're lucky, Miles'll grow on Connor a little tonight."

"Oh no. Too bad!" Miles commented with a giant smirk spread across his features as the game came to an end. "Looks like I win. Better pay up, Bass."

"The game just ended," Bass pointed out. "What? You can't wait five minutes for your money? You just came here to drink my beer and use my kid to help you take my money?"

"Something like that," Miles agreed. "Now pay up or else I'm switching deals and making him sleep on the couch."

"You're a sore winner. You know that?" Bass insisted as he pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. "You should work on that."

"I don't need to work on anything," Miles responded as he snatched a hundred dollar bill out of Bass's hand. "I'm already good at winning."

"Gloating about defeating a ten year old is a really good look on you," Bass told him sarcastically.

"A win's a win," Miles pointed out. "And it's your money I'm taking. Now, since you mentioned your beer, why don't you go get me another one?"

"Only because I'm not drunk enough to be around you for the rest of the night," Bass insisted as he rose to his feet.

As soon as Bass had left the room, Miles pulled his wallet out and put away his new hundred dollar bill. Connor was surprised when he pulled out a fifty dollar bill and handed it over to him.

"Here's your cut, kid," he said as Connor took the bill from him. "I knew I could sucker your dad into doubling the bet. Now we both win."

Maybe Miles was annoying and his presence meant they were stuck watching sports, but at least Connor was up fifty bucks.

The next morning, Charlie let herself into Bass's apartment to find her uncle snoring with one arm dangling off of the couch. Apparently the sound of the door had woken Connor up, since he appeared in the hallway as Charlie set her bag down. Then again, it was pretty late in the morning. Maybe Connor had already been up when she had arrived.

Miles was asleep on his stomach and a smirk formed on Charlie's lips as she crept over to the couch and then jumped on top of him, landing on his back.

Miles woke with a start as Charlie burst into laughter.

"Good morning, Miles."

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Miles groaned out. "Get off of me."

She obliged and Miles let out a series of grunts as he rolled over.

"I forgot how much I hate this couch," he complained. "Help me up."

Charlie grabbed his outstretched hand and yanked him up as she glanced in Connor's direction and asked, "Is your dad still sleeping too?"

Connor nodded his head.

"Why don't you go wake him up in horrendous fashion?" Miles questioned. "I bet he's pretty hungover too."

"I'll be back," Charlie assured them as she headed down the hallway, past Connor.

"Good. I'm starving."

Charlie opened the door to find that Bass's room was dimly lit by a few rays of light from the gloomy morning streaming in through the window. He was asleep on his side with one arm underneath his pillow, protectively clutching it in place. The covers were resting halfway up his torso and she could see that he was shirtless.

She padded into the room, careful not to wake him prematurely, then leapt onto the side of the bed next to him. For a moment he stirred with his eyes still closed, then he opened them and smiled when he spotted her.

"Good morning, Charlotte," he greeted her. His was voice came out hoarse from lack of use. "What are you doing here?"

"Morning," she responded cheerily. "Disappointed to find me in your bed?"

"Not at all," he assured her as he rolled onto his back. "Just wondering what I did right to get you here."

"I came to see how last night went," she replied. "With Miles and Connor."

"I think they got along alright," he responded. "Miles ripped me off a hundred bucks though."

"Well, Connor's hungry and Miles sent me to wake you up," Charlie told him. "So, unfortunately, we're going to have to get out of bed."

"Too bad," he agreed.

"I guess they could wait a minute or two longer," she admitted, then moved to kiss him.

He kissed her back hungrily for a moment, then pulled away before things could get too heated. He knew from experience that Connor was not patient when he was hungry, so he figured they'd better not push their luck.

"Alright, I gotta take a leak," he told her. "I'll meet you out there."

"See you out there," Charlie agreed, then reached past him to pull the covers off of him, revealing black boxers and a pair of muscular legs. She let the covers fall back as she rose from the bed. A grin formed on her lips, then she teased, "Too bad."

"What? Were you checking if I was naked under here?" He questioned.

"Maybe," she responded with an innocent shrug.

"I don't tend to sleep naked with Miles and Connor around," he told her. "I didn't know you were going to be here. Sorry to disappoint you."

"Fair enough," she replied as she backed towards his bedroom door. "But soon then?"

"Soon," he agreed. "I mean, if you want to stay and have a little peep show while I'm taking a piss, then I'm not going to stop you. But…"

"I think I can wait," Charlie assured him before slipping out of the room.

"What's with the pajamas?" Connor questioned when his father walked into the kitchen a few minutes later. He was still shirtless, but he had thrown on a pair of dark blue plaid pajama bottoms.

"What do you mean?" Bass challenged.

Connor was sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of Frosted Flakes while Charlie searched for more bowls and Mikes grabbed more spoons. Connor set his spoon back in his bowl and stared his father down as he pointed out, "You never wear pajamas."

"Yes I do," Bass responded a little defensively as Charlie passed him a bowl.

"No. You only wear them when Charlie's here," Connor insisted. "Otherwise you walk around in boxers all morning."

Miles was clearly amused as he commented, "You know. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to try to take your pants off around girls, not put more clothes on."

"Yes. Thank you," Bass responded sarcastically as he sat down across from his friend. "I have a kid. I think I know how sex works."

"Beginner's luck," Miles insisted.

Well, he wasn't wrong about that. Emma had been Bass's first. That didn't mean he had to admit Miles was right though.

"And how well has it worked out for you, just taking your pants off around any girl you're interested in?" Charlie challenged.

"Hey, you don't know what Nora's into," Miles pointed out.

"That's definitely not how you two got together," Bass commented with a laugh. "So none then."

"It's still a better strategy than yours," Miles insisted with a shrug.

A/N: Please read and review! A giant thanks goes out to saderia, LemonSupreme, and AshleyStewart09 for being awesome and reviewing last chapter! :)