Chapter 11

Hello my sweet readers! I'm back with another chapter! I have graduated and will be going to college! I'm excited for this new chapter in my life. Anyone else going to college!? I would love to know where and when… sorry if it sounds creepy I just care about you guys. Well anyway read and review!



When I woke up, I could see from the light entering through the windows that it was probably early afternoon. Everything was a bit hazy, but everything seemed a bit more crystal clear. It was an odd mix, one that I was sure would make me sick in some way or another, but didn't. I could feel the dried tear tracks stained on my face. Only then did I realize how long it's been since I have showered.

God I felt gross.

When I tried to get up I let out a groan of pain, finally I realized that there was a werewolf puppy pile still taking place. All around me there was limbs dangling about, with Isaacs head resting firmly on my lap. There was some mild discomfort at having all these people touching me, but in some distant part of my brain I had to admit I kind of liked it.

I tried to move, but was met with protest from Isaac in the form of what can only be described as a whine. I heard footsteps distantly but decided to ignore it in favor of searching for a way out of this mess so I can quietly leave the hale house. I noticed a pillow at the end of the couch, with as much stealth as I could muster I slowly pulled out my legs and exchanged the pillow for my lap.

When I was finally to my feet I only managed to take a few steps towards the door before a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"What do you think you're doing young man?" the older of the Hales ground out, his voice stern as my eyes closed and my fingers found its way to my temples. I couldn't help the sigh of indignation before twirling around on my heels with a smile on my face.

"Showing my way to the door, I think I've over stayed my welcome. Thanks for the hospitality, I'll see myself out," there was a small part of me that was hoping it would work, and yet the more logical side of my brain was screaming that it wouldn't, and that I should just book it.

Of course I should have listened to that part of my brain, seeing as how it was right about everything before, because before I could even blink the older wolf was looming over me, his face set into a cold grimace. As if that was their cue everyone started to wake from their slumber and had their eyes trained on me, suddenly Derek was standing there, appearing out of the shadows as if he came out of thin air, his eyes set into the same hard look, completely shirtless.

Maybe it was a family trait.

"Sit." Was all Derek said before disappearing into the kitchen. I guess we were back to using one syllable sentences again, yay! As I made my way to the couch I couldn't help but notice the way the entire pack was staring at me, they seemed almost concerned and a bit frightened. As if I would vanish into the air itself.

"I think I should go, I mean you have shown me enough hospitality as it is," I clutched my red hoodie, something I often did in nervous situations and took a seat on the soft plush couch after Isaac had moved over onto another cushion. When Derek finally did reappear he had a bowl of steaming soup in hand.

My mouth watered at the smell. Food two times in the same week? This was too good to be true.

He took a seat on the coffee table in front of me and offered the steaming liquid with one bulging arm. I was drooling for a completely different reason now.

"I cant accept," I said plainly, I knew how this game worked, and I am not going to be fooled any more.

Peter looked at me quizzically, as if I was some problem to solve before asking, "And why not my boy," his head turned in an odd angle, and dare I say it, it was kind of cute.

"Because you will just take it away, there is always a price to pay for food, and you gave me some yesterday, my weekly food supply is drained." I swallowed hard before adding a quick "sir" to the end of my statement, last time I had forgotten to do that cost me a trip to the basement, a mistake I will never repeat on my life.

Peter's eyes widened as did the rest of the rooms. There was a small gasp but I didn't turn to look to see who had made the small noise.

"Why would you think that?" Derek's voice came out small, something I wasn't used to hearing, it almost sounded… gentle. God what I wouldn't give to hear it again, kindness was such a limited thing in the basement; I didn't want to lose it again.

"Because it's the rules," I said blandly, "I eat once a week, any more and he makes me throw it up, food is a privilege not a necessity, sir, I know the rules." Derek's throat bobbed and I couldn't help bit stare at the movements of his throat and imagine a better use for it.

"Stiles," Isaac practically whispered, "those rules don't apply here, what your explaining is more abuse…" he paused and his eyes began to dart around the room, as if looking for back up "that doesn't apply here."

"That wasn't abuse!" I practically shouted, feeling a serge of protectiveness for the man who housed me for the better part of my life, "he… he was just protecting me!" I stood up, my arms and legs feeling jittery.

"What… what other rules were their Stiles?" Derek had put down the soup beside him; he looked up at me with intense eyes. I was stumped by the question… why would he want to know? Didn't he know them? Didn't he want me to follow them?

"What?" I asked, my voice was hushed, it felt scratchy to try and talk now.

"The rules stiles, what were the rules?" Derek asked once again, his voice louder, more firm, more Derek.

"I had to call him sir, never dad. I couldn't use the washer or drier, I had to find somewhere else to do laundry. Any mess I made while in the basement must be cleaned up. When he used the belt I am to kneel and take my shirt off… there are more but you get the gist…"

"I am going to break that man's neck!" Peter screeched, his eyes turning werewolf blue, teeth elongating and claws coming unsheathed. I couldn't help the hard flinch at the tone and immediately dropped to my knees. This seemed to bring him back to reality long enough to fully transform into a more human appearance, eyes still shinning, though as I looked around I noticed all of them were.

Including Derek's. His eyes shown blood red, excreting an air of power, of control.

"Look I can just get out of your hair, I was planning on living in my car until I can save up some money,"

"No Stiles, you're staying here, end of discussion,"

I gulped audibly, preparing for the worst that has yet to come.

So what do you guys think! Sorry this summer has been crazy! What with university coming up and trying to get my dorm ready, not to mention my birthday! I also got a tattoo guys! Okay so tell me what you think

Please oh please read and review!