Bloody 5.2

"I'm so glad you're safe, when I get back we're spellebrating in a supercalafragalistic way." Raven kissed his forehead.

Dexter kept his hand on her back. "Get back? Where are you going?"

Raven gently took his hand off her back and tried to turn away. She felt Dexter reach for her arm; he grabbed the sleeve of the robe. The tug down revealed to him the bruises on her shoulder.

"What is that?" The prince asked, sounding like a balloon losing air.

Lying was considered but the witch saw the worry in his eyes. Raven sighed before walking closer to his bed.

"You know I love you, right?" She watched Dexter bounced his head; he looked sheepish because Raven had never said the exact words.

"Okay, I'm just going to beanstalk the truth; my brain was hijacked by a vampire and-", She snapped her fingers and her outfit changed, "now I'm going to go kick his fangs in."

Dexter blinked. "Vampire?"

"Yes, this was all a sinister plot to break us up." Raven explained.

"Vampire." Dexter repeated.

"He tried, he failed because what we have is stronger than goblin steal and more beautiful than all the gold that could ever be spun." She said as put one hand on her heart and another over Dexter's chest.


And welcome back pulsing veins, Raven thought. "Please don't-"

"You were almost eaten by a monster!?"

Raven looked up at the ceiling, "I'm not proud to say it but-"

"That's why you weren't here! That's who tried to fry me like tempura!" The boy jumped out of his infirmary bed, wobbling a bit. "I can't believe this! What kind of fairy tale world is this!"

"Easy, babe, you just got better." Raven tried to balance him, though she really wished to carry him back to his bed.

"No, I'm going get a pound of garlic and sticking it in this thing's face." Dexter said as he searched for his glasses.

She wanted to say she could handle the problem by herself. However Raven had been by herself when she made the situation worse. She was also concerned for her sweet, bookish boyfriend to get into a battle with a tougher opponent. He never orders me around so who would I be telling him to stay home, Raven thought.

"We'll kick his cape together." Raven said, becoming a battle couple is about as hexcellent as getting together was.

"You're staying here."

Raven blinked. "Are you kidding me?"

"I've been useless for too long, I mean I'm a Prince Charming for fairy sake! I'm not letting this fiend get away with touching my princess and seeing..." Dexter cringed, "her intimate areas."

"Alright, I respect the good Royal principles but I refuse to be locked up in a tower for any reason. We are going together." Raven stated, hoping his anger wouldn't cloud his judgment.

"No, my Rebellious lovely, you are staying here and I'm going." Dexter said, his blue eyes determined even though he didn't know where he'd have to go.

I weep for the rats' families, Melody thought as Daring and Darling stepped over the dead bodies of her army. Darling's armored shoes shimmered brown and red in the creases of the engravings. Daring was on his iMirror calling for an-over-by-midnight-drycleaner.

She shook her head at the solitary brunette Charming futility fighting with Raven. "The guy's in his boxers and he plans to slay a real monster. Quite a catch, huh?"

Melody thought she was talking to Cupid but the cherub seemed to have disappeared.


In the Marsh King's sleazy hotel room three Wonderlandiful girls were having a tea party. They sat on his bed and ate the roomservice being charged on the vampire's card.

They stacked the salad ingredients, steaks, eggs, cakes and barbeque wings one atop another in a single tower. To test their quickness, they took turns pulls a piece out of the stack and replacing it with another food.

The door Lizzie broke down was still on the floor. Raven and Dexter walked into the room without knocking.

"Where is he?" Dexter asked, a silver sword in one hand and Raven's fingers in the other.

"Sparkle, sparkle the shrunk went away, by angels of key and spay." Maddie said as she removed a pickle and replaced it with a candy bar.

"Uh, what?" Dexter asked, hoping he wouldn't have to talk to them very long.

Lizzie rolled her eyes, "We took care of the little tick so don't worry your wigglepiffs."

"Took care how?" Raven asked, disappointed she didn't get to at least watch.

"Maddie just told you, do we need to write it down for you?" Kitty said, grinning at the slow non-Wonderlandians.

"Maddie, is Valentine definitely out of the picture?" Raven asked, her violet eyes meeting Madeline's teal eyes.

"Yes; sparkle, sparkle the shrunk went away and by angels of key and spay." Madeline told her dubious bestfriend.

"Raven will get it soon enough, Narrator." Maddie said.

Not now, Madeline.

"Why do you jump back and forth from Madline and Maddie? Are you a frog, Narrator? Or a nervous piece of twine?"

No, I just put out what I think sounds good at the time, honestly if you hadn't mentioned it I wouldn't notice I do th- BUT back to the story!

"What is she saying?" Dexter asked his girlfriend who was more adapted to Wonderland riddles and nonsense.

"She's saying we can be certain of the fact that the vampire is gone for good." Raven said, trusting her bestfriend to never give false hope.

Dexter's face crinkled, he left the room without a word to the girls.

"Dex?" Raven said as she followed him out. "Hey, I wanted to getting my fists on him too but we can trust Maddie and Lizzie to get rid of trouble. Kitty is a wild-cat-card but she wouldn't do anything against-"

"Getting rid of that menace was supposed to be done by me!" He turned around to tell Raven.

"You mean us." Raven had to correct, despite seeing his aggravation.

"You would've gotten even with him fine but I was going to be the guy to stab that thing in the heart for stabbing mine." Dexter pierced the wall, pushing the blade most of the way into a portrait of the Marsh King's relative.

Seeing him out for carnage unnerved Raven, "Dexter, that hex on your heart was placed by-"

"I'm talking about you- you're my heart." Her boyfriend interrupted, his blue eyes swirling with thunder and rain.

The sorceress felt her stomach ache, then she felt her center become buttery and fluffy. The prince looked away from the witch.

Raven put a hand under his chin so he'd have to look at her. "You're my favorite inspiration to be good. I am tempted to go all Wicked Witch more times than I care to admit but I stay calm because you're so much better than that. Good days or bad days you never lose who you are and I love that because I really, really like who you are. You're my hero, Dex."

"Are you saying that to make me feel better or because you need me to keep fixing your phones?" Dexter asked, feeling good no matter how she'd answer.

"Take what I'm saying and believe it?" Raven hugged him but never looked away from his eyes.

The prince inhaled then let go of his angst. He nodded and gave her a small smile.

"The Wonder-bugs would think of better punishments than me anyway. This worked out for the best." Dexter said as he hugged Raven back. She pulled him down by his scarf and kissed him.

Dexter brushed her feathery collar in his right hand and kept his left hand on her back. Raven liked how warm the inside of his jacket was, she put both of her arms around him, feeling his sweater vest and everything underneath it.

Breaking the kiss, Dexter took a few breaths, "The front desk is two floors down, we can check in in six minutes, six and a half tops."

Raven stepped back and enchanted a lock, the door opened and the teens saw no one inside. Dexter grinned, he grinned wider as Raven took a handful of scarf to pull him into the room. The door closed behind them, Raven walked backward to the beds. Without looking behind her, she slid onto the bed with both hands on Dexter's jacket. Dexter put his hands on her elbows, slid up her arms, cupped her face and closed the space between them. They pecked kisses as Dexter reached through his pockets for the Unwanted-Heirs Protection.

"Wait, I want to turn a lamp on." Raven said as she reached for the chain to the lamp on the side. She was close enough but became distracted as Dexter gnawed on the clasp of her collar; it felt like his face was digging toward her heart. Raven laughed and gave up on the light. Dexter stopped for a moment and rose up to a kneel.

"One second." He said, Raven had her eyes closed and chuckled.

She was delightfully surprised when Dexter began to pull and press on her right breast. Raven thought his hands were bigger than they felt but the pressured squeeze of a full palm felt spelltacular.

"Sweetie, I'd love it if you traveled with that." Raven said, liking the sensation until something sharp went into her flesh. It felt like a fingernail but she knew Dexter kept his clean and short as possible.

Raven opened her eyes to see Kitty had her paws on her bra and her mouth on Dexter's. The Dexter's girlfriend pulled on Kitty's lavender pigtails.

"Me-Row!" She said, taking her arm off from around Dexter's neck. The prince poked his tongue out and tried to wipe it with his hands.

Raven flexed her fingers, Kitty rose off the bed. The Cheshire kitten watched the door open before she was thrown out of the room. The door locked, Dexter and Raven watched her paws dart and reach under the door. The sorceress flexed her hand again; Dexter heard a rain cloud thunder and Kitty screech.

Dexter held up his hand to count, "So that's Lizzie twice, Maddie's suggestions, Bunny, Kitty-"

"You're counting Bunny? That was an accident." Raven stated.

Dexter held up an index finger. "Alistair did not treat it that way so neither do I. "

"Whateverafter. Got your shield on?" Raven asked, remembering one of Maddie's suggestions. She kneeled to match him then began to rub small circles behind his ears.

Dexter took off his glasses and dropped them to the side of the bed. "Yes ma'am."

The Prince Charming went on his knees and hovered over her, Raven was on her back. She liked his real touch on her breasts, he was slower than Kitty and Raven enjoyed the gentleness. She was more abrasive with his boxers and sweater vest.

Raven unclipped her collar; her fair skin hadn't a scar in sight. Dexter knew it was an enchantment attempting to fool him into forgetting. He didn't forget, the prince kissed the spots where he knew she was hurt. Dexter liked hearing her controlled breathing; he liked her thin finger on the skin of his waist, then bottom. He slid his knees down to get closer to her. Raven was happy they grew closer together in the mist of chaos, she was cacklingly happier when they were at their closest.

Dexter had his lips on the back of her neck when Raven had a realization.

"Hocus bippity pocus!" Raven said, one hand hitting a wall while the other lightly hit Dexter's arm.

"I'm getting there, Cb." Dexter told Raven's purple& black hair, I wish she'd try styling it straight.

"You're good, Dex, you're the goodest."


Alone in her radio-studio Cupid sat looking at Valentine. She was in a chair while the tiny bat in the jar sat on her speaker system.

"The Wonderland girls had the right idea force-feeding you a shrinking potion. If I was a petty demi-god I would've let Maddie dip you in boiling water and turn you into batty-lemon tea." The girl with the pink swirls said.

"I could've let Lizzie chop off your head and make you watch you body get sliced into a million bits. I could've let Kitty eat you." She lifted the jar and examined the bat's angry silence. She tapped the glass, his pointy ears folded in agitation.

"But I didn't. I'd rather stick you on Apollo's chariot but you aren't worthy of a trip like that. I'm probably just going to bury you under a troll bridge before the dawn breaks just to get this over with."

"Give him to me and he'll turn to dust."

Cupid turned around to see Raven walk out of the shadows. The black the sorceress wore blended in well with the dark, Raven's cold eyes shined through though.

"No sunlight needed, just one snap of my fingers." Raven held up her thumb and index finger.

"Figured out the riddle this quick? Nice." Cupid said, unsurprised to see her company.

"What I can't figure out, Cupid, is why you would want to protect him after-"

"It's not about protecting him, Raven, it's about protecting me. If Valentine were interrogated he'd admit he came here for me. I swear I didn't bring him here but I… I saw him before he arrived here. His descent was my fault but not my request."

"You went to an old boyfriend after your crush broke your heart. I understand that, I don't understand how a girl as smart as you could get hypnotized by a nightmare guy like that." Raven said this and purple flames grew around her neck collar.

"I'm a Cupid but I have one wing hanging when it comes to my own love life." Cupid said, "I can't ever say Valentine has a good side no one else has seen but there is a part of me that will always be connected to him. I am desperately sorry I brought that onto you and Dexter. Please forgive me."

Cupid took in Raven's icy glare.

"I didn't tell Dexter when I figured it out." Raven said when enough minutes passed.

The angel-winged girl looked Raven in the eyes. "Thank you."

"I hate lying to him but I will keep this secret if you keep mine." Raven said as she walked up to Cupid.

"What secret is that?"

"I won't ever be the Royal princess Dexter really deserves and wants, and I won't become my mother either. He knows those things but what I can't have him learn is how wicked I can really be. I don't like that part of myself very much but I tap into it when needed." The witch said as she took the jar away from Cupid.

"I hope I never need to do this again." Raven said as she looked at the bat pressing against the glass of the jar that was farthest from her face.