A Letter to Anyone Who Still Reads My Fanfiction
I sincerely apologize for not updating any of my fics lately. As some of you may know, on December 29, 2014 I gave birth to my son, Parker. In 2015, in addition to working full time, getting my pharmacy technician certificate, and raising my son on my own, my husband and I are now divorcing due to his heavy drug use and having sex with multiple women behind my back.
Recently, I came out as a homosexual, and I am in the middle of a custody battle. My ex's parents are accusing me of being negligent to my child because of my sexuality. I'm moving to the city and finding a new job because of what's happened with all of that. While drug abuse and adultery only grant my ex to supervised visitation with his parents, it seems as though they think they have a case to take my boy from me.
But in more positive news, I have officially become a published author. My novel, The Immortal Star: Book One: Rebirth is now available on Amazon for $7.99. I'm very excited about it, and in my spare time I try to work on the second one. I'm probably going to end up combining all three into one large novel, as each is about only fifteen chapters. But I haven't made my decision yet, and seeing as my book is through a free publisher, I have plenty of time to consider what I'm going to do.
So I am very, very sorry. I haven't given up on my fics. I still thoroughly enjoy them and often take notes on future chapters. I apologize for any inconvenience. Being an adult is just way harder than I thought it would be. And to think, I'm only twenty-one years old.
Jorden the Jynx