Date night. Last chapter too. I can't get into it anymore.
Brittany's POV
I was glad that I chose casual after I saw what Santana was wearing and it looked like she felt the same way.
"You look pretty awesome too," I said looking her up and down.
I stepped outside and closed the door behind me, expecting her to walk ahead of but me when I turned around she was still standing there. She held out her hand and I smiled as I took it, and she led me to her car. She even opened the door for for me, and I grinned at her as I got into her car.
When she sat down, and started the engine, she turned to me and smiled. "I might have thought that it was easy to think of something to do, but even after hanging out for a couple of months this was pretty hard. So I think that if you know something you want to do you can tell me and we can do that...but first we have dinner."
"Dinner sounds good."
She had gotten us a table at Breadstix. Considering I'd never been there I was excited and especially when she told me that the breadsticks were free and you could eat all you wanted. Apparently, she loved breadsticks just as much as me because we ate more of them then of our dinner.
"So what did you have planned?" I asked.
Santana looked up and shrugged. "I thought it would be cool to go to the park...there's something like an open air viewing of this movie tonight."
"Sounds good, what movie is it?"
"I don't remember. But I know it's in hour so we kind of have to hurry up," she said.
"We don't have to be there for the start...we can take it easy right?"
"We could if you don't mind missing the start," she shrugged and took another bite of her dinner.
"I don't mind," I said.
She smiled and I smiled back at her.
Turned out the movie was already halfway done when we got there but that didn't matter. I'd seen this movie a thousand times before and I think that Santana had too because she was talking along with it.
"Titanic was one of my favorites when I was younger, I watched it all the time." Santana smirked and nodded.
"Me too."
We watched as the boat hit the iceberg in silence and Santana leaned in close after Jack and Rose got on deck.
"I've always wanted to have a moment like theirs."
"Like how they love each other? Or that moment in the car?"
She was silent for a moment and I kept my eyes on the screen. "Both, I guess."
"Maybe you will sometimes..."
Santana's POV
I had tried thinking of something that Britt liked and as it turned out it was pretty easy. The outside viewing of this movie was one of the first things I thought would work, and it did. And no, I don't mean work as in get in her pants, but she would have to want more than one date with me and if the date sucked why would she?
As we made our way to the car after he movie had ended, Britt was skipping and I knew I'd done something right.
"So...was this okay?"
She stopped and turned me to face her with so much ease it was shocking. "You did everything right. Dinner and a movie!"
"It was kind of last minute," I said.
"The movie. I had so many ideas in my head but none of them sounded okay for tonight."
"Well, you can use some of them on our next date then." Britt smiled and it made me feel better about tonight. Much better.
"Let's get to the car," I said.
We got to the car and after we were both safely inside, I locked the doors and started the engine.
"Locking the doors?"
"There are just some perverts out there and I want to be safe," I said. "Better safe than sorry right?"
"Yea," Britt smiled and I pulled out of the parking lot.
When I got to her house she was leaning against the window but she wasn't sleeping yet because the moment I stopped she sat up.
"Oh...did I fall asleep?"
"I don't think so."
"Good. Hey, thanks for this awesome date. We should do it again sometime," she said.
"Yea," I smirked and then got out of the car. I walked around the car but she was faster than I was and got out of the car.
"I don't like you acting like a gentleman because I know what the reasons behind them are. So don't worry okay?"
It was strange because she was the only person who'd ever said that but it felt so good to not have to worry about that kind of thing with her. I was just as much a girl as she was and she made that so clear.
"Thanks," I said with a smile.
We made our way to her front door and she turned to smile at me.
"So...good night," she said.
"Good night," I said. I leaned forward to peck her on the cheek but she had other plans and she turned her head at the last moment, making it so that we were actually kissing again. Her kisses were my favorite.
"I can't have you not kissing me, San," she said against my lips. "It's a date, remember?"
I smiled into the kiss and I pulled her closer, causing her to moan a little into the kiss. I was just lucky she wouldn't be able to feel how hard I was for her because of the shorts I was wearing.
"Good night," I said when I pulled back again.
"Good night."
It wasn't like we didn't have any time to do everything that I'd thought of on that first date.
It was just that we were too busy doing...other things to really care about those ideas.
But sometimes I thought about them and tried to find a date to do them. And then Britt would walk in and I would forget about that all over again.
Life, as I knew it, had changed the moment that I met her and I was so grateful for that.
I was happy for the first time.
I'm sorry that this is so short and that this is the end but...really? I hadn't even planned on going past that last chapter of Santana's trip.