The new Teacher's Assistant

The trio had cleaned themselves up and watched a movie they could all agree on before going to bed… Jim Henson's Labyrinth. Natalia had never seen it before and the two men talked about how they watched it when they were kids. It made them both long for adventure in those days. As soon as the movie ended, the trio prepared for slumber and then settled down in Loki's queen-sized bed. Loki felt truly happy to have his sweet Natalia nestled in his arms while Steve held him close as well as they lay in bed together.

The reclusive professor felt wanted and loved for once in his twenty-eight years of life. He just couldn't shake that nagging voice in the back of his mind that whispered about how things always go wrong for him when everything seems to be going right for a change. Loki did his best to keep those fears at bay as he held tightly to the beautiful redhead in his arms. He wasn't lying when he said he never wanted to lose her.

Loki stirs and reaches out to feel for the familiar touch of Natalia's curves, but she isn't there. He bolts up and soon finds himself running, searching. There are scraggly trees and tuffs of yellowed grass scattered about the stony ground. He hasn't a clue as to where he is… Then suddenly, there is an immense golden palace with a set of large double doors. Huge and imposing with great links of silver chain upon them… the doors swing open at his approach and a dark figure steps out from the mist that swirls within.

It is himself! Only this darker version has much longer hair that falls down to his waist and is pulled back into a ponytail. He wears a medieval looking outfit of black leather, golden armor, and accents of green along his arms and chest. A wolf's pelt, black as midnight, covers his shoulders. The head is stroked as it resides upon this Loki's left shoulder. A crown of gold and emerald gems adorned with a pair of small curving horns resides upon his forehead.

"Who are you?" Loki says to the strange version of himself. The bright emerald eyes of this dark self glimmer with mischief and a promise of pain as he smirks at the question posed to him.

"Isn't that obvious?" The dark self asks in an amused manner.

"Not necessarily." The professor says annoyed. The dark self huffs a sigh and rolls his eyes.

"I am the Mischief-Maker, the Liesmith, Riddle-Singer, loyal Friend, and feared Enemy… I am Loki, God of Mischief and Prince of Tricksters." The dark self says.

"What do you want from me?" The professor asks of the god.

"Nothing really." The god says with a dismissive wave of his gloved hand as he smirks. "Though it is quite amusing to see how a lowly version of myself has carved some amusement out of his dull life… and what gloriously lurid amusement that is." The god says with a wide wicked grin as his eyes flash wildly. The professor blanches and takes a step back. The god presses forward. "The flame haired woman is such a delight… I can feel her quim pulse around my cock as I read your memories. Simply marvelous." The god says as he licks his lips then closes his eyes to shiver.

"It would be such a shame to lose such a treasured possession." The god then says and tsks as he shakes his head and paces around the professor. "Beware the Hawk that circles… for the bird is readying to strike." The god says as he grips the professor's throat from behind. His voice hissing into the others ear. "Of course… you have a Bird of Prey of your own with which to counter." The god says simply as he eases his grip and slides his gloved hand away from the long, pale throat.

"Bird of Prey… of my own?" The professor is confused at first… then it clicks… Steve is American! "An Eagle!" The god smiles his approval as he slips away and the shadows slither around him.

"And what a stunning specimen he is." The god says and his voice moves around the professor coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. "Soaring you to new heights of pleasure… hmmm… You do realize ultimately, you will have to pick one, yes?" The god says as the darkness swirls around the professor.

"Which will you choose?" He hears the god ask as he curls over the professor's left shoulder then another God of Mischief appears and leans in from the right.

"The Flames or the Eagle?" This one asks.

"It's such a hard decision for him to make." A new one says from the professor's left side. He then feels hands clasping at his thighs and he looks down to see another one kneeling before him.

"They both know just how to please you." The kneeling one coos as he bites at the professor's crotch. The professor tries to hop back a step but is held in place by the two at his side and the one behind. The kneeling one stands and grabs the professor by the chin. He is trapped by this 'mischief' of Lokis.

"Which ever one you cast off… I shall make them forever long for you to the point that no other can sate their desires." The god says as his lips come within an inch of the professor's. "The one you do choose… I shall enjoy as well… when you 'balls-up' and take charge that is." The god says and gropes the professor's crotch hard then presses a forceful kiss to his lips. The darkness swirls and all is a rush.

Loki's eyes snap open and he pants. He is on his back in bed in his darkened bedroom. He catches his breath and feels Natalia stir beside him to nuzzle into the pillow better. He smiles at her and tries to think back on that weird dream he had… it reminded him of the movie they watched last night but there was something more ominous about it. A portent to the future… or his fears… hard to say. The harder he thinks back on it, the harder it becomes to recall the details. He does recall something about a Hawk and an Eagle. This snaps his attention to Natalia once more and he frowns at the thought of losing her.

Loki looks over at the alarm clock and notes that it is around six a.m. The sun has yet to rise and Loki groans as he moves his now sore body from bed. His bum smarts and his knees are still a little sore from yesterday, but it's nothing that he can't deal with. Natalia lies curled under the covers of the bed and Loki smiles down at her letting her sleep a little longer. He makes to get ready and finds that Steve isn't in the small house anywhere. Thirty minutes later when Natalia awakens finally, Steve returns to Loki's home. He is in sweat pants and a hoodie. He removes his running shoes after entering and smiles at Loki who is busy fixing his dark green bow tie into place.

"Leaving so soon?" Steve asks as he eyes the well-dressed college professor.

"Yes, there are some papers I have to finish going through for tomorrow's classes. Thankfully, I got all my other work done for the rest of the week. I put Tuesday's stuff off since it is the easiest to check over." Loki says with a sigh. He then looks towards the bathroom where Natalia had disappeared off to. "Please, keep an eye on her whilst you're here in London." Loki says with an edge of worry in his tone. Steve notices the emotion in Loki's green eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure nothing bad happens to her." Steve says with a smile. "Does that mean I have go on campus?" Steve then asks.

"If you must. No one should hassle you though… considering you are an Alumni." Loki replies with a smirk. "If anyone does… just tell them you are looking for me." Loki then adds.

"You know… you are missing the breakfast I'm about to make." Steve then says with a grin.

"I'm certain it shall be delicious." Loki says and grabs his things. He then goes to the bathroom door and knocks lightly. He tells Natalia that he loves her and will see her later as well as to be safe today. He also mentions that Steve will be making breakfast for her and him and to enjoy the American's cooking.

The day goes back tediously and it starts to wear on Loki. He still can't shake that nagging feeling that something bad will happen to Natalia… especially after his late morning class with that Clint Barton character. The young blonde man just smirks at Loki with this cocky 'I know something you don't know' look.

Loki manages to shake it though once he gets into his medieval history class in the afternoon. Natalia is there and she smiles at him warmly which he returns as he gets his things ready for the day's lesson… they are going to cover the 'Medieval Warming Period' as Climatologists call it and how that effected Europe. It will tie everything they've covered so far together nice and neat as well as set the stage for the next topic of discussion… how the major wars since the fall of the Roman Empire have shaped the borders for all European countries.

Once everyone has arrived, Loki starts the class by having the students pass in their essay assignments on the Witch Hunts and once that is over he jumps into his general discussion of the 'Medieval Warming Period'… when it started, how long it lasted, and how it was an era of prosperity for Europe. Class goes smoothly with students asking questions about the prevailing theories of what caused the warming and then the sudden dip into the 'Little Ice Age' that follows.

Loki discusses about how as the population increased so too did demand for housing, for furnishings, for ships to transport trade goods, as well as for fires to cook and smelt metals, etc… this required wood and that meant the great forests of Europe were reduced drastically. That is the argument for the human influence. He also mentions about how some believe it was merely a fluctuation of the climate… but still there needs to be more solid evidence to support it. The facts are that the population increased and that the climate changed leading to massive and consistent crop failures which in turn lead to much strife.

The bell rings for class to end and Loki instructs everyone to read up on this period and to get ready for a test that will be in two weeks before Spring Break. Everyone gathers their things and files out.

"How did this period in medieval times affect Russia?" A tall, stout young man asks. His voice is thickly accented alerting Loki that he hails from Russia. Piotr Rasputin is the young man's name.

"Ah, excellent question, Peter." Loki says as he jots down a few book titles on a notepad and then tears the paper out handing it to the tall, well-built young man. "Though you could always google it." Loki then says with a smile and Piotr nods his dark haired head in thanks as he walks away. Natalia then strolls up to the teacher's desk and smiles at her secret lover.

"I don't suppose you know him?" Loki asks in jest with a small smile.

"No." Natalia says as she watches Loki gather the assignments.

"I'm going to be busy tonight." Loki comments with a sigh as he leafs through the bundles.

"You could always grade them later." Natalia says with a suggestive smirk. Loki eyes her then shakes his head.

"You know, sweet Natalia… I don't see your assignment in here." Loki then says to change the subject. She looks at him as her smirk grows into a full smile.

"That's because I wanted to give it to you in person." She replies and pulls out the stapled pages from her backpack and offers it to him.

"Thank you, Natalia. I was hoping a brilliant young woman such as yourself wasn't going to start slacking off." Loki says as they play this little game.

"Wonderful! I see the new Teacher's Assistant is already here." Erik Lehnsherr says as he enters the now vacant class room. He walks to the two with a wide smile on his aged face. "Miss Romanova will be helping out around here." He says to Loki. He then looks to Natalia and adds, "So be ready for the tedious work that is teaching." The older man then chuckles.

"Now don't scare her off, Erik." Loki says with a smile.

"Of course not! She will liven things up around here. Otherwise I am stuck with your mostly silent company… then again… you have been leaving earlier than usual this past week. Let's hope your lady doesn't come wandering in and see you alone with this vision." Erik then says with a knowing chuckle. Loki snorts at that.

"I'm certain there won't be an issue there." Natalia says with an innocent smile. "In fact… Professor Odinson could take me out for lunch and everything would be fine." She adds with an innocent smile as she looks to the younger professor. Loki blanches… that smile is anything but innocent! 'She is a devious little vixen.' He thinks to himself as his eyes widen and dart from her to Erik.

"That sounds like an invitation, Loki." Erik says with a grin and winks at the younger man.

"Perhaps… one day… before my afternoon classes start. I do have two hours… eleven to one on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays." Loki says stuttering out the information. Natalia's eyes glint in that typical fashion of mischief he has come to know so well.

"I don't have classes on Wednesdays. That would be a good time for you to show me the ropes around the office area… as well as other places of interest here in the History Building." Natalia says innocently.

"This Wednesday then I shall show you around." Loki says with a wane smile to the beautiful redhead.

"Splendid! You two shall get along perfectly then it seems." Erik says as his own eyes twinkle in delight at the two. "Now if you both will excuse me… I have my last class of the day to teach but first… I have to finish up a few things in the office." Erik says then turns and heads for the door. Loki sighs as soon as the head of the department is gone.

"There are a few perfect places here in this building I can't wait to show you." Natalia says as she sits upon the desk and crosses her legs as Loki just looks down at the last of his papers he needs to stow away.

"We must be careful, Natalia." He says sternly and looks at her raising only his eyes to gaze at her.

"But we are." She says and smirks. "My being your T.A. is the perfect cover for us to have so much fun here on campus and Professor Lehnsherr knowing that we may spend your lunch time together means if we are seen together during that time then no one will report it. If they do… then he will cover for us. It's perfect." She says happily.

"You've planned this?" Loki says as he looks at the redhead curiously and with a new found respect.

"Not from the start… but as soon as Professor Xavier offered to get me this position… yes." She replies and gives him a knowing look that is just smoldering with lust as she leans back on her hands.

"You truly are brilliant, my marvelous Natalia." Loki says with an amused smile as he shakes his head.

"You could thank me with your waggling tongue in another way then letting words roll off of it." She says huskily as she eyes him through her lashes. The look coupled with her curvy body on display in front of him makes Loki bite his lower lip. A part of him wants to take her right here on the desk again… but no, that would be too risky. Another thought enters his mind…

"Show me one of these secret places of yours, my brilliant Natalia… and I'll gladly thank you." He says with a dark smirk. Natalia sucks on her lower lip and slides off of the desk.

"Follow me then… Professor." She says sultry and Loki quickly collects his things then follows her out into the hall. They walk and make simple small talk that would be innocent enough to any passer-by. She leads him up into the attic area using her stolen keys to gain access.

"So this is where they put all the old equipment." Loki says as he looks around.

"Yes." Natalia says as she saunters over to a long wooden table and hops up to sit on the edge. Loki eyes her as she sits there in the golden afternoon light streaming through the circular windows. Her eyes are seductive and expectant as she eyes him. Loki smiles sly at her as he slowly stalks towards her. He inspects every article as he crosses the cluttered space teasing her with anticipation for what is to come.

"You planned the use of your new position perfectly… and on the fly, too, I must add. Such intelligence deserves a worthy reward." Loki says as he gets closer. She fidgets in place on the edge of the table as her full attention is on him. He flashes her his own sexy grin as he moves quickly to stand between her dangling legs. Her lips part and her eyes are blown wide. He can see that her pulse is racing in her neck and see the flutter of her quicken breath as her chest raises and falls rapidly.

"You are going to do what I say now, Miss Romanova." He says and his voice gets lower, deeper as his face closes in on hers. He then grabs her head and kisses her hard, eager, passionately. Her hands go to his suit jacket and fist the fabric to pull him closer. He grabs her hands and pulls them away and pushes her backwards as he leans forwards. "Now, now… I said I was in control." He tsks at her and she whimpers. The sound excites him and gets his blood to racing. He can feel his slacks grow tighter… but he must be patient. He wants to hear her beg for him first.

He kisses her neck and releases the grip on her wrists only to slide his hands down her arms and along the side of her voluptuous figure. His right hand squeezes a breast firmly through her dark blue blouse eliciting a moan to part from her full lips. His hand goes down her body further still to grope at the juncture of her thighs to stimulate her sex through her jeans. She whimpers out a series of light moans and squirms under his hard caresses. He drinks in the sight of her below him and feels powerful in this moment.

A part of him wants to just tear her clothes off and fuck her as hard as he can on this table… 'That will be soon enough.' He thinks as he watches her wiggle and her eyes look up at him pleadingly through half open lids. She is sucking on her lower lip. He kisses her neck below her jaw on her left side and trails kisses down to the low cut of her dark blue top. He uses both hands to fondle her full breasts as he kisses down into the valley of her breasts. Her whimpers flutter out as a prelude to the orchestra he is about to conduct.

His hands slide down the sides of her slender waist slow and firm. He lifts her top up slowly after hooking his thumbs under the bottom of it. He feathers her flat stomach with soft kisses and swirls his tongue artfully around her navel as he unbuckles her belt and opens her jeans. He looks up to see her eyeing him down her body as he slips her jeans off her hips and down her thighs. He uses the garment now around her ankles to keep her legs in place as she spreads her thighs wide eager for what is to come next.

He smiles wickedly up at her and then his tongue slips from between his thin lips to languidly flick at her clit. Her head goes back instantly and her back arcs as her whole body tenses. The loud moan is musical and urges him to continue with this delightful teasing. He slowly swirls the tip of his tongue around her clit and her body shudders. Her moan stutters as well as it escapes her parted lips. He then curls his tongue around the perky nub and draws it into his eager mouth. Natalia's back arcs again as she chokes out a cry then catches herself so as not to be too loud and draw unwanted attention.

Loki slips two fingers into her slowly, teasingly and begins to probe her slick cleft. He slides his tongue lower to taste her honey and soon his tongue probes into her as his fingers part to allow the muscle access into her heated sex. Loki hums as he tastes her womanhood. He loves her taste, delights in it even… and her scent drives him to a fevered lust for her. Natalia is whimpering out long pleasurable moans and his name is whispered from her lips every so often. He removes his tongue and slides up to swirl around her clit once more drawing louder moans and shuddering from her.

"Oh god! Loki! I want you now. Please, please take me now!" Natalia begs though panting breathes as she shivers involuntarily under his constant menstruations. He then slowly raises his face from her overly stimulated sex. He licks his lips as he continues to work her with his fingers. With his free hand, he undoes his belt and opens his black slacks. The garment falls to his ankles quickly and since he isn't wearing any undergarments, his hard cock springs up eagerly to meet the task at hand.

Loki then removes his fingers from her and slides that hand over his impressive manhood to ready himself for her. He works his uncircumcised shaft then pulls her from the table and flips her over so her feet are on the floor. Natalia complies eagerly and arcs her back to rest her chest upon the table's surface. This motion thrusts her ass higher and Loki grips her round hip with his left hand as he guides his cock to her prepared entrance. He inserts the tip and then pushes into her in one hard, deep thrust.

Natalia cries out and Loki grunts out a moan as he sheathes himself inside of her fully. She immediately begins to convulse the inner muscles of her heated core around his lengthy, thick shaft. He massages the cheeks of her perfect, round ass as he starts to thrust in and out of her hard. Her moans come out in time with every forward thrust as their bodies slap together.

"Natalia. Oh, my Natalia." Loki groans out in a low growl and his hands slide up her curvy body under her shirt to grab her breasts as he pounds hard into her. She cries out in slightly louder moans which make for a musical rhythm that sets Loki's heart soaring and his blood to racing. He rests his forehead between her shoulder blades as he fucks and fondles her.

"Fuck me, Natalia." Loki commands, his voice deep and hard. "Give me all you've got, Woman." He growls out as he hammers at her. Natalia screams out in ecstasy as her head goes back, her body arcs, and her core clamps down hard upon his cock. Loki cries out a moan as well as he fucks hard and fast into her. He cums hard into her as he grabs her hips and arcs his entire body into the thrust.

"Natalia." He says in a near whisper as his thrusts slow and he works his seed within her. He then stops still seated within her pulsing core. He slowly pulls away and Natalia whimpers at the vacancy. Loki steps back and tries to catch his breath. He leans down and starts to hike his slacks up and make himself presentable. Natalia just lays there face down on the table panting as her body shivers and shudders from the intense string of orgasms she just went through. Loki can't help but admire the view of her from behind. Their mixed fluids are trickling from her down her inner thighs as she leans there catching her breath.

He steps closer and kneels then runs his tongue up the inside of one thigh then the other catching the trickle of cum and lapping it up. Her breath hitches as he cleans her thighs and then laps at her sex. Moans whimper from her then and the sound is sweet to Loki's ears. He slowly tastes of her honey mixed with his seed as he cleans her. When he is done, he stands and pulls her jeans and underwear up to cover her.

"There. Like it never happened." He says with a smirk and licks his lips. Natalia turns around as she straightens her top and then throws her arms around his neck pulling him into a deep kiss.

"I love you." She says breathily as she pulls away from him. Her eyes begin to water. "I really do." She adds and her voice gets small. Loki holds her close and smiles down at her reassuringly.

"And I love you, my perfect Natalia… with all my heart and soul." He says softly to her and kisses her gently upon the lips.

A/N: I read in the missive section of the comic Loki: Agent of Asgard where a reader referred to calling a group of Lokis a 'mischief'. Like a murder of ravens, pack of wolves, pride of lions, etc. I think that term fits rather well for a group of Loki's doppelgangers… so readers, if you could spread the use of this term by writing it into your fanfics and/or saying it whenever you talk about the character with friends and family we can add a new word title to our world's ever-expanding Lexicon ;)

So if you happen to go to a ComicCon and you see several Lokis… gather them up into a 'mischief' and take a picture! lol

Also the song 'Am I Wrong' by Niko & Vance I feel is the official theme song for this fic since I think of this story every time I hear it on the radio lol
If you haven't heard it yet then check it out on YouTube and have a listen. It's a good song :)

And as always... Thanks for reading! :)