AN: So here's another chapter of Surrendering to Fate. I'm so happy that y'all are liking this story and that you want to read more of Bella and Marcus' story.

Now this chapter has things between them getting harder, yet heating up at the same time. Marcus isn't one to back down from a challenge and that's just what Bella is presenting to him. We'll also get to see at least one of the Cullens, and just wait, you'll get some more of the history between the families and see just what is going on

Oh, and unless I say it in the AN, this story will be in Bella's POV, though there will be a different POV at some point in this chapter

So here we go…

Ch.3: Bella Strikes Back…Or Does She?

Angela, Tia and I stayed up until the early hours of the morning, eating junk food and planning out Marcus' demise so to speak. I had the nagging feeling that somehow this was going to blow up in my face, but I was still angry enough not to care. At least if anything came out of it, I would show Marcus Volturi that I wasn't going to be like the other women in the life. I wasn't going to be some puppet for him to play with. I was going to make sure that he knew exactly whom he was marrying.

Once we all woke up and had eaten breakfast, we took showers and got dressed. Noticing how hot it was already, I dressed in a turquoise peasant skirt, layered white and turquoise tank tops and my turquoise wedge sandals. Angela wore patchwork blue jeans, a grey tank top and white Converse. Tia chose a black crop top, jean mini skirt and black flip-flops. Packing the essentials in my purse: wallet, phone, lip-gloss and gun, we all piled into my car and headed to the mall for a much needed girl's day. If my plan was going to work at all, I needed some clothes that would make Marcus drool.

Walking inside, we immediately hit the stores. I knew that Marcus would be expecting a proper, demure woman at his side and that was not going to happen. So as I shopped, I chose clothes that were sexy, not slutty. I had to be comfortable and confident in what I wore and slutty was not comfortable or confident. So I chose dresses that hugged my curves, tops that hinted at an ample cleavage and bottoms that showed off my legs and ass in a good way. With New York's weather hinting at an unusually warm fall shorts, skirts and capri pants were a majority of my purchases.

I also decided while I was there to get my naval pierced, my ears double pierced and a couple of tattoos to go with the ones I already had. I knew that once Marcus and I were officially engaged, I'd be getting his crest tattooed somewhere on my body. I wasn't usually a big fan of needles, but I didn't mind tattoo needles all that much. I was able to quickly find a tattoo that I really liked that would go on my back. It was a rose that covered the entire length of my spine and spread out almost to my shoulder blades. I also got the three tattoos I had recolored since they had faded quite a bit since I originally got them.

Getting the piercings didn't hurt as much as I thought they would, but the tattoo hurt quite a bit more than the others had. But it was totally worth it once it was finished. Same went for the others after they were retouched. Luckily for me, I wouldn't have to wait two weeks for them to heal, thanks to the ink the artist used and my own skin. Once I was done and had paid, the girls and I went to our final shop for the day: Victoria's Secret that also had a Frederick's of Hollywood attached.

I stocked up on my usual bra and panty sets before browsing the sexier lingerie offered. Since I also purchased some business attire, I picked up some stockings and garter belts to go with the skirts I had chosen. As I glanced at the corset and panty sets with Angela, she asked, "What's his favorite color?" "I have no idea, but my mom practically ordered me to wear red last night. His family does tend to wear that color or some shade of it often. Why?" She cleared her throat to get my attention before holding up a hanger.

It was a beautiful bra, panty and garter set. It was mostly red satin, the bra having more black lace than satin. The panties were small and when I tried it on, they were snug on my hips but in a good way. I had to have it. I purchased the set in red, but also in emerald, purple, dark pink and white. I also purchased several corset sets, short nightgowns, babydoll sets, chemises and a purple silk robe. If Marcus ever walked in on me in just one of these, my plan would work.

Once the three of us had eaten a late lunch, we loaded up the car and went back to the apartment. As I pulled onto the highway, I noticed the black SUV from last night pull onto the highway behind us. Smug bastard. Well if he was going to follow me around, then I'd give him quite a show to see. I had an idea of how to spend what could possibly be my last weekend as a free woman, but I needed the girl's help.

Once we had lugged everything up to the apartment and had started sorting it, I asked, "So do y'all want to go to a club tonight? I feel like dancing." Angela and Tia were all for it, so we ate a light dinner before showering again and dressing for a night out. I had a feeling that Marcus or whoever was in the SUV would follow us but I didn't care. I just wanted to dance and drink a little. It was a good thing I remembered to grab my ID when I left.

Drying my hair gently, I rummaged through my shopping bags for the perfect dress and quickly found it. It was slightly outside my comfort zone, but it was so cute that I couldn't resist buying it. It was a short black dress, the hem not even reaching the middle of my thighs. The straps were thin enough that I couldn't wear a bra, not that I needed to since the dress was snug enough to support my breasts. I slipped on some black lace panties before doing my hair and make up, slipping the dress on afterwards.

Slipping on my new black heels, I again packed the essentials in a black clutch before leaving the guest room and meeting the girls in the living room. Angela was wearing a short, hot pink halter dress with silver heels while Tia was wearing a purple strapless mini dress with black knee-high boots. We took Angela's car to Eclipse, the hottest new club in New York.

After parking the car, we walked up to the door and were greeted by the bouncer, Emmett McCarty Cullen. He was a good friend to all of us, but I think he wanted to be more with Angela but was too shy to do anything about it. He smiled when he saw us, but as I passed by he said, "We all heard the news. If you or the girls need anything let me know, okay Bells?" I nodded and followed the girls inside, not at all surprised at his news or offer. The Cullens were a powerful family as well and often torn between helping my father or the Volturi. Emmett was especially in a difficult position when the Volturi asked for help, since his cheating ex-girlfriend, Rosalie, was now married to Marcus' brother Aro.

Once inside, we found a table near the dance floor and ordered some drinks. We kept the drinking to a minimum since I had to go to church in the morning and they had offered to go with me. After the first round, we hit the dance floor. We danced with each other and with a few random guys here and there. Strangely, whenever I danced with a guy, it felt like I was being watched and not in a good way, Emmett went on break not long after we got there and danced with all 3 of us, saving the slow dances for Angela. Apparently he finally got the courage to ask Angela out because Tia and I saw her jump into his arms and kiss him.

That feeling of being watched never went away and as the four of us sat down to take a break, I found out why. A blonde woman came up to our table and said, "Excuse me Miss Swan? The owner would like for you and your party to join him in the VIP lounge." Curious, we accepted the invitation and followed the woman upstairs to the VIP area. A bad feeling hit me, but my curiosity pushed it to the side.

As we were led inside, I realized that the woman had known my name. I hadn't been to Eclipse often enough for the owner to know my name. As we reached the VIP area, I saw a man standing at the window gazing out at the dance floor. There was no reflection, but his familiar stature and smell told me exactly who he was: Marcus Volturi.

Immediately on edge I stopped walking and asked, "What the hell do you want?" He turned to face us, a smug smirk on his face as he said, "Hello to you too Isabella. Now that I have you here, we will speak about our engagement. Sit down." Seeing two of his men move to block the only exit, I sighed and sat down, the girls and Emmett taking the other chairs surrounding me.

What did Marcus want from me so badly that he was willing to follow me around everywhere?

Marcus POV

God this woman was infuriating! So unlike the women I was used to, yet her behavior didn't seem all that bad to me. I enjoyed her spirit, but only to a point. She and I are engaged and she needs to accept that and take her proper place at my side. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will change my mind about having Isabella Swan as my wife.

As I watched her on the dance floor, I thought about when her father offered her to me as a way to secure peace between our families. I had been shocked at first, until I saw a picture of Isabella on his desk. Then all I thought about was having her on my arm and in my bed. I had accepted Charles' offer without any hesitation and we discussed terms before planning how to reveal to Isabella that she was now mine.

When I officially met Isabella for the first time, her beauty amazed me. She was amazingly beautiful in her simplicity. Unlike most women, she kept her makeup simple as well as her jewelry, which only made her more beautiful. She had an elegance about her that was subtle, yet evident in everything she did. She would be the perfect Volturi bride, once my mother and sisters got ahold of her. Her current activities and attitude needed some major readjusting if she was going to be the wife I wanted her to be.

I was jolted out of my thoughts by my assistant asking me if there was anything I needed. Pointing out at the dance floor I said, "Escort that woman and her guests to the VIP lounge. The brunette's name is Miss Swan. Now go." She nodded and left to do as I asked. I had hoped to talk to Isabella alone, but her fleeing and constant attempts to ignore me have left me little choice but to arrange a meeting with an audience.

Not that I can really blame her for her behavior. Finding out that your father arranged your marriage to end a feud with his enemy would piss any woman off. Still, she should have allowed me to speak before running off. We had many things to discuss, including her attending college and Julliard. I had to admit, I was impressed that she was talented enough to get an audition with the school and I was even more impressed that she was attempting to get a college degree while waiting to hear back from Julliard.

Still, she would have duties to perform once she became my wife and I wasn't going to allow my wife to waste time getting a degree that she wouldn't be able to use. The dance school was still possible, but only as a hobby type of thing. Volturi women didn't work. Isabella and I would have to talk if she wanted to continue doing anything she wanted.

I kept my back to the door as my assistant led Isabella and her friends into the VIP lounge. I was surprised to see Emmett standing with her, considering that he worked for me as a bouncer. But then I remembered that he didn't know that I owned this club. I smirked as Isabella immediately recognized me and stopped halfway into the room. She immediately frowned and asked, "What the hell do you want?" Smirking still, I turned to face her and said, "Hello to you too Isabella. Now that I have you here, we will speak about our engagement. Sit down."

Once Isabella saw that she had no choice but to talk to me, she sighed and took the seat across from me while Emmett and the girls took the seats around her. Sitting down, I stared at Isabella, taking in her beauty and form. The dress she wore was a little more revealing than I would have liked, but I let it go because she was only going to wear it this once if I had my way.

Taking a deep breath as I met her eyes I said, "First, I would like to apologize Isabella for how your father and I revealed the arrangement between us. Had I not pushed, we would have revealed it in a better way." She snorted, interrupting me as she said, "A better way? Trust me Mr. Volturi, there is no better way for a girl to find out that her father sold her like a piece of meat to the enemy." Her snarky attitude was beginning to piss me off, but I pushed it aside so that we could talk this through.

Leaning forward I said, "That's not what this is Isabella. Surely you know that an arranged marriage is not outside the norm for people like us? You knew this would happen someday." Glaring at me and crossing her arms, Isabella said, "Yes, someday. Not out of the blue and to a man I don't even know. Sorry that I'm not thrilled about becoming a Stepford wife." Confused I ask, "What do you mean by 'Stepford wife'?"

Isabella rolled her eyes before saying, "I've seen the women in your family with my own eyes. They're like robots, doing only what you tell them or allow them to do. They probably don't even wipe their own asses without your say so. Thanks, but no thanks. I have no desire to be like them, so you and my dad can figure out another way to make peace and leave me out of it. Goodbye."

She stood up and walked to the door, her friends also rising to follow her. I stood quickly and said, "Isabella, get back here! We're not done talking." She turned back to me and said, "Actually we are Mr. Volturi. I may have no choice but to marry you, but that doesn't mean that I have to talk to you. Now, get these guys out of my way before I shoot them." Not wanting to let her leave, but remembering how quick she was with a gun, I motioned for my men to move aside and let her leave. I watched as she and her friends left the VIP lounge and went back to their table.

As I looked down, I saw Isabella order another drink before heading back out onto the dance floor. Emmett stayed with her friends, but kept an eye on her as she danced. As I watched her move, I couldn't help but feel jealous at how easily she let other men near her, yet she wouldn't allow the man she was about to marry anywhere near her. Enough was enough. If I had to, I was going to make Isabella Swan fall in love with me. And what better place to start than on the dance floor.

I left some instructions with my assistant before leaving the VIP lounge and heading to the main part of the club. I quickly spotted Isabella on the dance floor, her body swaying with the music. She was a goddess and I was going to make her mine. I moved through the crowd, keeping my eye on Isabella the entire time, waiting for the best opportunity to get close to her without causing a scene. She was a stubborn woman and I wanted her badly.

Finally, she was facing away from me and was staying in that direction for some time. I took the chance and went to her. As she swayed to the music, I moved behind her and pulled her body to mine slowly, waiting for her to realize it was me. As we danced, she didn't seem to realize it was me and we danced together for some time. Then one of her friends, Angela I believe, pointed behind her and made some gesture and Isabella turned to face me. At the sight of me, she tried to pull away, but I pulled her closer and whispered in her ear, "Just dance with me Isabella. Just dance."

She seemed to calm down, probably relieved that I wasn't dragging her off the dance floor. I'll admit, the idea was tempting since she and I still had to discuss our engagement, but I didn't want her running off again. A slow song came on and instead of walking away, she stayed in my arms. As we danced slowly I asked, "Will you speak with me now? We have a lot to talk about Isabella." She sighed but nodded as she said, "Look, I want to enjoy tonight and I've got church in the morning. I'll talk to you, but I really don't think this is the best place. You never know who might be listening."

Isabella did have a point. I already had thrown several people out over the past few weeks because they turned out to be cops or snitches. I couldn't risk my business, both family and legit, to talk to her just incase there were cops somewhere inside. Not to mention, we didn't want it getting out just yet that our families were uniting. So I asked, "When then?" She bit her lip as she started to think and I wanted to take that lip and suck on it myself. Finally she said, "I'm not going home probably until later in the week. No point since I have classes early Monday morning, so come to the apartment after church and we'll talk."

I wasn't happy that she was still going to go to class, but I really couldn't stop her at the moment since I was still trying to get her to stay in the same room as myself for more than 5 seconds. I asked, "Doesn't your family have a huge Sunday meal after Mass?" She snorted and asked, "Do you really think I'm going to sit down with my father after what happened at the last family meal?" Again, she had a point and apparently her anger towards her father had not abated. That would be another thing we would have to discuss when we talked the next day.

Anyway, I agreed to meet her the next day at the apartment she was staying at, which apparently confirmed to her that I had been watching and following her around. Drawing her close to me I said, "Isabella, we are engaged, nothing will change that. Following you around is my way of protecting you because once the other families find out, they will try to harm you to get to me." She nodded and said, "The Cullens already know." I knew that, their family being the first ones I told of my impending engagement to the woman in my arms. At least now she understood the dangers so to speak and perhaps she would be more careful about her habit of running off when she was angry.

The song ended and I led her back to her friends. I was happy to see that there weren't that many glasses on the table, but since she had told me that she and her friends were going to Mass in the morning, I wasn't totally surprised. Once we reached the table, Angela mentioned how late it was and said that they'd better head back to get some sleep so they would be okay for Mass. Emmett started to lead them outside and I followed with Isabella.

Reaching their car, I said goodbye to Emmett and the girls before leading Isabella to the front passenger seat and saying, "Be safe Isabella. I will see you at Mass in the morning, so sleep well. What time should I come to the apartment?" After talking to the girls she turned back to me and said, "Come about an hour after Mass ends. I'll make lunch for all of us and then we'll talk in another room." I nodded and before she turned to get in the car, I took the chance and seized her mouth with my own, kissing her as hard and as long as I could.

She tasted so sweet and I couldn't wait to do it again. I let her get in, noticing that she was in a slight daze, before stepping back and letting them drive off. Emmett walked over to his own car, which was right by where Angela's had been. As he got in, he said, "Marcus, you may be my boss and our families might be 'allies', but I swear to you right now. You hurt Isabella in any way and I'll put you six feet under, regardless of whatever peace exists between us. Do I make myself clear?" I was slightly insulted by his threat, but since Isabella was a friend of his and he seemed to be dating her friend Angela, I took him seriously and said, "Emmett, you have my word. I will not hurt Isabella ever." He nodded and then drove off.

I too left the club, tailing the girls back home to make sure they got there safe. I watched, as Isabella got dressed for bed, undressing in front of the bedroom window. She knew I was in the car watching and she was teasing me. I was rock hard as I watched her strip off that miniscule dress and put on a simple dark pink chemise to sleep in. Damn girl was going to kill me.

Bella POV

Holy shit….I'm screwed. Marcus Volturi can kiss and from what I felt while we were dancing, he just might be fuck hot in bed too.

To be honest, I just might forget the plan all together and just be me. I still want him to understand that I'm not going to be what he expects, but I really don't want to waste time and energy. Who the hell knows, maybe he and I can work this out…