So this is chapter 5... I have nothing to say I: I could tell you guys what will happen but you are about to read it so why would I do that? Read it, (or not) tell me your thoughts (or not) etc etc..
*Flashback Memory* Ciel's POV
"Sebastian, do you feel something strange?" I asked my mate.
The demon turned to me before smiling. "Should I?"
I stood waiting a moment. Hm, the weird feeling was gone. "Nevermind I guess you're right, let's keep going."
Sebastian smirked at me, "When am I ever wrong?" being his reply.
We continued walking together down the streets of Hell. Everything was great, I had my mate, we would be together forever, nothing could ever separate us.
On our way to the lake, Sebastian spotted a kitten and just had to stop to pet it. I told him I would be waiting at the lake. I know how long it takes my mate to finish playing with cats. Sebastian barely registered what I had said, too involved in his activities. I just laughed quietly at my foolish mate before continuing to walk.
My life had changed a lot since turning into a demon. I can't recall how long Sebastian and I have been living in Hell together, it's been so long. Sebastian has been teaching me many demonic skills, but I still have much to learn.
One thing I am great at though, sensing others presence. Apparently, I just wasn't good enough.
As I stared out at the lake I felt a strong presence behind me. It felt very much like Sebastian's, but I knew it wasn't. Something was different about it. It felt off, almost menacing. I knew this "person" had evil intentions, and I opened my mouth to yell for Sebastian.
I couldn't get out a word before a cloth was forced over my mouth. I don't know what was on it, but it must have been something powerful, possibly magical, to be able to sedate a demon.
I heard chuckling before I blacked out.
"Oh Ciel, how long I've been waiting to steal you away from your dear Sebastian. This will wreck him you know?" He chuckled softly.
"Good luck finding your precious mate, Sebastian."
Presently Ciel POV
I gasped, bolting upright in my bed.
What? What was that? Was that a dream? Or..?
I decided not to think about it, no matter what it was, it doesn't matter.
Nothing was real.
I clearly remember what had happened the night before. Waking up next to my- teacher? Being told I was some kind of demon. That I had a different life with him in Hell. Sleeping with him.
But none of it was real. None of it had actually happened.
That is what I will tell myself.
That is what I told myself as I got ready for school.
What I told myself as I ignored the immense pain in my backside.
What I told myself whenever I remembered the strange "dreams".
No, they most certainly were not memories.
Everything, was just one giant, bad dream.
Nothing. Was. Real.
Demons aren't real, Hell isn't real, I am not a demon, I didn't sleep with a demon.
I don't have an odd mark in my eye that burns whenever I try to kiss my boyfriend.
I am not attracted to my History teacher.
And I most certainly, do not have any memories of any of this at all.
It was all just a dream, so there is no reason that I can't go to school today, and face my teacher like normal. Treat him like any other boring teacher I have. If he tries to talk to me I will avoid him, it is inappropriate for a professor to have any kind of relations with a student.
Yes, I will deny everything, because none of it was real, it was all just one big nightmare.
When I arrived at school I came in with the rest of the class. Took roll call with everyone else. Answered questions if called on. I did everything that a good, normal student would do. When class was over I avoided the teachers eyes. Pretended I didn't hear him call my name as I rushed from the classroom and on to my next class with my boyfriend.
I will be normal.
Sebastian's POV
I frowned as Ciel walked into the classroom. He looked like, well, Hell.
He wouldn't look at me at all, even when I called his name for roll call.
I was starting to get a bad feeling.
I tried calling on Ciel to answer questions. He answered them, while looking anywhere but at me. Whenever he got up, I noticed the limp in his walk. He was sore from last night, so obviously he remembered, so what was wrong? It was like he was pretending I-
I stopped instantly.
Ciel is pretending I don't exist.
It must seem ironic for a demon to feel something like this, but the pain I felt at that moment was indescribable. To have your mate acting as if you are nothing to them, that you do not even exist? It was the worst pain anyone could ever feel. Alive or not. Demon or not.
If Ciel kept this up he might permanently convince himself that I am not real. Then I would never get him back. Never get back my mate, my reason for being. I need Ciel. Literally and figuratively, and he needs me in the same way. We would both starve without each other.
With these thoughts in mind I desperately tried to get Ciel's attention as he rushed out of the classroom on to his next class. He was still pretending not to hear me though.
Dammit! How am I supposed to get him to snap out of this? If I try what I have been doing already I might just push him away even more. He isn't going to listen to the truth.
I had an idea in that moment. I needed to come up with my plan, and fast, or else I could lose my mate, forever.
This plan, it would either be my greatest idea ever, or the biggest mistake of my eternal life.
I know you are in there somewhere Ciel. Don't worry, I'll save you from this place, we will be together again, forever this time.
So, Ciel is pretending that Sebastian doesn't exist...How will this turn out? And what is Sebastian's "amazing" plan? Hope it's something good...
And was what happend to Ciel that sent him to this new dimension, really an accident? The world may never know...unless you keep reading whenever the next chapter comes out :D