A/N: I don't know where this came from. I honestly don't know. Welcome me back, though. It has been a while.

"I don't want to go to the guild," Lucy whispered softly and rolled over to face her partner. Said partner smiled and caressed her cheek gently with his thumb.

"We don't have to," He replied in a gentle voice.

"I'm tired," Lucy said and purred under his touch. "I want to stay with you."

"We can't stay like this forever," Natsu replied.

Lucy snorted in annoyance. The blonde stuck her tongue out and flicked his forehead.

"Very mature, m'lady," Natsu said and showed his signature grin.

Lucy stuck her tongue out once more and subsequently rolled over to face the ceiling. For a few minutes they were silent as they were lost in their own thoughts.

"Why can't we stay forever like this?" Lusy asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"No magic exist to make us stay here," the fire dragon slayer answered.

"Do you want to go?"


"Then why is magic necessary to make us stay here?"

"Because it would be evil to make you stay here. You need to live."

"Is magic good or evil?"

Natsu did not answer as he stared into her brown eyes. The dragon slayer smiled, but happiness did not reach his eyes. Lucy did not get the answer she wanted to have.




"I don't want to go to the guild," Lucy said and knew her partner was behind her.

"I know," he replied as he took a seat next to her on the couch.

"I'm tired," the girl stated.

"I know," Natsu replied once more, "but you can't stay here forever."

"I want to stay here with you."

"You know you can't. You need to live."

"Neh, Natsu, is magic good or evil?"




It had been over two weeks since the last time Lucy visited her beloved guild. The celestial mage felt more tired every day and rather stayed in bed than to face her nakama. Natsu kept her company, though, but he couldn't stay with her forever.

Said boy sighed as he stared at the sleeping form of his blonde partner. She slept more than 14 hours a day nowadays and it seemed he could not keep her awake. Lucy needed to live.

"I don't want to go to the guild," she murmured in her sleep and took on a fetal position. Natsu sighed for the umpteenth time and answered: "I know."

"Is magic good or evil?"




The next day Lucy awoke with a big yawn. When she opened her eyes, it was not Natsu who was in her apartment to her surprise, it was Erza.

The scarlet mage smiled gently. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm tired," Lucy replied in full honesty.

"How about a bath and afterwards a visit at the guild? It will cheer you up."

Lucy frowned. "I don't want to go to the guild."

"I know, Lucy," Erza whispered. She pulled her friend into a hug as a few silent tears made their way across her cheeks. "We will be fine."

"Is magic good or evil?" Lucy questioned.

Erza shook her head. "I don't know. I honestly don't know," she repeated as the sobs became louder.

"Why are you crying?" Lucy's lip trembled.

"You will be fine. We will be fine. We'll get through this, together."

Lucy hugged her sister figure back and buried her face in the crook of her neck.

"I don't know what is going on."




Around noon the next day, Gray decided to visit his teammate. Lucy blinked twice as she saw her friend walking through her apartment.


Said friend turned around and smirked playfully. "You finally decided to wake up, eh?"

"How long have you been here?"

The ice mage shrugged his shoulder. "A few hours tops," he answered carelessly.

Lucy stretched her limbs and cracked her neck. She threw her legs over the side of the bed, but when she tried to get up, her legs gave in and she tumbled forward. Gray was just in time to catch her.

"You should get out of bed more," Gray said with a worried tone in his voice. He gently placed her back on the mattress.

"I'm tired," Lucy ascertained.

"I know."

Lucy narrowed her eyebrows in frustration. "How does everybody know I'm tired? And where is Natsu? And Happy? "

"I will tell you if you agree to come with me to the guild."

"I don't want to go to the guild."

"I know." Gray sighed and took a seat next to his friend on the bed. He threw an arm around her shoulders and pulled the blonde into his chest.

Suddenly, a question popped into Lucy's mind.

"Is magic good or evil?"

"Why do you want to know that so badly?"

"Because I have been wondering."

Gray decided not to answer and instead he made her some food to get her back on her feet.




A certain blue feline sneaked into Lucy's bed and curled his tail around her wrist. He summoned his wings and prayed to god the blonde girl didn't wake up. He was ordered to take her to the guild. It had been over a month and everyone was worried about the well-being of the guild member.

Unfortunately, Lucy's eyes flickered open just in time. Happy wanted to leave through the window. Lucy pulled her hand back and the duo landed on the bed with a soft thump. Happy, scared of his teammates reaction, summoned his wings once more and flew out of Lucy's reach.

As he turned around to face the wrath of the blonde, he was surprised that Lucy only stared at him with a sad expression.

Her lower lip trembled and fat tears rolled down her cheeks. The young mage sobbed quietly as she pulled her knees to her chest.

"I don't want to go to the guild," she murmured.

Tears also appeared in Happy's eyes as he cried out her name and flew into her chest.

"Please, please, please," he begged her.

Lucy hugged the blue exceed, but restrained herself to give in his pleads.

"I'm tired," she whispered, "Where is Natsu?"

Happy shook his head and muttered something inaudible.

"You need to live," a deep voice said and Lucy turned her head towards it.

A gentle smile reached the dragon slayer's face. He reached his hand out to get Lucy out of her bed, but she refused by shaking her head.

"I don't want to go the guild," Lucy repeated.

"I know!" Happy answered for Natsu.

"I wasn't talking to you, Happy. I need to convince Natsu I'm tired, real tired."

Happy suddenly stopped crying and looked up to Lucy with wide eyes.

"Natsu is not here," he spoke up after a few seconds of silence.

Lucy snorted and narrowed her eyebrows. "He is right behind you."

Happy shook his head.

"Natsu is not with us anymore, remember? He is dead, Lucy! Killed with magic! Don't say stuff like that!" Happy cried and smacked Lucy's cheek with his small paw. "Don't say stuff like that..."

Lucy's body trembled as she watched Natsu's body fading. She reached out to get his hand, but it was an illusion.

"Is magic good or evil?" Lucy asked.

"You need to live."




A/N: Don't kill me please! Reviews are always appreciated, though...