Thank you for your reviews. I'm enjoying reading your opinions.

This chapter will make sense even if you haven't read my other story, Stay (One-Shot), which takes place during Bride (S8Ep10). However at times during this chapter I will reference things that didn't actually happen in that episode but that happened in my other story. I have decided to tie in the storyline which I created in Stay (One-Shot) because it fits the situation a little better than if I were to use the original from the show.


'You don't have to sleep downstairs tonight Smallville', she mumbled, her voice still groggy with sleep.

'Are you sure?' Clark inquired wanting to make sure her sleepy state wasn't the reason for her offer.

'Uh huh. Just get in here Clark', Lois said pulling back the covers on the opposite side of the bed.

Clark obliged and climbed into bed next to Lois, lying on his back. When she turned over and rested her head on his chest, Clark wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes.

'I love you', he whispered in to her hair.

'I love you too', she replied.

Tonight, Clark knew he would have no trouble sleeping. He felt more content than he had done in years; Lois knew his secret and they were going to be okay.

When Lois woke the next the morning, she reached over to the other side of the bed. She opened her eyes when her hand was met with a piece of folded paper rather than a certain farm boy. Picking it up, Lois read it;


I had to take care of some chores around the farm so I thought I'd let you sleep. There's fresh coffee in the pot downstairs. I'll make us some breakfast when I'm finished.

We don't have to go in to work today. Tess called earlier and said we could have the day off because we've been assigned to cover the Cherry Festival in Granville tomorrow.

Love Smallville'.

Smirking at Clark's use of his nickname, but a little annoyed she wouldn't be covering the Anti-Hero protest due to be taking place in Metropolis tomorrow, Lois went into the bathroom to freshen up. When she returned to the bedroom, she was thankful that after she had broken up with Clark a couple of months ago, she hadn't bothered to take any of her clothes she kept at the farm back to the Talon. In Clark's closet, she found some clean lingerie, jeans and a blue tank top. Feeling like she needed something else, Lois retrieved one of Clark's blue and white plaid shirts and rolled up the sleeves in order for it to fit.

When Lois entered the kitchen, Clark was nowhere in sight and so she assumed he was still somewhere on the farm doing the chores. Before she could reach the coffee pot Clark had prepared, Shelby bounded up to her causing Lois to stumble backwards slightly.

'It's a good job I got my allergy shot, huh boy', Lois said to the dog, bending down to rub him behind the ears. No matter how much Lois pretended she disliked Shelby because he irritated her allergies, she had come to feel very fondly about him since running him over six years ago. Of course, Lois would never admit that to anyone. At times, Lois even pretended not to know his gender, mistaking him for a girl.

When she had poured herself a cup of coffee, Lois looked out the window and decided to sit on the porch swing while she waited for Clark. Taking in the fresh morning air, Lois couldn't help but think about how at home she felt on the farm. Admittedly, in the beginning she had practically imposed herself on the Kents and had a hard time adjusting to the lifestyle but she had always felt welcomed and like a part of the family. Her thoughts turned to Clark and how they used to get under each other's skin. Of course, they could still get under each other's skin and Lois wouldn't have it any other way but now she acknowledged that they had always cared for each other in some way or another. He had always been there for her when she had needed support no matter how much she tried to deny it.

'What took you so long?' Lois asked Clark when he finally reappeared a little while later, noting the mirroring of her words from the day before. A lot had happened in the last twenty four hours she mused.

'Some things can't be rushed Lois', Clark replied sitting next to her on the porch swing, kissing her on the cheek in the process. 'It was something my Dad always told me. When I was younger and I'd use my superspeed to finish the chores quickly, I'd end up destroying the crops or distressing the cows. Are you ready for breakfast? I just need to go shower first'.

'Sounds good to me, what did you have in mind?'

'I was thinking blueberry pancakes'.

'I swear, sometimes it's as if you can read my mind'.

'Well, that only happened once… sailor', Clark chuckled seeing the blush rise in Lois' cheeks. 'It was a gift from Jor-El and happened the day I asked you out on our 'not a date but like a date' date. Just so you know Lois, I didn't stand you up for the story'.

'Huh. Any other little stories you care to share with the class Smallville?' Lois asked, intrigued by how much she still didn't know about the double life of Clark Kent.

'Too many', Clark returned getting up and entering the house. 'I'm just gonna go have a quick shower then I'll come back down to cook breakfast. Don't even think about starting without me; we don't want a repeat of last night'.

'I wasn't', Lois said smirking as Clark supersped upstairs.

He was gone a few minutes which gave Lois time to drink another cup of coffee. In no time at all, Clark had whipped up some of the best blueberry pancakes Lois had ever tasted. They sat at the kitchen counter in comfortable silence while they ate and whenever they looked at each other, Clark couldn't help but smile which caused Lois to giggle due to Clark's boyish grin. Their companionable silence was broken by the shrill ringing of the house phone which Lois got up to answer.

'Kent Farm', she answered politely waiting for the person on the other end to respond. Her face dropped instantly when she heard the voice of the caller asking to speak to Clark.

Noticing her change in facial expression, Clark got up to stand next to Lois wondering whether he should do the unthinkable and eavesdrop on the phone conversation with his superhearing.

'It's for you', Lois said, offering Clark the receiver before he'd had chance to listen in on the conversation.

'Hello?' he said into the receiver.

As soon as he heard the reply, he knew why Lois' face had turned ashen. He listened for a few seconds muttering the occasional 'uh huh' and 'yeah', before he realised Lois was making her way upstairs. He supersped behind her and grabbed her elbow. When she turned to look at him while he still listened to the caller, Clark noticed Lois had unshed tears in her eyes.

'No, that's fine…. Yeah, if you must. I just need a bit of time first… Yes, we're together', he said into the receiver wrapping his free arm around Lois, feeling her cling to his side. He needed to explain the situation to her before she got the wrong idea. 'Okay, see you later. Bye', he finished ending the call.

For a while both and he and Lois stood in each other's arms, waiting for the other to say something. When it became clear Lois wasn't going to say anything, Clark broke the silence.

'This doesn't change anything Lois, Lana says she has something important to tell me. I'm sure she only wants to talk', he reassured her, rubbing circles into her back.

When Lois still didn't respond, Clark placed his hands on her shoulders, holding her at arm's length causing her to look directly at him.

'I love you Lois. Nothing's going to change that', he stated plainly, looking into her hazel orbs.

'Clark, I'll understand, really. I don't want you to do something that you'll regret later on just because you think you have to stay with me out of obligation', she told him looking at the floor between them.

'Lois look at me', he said putting his hand under her chin, forcing her to look at him again. 'Now I need you to listen Lois, I mean really listen. I love you. I don't want to be with anyone other than you. You're my best friend and the woman I'm in love with. Not even Lana Lang coming back is going to change that'.

Before Lois could respond to Clark's heartfelt confession, the kitchen door opened to reveal the woman who had once been the object of Clark Kent's heart. Lana had come to the farm sooner than expected; Clark hadn't yet been able to explain to Lois why he and Lana had broken up again. Part of him wondered whether she had done it on purpose to cause a rift between him and Lois.

As Lana walked into the kitchen Clark flinched as he braced himself for the pain and discomfort that was sure to come as Lana came closer. Lois looked at Clark in confusion when she saw him do this. However, Clark was surprised when no pain came when Lana stood only a few feet in front of him.

'Hi Clark', Lana greeted sweetly, approaching him in order to give him a hug.

Still stunned that he wasn't experiencing any pain, Clark couldn't stop Lana before she had her arms around him. When he didn't return the gesture, Lana pulled back to see the expression on Clark's face.

'How can you be near me?' Clark asked, taking in the woman standing in front of him.

It was hard to imagine that the last time he had seen Lana; Clark had thought he was in love with her and would have killed due to their forced separation. However, looking at her now, Clark felt nothing besides shock and wondered if what he had felt for her in the first place was love at all. It resembled nothing like what he had with Lois. Love was easy with Lois; it had always been a battle with Lana.

'I been working with a doctor for the last year and a half and he found a cure which meant he could finally remove the Kryp- I mean… um, my infection', she corrected herself, smiling at Lois. She still didn't know how much about Clark Lois knew and regardless of her distaste for the brunette standing next to Clark, Lana would never intentionally reveal his secret. 'It's good to see you Lois'.

'Yeah, same to you', Lois replied trying her best to keep the venom out of her voice. She was pleased when Shelby made a low growling sound from beside the kitchen counter looking up at Lana.

'Do you mind if Clark and I talk alone for a minute?' Lana asked Lois.

Lois shook her head in the negative and started to climb the stairs when Clark's hand encompassed her own, stopping her progress.

'Stay Lois. Anything Lana has to say, she can say it in front of you', he stated, tugging Lois gently back down the stairs.

'I don't mind, I don't want to get in your way Smallville', Lois returned, smiling softly at Clark.

'You won't. I want you down here Lois'.

The fact that Clark didn't release Lois' hand when she came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs was not lost on Lana. It fuelled the jealousy inside her.

'Your relationship will never work you know. You can't be a couple if you still keep your secret from Lois, Clark', Lana spat, annoyed about how casually Clark was treating her.

'Lois knows my secret Lana and for your information, we got along just fine even when she didn't. Lois didn't feel the need to know my every secret or every move like you did'.

'It won't work Clark, you're not compatible. How can you be intimate with her when you're so afraid of harming her?'

'I trust that I love her enough so I won't hurt her', Clark replied, getting extremely frustrated. Why was she bringing this up? 'Why are you here Lana? You said you weren't coming till this afternoon'.

'Well I decided I couldn't put it off any longer and after our conversation on the phone, hearing your voice, I just had to see you', Lana told Clark earnestly. 'I came back for you Clark, so we can be together. We were forced apart Clark, before we had our happily ever after, but now we can'.

'Forced apart? So what am I, the rebound?' Lois asked, wrenching her hand out of Clark's grasp. She couldn't believe she had been stupid enough never to question Lana's sudden departure.

'Lois can we discuss this later?' Clark asked, not wanting to give Lana the satisfaction of seeing them argue.

'You never told me! How could you? I thought we were finally being honest with each other'.

'I was going to tell you Lois, but Lana arrived before I had the chance'.

'I'm going for a walk, come on Shelby', Lois said, walking over to the back door. When she sensed Clark following her, she turned round and glared at him. 'Don't even think about following me Kent'.

'Lois, I'm sorry. Come o-', Clark started but his sentence was cut off when Lois slammed the door behind her and Shelby.

'Well, now that she's gone, we can finally be honest with one another. We can be together again Clark, we're equals. I love you too much to just let you go', Lana confessed, walking over to stand in front of Clark.

Clark just sighed. No matter how annoyed he was with Lana, he couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She had found a cure for the Kryptonite infection and returned, expecting to find him still heartbroken over her departure.

'I'm sorry Lana, we're not getting back together', he told her softly, taking one of her hands in both of his.

'Why not? Because of Lois? Clark, don't you see? I did this for you, for us', Lana said gesturing to herself. 'I know you still love me. We can make this work'.

'Did you ever ask yourself, before you came back, what I wanted? Look Lana, I'll admit that there is a part of me that will always love you. It's just... I'm not in love with you anymore. I'm in love with Lois. I think I've always been in love with her, I was just too blind to see it'.

Lana stared into Clark's eyes and saw how honest he was being with her. It was then that Lana admitted to herself that they would never be together.

'Well, I guess it's time to bow out gracefully', she acknowledged to Clark. 'After all, I shouldn't be surprised that you and Lois love each other so much, I think I was the one to spot it first. I'm sorry if I upset Lois, I guess I just wanted us to have one last chance'.

'I'll always care about you Lana', Clark said, pulling her into a friendly hug.

When they pulled apart, they walked together out on to the front porch.

'Goodbye Clark', Lana said before she supersped away from the farm.

Clark stood leaning on the railing contemplating what had just happened. He finally had the closure with Lana that he had long since been denied. His thoughts quickly turned to Lois when he realised he couldn't see her in the yard. When he used his x-ray vision to look into the barn loft, he couldn't see Lois so Clark closed his eyes and listened for her heartbeat.

Meanwhile, Lois was sitting on top of the windmill in Chandler's Field thinking about what she had just discovered. She had walked and walked when she had stormed out of the kitchen without any real idea about where she was going. She couldn't go back to the Talon because she hadn't driven to the farm so instead, she had just followed the dirt track.

'Stupid farm boy, stupid blue eyes, stupid, stupid, stupid', Lois cursed under her breath. How could she have been so stupid to think that she had been Clark's first choice? It made sense that she'd be his consolation prize.

With his tell-tale whooshing sound, Clark appeared at the bottom of the windmill, looking up at Lois. Shelby, lying at the foot of the windmill, raised his head to look at Clark, whining slightly.

'Can I come up?' Clark asked, giving Lois the option of whether she wanted to talk to him or not.

'No', Lois mumbled instinctively, still annoyed at Clark. However, when she saw Clark's deflated expression she realised that Clark's superhearing had picked up her immediate answer. Sighing, she relented, hating herself for not wanting to hurt his feelings when that is exactly what he had done to her. 'Yes', she said, loud enough for Clark to hear normally.

Clark climbed the ladder and sat down next to it on the platform, leaving space between him and Lois. Lois continued to swing her legs back and forth over the edge, with her hands resting under her knees. She didn't look at Clark and waited for him to say something, too angry and too uncertain to say anything herself. Clark didn't know what to say to Lois. He had planned on telling Lois about Lana and the power suit as well as the Kryptonite infection, but there had never been an appropriate time. Clark knew he had to make Lois understand that she wasn't his rebound and that he needed her.

'Lois… I'm sorry', Clark started. 'I was going to tell you about Lana, honest. I just never got the chance'.

'No, you were hoping it would never come up in conversation is more like it. I know I'm your second choice so you can just drop the act and superspeed off into the sunset with your sweetheart', she bit back.

'How can you say that Lois?' Clark questioned raising his voice now in frustration. 'Listen, when Lana came back at Chloe and Jimmy's wedding, something had happened between us and at the time I was confused as to how I felt. I mean, you're my best friend and I didn't know whether I wanted to cross that line and pursue a romantic relationship with you. I couldn't lose you if things didn't work out between us Lois. Then when I saw you at the hospital after all hell had broken loose, it broke my heart to see you upset but I was ready to choose between the two of you. But before I had the chance to make my move, you decided for me, choosing to go to Star City even after I asked you stay. I chose you Lois, but you ignored me'.

'Hey! Don't blame this situation on me buddy. I had no choice but to go with Jimmy', Lois all but shouted at Clark.

'No Lois, you had a choice. You chose the escape route kind of like what you're trying to do now. I know you're scared, I am too. But Lois, we have to trust that what we have is strong enough to last. I believe in us but it won't work until you let me in', Clark stated, making his voice softer trying to make Lois see how much she meant to him.

Lois didn't know what to say. She hated how well he knew her. She was scared; her relationship with Clark was the most important thing in her life and it scared her how much she had come to depend on him after being independent for so long. What if one day, he left her? Wouldn't it be easier if she got out now? However, that question posed a bigger problem; could she live without Clark?

Clark sat there watching Lois. When he realised that she wasn't going to say anything, he decided to explain what had happened between him and Lana while Lois was in Star City.

'After you left for Star City, I think I fell back into my relationship with Lana to try and fill the gap you'd left. I'll admit, I did enjoy it for a time but then Lana went behind my back and had the power suit grafted to her body. She thought that by doing that, she would be my equal. I hated that she felt she needed to change in order to be in me. Then Lex threatened to destroy Metropolis if Lana didn't absorb the Green Kryptonite in the bomb he had created. Lana and I knew that we couldn't put our love above the lives of everyone in Metropolis so she absorbed the Kryptonite effectively becoming a walking poison to me'.

'So you were physically forced apart', Lois stated, no hint of question in her voice.

'Yes, we were forced apart', Clark confirmed. 'At any time after she'd left, I could have searched for a cure to the Kryptonite infection but I didn't. I knew our relationship had run its course, that I was holding on to the past and it took you leaving to make me see that. I just need you to know that if the situation had been reversed and you were the one I was being forced apart from, I would have put up a stronger fight. When you disappeared for those three weeks last year, they were the worst weeks of my life. I receded into my Kryptonian side because living life as Clark Kent was too difficult without you but then when you reappeared, I couldn't stay away. You have to believe me Lois'.

'I do believe you', Lois whispered, trying hard to keep her tears from falling. 'It's just, it scares me how much I love you and I can't help but think that you might leave me. There may come a time when your responsibilities become bigger than us and I can't be selfish with you, but at the same time, I want to be because I know it'll hurt too much if you leave'.

'Yes, I might have to leave', Clark answered, closing the gap between them and pulling Lois into his side. He was relieved when she didn't shrug his arm from around her shoulders. 'But I'll always come back Lois, I promise. I will always come home to you'.

Lois looked into Clark's eyes and smiled at his earnest look. In the process of moving her gaze, Lois had dislodged the unshed tears and they now ran freely down her cheeks. Clark leaned forward to kiss away the fallen tears before placing a tender, lingering kiss on her lips.

'Are we okay?' he asked when he pulled back, brushing his thumb against Lois' cheek.

'Yeah, we're okay', Lois assured him. 'I'm sorry, I should have known there'd be an explanation and I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions'.

'It's okay; I shouldn't have waited so long to tell you. Come on,' he said, standing up and offering Lois his hand. 'Let's head back'.

She took his hand and Clark helped her up before they both proceeded to climb down the ladder. Once on the ground, Clark laced his fingers through Lois' as they made their way along the dirt track, Shelby trotting at their heels.

'How did you find me?' she asked.

'I listened for your heartbeat and followed the sound', Clark replied.

'You can distinguish my heartbeat from others?'

'Yeah, it's like my own personal lullaby. If I can always hear its steady beat, I know you're safe'.

Lois was stunned by Clark's admission and walked on in silence contemplating her love for the man beside her.

'Anything else I should know?' Lois asked, breaking their silent walk back to the farm.

Clark didn't answer immediately, wondering whether there was anything else important for Lois to know.

'Well there is one thing but it's not important, it's just something I feel extremely guilty about. That day when you came back from Star City and you invited me for a cup of coffee at the café on Main, I stood you up', he admitted bowing his head not quite believing his previous stupidity.

'What do you mean? I never made it to the café; I was following a lead, remember?' Lois replied, surprised that Clark would bring that night up.

'No you weren't Lois. I was standing across the street looking at you sitting on your own at the table. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I disappointed you. Not a day has gone by that I wish I'd had the courage to cross the road'.

'Huh. I should be mad at you but for some reason I'm relieved you didn't cross the road. I don't think either of us was ready for a heart to heart Smallville. I forgive you', she said bringing her free arm across her front to hold onto his arm.

'What did I do to deserve you?' He asked, looking at her in wonder and disbelief.

'I was about to ask myself the same question'.

They both smiled at each other and continued to walk back to the farm. Instead of going inside when they reached the farm house, Lois sat on the porch swing pulling one leg beneath her. Clark rested his back against the railing, looking at her.

'Why do you think Tess wants us to cover the Cherry Festival tomorrow?' Lois asked, only just remembering the note Clark had left her earlier that morning. 'I bet she's only doing it to get back at me for what happened yesterday, she knows how much I wanted to cover the Anti-Hero protest'.

'I don't think it's anything like that Lois, Cat's covering the protest and Tess wouldn't have done that if it had anything to do with yesterday; both of you would be assigned to puff pieces', Clark replied, hoping Lois wouldn't question it too much. He had yet to tell Lois that he had asked Tess to send them to Granville in order to keep Lois out of trouble at the protest. Clark was going to come clean with Lois; he was just going to wait until it was too late for Lois to do anything about it. He hated going behind her back, but he thought it was for the best.

'Maybe', Lois conceded. 'I was looking forward to writing a piece about it though'.

'Oh come on Lois, there'll be other stories. Besides, you can have an interview with the Blur anytime you want', he said winking at her, trying to distract her from their current assignment. 'All you have to do is ask'.

'Thanks Smallville', Lois said standing up and wrapping both her arms around Clark's waist. 'So what happens now?' she asked, referring to their relationship as opposed to their plans for the day.

'We take it a day at a time Lois, that's all we can do', Clark replied, returning her gesture and pulling her in to his chest. 'One day at time'.

After hearing what Clark had said to her earlier, Lois knew that she would have to learn to trust in what they had together in order for their relationship to work. Lois vowed that she would, even if she had to let Clark into her heart in ways she had never let anyone else in before. She would have to risk her heart in order to be happy. However, in that moment, wrapped in Clark's embrace Lois realised it would be easier than she had anticipated. She could trust Clark with her heart like she trusted him with her life.

'I love you so much Clark', she confessed.

'I love you too', he replied, kissing her temple.

They spent the rest of the day on the farm, enjoying each other's company and playing guitar hero. When Clark beat Lois' high score for 'Through the Fire and Flames', she accused him of using his superspeed because there was no other explanation for it. Of course, she then asked for a rematch to prove her reign as Queen was not over. It reminded Clark of the weekends they'd spent together when Lois lived on the farm. Occasionally they stopped and talked some more about Clark's heritage whenever Lois thought of something she wanted to know or Clark remembered something important that was worth telling. There was still so much to tell her.

In the evening, Clark supersped Lois back to the Talon in order for her to sleep there overnight, knowing she would need a change of work clothes for their trip to Granville the following day. After they'd sat cuddled together on the couch watching Die Hard, it was well after midnight and Lois reasoned that Clark might as well stay with her tonight. In the morning, he could superspeed back to the farm in matter of seconds in order to shower and change before they headed off to the festival. As a consequence of her logic and seeing no use in arguing again, Clark climbed into bed next Lois and wondered whether he would ever be able to sleep alone again. He hugged her to his chest and they fell to sleep, ready to face their future together.


The rest of the season continues in canon with the events of this story leading straight into Harvest (S10Ep6).

Thank you so much for your support throughout this story. I enjoyed filling in the gap which the show left.