Danny Shinigami 1

There are two different worlds. The world of the living, and the spirit world. Whether we know it or not, these two worlds interact with each other many times, in multiple ways.

In the spirit world, outside of the gates of the soul society, a battle waged. A young girl with black hair and wearing a black kimono stood her ground, wielding an all-white katana that had a long white ribbon tied to the hilt. She stood against a giant creature, a monster whose body was completely black, except for its face which was covered by a white bone like mask in the shape that resembled a fish head.


The creature rushed at her and moved its arm to try to crush her. In an instant she had disappeared, leaving the hand to crush only the ground. The girl reappeared behind the monster, and uttered, "Some no mai, Tsukishiro."

Ice began to form in a circle drawn in front of the monster, nearly escaping the trap its hand was caught in it. The now frozen hand began to crack and finally shatter into pieces.

"AAAAHHHH!" It screamed in pain of its lost hand. Turning to look at her, she stood ready to freeze the rest of him. So it stood ready too.

They were however interrupted by a strange sight. Sparks of lightning formed at of thin air, it sparked faster and faster, until a flash of light came from it. There in between the two was what looked like a portal.

"What? The Dangai?" The girl knew what it was but questioned why it was there.

The monster however didn't waste any time asking questions. It ran straight for the portal and jumped right in.

"No!" The girl ran after it and jumped in too. But after she entered it the portal began to shrink, until it vanished. Leavening no trace of where they would end up.

Meanwhile in the world of the living, in the city of Amity Park, there was a house, with a very strange design into it, mainly the giant metal thing on top of it. There lived two scientists who had spent their lives searching and try to study the existence of ghosts. It was their lives work, but unfortunately their results so far had been…nothing at all. They have yet to get any solid evidence to prove the public, and were made a joke to the science community. But it never stopped them from trying.

Down in the basement/lab of the house, three teenagers were hanging out and checking out the place. It was the son of the scientists, Danny, and his two friends, Sam and Tucker.

"Smile" *Flash* Sam took a picture of Danny by his parents latest invention, The Fenton Ghost Portal.

"Ok. I showed you the portal can we get out of here now my parents could get back here any minute. Besides, they say it doesn't work anyway." He was right, it was design to open a portal to some kind of ghost world, but all it did after they plugged it in was make a few sparks.

"Come on Danny, a ghost world, aren't you curious? You gotta check it out." She encouraged.

Danny actually did look interested, "You know what, you're right. Who knows what kind of awesome and super cool things exists on the other side of that portal." Convinced he began to put on the jumpsuit.

After he was done zipping it up Sam caught notice to something, "Hang on." She reached out and pulled something off his chest. "You can't go walking around with that on your chest." She showed it was a sticker of his dad's smiling face.

"Thanks" He then faced the portal and walked in. With the lighting inside of it out it was actually fairly hard to see. Tripping on one of the cables and almost falling on his face he reached out to the wall for support. Unknowing to him his hand landed on a button placed inside, but for him all he heard was a beep. With no time to realize what he touched he was blinded by a flash of light.

Outside the portal the two friends heard a humming noise coming of the machine, and saw a light from inside. "Danny?" Worried, Sam tried checking on him. But the flash of light shined out nearly blinding them both. "Danny!" Now scared of what was happing she screamed for him. "Get out of there!"

Danny was then surrounded by a wave of energy, it was so bright he could barely see anything. When he could open his eyes he saw an object coming straight towards him. Once again it was too late for him to realize what something was until it was too late. He felt a sharp pain pierce his chest, it came at him so fast he didn't have time to yell in pain.

The bright light began to die down, and the two could see again. But the first thing they saw shocked them to their core. Danny was being pushed out of the now working portal, but what scared them was what was in his chest.

Danny fell to the ground and simply laid there, with what looked like some kind of Japanese sword stabbed in the center of his chest, only there was no blood from the wound, not even his suit was torn from it. "Danny?" Tucker asked him, hoping he could respond, "Come on man." He couldn't believe what he was looking at.

Tears began to form for Sam, "DANNY!" she ran right next to him and lifted him up some in her arms, "Danny wake up!" she had to do something, he couldn't be… "Please wake up!"

Tucker watched in disbelieve of the whole thing. When suddenly he felt a strange noise coming from the portal, he could hear…growling. When he turned to look it was still active, but then something started to crawl out of it. A giant black monster with a skull mask squeezed out of the portal, the monster was also missing one of its hands. "RRROOOAAARRR!" he welcomed his arrival with a roar.

"Holy crap!" Tucker screamed in fear, and ran towards Sam's side.

She was still holding an unconscious Danny and all she could do was stare at the monster, "Oh god."

It sniffed around the room trying to find something. Whatever he smelt led him to the direction of the group of friends, "Hehehehe," It actually began to laugh at the sight of them, "I will eat YOUR SOUL!" the monster pulled back his remaining hand back and swung towards the three. Sam held Danny close to her, shut her eyes, and tighten her hold on him sure that they were about to die. "DANNY!"

Danny was actually starting to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes and tried to stand up. But when he could finally see he was shocked to find was no longer in the lab, or in the Fenton portal, he didn't know where he was. He was floating in the middle of some strange world where there were floating islands and doors everywhere, the sky was a shad of black and green and covered everywhere he looked. "Where am I?" he asked to anyone that could be around.

"This is our shared world." A voice answered from out of nowhere.

"Huh," Shocked that someone actually answered him he tried again, "who are you?"

"That is not important right now," the voice answered again, "Right now your friends are in trouble."

"What?! I-I gotta go help them." He flew in some general direction to look for an exit.

"You can, but if you do you will have to face against a great danger, and at the risk of your own life."

Danny seemed hesitant after that last part. He knew he meant he could die. But that hesitation only lasted for a second, "So what. If my friends' lives are the ones at risk then of course I'll help them." Sam and Tucker were his closest friends, they meant the world to him. So there was no way in hell he was going to sit back while they were in danger.

"Very well then," the voice spoke up again, "I will lend you some of my strength. But I expect nothing less of you in the future."

The next thing Sam and Tucker heard was a slash, and the sound of the monster screaming. She opened her eyes to see Danny still in her arms and still unconscious. The only difference was that the sword that was in his chest was gone, and there wasn't a wound on him, like it was never there. She then turned to see the monster, only to witness a different sight.

Another Danny stood between Sam and the monster. This Danny wore a black kimono and sandals, his hair was now bleached completely white and his eyes were now green, he was also holding the very same sword that stabbed his chest. He stood in a pose like he had just swung the sword at something. Blood was spurting from the monster's palm. This new Danny moved the sword in front of him and pointed it at the monster, "Don't you dare, hurt my friends."

The monster roared at him and reached to grab him. Danny simply moved to the side of the hand. He raised his sword above his head and chopped down at the wrist. With one slash he had cut off its other hand.

With both hands gone the creature tried to chop at his opponent. Seeing his attack Danny jumped up over its head and raised his sword again. In one solid move he slashed the creature's mask in half. It screamed out in complete pain, and suddenly started fading away. In a matter of seconds it had disappeared.

Danny breathed heavily, the attack may have been simple but it took a lot of energy for him to do for the first time. With the monster gone he relaxed. Looking back he saw Sam and Tucker staring at him, "You guys ok?" Sam looked at him and back to the Danny that was in her arms, back and forth. "What happened to you?"

He looked at his unconscious body in Sam's arms and back to himself and what he was wearing, finally examining the sword in his hand, "I have no idea."

In another part of Amity Park, the girl with black hair walked the streets of the city, only there she was walking around in a normal dress instead of her kimono. *beep beep* she answered her cell phone alarm and looked at the message. Her face had a bit of shock from the message, "Someone has taken out the hollow, impossible no one should be assigned here." She closed her phone and put it away, "If there is another shinigami here I need to find him."