AN/ Okay, I'm totally new at this and wanted some fun of my own with these guys. I'm not English from origin so my English can and will be off at some times I hope you enjoy either way.
Tiredly Tony drops on his bed. It had been a long and bad week with long hours and only quick naps at his desk.
A Navy lieutenant and his daughter went missing while camping in the woods and the MCRT was called in to investigate.
As always when a child is involved Gibbs became like a angry papa-bear and ordered us around, yelling at us to do or damn job. We don't even take it to heart anymore.
Today the lieutenant and his daughter were found while trying to leave the country. It appears that the father and mother were in a divorce and the mother would get custody, the father tried to slip away with their daughter. As always when parents are pissed with each other the child becomes the victim. Tony only knew this all to well.
Tony was nearly asleep when he heard a crack coming from his front door but before he could react he was held down on his bed. He tried to struggle but his assailant is to strong. He feels a sharp pain emerging through his body and after a few minutes he became light headed and passed out.
Gibbs was working in his basement when his phone rang. 'Yeah, Gibbs.', he answers gruffly. 'Yeah, what about him?' His eyes grew wide and snaps the phone shut before opening and dialing McGee's number. It rang a few times before a tired McGee picked up. 'McGee call Ziva and meet me in Tony's apartment ASAP.' He shuts his phone and hurries to his car. He drives with his usual bread neck speed towards Tony's apartment and comes with screeching tired to a halt. 'Gibbs, NCIS, this is one of my people.'
'We are still looking for answers sir but it looks like a break in gone bad.'
'Let me be the judge of that, we take over.' He says and walks towards Tony's apartment. He is just in time to see how paramedics load Tony on a gurney and secure him. 'Wait! This is my agent, how is he?'
'He's got stab wounds in his back and side, we have to move him now, he has lost a lot of blood.' 'Bring him to Bethesda.' The paramedics nod and wheel him off. Without really thinking about it he opens his mobile and presses number two on his speed dial. 'Yeah, Duck, it's me, Tony's been attacked and is on his way to Bethesda now, can you meet him there and keep me posted?' A bit of the tension leaves 'Thanks Duck, I'll be there as soon as I can.', he says and shuts the phone.
'Boss what happened? Where is Tony?'
'Hospital,' he responds gruffly. 'McGee, sketch and shoot, Ziva Bag and tag.' McGee and Ziva accept that that is the only answer they will be getting now and start work with worry written all over their faces.