Noah pursed his lips, flipping through some pages he had pulled from the file.

He had returned to his Motel room with the files he had gotten from Titania, set on reading his way through all of them.
He wanted to understand Jamie.
He didn't know why, but he did.
And he'd understand this odd connection if it was the last thing he did.

Noah was sprawled across the bed, grey fur boots still on, His black hoodie tossed over the front of the bed, leaving him in his black jeans and heather-grey top. He ran a hand through his mop of black hair, green eyes wandering over the paper for something that stood out.

"Adopted, blah blah blah, foster"
He blinked, looking closer at the paper.
"Birth Parents...unknown..?"

*knock knock*

Noah's face twisted in annoyance, looking away from the papers in hand, shooting a glare at the door.

He rolled his eyes, tossing the papers back onto the bed as he pushed himself up, walking to the door and opening it, annoyance clear on his pale face.

He was met with smirking eyes and brown Hair.
"Hey there" Noah snorted, looking at the Sheriff dryly.
"if you're concerned about the 'do not disturb' signs, Don't worry, I've left them alone."

Flynn snorted slightly.
"actually I'm here about Dr. Tianna Humming."
Noah crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.
"She mentioned you two got into a bit of an argument earlier?"
Noah's eyes widened.

"I know, I'm shocked too, given your, shy and delicate personality. She said you demanded to see Jamie's files, and when she refused you came back, and stole them."

"...She GAVE them to me."
"Sadly, shes telling a different tale. May I come in, or do i need a Warrant?"

Noah sighed, pushing the door open and gesturing to the papers spewn across the bed.
"this what you're looking for?"
He asked, tone dry.

Flynn picked a few papers up.
"you're very cooperative. I'm afraid, you're under arrest. Again."

Noah simply held up his hand, letting Flynn place the cuff around his wrist.
" know I'm being set up, don't you."
Flynn didn't meet the intense green gaze as he cuffed the other wrist.

"And who may I ask, would set you up?"

"...plants have green leaves due to the presence of the pigment, chlorophyll. They appear green because this
pigment has the unique ability to absorb all the colors in the spectrum, apart from green light, which it reflects-"


The entire class stiffened at the cough, all the kids eyes moving to see Gothel approaching the group. It was Autumn, so the class was outside today.
Jamie sunk into himself at the sight of his Mother, smiling in an almost evil manner as she waited for Jay to set down his book.

The young teacher took at glance at Jamie in worry, noticing the present fear in the boys eyes.

No parent should rule their child with fear. He made a promise to himself if he ever had kids he'd do it right.

Jay took a breath, standing and walk to Gothel.
"May I talk to my son?"
"We're in the middle of a lesson, is it important?"

Gothel's eyes narrowed,venom seeping into her voice.
"Would i be here if it wasn't?"

She didn't wait for an answer, pushing past Jay and heading for her son, leading him off to one side, trying to ignoring the feeling of Jay's eyes burning into her back.

Those green eyes had always been unnerving...
"Jamie, sweety I have some bad news. The guy? that you brought here?
Hes been arrested."
She waited, slightly annoyed at the lack of reaction from Jamie.
"He broke into Dr. Humming's office, and stole some files. Hes a con man, hes just trying to learn about us to take advantage of us. Thats why hes sticking around, I'm so sorry sweety."

"No you're not".
Gothel blinked in surprise at the defiant expression.

"I know you think otherwise, but all I'm doing is trying to protect you! Don't worry, things will be better."
Jamie tried not to flinch as she stroked his hair, breathing in relief when the bell rang.
"I gotta go..."

He pulled away, running towards the school door, feeling Jay's hand press on his back in comfort, trying to ignore the glare coming from Gothel.

"you know the shrink is lying, right?"

Noah sighed, letting Flynn take head shots of him, turning this way and that in an annoyed manner.
"And why would She do that? turn to the right please"
"the Mayor put her up to it!" Noah said, eyes squinting at the flash of the camera.
"She probably has something over her head, shes Terrified of her, just like everyone else in this town..."
"turn to the left."
Noah rolled his eyes, turning around.
"Gothel may be, scary, but I doubt she'd go as far as a frame job."

Noah glared sideways at him.
"How far would she go? What does she have her hands in?"

"Shes the mayor" Flynn responded, filing the set of photos.
"She has her hands in everything."
"including the police force?"

Flynn looked up, hit with the bitter, accusing gaze Noah was sending him. He glared back this time.
"you're getting out of line-"


The accusation forgotten in an instant, both heads turned to see Jamie running into the sation, with, much to Noah's surprise, Jay, following behind.

"Jamie? what are doing here?" Flynn asked.

"his mother showed up and told him what happened." Jay answered.

"oooooof Coouuurrse she did." Noah shot a glare in Flynn's direction.
"Look, Jamie, I don't know what she said-"
"you are a Genius!"

Noah blinked slowly.
"I know what you were up to, you were gather Intel! for Operation Cobra!"
Flynn raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry, I'm lost"
"its need-to-know Sheriff, and all you need to know is is gonna bale him out."

Noah's eyes widened in surprise, looking at Jay.
"Wha- really?...Why?"
"i...I trust you." Jay smiled slightly, a knowing smile forming on Jamie's face.

"Well" Noah smirked, holding up his hands to Flynn.
"if you could uncuff me? I have something I need to do~"

Gothel sat in her home office, smiling happily to herself as she looked over her paperwork.
Things finally seemed to be going her way.


Her head lifted, face twisting in confusion at the sound of a small motor revving.
She stood, following the sound quickly towards her back window, leading to her garden.

*vrrriiinn vriiiin*

Noah smirked to himself, heaving with some effort as the Chainsaw cut its way fully through a large branch of the huge apple tree, the limb giving a loud crack as it snapped free, falling to the ground with a crash.

He smirked even wider at the loud screech from the house.

He stood, hand on hip, the other holding the handle of the chainsaw, watching as Gothel tore her way out of the house.
"What the HELL are you doing?!"

"Picking Apples~"
Noah tossed the chainsaw onto the ground behind him, crossing his arms as Gothel stomped up to him.

"you're out of your mind" Gothel hissed.
"No you are if you think a shotty frame job is enough to scare me off, you're gonna have to do better than that~"
Noah's eyes narrowed at her.
"you come after me one more time, I come back for the rest of this tree."
Gothel growled, taking in the others eyes. Those bright, toxic looking, defiant green eyes.

"Because sister, you have no idea what I'M capable of."

Noah shot her one last intense stare, before he turned, walking away from the fuming woman, a smirky sway to his step.
He raised his hand, giving a small high wave as he called out his parting words.

"Your move, Bitch."