Revealing secrets

"Zoey?" Rythian asked nervously, walking over to where she was sat by the lake, flicking the water with her toes.
"Yes?" She answered, looking over to where he was coming from.
"I have to tell you something... it's and you..." Rythian was finding this harder than he had first thought.
"What about me and you? We're friends, aren't we?" Zoey looked worriedly into his soft, violet eyes, scared that he didn't want to be her friend anymore.
"Yeah, we're friends... but I- um- I- how do I phrase this?- I would like to be... more than just friends?" It was a question, the way he said it. The thing Rythian feared the most was rejection from her, and when no reply came straight away like it normally did, he bowed his head and turned to walk away.
"Yes," It was nothing more than a quiet whisper, but it was enough to stop Rythian dead in his tracks.
"Yes? You mean, you want to be more than friends as well?" He asked, shocked that she hadn't rejected him.
"Of course I do!" She ran up to him and hugged him as hard as she could, before resting her hands around his waist. Then she heard a soft whisper escape his lips; "Zoey, I love you." Her heart fluttered.
"I love you to, enderboy," She replied. When the embrace was broken, Rythian spoke once more.
"If we're, um-" Zoey cut him off.
"Boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asked, knowing he was nervous speaking about their relationship in that way.
"Yeah. Then there's something I want to show you, just to get it out of the way." Rythian said, rubbing the back of his neck in his nervousness.
"What is it?" Rythian gave her no reply. Instead, he lifted his hands up to his mask, and slowly pulled it from his face, revealing his greatest secret. His left cheek was black and scaled, as were his lips. He turned away, ashamed of what he was.
"You probably don't love me anymore..." He said, beginning to pull his mask back to its original position. But Zoey stopped him, tugging it back down and kissing him gently.
"Of course I still love you. I love you for who you are, not what you look like!" She exclaimed, and this time Rythian leaned down and kissed her. They returned to Blackrock, happy knowing the other felt the same way all along.