A/N: I don't think saying sorry will exactly make up for the long hiatus I made you guys endure. So, I hope this long chapter does. It has every single Foster child in here. It ties up some loose ends and starts some stories for other characters. It can be a bit all over the place, but I hope you guys can follow the time-line. Thank you in advance for those who read and review. I have one week of the semester left, finals, and then I fly home. So the next chapter won't probably be up for another month. Definitely, before Christmas though. I hope you guys enjoy! Please read and review ~~
The Confession: Part 3
Callie looked up at the ceiling in her jail cell. The bed was hard, the walls were white, and the air seemed thick. For the past week straight all she kept replaying in her mind was the conversation she had with her ex-boyfriend and foster brother. All she could see when she closed her eyes was Brandon's face when they began to talk about their past. Subconsciously, she rubbed the skin of her stomach. A single tear ran down her cheek.
"Miss Jacobs." A different correctional officer came up to her jail cell and called her name. "I have a surprise for you."
The teenager quickly wiped the tear off her cheek, than looked at the officer. A second later a familiar face stepped inside her jail cell.
"Hi Callie." A thick older woman with glasses said with a smile on her face.
A smile crossed her face to see a familiar face. "Rita!" She screamed like a little girl as she jumped off the top bunk and hugged the woman who was almost like a mother to her. "What are you…"
"Come on. Anybody with a television knows about this arrest." She answered the question before the young girl could ask her. "And it took some time to be able to get in here or else, I would have been here months ago when I first found out."
"It's okay. All that matters is that you're here now." It had been such a long time since she was able to hug anybody. Stef was the last person that held her like this and that was before she was even put in.
The older woman looked over to the correctional officer, "Thank you."
The young man nodded is head, then locked the cell back, and walked out of sight.
"I had to go through so many court hearings to be able to do this. They almost made me go back to school." Rita joked to the teenager. "I would do anything to be able to touch you while we speak."
The teenager held the woman's hand. It had been months since she had an actual conversation with somebody without that thick wall in between them and having to hold a telephone.
"Come sit." The two women sat on the bottom bunk inside the cell. Callie's jail mate had been sentenced to solitary confinement because she got into a fight with another woman in jail during lunch.
As soon as the teenager was over the phase of being in close contact with somebody who she actually liked, the familiar feeling of disappointing somebody came into her head. She looked down at her hands. "I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize to me." She took her hand and placed it under the young girls chin. "I should be apologizing to you." Her eyes grew wider through her thick glasses. "I must have failed you in order for you to be in a place like this. 'Girls United' was supposed to help you stay out of this place."
She shook her head no. "It wasn't 'Girls United'. The short amount of time that I was there was the most progress that I've ever made in my life!" She reassured her old mentor.
"Then why Callie? I talked to Stef and Lena and they want to know how did this all start happening? Where did we all miss the signs? We knew that you were going through a rough patch with the drugs, but…"
"If I tell you something…I need you to promise me that you won't hate me even more than you do now." Her head sunk again.
"Callie. I could never hate you."
A younger Callie sat in the passengers seat of her friends old beat up 2000 Nissan Sentra. She was wearing sweatpants, a baggie T-shirt, and her hair was in a bun. The car ride was very quiet. All she could think about was how much of a nightmare this all was and how much she wanted it all to be over.
"How are you feeling?" Daphne broke the silence.
"Like my boobs are the size of a watermelon and I am about to throw up the non-existent food in my stomach." The brunette said in a short tone.
"Have you talked to Brandon?" She ignored her friends' mood because she knew how it felt to be in this position.
"I have been calling him since he got off of the plane and he has been ignoring my calls. I text him about ten times just asking him to call me so we can discuss this and still nothing." The truth was the thought made her want to cry, but she was numb to every single emotion at the present time.
She placed her hand on top of her friends, while using the other to continue to drive. "You don't have to go through this alone. I am here."
Her brown eyes looked at her friends. Even with those kind words, she still felt completely by herself. "Thank you." She responded meekly.
A couple of minutes later they pulled up inside the 'Planned Parenthood' parking lot. They went to the one on the outskirts of town so that nobody would run into them or spot them.
Callie's heart sank a little as she realized what she was doing, but it was as if she were in this dream. All of a sudden she felt a light hit on her arm.
It was Daphne's hand, which had her cell phone enclosed in it. "Call him one last time."
The teenager took her phone and dialed the number that she knew by heart. It rang a couple of times before his familiar voice picked up the phone.
"Oh. So you can answer an unknown number but ignore mine!" She said loudly over the phone. "Way to abandon me."
"Callie, I can't deal with this right now! I will be home in a couple of days and then we can figure all of this out, but for right now...I'd like to act like a normal teenager for a couple of days."
She let out a dry laugh. "You are able to do that because this isn't happening to you! Do you want to know what I've been doing for the past forty-eight hours since you've been gone? I've been crying, puking my guts out, and trying to stay sane!" Her voice became louder with every word.
"And what do you think I've been doing? Huh? I am currently the worse person in this orientation right now because every single time I am at the piano instead of thinking about the keys all I can think about is how my whole life is fucked up because of one night with you!"
"Just say it already, okay. Say how you really feel. Anything is better than you shutting me out like this!"
"Fine. I always thought that when I would have a kid that I would be older, settled, and in love with the woman that was having my baby."
The last phrase hurt her to her core, but all of the crying she had been doing the last couple of days had numbed her. "I hate you. When you come back leave me alone!"
"Callie-" She hung up her friends phone.
Daphne could tell by the demeanor of her brunette friend that the conversation wasn't going as well as she'd hope.
"Let's go do this." Her voice was firm as the two woman walked into the clinic together. After a couple of excruciating minutes of waiting in the waiting room she was called inside of the doctors office.
The doctor looked at the charts that he was handed, then looked up at the teenager. "It looks like you've decided to terminate this pregnancy using the medical method. What I will be doing now is giving you a pill to take in this office. You will go home today and tomorrow around this time you will have to take the second pill. Once you take the second pill, I advise you to go somewhere comfortable for you because it will extract the fetus."
She nodded her head letting the doctor know that she knew what was about to happen.
Daphne placed her hand on her friends shoulder, "are you sure about this?"
Callie took the paperwork that the doctor had given her and signed her name on the line. All that went through her head was that she had never had a female role model to teach her how to be a mother, the father of her child just let her know that he wasn't in love with her anymore, everybody in that house would know that her and Brandon had sex, Stef might blame her for the downfall of her son, and if they didn't kick her out there would be no room for her baby in that tight bungalow. It wasn't her choice, but the choice of the circumstances around her.
The teenager took the pill the doctor handed to her and using water swallowed it…
Meanwhile, in New York City Brandon was set to perform his final solo act before a few of his professors in just a couple of hours. Thanks to the impending idea of fatherhood, he pretty much sounded like he did when he first picked up a piano at age five. Every single person in his orientation class was making fun of him and it was driving him crazy.
He was in the auditorium practicing on the piano unsuccessfully. "Damn it!" He hit the keys on the piano out of frustration.
"Your hearts not in it son." An old white man with glasses and gray hair called out to the young boy who was on stage by himself. "You sound like a man who is playing for the sport and not for the craft."
Brandon looked up from his piano and to the voice that was talking to him. His eyes widened as he realized who was speaking to him. "You're Seymour Lipkin!"
"Yes, that would be me. I'm glad to see that you know your stuff." The older man smiled as he sat on the piano bench with the young man.
"Of course I do. You're like a living legend around here! I was hoping that I would have you as one of my professors. I really look up to you…"
"I was actually one of the judges in the panel when you auditioned. You reminded me of a younger version of myself. It was as if you put your heart and soul into the piano. I was the one who fought for you to get into this school."
Hearing that one of the many pianists that he looked up to fought for him to get into his dream school, made his heart enlarge with pride.
"So you can imagine my surprise when you get here and sound like this." He looked at the boy. "What's her name?"
The teenager looked at the older man as If to ask how did he know.
"We've all been there."
"Her name is Callie." With a tear threatening to spill from his eyes. "I lied to her earlier today and told her that I didn't love her. And I don't know why."
"I can't tell you the answer to that. But what I can tell you is that if you don't fix whatever is going on with her, you might as well not be here."
He looked up at the young man. "I have a favor to ask you…"
The next day after leaving the doctors office, Callie made her way to Daphne's apartment. It still felt surreal to her everything that was going on.
"Do you feel okay?" She heard her friend ask as they walked though Daphne's apartment door.
"I feel fine. I actually feel really relieved that this is all about to be over. I can go back to living my life and Brandon can go back to just being my brother." The teenager said with a breath of fresh air.
"Are you sure that is ever going to be able to happen? I mean he was almost the father of your child."
"Almost…" The brunette sat down on the couch. "That's the key word." She looked up at her friend. "Listen, I truly appreciate you for everything you have done. But after this is fully over, I would really appreciate it if you would never bring this up again. I just want to pretend as if it never happened."
"You don't have to ask me twice! You know that emotional stuff ain't for me anyway." The brown skinned teenager looked up at the clock that was on her living room wall. "Do you think you will be okay for a couple of minutes while I go get Tasha?"
"Yes, I feel fine." She shooed her friend out of her apartment, then walked into the kitchen. She began to boil some water when all of a sudden there was a warm feeling coming down her legs, than a cramp hit her. It was worse then a period cramp, but not as severe as to debilitate her. She took a deep breath to wait for it to go away, than stopped the water from boiling.
Another cramp hit her immediately this one caused her to place her hand on the countertop. A small moan escaped her lips as she could feel sweat begin to form on her forehead. An urge to use the bathroom overtook her body, so she tried to walk toward the bathroom.
About twenty minutes later Daphne walked in with her young daughter behind her. As soon as she walked in she could tell there was something wrong. "Callie!" She called out into the small apartment.
Her daughter ran into the bedroom to play.
"Tasha! Come out to the kitchen and do your homework!" She called out to her daughter who stomped out of her room and sat down at the table.
With her daughter safely in the front of the apartment she went to go look for her friend. "Callie!" About thirty seconds later she found her friend curled up over the table with blood all over the white tiled bathroom floor. "Callie!" She called after her friend as she ran over to her.
"I saw it in the toilet." A tear ran down her cheek as the image became imprinted in her head all over again. "It looked like a tadpole and I had to flush it down the toilet like it was a goldfish."
"Oh my God." Rita said as she hugged her. "That wasn't supposed to happen! You weren't supposed to see that."
"Everyday for the past year it's the only image I can think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. I had nightmares and anxiety issues. The only reason I could even function without it taking over me is because of the weed and eventually the pills." The teenager admitted into the chest of her mentor.
"Honey, why didn't you get some help?" She said as she stroked the young girls wavy brunette hair.
"It's embarrassing! I know Stef and Lena are pretty chill when it comes to mostly everything, but when it comes to Brandon and I they tend to freak out."
"You have to let them know about this on the stand. It can only help your case."
Foster House:
Jesus walked into the bedroom he shared with Jude and saw his little brother crying. It had been going on and off for days. For a while Jesus thought that it would just go away, but it hadn't.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He finally asked his little brother.
"No, can you just go back to ignoring me?" Jude asked as he wiped his tears away. In the past couple of days he has felt so alienated by the only person who was getting him through all the changes in his life.
"Well, I tried…I really wasn't cut out of this oldest thing anyway." Jesus said as he lifted his shoulders and walked away.
"You're not supposed to give up that easily!" He yelled out to him. "You're supposed to keep trying."
"Hey, it's not like Brandon left me with this guide on how to be an older brother. I am pretty much winging it here, so please cut me some slack."
The youngest boy Foster rolled his eyes. "I caught Connor in bed with a girl the other day."
Jesus' eyes widened. He began to get a bit uncomfortable. "I am not the person you should be talking to about this. Maybe you should get one of moms."
"Are you kidding me? You have had plenty of woman come in and out of this house in the past couple of years. How do you get them to do what you want?"
"First of all, I am an expert at women not men. Second of all, I haven't had that many women come into this house." He said in a matter-of-fact type of way.
"I share a room with you! Please, stop lying." Jude rolled his eyes. "I have never seen you cry over any one of them. How do you stay so unattached?"
The young boy looked at his little brother. "I cried over one girl before. Do you remember Lexi?" He looked over at the brunette kid who was nodding his head. "I loved her man. She was the only girl that I ever cried over because she left me."
"How did you get over her?"
"I moved on to Emma. And before Emma could hurt me I moved on to Hayley before I got back with Emma." He looked at the youngest Foster. "I guess my advice to you would be to find someone else. It's better than sitting in this room and sulking all day."
"Thanks." He said as he stood up and gave his brother a pat on the back. "I don't think that is the advice that Brandon would've gave me, but it may work."
Meanwhile, outside the house Mariana was inside the car of her current boyfriend. The past couple of months with everything that happened with Callie had caused them to be close. He was the only guy at school that really understood everything that she was going through.
"I-have-to-go." She said in between kissing his lips.
The African American male looked at the dashboard of his old car. "You have two more minutes." He said with a smile.
Mariana looked him in his eyes and began to make out with him again. Then she let up. "I have to go. My moms are going to freak if I'm even a minute past curfew. Ever since everything went down with Callie, they are ruling that house with an iron fist."
"Okay, I'll see you later." He said as he kissed her sweetly one more time, then watched as she made her way across her front yard and into her house.
The teenager closed her front door behind her and smiled at the thought of what had happened that day. It wasn't romantic or anything, but she had been spending more time at his side of town. This time they actually cooked dinner for his little sister and just watched one of his favorite movies. It was so simple, but it was something that was missing in her home life ever since Callie and Jude moved in. It had been non-stop drama for years.
"Mariana could you come here please."
The young girl walked into the kitchen where her moms were both sitting down on the dinning room table. Their faces seemed serious, which caused her to get worried. "What's up? Is this about Callie?"
"No, honey. It's not." Stef said as she watched her daughter sit at the table across from them.
"It's about Dorian, sweetheart." Lena said as she held her daughters hand. "It has come across the school boards attention that he doesn't exactly live where he says he does. They want him to go to the school that he is districted to be at."
The girl nodded her head no. "It's his senior year! You can't do this to him! Do you know what kind of school you will be sending him too?" She said as she got off of the table and looked at her moms. "Can't you just let him stay for a couple more months? Just until he graduates?"
"I tried. I really did. But the school is becoming overpopulated with students who are lying about the houses they live in to go to a better school. We need to focus on the students who actually can afford houses in the Anchor Beach School District. We are sending over one hundred students back to their districted schools and he just so happens to be one of them." Lena tried to reason with her daughter.
"Do you know what that school will do to him? He isn't this gangsta black guy! He won't be able to survive there." She said becoming more upset about the situation.
"You are acting like we are sending him to jail. It's just a school Mariana. Don't be so overdramatic." Stef said as she stood up and tried to walk toward her daughter.
"No, I've been to that side of town since we started talking! It's not a nice place. You might as well be sending him to a jail." She confessed to her moms.
"Excuse me?" Stef asked with a look of confusion on her face.
"I have been going over to the rougher parts of town ever since I've been seeing him. It's not bad if you know where to go and South Side High School is one of those places to not go!"
"Mariana I forbid you to go back to that side of town!" Stef yelled at her. "I am a police officer and I know what goes on over there! It is not a place where I want my daughter."
"I can't see Dorian in school or go over his place anymore? How do you expect me to see him?" She yelled back at her mom.
"You can see him here with us supervising." Lena said as she looked up at her wife. "Go upstairs and calm down. I don't like the tone you are giving us."
Mariana rolled her eyes, whispered something under her breath, and then ran up the stairs into her room.
"What are we going to do with these teenagers of ours?" Stef asked as she sat back down at the table with her wife.
"I think we can allow her to go to his place as long as that's all she goes to over there." Lena finally spoke up. "You pretty much made that decision yourself without even consulting me about it."
"Look, honey. You don't see what I see when I go over to those parts of town. It is a bad area. The last thing I want is to be called by Mike again at two o'clock in the morning telling me there was a shooting and Mariana was shot. I can't take it if anything else happened to one of our kids." She said looking at her wife.
"So, why are we sending that young man over to that school?" Lena asked confused as to why the school board would want a child to learn in that type of environment.
"I don't know. I agree with Mariana on that one." The blond woman replied as she looked at her wife. "Let's not argue about the kids tonight. I just want to cuddle." She fake cried as she leaned in and kissed her wife.
"Maybe we can do a bit more than that." Lena smiled as she accepted the kiss.
Brandon was upstairs in his dorm room. The nightlife of New York City had really taken a toll on his practicing. Every single time he was supposed to sit down and play the piano in his dorm, somebody would come in and ask him if he wanted to go out and do something. It had become apparent that the only place he could practice in peace was on the piano in the auditorium.
"You made it back I see." Professor Lipkin said with a smile. "I have to admit that when you told me you were going to become a father and you were going to take a semester off to be with the mother, I was worried I'd never see you again."
The young man chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, well it didn't quite turn out the way I thought it would…"
Callie was in her bed at the Foster house just taking it easy. She had convinced Stef and Lena that she was just run down and needed a couple of days to recover. They were into getting everything ready for the baby that they barely even cared about anything else. She heard a light knock on the door. "Come in."
Brandon walked in with a distraught look on his face. "Hey."
She looked up at him with a wide look in her eyes. "Hi." She responded as she looked away from him.
"I completely deserve to be ignored, cursed out, yelled at, hit…whatever you want to give me. I have been a total jackass to you." He walked closer to her bed. "I know this doesn't even begin to cover what I owe you, but I am sorry for everything."
Callie continued to look at the wall of her bedroom.
"I took the semester off at Julliard." He said knowing that would get a reaction out of her.
She quickly turned her head as if to say she was listening.
"I told my professor about our situation and he was telling me that they have family housing there. We can all go together next semester. You, me, and our baby."
"Why would you want to get an apartment with a girl that you don't even love?" She said quietly.
"I was lying when I said I didn't love you, okay. It's just the love we have for each other is so complicated. This baby is going to make it even more complicated, but maybe this was supposed to happen. Maybe this was the push that we both needed to finally say fuck what everybody else thinks, we can do this!"
A tear ran down her cheek. "Do you mean it?"
"I'm as serious as a heart attack." He admitted. "It's going to be hard. Nothing for us has ever been easy, but I love you and I am willing to work at it if you are."
"Brandon…" She whispered. "I'm not pregnant anymore."
He looked at her with his eyes wide open. Then he began to notice that she was in her bed in mid-day, her expression was warn out, and her face looked as if she had been crying all day. "Oh my God. Did you loose the baby?"
She wanted to tell him that it wasn't nature that made her loose their baby, but it was her decision. But everything that he had just told her made it impossible for her to let him know that. She just nodded her head yes.
"I am so sorry that I wasn't here for it." He went up to her and hugged her. "I promise you that one day we will be able to be together. And we can try again." He said as he continued to hug her.
A week later everybody was at the hospital waiting for Lena to give birth to the baby. All the teenagers had been sitting in the waiting room for hours. Every so often, Stef would come out to check on them and give them an update.
Stef came out again this time in scrubs and a mask with a big smile on her face. "She's here! The baby is here!"
All the teenagers yelled happily and gave their mom a group hug. "How's mom?" Jude asked, as he looked up at his other mother.
"Her blood pressure went back up during labor which is a red flag because of the pre-eclampsia from the other pregnancy. So they ended up doing a C-Section. She's doing fine though and so is the baby. The baby should be in the nursery now, come and see her."
Callie hesitated a bit as Jesus, Mariana, and Jude followed Stef upstairs. Brandon noticed and put his hand out for her.
She placed her hand inside of his and followed. She fake smiled through all of the pictures and laughs. Then she stood behind as everybody went to go visit Lena. Her eyes were just glued on baby-girl Adams-Foster. It was as if something was ripping at her heart and the insides of her stomach at the same time.
"It's going to be okay. I know it still hurts, but eventually the pain will go away." Brandon spoke from behind her.
She nodded her head no as tears began to pour down her eyes uncontrollably. "I didn't loose the baby the way you think I did." She said in tears. "I had an abortion."
After about two minutes of silence, he finally spoke "What?"
She turned around and gave him a sad look.
Without saying anything he just walked away with a look of confusion on his face.
A cab ride later, Callie was at the Foster home thinking about how this conversation with Brandon was about to be. He abruptly left the hospital and until pulling up and seeing his car, nobody knew exactly where he had gone. When she walked inside the house it was quiet. She walked into the kitchen and found her foster brother sitting on the dining room table with his head in his hands.
"Look, Brandon. I know that you are probably upset and you have every right to be. I did something that was so final without your decision, but if you really think about it maybe it was the best thing for all involved."
"How?" He said with an angry undertone in his voice. "I gave up everything to be with you! I gave up my family, I almost gave up my freedom for you, I got beat up for you, I almost lost being able to play a piano for you, and I gave up Julliard for you! And all you ever do is find a way to screw me over."
"That's not fair!"
"No!" He stood up and looked at her as he pointed a finger. "What's not fair is that I have to live with you for the next couple of months knowing that you killed my kid without even consulting me about it!"
"I tried! That day when I called you, I tried to tell you that I was about to get rid of it. But you told me that you didn't love me anymore!" She screamed back at him. "And you are the one that left me to go thousands of miles away to the school of your dreams!"
"I left to follow my dreams. And then I got there and left my dream to follow you! I always give up something to be with you, but you can never give up anything to be with me! You couldn't wait a couple of days until I got back so we could have figured this out together? That was my kid too!" He screamed.
"What do you want me to say? I'm sorry. I just thought at the time it was the best thing for everybody. Do you know what Stef and Lena would've done if they found out you and I were sleeping together behind their backs?"
"They would have to get over it!" He went up to her and looked her in the eyes. "Everybody told me that you were going to hurt me. Tayla and even my own father, but I still went after you. If I even thought it would be this deeply, I would have listened."
"No!" He stopped her. "I hate you and I don't ever want to see you again. But we are supposed to be 'siblings', so I have to fucking live with you! So for the next couple of months try and stay out of my way."He bumped her on his way to up the stairs into his bedroom.
A shaken Callie stood in the kitchen and let out a piercing cry.
"That's deep." Professor Lipkin said as he listened to the boys story. "Whatever happened to her?"
"She turned to drugs for a while, got involved in the wrong crowd, ended up dating this bad boy, and is in jail awaiting trial for his murder." As he thought about everything that Callie had been through and still has gone through, it did make the part that still loved her ache. But it was tainted by so much hate that is was almost like he was immune to the feeling of feeling sorry for Callie.
The older man looked at the young boy. "It sounds like you dodged a bullet to me. That girl had a lot of issues before you ever stepped into her life. Just be lucky you aren't tied down to a kid with her. It would have been years of heartache. Trust me, I know."
Brandon green eyes looked up at the older man. "Yeah, I guess."
"The only good thing about all of that pain is...good music is written and played." He pointed to the composition that was on the top of the piano. "I'm sure a lot more of these songs will bring on new meanings." He patted the young man on the shoulder, then left him in the auditorium to continue to practice.