The brute tossed a Bulldog at them, which smashed into them hard. Hill came up in a dazed confusion. "Bloody hell, Pierce you alright?" in response he got a groan. "Great, where the fuck is Chuck?" He drew his Gravediggger from it's holster, leveling it at the Brute. "Smile you sonuva bitch." He fired into the brutes massive form, which had little effect on the imposing monster as it strode forward. It crushed one Saints head as she run past, never slowing in its advance. Hill thumbed more shells into his shotgun, blasting the brute in panic. In response the brute took a swing at him, which he dodged by rolling under the giant's legs. He popped up behind it, but the behemoth spun around with surprising speed, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him in the air. "Agh…" As He struggled to escape the iron grip around his windpipe, feeling several cheap shots from raining upon his head. The brute drew back one last time with a meaty fist, aiming to kill him with this one. "Hey, asshole." The brute turned in confusion, and Kirsten thrust Chuck through It's face. "Made you look."

The giant teetered for a moment, before falling backwards, dropping Hill as it fell. Kirsten revved Chuck threateningly at the crowd of Luchadores moving towards them. "Plenty more to go round, wankers." She took a swing at one that got too close, ripping into his chest and killing him instantly. "C'mon, give me a reason." The others looked around uneasily, before scattering and running to their vehicles and tearing out. "You fucking clunges, come back here and fight." She yelled at their retreating tail lights, waving Chuck menacingly for empathis. "I don't think they want to fuck with you, love." Kirsten turned to Hill as he stood up, rubbing his throat. "Of course, I doubt after that little display that anyone would." He holstered his shotgun, wiping away the faint trickle of blood from his nose. "You're dangerous as hell with that thing." Kirsten held up Chuck, smirking. "It's a bloody chainsaw, kinda hard not to be dangerous with it." She remarked. "It's a heavy son of a bitch, though." "No shit." HIll responded back, leaning over Pierce. "Up you get now, thatta boy." Pierce leaned dazed against the wall, running a hand across his face. "Big mothafucka almost messed up my looks."

Back in the Penthouse, the remaining Saints members gathered in the living area. The remaining lieutenants had shown up finally, much too late to be of any help. Hill again stood above them, this time joined by Kirsten, and watched them. "It's getting serious now." He murmured softly, running a hand through his hair tiredly. "Which means we need to get serious too." He straightened up. "OY!" He shouted. Instantly all the Saints turned to him, looking up eagerly. "Alright, Saints, I know I've given a speech already, but this one is a necessary evil, so listen up." The Saints below were so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Killbane's got balls to send boys straight to us, which means he's more than likely grasping at straws now. We need to act now and sweep his whole organization off the face of the Earth. I'm talking a brawl to end 'em all, a solid FUCK YOU to the Syndicate. And another one to those Stag Gits. Now, doesn't that sound like one hell of a fun party? It's our time again, let's kick this shit into high gear."

The room erupted in loud cheers, the large majority of the gathered gang throwing their fists up. Hill smiled down at them proudly before turning away. He took all of three steps before falling to the floor in an unconscious heap.