Chapter 2 of 2: Dies Irae

Latin for Days of Wrath

By Cloy Jubilee

For Yana Norway

Für Immer.

Warning: YAOI. [Mentions of Robert x Johnny and Kai x Johnny]

Story line: Ends the plot for my other fanfic, Midnight Sun

Disclaimer: Beyblade and its characters don´t belong to me.

This is not happening. All this pain is just an illusion. The cold is not real.

Tell me that everything is going to be just fine. That this will disappear. That I won't just fade away.

I'm over.

With Salima's help, Johnny was able to return from the hospital to his room in the mansion. He realized that he didn't want her to see him in such a deplorable state, and with Robert fighting Kai in Japan, there wasn't really anyone to help him. He was alone, so he just dragged himself to the bed after he said good night to the Japanese girl and tossed his body into the bed, exhaling a long sigh.

The thought of Salamalyon hurt every cell in his body and his lost felt like a nail in his heart, but at the same time there was emptiness and sorrow in all his existence.

The Scot couldn't stay awake any longer and just gave himself into the embrace of sleep as his mind traveled to a different place, another realm, which wasn't real or fake.

Johnny found himself standing in front of a huge mirror. The frame was made of very white ivory, with inserts of gold, rubies and lapis lazuli. As beautiful as this piece was, there was something wrong about it.

Violet eyes fixed in their own reflection and contemplated the boy that stood in front of him. It wasn't Johnny.

"Ben." -Called the red haired - "Brother."

The guy in the mirror smirked awkwardly and walked towards Johnny in a way that unsettled the Scot and he gave a couple steps back, just to hit his back with a cold, strong structure.

When Johnny turned around he found himself in front of another mirror, with his dead brother staring right at him with his piercing big eyes.

"You lost Salamalyon. You let it go away, you allowed that man to take the most precious treasure you possess. You are unworthy of owning it now. It will never come back to you, Sammy."

Johnny gulped and looked down. He didn't have anything to say and just closed his eyes. His body felt absurdly heavy and all he wanted was to just give up and let the tiredness drag him away somewhere where he couldn't feel anything.

"I'm cold." -Confessed Johnny and then looked up, just to find there was no one there. No mirrors, no walls, nothing. Just white. There wasn't even a floor. He was just there, standing in an inexistent environment.

Suddenly, the temperature dropped and he realized he was completely naked. He hugged himself and kneeled, in a feeble attempt to fight the heat loss. His eyes closed and he felt a sensation so horrible that, if that was what death felt like, he was probably being dragged to hell in that moment.

"Jonathan Samael Thain McGregor."

When he raised his eye sight he realized he was in a different place.

He was sitting in a chair too big for him to be comfortable, and at the same time, so small that he felt he could fall off from it any moment. In front of him was an enormous table, so long that Johnny knew all the people in the world could sit there to eat. On the table, right in front of him, was a blade. His blade. But the bit chip was gone.

All of the sudden, the table flew away and was replaced by an ocean. Johnny fell off the chair and he couldn't move his legs or arms, so he started drowning and sinking all the way to the bottom. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think. All he did was close his eyes and beg for it to be finished.

But just before whiting out, he reached the bottom of the ocean floor and went through it. He found himself falling at a very high speed in the air and then landed hard against sturdy wood.

He felt a presence and got on his feet as if nothing had happened.

There, right in front of him was Samael.

Johnny had only see him once before in his life, and the demon hadn't changed at all. Disturbing, accusing, seductive and destructive, the beast stared at him, but the Scot couldn't see his eyes. He just knew the fiend was looking at him.

"What do I owe the honor?" Asked Johnny, so sure of himself that no one could ever tell how nervous he actually was.

"Don't you know, boy?" The beast started walking away and Jo's legs dragged his body towards him unconsciously.


"More like the lack of it. I know what happened. I know it all. Your brother is really disappointed on you now."

Johnny looked down and then raised his shoulders.

"I guess."

Suddenly, the fiend appeared behind him and grabbed Jo from the chest, sending shivers and a warning alert to the red haired. This was dangerous, and there was nothing he could do to get away of that situation.

"Don't you know who I am?" Asked the archangel

"Aye. You came to me the day my brother died. I know you, Yaldabaoth."

"Oh, but you do." The beast pressed harder into Jo's chest with his long, twisted fingers and he felt short of breath "Still, I want to remind you."

Jo felt how the archangel dug his nails into his flesh and then he was paralyzed. It wasn't that painful, but the sole action of being abused again made his will to die even stronger.

As the red haired closed his eyes, images of Robert, Salima, Garland, Enrique, Oliver and his parents took over his mind, and he asked to himself if it was the time to finally abandon himself and join his brother in the afterlife.

"Just bloody finish this already, I know who you are, you are…"

"Say it…" Whispered the fiend and licked his earlobe


The demon smirked and let go off him, which made Johnny fall the floor and land on his side, but he wasn't naked any more. He was wearing some kind of light armor that felt more like a King's dressing than an actual protecting gear.

"I didn't plan to see you so soon, Jonathan, but your current situation made me come here and look for my pet, which you absurdly lost to that unworthy and filthy character."

"Ha. I would love to see Hiwatari's face if I called him that."

"You must be very brave to joke around in my presence, but oh, I'm not quite surprised. You're Alanna's boy after all."

"Leave my mother out of this-"

"Brave, but you still hesitate to pronounce my name, as all of your ancestors had. She thought her own magic would be stronger than me, and that it would protect your brother, after all, her grandfather did terrible things… but we've had this conversation already, dear Jonathan."

"Hmn, I remember." Johnny got on his feet and stood right in front of him. "What are you doing here this time?"

"Oh, dear boy… I'm nothing more but the reflection of your hate and your strength. I'm the echo of your wrath, the mirror on which your avarice reflects, and this all feeds me. It's the source of my power. I flow through the lives of the descendants of Thain McGregor."

"Really? And… how's the family doing?"

"None of you, young men, know where to find the exit that opens the door of good and evil. Now, Johnny, come to me, and let me live in you. I'm the desire, the darkness within you, and, at the same time, I'm the one that carries the light."

"I thought you lived in me already."

"That's true."

"Then what do you want?"

"Your blood, your soul… I want you to belong to me."

"You want me to die?"

"Yes. That way I'll finally own you."

"But… I don't want to die."

"Oh, but you do. I heard you, right before I appeared before you. You wanted all the pain to stop, you wanted to die."

"Well, in that moment I did…." Johnny crossed his arms over his chest "but not anymore."

"Yes, I can feel that. What made you change your mind?"

"You, actually. Your words. They reminded me of someone. The 'belong to me' part, the 'I'll finally own you' crap. It reminded me of the person that I…. the person that actually owns me."

"Interesting. And who is this person you are talking about?"

"He's the most conceited, arrogant and bossy guy you'll ever know. He's the worst show off and he has no idea of anything. He loves power and money, and yet, takes pleasure in the smallest, most insignificant details… Like when he says he wants fucking chocolate, and I already know I have to drive him to the closest heliport and, wherever we are, we have to fly to bloody Berlin… or when he demands you to get him a beer at a club, and he smiles when you arrive to the table with his favorite one… Astra, brewed in Hamburg… He knows I´ll complain about going to Berlin, and that I'll complain of having to be the one to go get the beer… but he knows I'll do it… just to see him smile."

Johnny sat in a chair that appeared before him and then continued

"He'll boss everyone around him, but will always say please and thank you with his thick Bavarian accent… He´ll blush when I call him Captain… He'll joke about everything, but will always lend an ear when I need someone to listen. He's the only one who'll never judge me, who'll never tell me to stop… all he's ever wanted is to be with me… and… he always will, because I want it as well."

Samael, who was bigger than anything else that existed on that realm, suddenly didn't feel that gigantic.

Johnny realized he wasn't sitting in a chair anymore, as it had long become a throne.

"So, you belong to this man because…" Samael invited him to continue.

"Because after I lost my brother, I felt so sad and so empty that I thought one life is too long, and I did have suicidal tendencies… You know this. I never let anyone in. Not my parents, not the psychologists and doctors that wanted to "help me". Only him. He never demanded anything from me, he just wanted me to live. He wanted me to be happy again, and he accomplished it. I don´t feel sad like that anymore… he makes me feel that my life is not too short or too long. It is and will be enough as long as Robert is at my side."

Samael's body, who was twisted in weird angles, suddenly became more natural, more humane.

"Humans have the weirdest pleasures of all creatures… so… passionate."

Johnny was about to answer when a sudden wave of heat took over his body and made him wake up. The light in the room hurt his eyes, but the adrenaline rush through his veins allowed him to get over it and focus on the source of warmth. There was something burning in his leg and he hurried to take the item out of his jeans.

His blade was so hot that he had to drop it on the bed and it made a whole through the sheets, the mattress and the base, until it finally fell to the floor.

Johnny, full of energy, crawled under the bed and reached it, just pulling it in a place where he could see it, as the blade was still too hot to touch it. The bit chip was shining white, and the Scot was able to feel the amazing amount of energy flowing to him from it.

In that moment, his phone rang. He grabbed it from his night table and smiled when he saw the screen.


"Jo. We did it. Black Dranzer is gone. Kai is all right, but unconscious. It´s over. Everything will be just fine. Is Salamalyon back?"

Johnny looked at his blade again. The shine started to fade and he could see it. Salamalyon was right in front of him, and it felt as if the bit beast was happy to be back home.



"He is back. Now there´s just something missing here in arms."

"Was is it, Jonathan?" Robert's voice sounded concerned


The red haired couldn´t see it, but he knew Robert had smiled. And for Johnny, that was more than enough.

The End

Cloy Jubilee~