Hey guys! So this was a request by loveless fangirl who helped with the idea and gave some direction on how it should go. This is really rough and dark yaoi. There's beating, begging, toys, and forced sex. If that's something you don't want to read about stop right here. But if you would, I hope you'll like it. I don't own AOT or the characters. Enjoy.

I wanted to go outside. Is there something wrong with that?

The flesh on Eren's cheek stung and turn a tainted red. Finger marks from the slender bones were left, it still left shocks running up and down his waking body. An ice glare of nickel eyes shined towards Eren to leave daggers in his heart. He was pushed up against the wall, the smell of moist rocks and dirt getting on his clothes. Eren was helpless, and his capturer was keeping him that way.

"I don't know what makes you think you can just get up and leave anytime you fucking want. And at night too. It's already shit that they made me get up every hour on the hour to see if your bratty ass is in that fucking cage. They don't even think to lock it now apparently because they know I'll be here to stop your dumbass"

Levi was so cold blooded to the boy. He always was since he laid eyes on Eren. It was because of how cocky he was about the eradication of Titans. His hero complex he had in his mind that he would save everyone and he'd then live happily. Eren was solely based on revenge to keep him going, to keep him fighting. Driven on anger and making something else feel pain to get rid of the pain he held inside. Levi knew he'd always make sure Eren stayed in his place, to let him know who ran his show.

Eren only stood and let his hand feel the mark on his face. Grazing down his cheek bones and feeling his sensitive skin. He didn't know how to feel from it, he had been hit before, but when he was no one was as dominate at Levi. Others showed him anger and only wanted to see bruises to show they got in a few hits, but Levi's was like a warning or he was training him to do as he was told next time. The room was silent.

"Hey, are you even fucking listening to me?" The frustration could be heard in Levi's voice.

Eren looked down at Levi with a blank stare. "What?" He hadn't been listening at all. He had been in a daze and didn't care about Levi's lecture. He already knew he'd get in trouble and punished in some way.

Levi's lip curled up and he flashed teeth. Levi got the hand Eren was using to feel his face and pressed his wrist against the rock wall. He stepped forward, it made Eren stand up straight with a sudden gasp.

"I don't like when small dick, bratty shit heads, like you think they don't need to listen to other people. You don't even listen to your superior. It's disrespectful and fucking humiliating. Don't you dare make me look like a fool, Yeager. "Levi growled

"I-I'm sorry, sir. I truly am, I'll listen next tim-"

Eren was stopped by Levi turning him and having his stomach face the stone, his arm twisted behind his back. Eren bit his lip from the cold and his arm joints starting to ache from the position. Eren's breathing panicked with his emerald eyes wide and trying to look back at his corporal. Panic set in his body as Levi came close behind Eren's ear.

"There won't be a next time of you trying to take a little late night fucking stroll. If I see your sorry ass out of there with no permission I'll kick your fucking teeth in to teach you a lesson. Understand?"

Eren quickly nodded. A lump in his throat grew while his body became hot. A sensation of something he couldn't grasp yet ran up his spine. Levi yanked on the back of Eren's hair and slammed the side of his head on the wall. Levi's body moving more and more on top of him. Levi's heat incasing him and pants legs in between his. The pain shook Eren and yet the feeling he felt hadn't left. His eyes closed and his mouth gapping open. Blush lightly touching over his cheeks as he felt Levi's legs.

"Ahh! Shit!" He quietly shouted.

"Use your words, Yeager. Do you under-fucking-stand?"

"Yes!" He breathed

Levi slammed Eren's head back. A whining yelp came from Eren. Levi waited for Eren to recover to turn him back over. He slap his other cheek and grabbed his face. He got close to his face. "Yes what?"

"Sir!" He swallowed and opened his eyes. "Yes, sir. Please just let go."

"That's a good boy."

Levi tossed Eren on the dirty ground with a thud. Eren grit his teeth and tried to block the fall with his arms. Eren opened his eyes slightly and panted for the pain. The soreness started to set in, maybe it was for his own good. Last time Levi hurt him it saved his life. "I don't have time to waste on you. Tomorrow you come to my office and I'll deal with you then. Take this as your first lesson," Levi lowly said, agitated. He spit down on Eren motionless body. A groan passed Eren's lips as he sat up and wipe saliva off his face. "What the hell?" Levi whispered to himself.

Eren dared to ask: "What is it, sir?" He weakly said as he rubbed his sore mouth.

Levi clicked his tongue and pressed his hand on his belted hip. Eren had to have felt it by now, why was he so dumbfounded? Levi turned his head and thought of telling him, he looked back with emotionless expression.

"Are you starting to get a hard on?"

"Ah- what?!" Eren franticly said and looked down.

His cock, semi-hard and starting to ache against the tight white jeans he had quickly thrown on before. He contained his words by covering his mouth, while his cheeks became bright red with embarrassment. Something like that had never happened before, Levi hit, grabbed his hair, and verbally abused him was all. Eren couldn't wrap his mind around the arousal he got.

"I'm… I'm sorry, captain. " Eren trembled out his apology. He held his head low and had his eyes darted to the side.

Levi moved closer to analyze Eren. He could already see his bruises bubble up and start to form on the boy's smooth face. Eren stayed against the wall, ashamed that someone had seen him in a lusting state. The man who he looked up to, the man who swore to protect him, who still hurt him. Saw him passionate over pain. Levi was also confused about Eren, he could understand why he would get hard while a sadist man was spitting insults and throwing him against things.

"Are you saying that you started to get hard from all the stuff I did to you?" Levi asked.

Eren blushed brighter and kept silent. He couldn't have thought of any other reasons on how it happen. The warm and pleasure sparked when Levi did such rough things. The things that hurt, things that would leave marks and make the blood rush to his head, that's what thrilled his body. Eren simply nodded. Levi softly grinned a sickening smile and crossed his arms. Awful instructional ideas came into his mind, a new way of physical teaching.

Levi squatted down and had his arms on his knees. "So it seems like you get off on this kind of thing," Levi said and lifted Eren's chin with his finger. "There's a certain word for that."

"And um, what would that be?"

"Well, you might be too young to be a masochist."

Eren didn't understand the term Levi threw at him. "A what?" he softly said. "What's a masochist?"

Levi sighed. "You're such an idiot. A masochist is someone who gets pleasure from pain," Levi looked down at Eren's fading erection. "Like how you acted when I was hurting you."

"So I like pain is what you're saying?" Eren tilted his head

"Yes. You see, unlike you, I myself am a sadist- you probably don't know what that is either- I get off on hurting others and seeing them in pain."

"I don't get off on pain…" Eren quietly refuted "It was just a random onetime thing. I'm young, I get off on anything."

"Not from getting the hell beaten out of."

"I-it's…I, I don't like it. It's not right." He wouldn't let himself believe.

Eren rubbed the back of his neck and tried to situate his lap. Levi frowned and swiftly grabbed the bones of Eren's wrists and bunched them together. He placed them above Eren's head, which started to frighten Eren on what he got himself into. He tried to move his hands and squirmed his body.

"L-let me go." Eren whined

"I don't like being lied to, Yeager." Levi's voice was raspy and pressed harder.

"Cor-corporal?" The feeling started to come up again. Levi's hand smacked down to Eren's crotch, Eren winced and grunted from the rough squeeze. "Ah-ha- what are you doing?"

"I think I'll teach you a lesson tonight. On how to not lie to me, on how to not humiliate me when you don't listen, teach you to show fucking respect."

"Sir, I said I'm sorry. I-I swear I respect you."

"Sorry doesn't cut it anymore, you masochistic bitch."

"I-I'm n-not-"Levi's hand moved a bit. Eren started to fell hard again. He opened his eye in a wink.

"What a-are you planning?"

"I plan on fucking you until you learn."

Every grip from Levi's hands tensed. Levi would have left impressions on Eren's wrists, and even hearing Eren's whines with face clenches, Eren started to grow hard in Levi's palm. Eren's face turned rose and his ginger breath started up again. He tried to bring his knees up to try to get Levi's hand off. He turned his face to the side with a pained look and bit his lip. Only the worse came into his mind. His body being used and taken advantage of.

He couldn't do that. No way, he's my Captain

"Please don't. Please, I'm begging," Eren softly spoke "Hah- mmhm, it hurts."

"Ha! You call something like that begging? You can't even look at me when you plead. And you say you respect me," Levi brought his hand up to Eren jaw and made him look at him. "No, when I'm done with you, you'll know how to beg for me."

Eren narrowed his eyes and tried to make a glare. His body was trembling too much to keep it straight. Levi dropped Eren's wrists to his side.

"Get up." Levi demanded. Eren couldn't do it yet. He couldn't have this be his fate, yet something seemed right in the wrong scene. Eren swallowed and rubbed out the red marks left on his wrists and stayed in his own quiet world for a minute longer. Levi would stand and wait for him to get himself together. Levi kicked Eren in the stomach, Eren went inward on himself and cloaked his eyes.

"Fuck." Eren groaned

"I said, get up."

Eren got on his hands and knees holding his stomach and coughing. "I… I can't do it." Eren resisted "I-I won't."

Levi kicked him in the abs again, making him fall on his face. He spit up blood and looked up at Levi with droopy eyes. "I. Said. Get. Up."

Eren sighed and picked himself off the ground in a painful grunt. Levi gripped Eren's arm and lead him towards the door. A solid moan from the door came, as dim lighting lit the halls and shadowed Levi's face for Eren to see. The smell of mold and damp rock water was being over powered from the stale air from the rest of the rooms held. Eren wished they could only have crawled out the door slower. Levi turned towards Eren as he started to walk out. Eren was innocent, a gloomy looking child who knew how he would end up. Levi thought it was a good look for his newly found masochist.

Levi smirked.

Levi opened the door to the spacious, tidy room and pushed Eren in. He locked the door behind him and sat on his made bed, while Eren stood, palm in palm looking at the ground. Levi crossed his arms and got comfortable for the evening.

"Take off your clothes." Levi said.

Eren glanced up and licked his lips. He couldn't refuse, if he did he'd get beaten half to death. But if he did, he couldn't predict what would happen. For now, he thought it was best for him to go along with it. Eren simply nodded and took in a deep breath. He unbutton his collar and moved to all the lower buttons. He started to part the fabric and show off his tanned skin, his slim abs turning into a brown and lavender purple from Levi's shoe. He moved to the metal from his pants and unzipped them, letting them slink down to the ground and kicked them off his feet. He stood in his grey boxers, keeping his hand at his side.

"What do you not get from strip? Take it all off." Levi barked


Levi got up and walked towards Eren. "You don't what to define me already this early do you?"

"No, but I think there's better ways to teach me than th-"Eren was cut off from Levi grabbing his neck. Eren kept a straight face as he quivered.

"Don't question how I want to teach you. Got it?"

"Yes." Eren muttered and tried to get the hands off his throat.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, sir."

Levi let go and went to his closet while Eren fell to one knee as he felt his chest breath hard, he got up and only continued to take off the rest. He slipped his legs out while he shuttered hearing Levi rustle around in the closet. Levi came out with lanky rope wrapped around his knuckles. Eren's hands hid his bare member, his face flushing from his body being shown the way it was. Levi went behind Eren and kicked the back his knee, Eren hit the ground hard on his shins.

"What's the rope for?"

"Put your hands together and find out." Levi said unravelling the rope.

"And if I don't?"

"Then guess who will have two broken wrists."

Eren did as he was told from the threat and grouped his hands together. Levi leaned down and tied the scratchy rope in a knot, making it tight as he could. Levi stood up and back to his closet. When he returned, he sat on the bed with a crop in hand tapping on his palm. Eren didn't even want to know where Levi got it and what for. Levi put the loop leather under Eren's chin to make him look up.

"Before we start," Levi began and crossed his legs. "We have some rules to go over. Number one, you only reply to me when I say you can. When you do reply you call me 'sir' and 'sir' only. Number two, you do everything I tell you to do with no argument about it. If you're defiant, I have no problem with treating you worse than I already will. Lastly, if you tell any of your shit friends or my commanders about this, I'll break your fucking legs. Got it?"

Is this is really happening? Please tell me this is unreal.

"Yes, sir." Eren complied to rule number one. "But I still don't wa-"

"Good, we shouldn't have any problems then. Unless you'd want a punishment; which is something you'd probably enjoy," Levi let the crop linger down to Eren's chest. Letting Eren feel the leather. He spread legs open and flicked Eren's collar bone, he tapped his cheek. Eren only gave a sickening glare "Come over here and learn your first lesson."

"How am I supposed to get there, sir? I can't use my hands to get up and walk over."

"Hmmm, seems like you'll have to crawl won't you?" Levi calmly said

Eren narrowed his eyes. Dominance is what Levi wanted out of all this. It was the trial all over again, only Levi tried to strive on the humiliation to feel power inside, he hoped his body wouldn't react to it. Eren waddled on his knees over to Levi's open legs and looked up for a second command. Levi brought the crop to Eren's back and let it trail down. Levi undid his pants and took out his member from the curtain of his shorts. He stood up to where it was eye level with Eren, he winced and turned his head.

"You're not really good at anything, Yeager, really shitty in everything. But maybe you can grasp the task of sucking my cock. If you bite me are even think about it you're fucking finished and end up with several broken bones."

Eren stayed quiet and grit his teeth. He shook his head slightly, wanting to deny but knew he couldn't. "This is shit," He whispered to himself. "This is too embarrassing."

Levi's hand that held the crop smack down hard on Eren's back, his muscles tensing up. Eren puffed out his back while the warm slap ran up his back. A welt was going to be made, Eren's mouth let out a high 'ah'. He panted and hung his closed eyes low.

"I didn't hear a 'yes, sir', Yeager." Levi spoke and placed the crop on Eren's back again.

Eren swallowed and opened his eyes. "I'm sorry, sir."

Levi smacked hard across Eren's back again. Eren's body immediately perked up again, he licked his lips and sniffled, his lips trembling. He was slouched over, huffing in his lap and blushing. The anticipation and controlling ways Levi had started to get to Eren. Making his cock start to pulse back up slowly. Levi squeezed Eren's cheeks to see Eren's face. "You look at me when you apologize," Levi hit again and knew he broke skin by seeing Eren's aching face and pitched groan. "So do it again and ask for another."

Eren could see Levi's arm extend out to have another go at striking Eren. Eren's body could accept more, a lot more, of the hits. His mind however, wouldn't let him think of doing it, he still had his pride to hang onto. Even though an apology would just make it slip away even more. He made sure he looked Levi right in his sadistic eyes this time.

"I'm sorry, sir," Eren chewed his cheek before talking. "May I have another?"

Levi dropped Eren's cheeks and smacked hard against the skin of his back, harsher than any time before. A whining moan came out this time, as tears dabbed Eren's eyelashes. He could feel the lines of fresh blood start to come down his beaten back. Levi put the crop back on the bed for a swift moment. Levi didn't let Eren loath in his brief moment of pain, he grabbed his hair and had his thumb hang from Eren's mouth.

"Open. Wide."

Eren's eyes crept open slightly as he gapped his mouth open more. Eren's eyes opened wide once Levi rammed his cock in Eren's mouth. Eren's lips settled down on the shaft, as Levi's grip released. Levi got the crop back, he saw a bit of dewy blood on it, Levi licked it away. "Move." Levi demanded and set the handle of the crop low behind Eren. Eren shook his head 'no' but closed his eyes and started to bob slowly down. His tongue lapping over the tip and sliding down the shaft, softly suckling. "Oh come on, Yeager, you can do fucking better than that."

Levi forced his hips in more and pressed Eren's head to the base and back up. Eren choked up a bit as the hard member hit his throat. The rough movements made Eren's cherry face sweat while he started to cry. What had become of him now? His knees squirmed together as he tried to hide his growing erection.

Levi placed the handle between Eren's ass and started to rub the entrance. The smooth ripples of the handle scratching back and forth gave an odd sore pleasure to Eren. Levi felt the vibrate of Eren's moan and him grinding back in the moving crop. "Are you enjoying yourself, Yeager?" Levi moved his hips to do deeper strokes. "You're getting hard over a handle and my cock in your mouth. How much do you like it? Tell me."

Levi made Eren's head back off, he was teary eyed and breathless. Spit and precum leaking out of his panting mouth, in a way, Eren wanted more. So much attention was being shown from his superior, it's like he got off on it, whether it was praise or discipline. Eren huffed out a moan as the motion of the handle end rubbed in more. He just never could let himself believe it that he let himself enjoy this. He wanted to resist, every last thing, but his body reacted differently. His eager tongue licked the shaft over and over again as he caught is breath. He looked up at Levi through slit eyes as he thought of something Levi would want to hear.

"I like it a lot, sir," Eren breathed. "I like you cock in my mouth."

Levi stoked his shaft quickly trying to finish off. "Beg. I wanna hear that you want more, brat. Look, I'm wasting my night on a little bitch like you. I'm even letting you get off on a handle and you licking my cock," The handle slipped a bit inside. Eren squealed and tightened up. "Aren't I being nice?" Levi started to move out and then back in how it was before.

Eren moaned. He sat up forward to resist the feeling. "Thank you for letting me suck you off. Ah- mmffhh! – A-and for letting me get off. Please l-let me have more, sir. Let me have more of you."

I shouldn't be saying this. What's wrong with me?

"Do you want me to cum?" Levi asked

Not in your fucking life, prick.

"Yes, sir! Please!" Eren yelped.

Levi tilted his head. "Maybe I should cum all over that pretty face of yours," He could feel himself about to release. Levi removed the handle and turned it back around. "Should I?"

Don't even.

"Yes…"Eren's words trailed out.

Levi crack the crop down. Earning a howl from Eren. "Sorry, what was that?"

"Yes!" He shrieked.

"And why do you think that is?"

"Because, because," Levi hit down again. Eren bit his lip hard as his eyes puddled back up. "I- I don't know."

"Because I fucking own you." Levi muttered out. He gave a few more strokes to himself and let out. Hot cum aimed for Eren's mouth splashed around his lips, cheeks, and chin. As it cool down Eren felt disgusting, he had never felt so disgraced before. He was supposed to be a hero, somebody who would do well for humanity. Now he was stooped down to being a toy with someone who didn't play well with others. Even worse, coming from them.

"Lick it off," Levi spoke. "You need to clean up your face."

"But sir-"Eren softly said

"I don't think you want to finish that sentence."

Annoyance was on Eren's face. He licked what was left on his lips then went to the corner. The fresh salty taste lacing his tongue as he got down to his chin. "Do you like the taste? The taste of my warm cum in your mouth and on your face? You even came yourself, without permission too."

The words started to make Eren's cock twitch. Levi's vulgar voice was good enough for him. Eren sighed and lapped up all that was left. "Yes, I do. It tastes good." Eren swallowed. "Could you untie my wrists now, please?" Eren was so tired and done with all this. He felt used and damaged goods now, he just wanted to sleep away the confusion and sweat of the night. Yet Levi still had more in mind.

"Oh, you think you're getting off that easy?" Levi grabbed Eren's bonded hand to get him on his feet. "You came without asking and I thought I told you I was going to fuck you, remember?"

Eren was thrown onto the bed laying on his back. Eren couldn't imagine much more of what Levi wanted to do. He knew that Levi wanted to break him and know that he was a nobody. How he was going to stay a nobody. Eren's whole body shook, how much more could his mind handle? His throat became dry and his bruised legs were weak and couldn't move, Eren breathed franticly and straggled to sit up. Levi pushed him back down as he struggled underneath

"Please, corporal, please! N-no more, I've learn my lesson! Just let me go, you sick fuck!" Eren begged and started to whimper. "Please, just no more."

Levi picked up the crop and struck against Eren's thigh, leaving a giant red mark. Eren scrunched his face and let the stinging settle in his body. Levi got on top of Eren's body and lightly pressed on his neck.

"Apparently you haven't. You forgot rule number one, brat," Levi firmly whispered. "And it's going to cost you." Levi could see the fear in Eren's eyes, but for his body, he was still erect and hard as he was before. Eren was afraid of his own body, afraid of his actions. Because he wasn't sure how to act on them yet. Levi could care less though. Levi got Eren to sit up and turned him over on his back. Eren's head was to the side, buried in cushion and springs. The sheets smell clean, freshly washed in detergent and softener. It could only quell Eren for so long.

Levi gazed upon his master piece that he scratched into Eren's back. Three deep wounds across his skin, red dried up blood stayed close but did dabble down his back as it dried. He wanted marks all up and down his body. He wanted to hear Eren's moans of pain, his face as he did it. Levi made more violent welts and made Eren's head raise in a painful moan as he did. Lines of slick blood started to form on Eren's abused skin. The crop was being overworked- it wasn't even supposed to break skin- but Levi was having too much fun. Levi put one foot on the bed and propped Eren's chin up, putting the crop to his face.

"Kiss it." Levi demanded

Eren could feel the blood trickle down to his lower back. He brought his quivering lips to the leather and gave a quick peck, then drop his face. Levi threw the crop to the side, his hand roughly squeezing Eren's ass. Eren's mouth parted as slim fingers entered into his dripping mouth. "Suck on them. It's for your sake any way." Levi ordered. Eren coated Levi's fingers in saliva and sucked on them greedily. His tongue wrapping around the bones with sweet soft suckles.

Why do I want this so much?

Levi pulled out, leaving Eren breathy and drooling. One of his moist fingers slid into Eren's small entrance. His body tensed up with a closed yelp, his back arching with toes curling. Levi started to move in and out, pain seemed to be on Eren's face but his mouth let out several moans.

"Damn, you must be a virgin, you're just getting off on one of my fingers aren't you? And only one, too." Levi moved and grinded on Eren's back.

"Please… please stop I-it- Nahh! Hah-ah!"

"You're so loud and dripping wet all over my bed. Wonder what you'll sound like with two." Levi entered in a second finger.

The reaction from Eren got twice as worse. Tears beading in his eyes, more spit sliding to the corner of his lips to his chin. His face buried in the comforter with his eyes closed and muffed moans escaping.

"They slipped in so easily," Levi scissor his fingers. Eren groaned. "Your body is such a greedy bitch that wants to be stuffed."

"Don't- ha!-talk like t-that." Eren moaned out.

Levi grabbed the back of Eren's head. Tears rolling down his slit eyes and dripping mouth opened, looking at Levi. "And yet you moan when I say it," Levi made Eren's head turn more up. "Is my fingers not satisfying? Maybe another part is what you need." Levi's pulsing cock leaked between Eren's cheeks. Eren sleepily shook his head.

"Please…. No more… I-I don't want to." Eren lightly heaved and swallowed. "This isn't right, I-I don't think I can t-take it."

"Oh I think you're wrong," Levi pulled his fingers out and pushed his head in slowly. "You'll take all of me if that's what I want you to do."

"Ah! N-no! Not there!" Eren squirmed trying to get up. Levi stuffed his head into the bedding to keep him quiet.

"Shut the fuck and spread your legs." Levi forcibly spread them himself, bending a leg, and moved deeper inside.

Eren sprang up fast, tears leaking out more. His mouth was wide open yet no sound was able to come out, the pain was too much for words. Eren put his cheek on the bed before Levi could move. Eren could feel blood run down his legs as his body tore. Levi clinched Eren's chest digging in his nails.

"You're really tight around me, Yeager. It's almost like you don't want me to let go." Levi darkly said and started to move out choppy.

Eren clutched the sheets with his nodded hands and cried out, "Hah, fuck! - Please, don't, n-no more! Nggh- ah- I-I'm going to br-break!" Water dropping off of his chin.

Levi leaned down to Eren's back and licked up his bloody spine, making some red lines go away. "That's right, brat. Cry out to me," Levi bit the back of Eren's neck as he was able to move smoother. "Tell me how it is for you to cry like that?"

Eren couldn't say a word. The thought of saying something during meaningless sex couldn't be any more embarrassing. The worst part that came to Eren's mind and scared him would he say he liked it. He could hate the person inflicting it, and he did more than anything, but the actual act, that was completely different. The sex hurt, the scratches hurt, the welts, words, everything. Yet the pain was what he loved. Levi moved in and out deeper, still unable to move faster yet.

Am I really a masochist? I really hope not. I can't take all of this mentally

Levi suddenly sat up, bringing Eren to sit up on his lap. The new position making Eren scream in pleasure. Levi hung on Eren's hips and made him bounce with the thrusts. It made it easier to enter and exit out of Eren's abused hole. Eren cried harder and moaned lustier, Levi grabbed his chin. "Tell me. What are you feeling to make you cry like that? To moan like that?"

Moments of nothing but heavy breathing passed, and the sound of bouncing springs were heard. Levi pressed down hard, hitting Eren's sore prostate.

"Gah! Ah, shit- St-top!"

"Then answer me. Dammit." Levi growled.

It feels.

Eren's cock leaked with hot precum. And the feeling of release in his stomach grew.

It feels so.

Levi pressed harder to hear more earning moans. Which he got. "Tell me." Levi whispered in Eren's ear and rubbed his wet member.

"Good!" Eren finally said "It feels so fucking good, ah! S-so good!"

Levi smirked as he heard the reply. His hand getting moister from Eren's fluid and felt his own bubble inside the oven feel of Eren. "Would you want me to do this more?"

I should say no.

"So much more! Hah- much more!"

"Do you want to cum?"

I need to say no.

"Yes! Please! I want to cum, I want to cum for you!"

Why can't I say no to him?!

Levi had finally taken over Eren. Had full control, dominance, everything he wanted to have.

"Go ahead, brat."

Eren softly cringed from his voice and let his voice stretch into a moan. He released himself, white getting on his stomach and dripping down to his thighs. Levi thrusted a few more times for himself and came deep inside Eren. His steamy seed inside and spilling out. Eren wouldn't be able to sit up if Levi hadn't been holding his hips. Levi pulled out and undid the knot on Eren's wrists, they were gray with bruises. He let Eren drop on the bed, exhausted and breathing as hard as he could to catch his breath. Levi got up and buckled up his pants, cleaning up his hair, he looked at Eren. He was trapped in a ball, feeling the beat of his heart and the stench of sex and salt filled the air.

You were supposed to protect me…

"I'm taking a shower. I want you cleaned up and back in the dungeon before I get out if you can get up. If you can't, you get dressed and wait for me to take you, "He got a towel and turned back before heading to the bathroom. "Is that clear?"

You broke me instead…

Eren nodded and sniffled. Levi opened the door and went into the bathroom and started up water. Eren sat up, feeling every ache he had to endure. All the sounds and moans he made, just for Levi, rang in his ears and he couldn't silence them. He felt his thigh and saw red painted on his fingers, he felt like his lower body was ripped open. The shifting of chilling cum is what made shivers crawl up his body, he let the man who brutalized him release inside of him without a fight. He felt truly disgusted in his commander and himself. He stood up- with his legs becoming weak and having to catch the edge of the bed- and found his shorts and pants, wrinkled, and put them on. He strolled as he buttoned his shirt and spotted a sparkling mirror on the vanity where Levi said "hello" to himself in the morning and "goodnight" in the evening.

Eren gazed at the mess he was. Tattered hair clothed in sweat, red puffy eyes, accompanied with grey bags. His face truly broken with a brown mark on his cheek, he touched gracefully with his fingers. He brushed back his coffee strands and tried not to cry as he looked at himself. Moving down to his biter chafed lips and pink neck. He tasted a tear as it rolled to his scrapped mouth.

What have I become?

"Eren, are you feeling okay?" Mikasa asked. "You haven't touched any of your food yet. You haven't even looked at me yet…"

Eren was slumped on the bench. Listening to other conversations and not on his own lonely thoughts. He stirred his spoon in the thick broth, uninterested in eating.

"I'm not hungry… My stomach is upset." Eren lied

"Bullshit, you always eat even when you're sick. What's wrong?"

Eren turned his head to the side. "Nothing. I'm fine." Eren snapped

Mikasa reached a crossed the table and picked up Eren's chin. She gasped at seeing the tainted mark on Eren's cheek. "Eren!" she quietly yelled "Who did this to you?" Her thumb grazed like she thought she could heal it if she tried hard enough. Eren tugged away.

"Last night I tried to take a walk and Corporal caught me and hit me before he brought me back."

And other things…

Mikasa growled. Hate filled her dark eyes. "That pipsqueak did this to you? I I'll kill the little bastard." Her hands turned into shaking fists quickly.

"Mikasa no, you don't need to do anything drastic," Eren put his hand on Mikasa's "I deserved it for breaking the rules. I'm alright anyway, now." Eren made a fake smile to benevolent her thoughts and behavior. She relaxed and let out a sigh, until she saw Eren's wrist. The cotton sleeve was pulled up a bit, and the colors of a mud brown were shown all around. Mikasa grabbed it, making Eren seethe.

"Did he do this too?!" Mikasa got angry again.

Eren pulled from the grip and rubbed his wrist. Every part of his body hurt. He thought of how Mikasa would act if she saw the welts. It terrified him on how worried and furious she would be. "It's nothing. Just drop it. I'm fine."

"That's not fine, Eren. How do you even get bruises on your wrists?"

Eren swallowed

I can't tell her. I can't tell anyone

He hung his head low

One of Corporal's rules…

"I just.. We um, it's like this yea-"Before Eren could fabricate something, that buzz of an intercom came on. The sounds of munching mouths and chatting voices became quiet as the waited for orders or news.

"Eren Yeager, please come to Corporal Levi Rivaille's office as soon as possible. Eren Yeager, come to Corporal Levi Rivaille's office as soon as possible. That's an order, thank you." And the voice that saved Eren snapped off. Voices flooded the air again. He knew he couldn't keep Levi waiting. He'd get in trouble and probably taught another lesson on not to make people wait just for fun. Eren stood up.

"Well I better get going now! Can't keep him waiting!" Eren wanted to run away. But his hips hurt too much.

Mikasa jumped up. "Eren! Wait, what about lunch?"

"I told you I'm not hungry."


Eren ran over to Mikasa's side of the table. He face turned towards his, he lips curved down and eyes droopy. She was concerned with Eren's safety with a guy like Levi. He grabbed he face and smiled at her.

"I'll be okay. I can take care of myself," He kissed her forehead. "I'm a big boy, I'm fine."

Mikasa shyly smiled up and nodded. Eren messed up her raven hair. "Good. Go finish your lunch with Horse- Face," He tightened her scarf "You've been eying each other the whole time."

Mikasa blushed with big eyes. "You…. You saw that?" she wore a guilty smile.

"I did, but that's not important. I'll see you later. Okay?"


Eren patted Mikasa's shoulder and turned away to walk out of the dining hall. When he exited, he had to lean on the wall, his legs and hips hurt so much. He swallowed the pain and started to walk, his mind was running wild. What did Levi want now? What else did he want to take? He already took his dignity, his pride, his body… What else could he want? Whatever it was, Eren would give it up. No matter what, he still looked up to Levi as a symbol.

He just wants to own me… Every last inch… I'm the masochist the sadist has always wanted.

Just why did it have to be me?

He had to ruin?

So I hope you liked reading and if you ever have a request just message me. Follow, favorite and review. Check out other stories too, see you next update. Bye guys.