"You sure you want to send some of your trainees to us?"

Spitfire sighed as she looked at the gray griffon that was standing before her.

"I'm sure, after that attack with Tirek we need to ready some of our fliers to fly without magic… and you are the only squadron I know that trains your flyers like that…"

And I really hate to actually be asking for help…

The griffon gave a bit of a smirk.

"So it takes a magic sucking centaur for you to come talking to us for help?"

Spitfire cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"Don't give me that, we've all heard the stories, like the dragon, the Young Flyers-"

"Oh be quiet or I'll rethink my offer."

The griffon raised his talons. "Now now, Spitfire, I'm just saying, we've always offered our training out of the kindness of our hearts, you just kept saying no even after the incidents happened, we just want to be sure your squadron is well tuned and ready for emergencies… not to ruffle your feathers, but I think you guys have gone soft."

Spitfire growled a little. "We. Have. Not. Gone. SOFT."

The griffon rolled his eyes. "Keep telling yourself that… Anyways, back to business, you are positive about sending some pegasi our way?"

Spitfire nodded. "I'm only sending our best trainees, no use training me or the other veteran Wonderbolts, we're stuck in our ways."

"I can understand, we can relate to that too… seeing as our methods aren't the most liked yet we stick to them anyway."

Spitfire took her turn rolling her eyes. "Your squadron has flyers that could scare the ever living daylights out of ponies, there is a reason you're stationed at your little private island out on the sea."

"It's quite nice, perfect for vacations, unlike your big floating cloud."

"You're making me rethink, soldier."

"Oh don't even start, you're not my commander, Spitfire."

"Ugh… will you take them or not?"

"Oh, we'll take them, I'm just expressing the feelings of my fellow comrades while I'm here since we rarely get the chance."

"... Why you son of a-"

"Language. Now, files?"

Spitfire heaved a heavy sigh before presenting three folders to the griffon.

"These are the ones I want you to train, they're skilled fliers, but as you would assume rely too much on their aerial magic… and don't you guys even think about giving enhancements."

The griffon laughed. "Oh please, why would we give any Wonderbolt our tech? Those are strictly for our squadron, the only things they'll be getting from us are Air Glider feathers and Hoof Guards."

Uggghhh… Would he please stop? I get it, they don't like us and we don't like them. I just want to get this over with.

"I don't care, just get them trained so they don't rely on magic to fly, if the results are good, I will send more trainees over and you'll have more ponies to train."

The griffon grinned. "We were getting pretty low on pony trainees, this should be good."

He looked over the names… and couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the last name on the list.

"Rainbow Dash? Really?"


"Oh, no, not at all, we'd love to train the pony that helped save Equestria with those friends of hers… and saved your flank during the Young Flyers Competition."

Spitfire felt heat come to her face. "We were not ready for that!"

"Riiiiight, but aside from that, we'll take her, along with the other two. We won't be having mercy on them though. If any of them comes flying home crying it's not our fault."

"Just get them trained… please."

"You got it, Spitfire."

The griffon took the files and started walking away. He stopped at the door giving another smirk.

"Though be mindful, we might keep one."

"I thought you didn't like us Wonderbolts?" Spitfire asked, a glare fixed on the griffon.

"We don't, but after training, these flyers won't be. They'll be flying like us instead of you. Tell these ponies to report to Flysenhower Island within a week. If they don't show up on time we won't train them… Also, just to note, our squadron is helping with that big race going on, so not all of us are going to be there."

He chuckled. "Sorry you guys didn't get picked, guess Celestia finally found use for us after all."

He left before Spitfire could retaliate.

She sighed, shaking her head.

I can hate them as much as I like… but I can't deny he's wrong… We need our flyers to be stronger… and they're the last resource we can look to.

She looked at the letter she had received a few days before. Her eyes were trained on the symbol that had been stamped on the bottom of it. It resembled a skull and cross bones… but in place of the skull was something called a piston, and the cross bones had been replaced by wrenches. Not many knew what the symbol stood for. Only choice commanders of the Wonderbolts knew along with the Princesses. All of them couldn't deny one thing. They were the toughest and meanest flyers in all of Equestria, and the only squadron who knew how to fly without the aid of magic.

If they wanted the best flyers… this was the squadron to go to.

The Jolly Wrenches.