i know this took such a very long time to be finished but i have been so busy and i actually reread the story and fell in love with it again. i have another idea for a story but this one is going to be an original. i hope you guys love the ending of this long awaited and very much loved story.


Ozgur lay asleep curled up in his little blue elephant blanket safely in Rose's arms. She was awake her hand slowly stroking his back, her eyes peacefully closed while Ozgur quietly slept. Rose's lashes were casting shadows on her cheeks, the sun shining through the window.

"Rose." I laughed. "Would you like me to hold him while you have a nap?" Rose turned to me opening her eyes slowly, her lips shaped into a smile.

"I don't need a nap, I'm fine." Rose lifted Ozgur closer to her face her nose brushing against his forehead. "I still can't get over how amazing he smells. You think after 8 months I would have gotten used to it."

I laughed leaning in and pressing my lips softly to Roses head, taking a deep breath.

"We have been together for 8 years and I still can't get used to how amazing you smell; like vanilla and strawberries." I told her, Rose looked up at me her eyes sparkling in surprize.

"Wow, fatherhood really has made you a big softie hasn't it?" Rose giggled, her free hand reaching up and brushing across my stubbly chin.

"How could I not become a big softie when my wife and my son are going to move back to Russia for me to be closer to my family?" I grinned; I still couldn't believe it myself.

One morning Rose came back into the bedroom after a night time feed and just declared out loud that we were moving to Russia. When I told her she was obviously sleep deprived she shook her head venomously. A week later Rose had applied for a passport for Ozgur, and now on Ozgur's 8th month on this world we were on a plane, bound for Snt Petersburg.

"Do you think we are doing the right thing?" I asked Rose, as much as I had wanted to move back to Russian, almost the minute I left it, I didn't want Rose to wake up one day away from her friends and family and resent me.

"Dimitri." Rose sighed. "We have been discussing this for months, before he was even born really. I want this, and I know you do too! If it doesn't feel right we can move back. You know that Lissa will always take us back no questions asked." I knew Rose had a point but Lissa was hurt when we told her we were thinking about moving back.

She would take us back, yes. But things wouldn't be the same, Lissa didn't understand for the first few weeks after we told her. To her we had everything we needed at court, but Rose desperately wanted Ozgur to be raised around my family. To be supported and loved like she wasn't as a growing child. I had tried to tell her a thousand times that no matter where we lived Ozgur would be loved always.

Lissa had agreed that as often as she could she would come stay and visit us in Russia. The whole court family had promised. And it seemed like Zmey had finally convinced Janie that they should come and stay in Snt Petersberg. I couldn't deny that I was happy, and I thought Rose seemed pretty happy about the decision too. I just needed to know that this is what she wanted, not what she thought I needed.

"I know, I know. I'm just worried you might live in Russia for a few months then hate me for making you come here." I shrugged patting her shoulder. I knew that her back would be aching, Rose hated long flights and holding a 6kg baby in her arms wouldn't make it any better.

Rose laughed shaking her head making a tutting noise with her tongue.

"I've told you time and time again I want this. End of story. Now I hope you haven't let it slip to your family yet that we are coming to live there. I still want it to be a surprize." Rose grinned.

I hated not being able to tell my family, my mum missed us terribly she begged to Facetime with Ogzur more and more often. But Rose wanted it to be a surprize, I don't know how they hadn't found out already. We had sold our cottage near court and bought a house just outside of Baia. It was only 15 minutes or so drive from my family home. I didn't want to go back to the township of Baia but there was no point coming back to Russia and being to far away to see my family.

Rose had fallen in love with the house online, we purchased it sight unseen which terrified me. Rose didn't seem to care. She just kept saying 'if something's wrong you can fix it' I hoped that would be the case.

3 hours later Rose was snoring, her face pressed against the side of Ozzys capsule, he was again sleeping peacefully. We were driving from the airport to our new house. It was early morning the sun had just started to rise over the towering mountains in the distance. Rose had crashed seconds after Ozgur had settled back to sleep.

Motherhood had really agreed with Rosemarie. It helped that Ozgur was a really easy and happy baby. I couldn't believe that I could love Rose anymore then I already did but just seeing her with him made my heart beat faster. She said the same thing about me, but I couldn't even imagine someone loving anyone else as much as I loved her.

As I pulled into our driveway I slowed as I looked around. Someone had propped the wrought iron gate open for us, the road was cobblestone so I wasn't surprised when Roses guardian senses woke her, the car rumbling softly underneath us.

"Are we here?" Rose said groggily from the back seat leaning forward to see through the windscreen to the house coming into view around the corner.

"Yes we are my love." I smiled ear to ear as I pulled up outside the front porch. There was a lady standing on the stood dressed head to toe in business attire. She was the real-estate agent.

"Look bubba." Rose whispered to Ozgur his big green eyes now wide open. "We are home." The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I couldn't believe that this was going to be our home. I was so grateful for my life with Rose.

I nearly ran around to Rose's side of the car helping her out she had Ozgur on her hip as she emerged from the car her smile rivalling mine.

"This is it?" she gasped her eyes glued on the house. "It's bloody fantastic!" she exclaimed. Ozgur giggled as I lifted him up into the air presenting the house to him. Rose pressed herself under my arms gripping around my body. I placed Ozgur between us and we had a little family hug.

"Thank you Rose." I whispered kissing her ear softly.

"No." Rose blushed. "Thank you Dimitri. This is what I've always dreamed of." Rose gave me a soft slow kiss on the lips before excusing herself to talk to the agent who was politely averting her gaze as she waited for us.

I was awestruck by the house. I could now see what Rose had loved so much about it. It was a very classic Russian house. Even the smallest houses here looked so over the top and extravagant. But this wasn't just a house it was almost a castle. Lissa had brought our house from us and had paid more than is value for it. Rose's parents had given us money too so we were able to purchase this forever home.

The house was two stories but looked bigger as it had an attic and things almost like torrents. It was a like brownie, pink colour tied in with beautiful white and grey detailing. The windows were large and everywhere. I could picture us growing old her with our children. The kids playing in the land around our house or the wide wrap around porch.

I gave myself a proverbial pat on the back for finding this place before making my way over to Rose and the agent.

"Hi Mr Belikov, my name is Yulia" she smiled politely shaking my hand. "I hope you love your new home and you and your beautiful family enjoy this place.'' Her accent was thick and I knew she was only taking in English for Roses sake. She knew some Russian but still wasn't the best at full conversations.

"Oh we will." Rose beamed taking the keys from Yulia's hand. "Are we going to do this together?" Rose laughed pointing to the door as Yulia slipped away and into her car with a wave goodbye.

I took Rose's hand in mine and together we turned the key in the lock. Rose placed her hand on the door and pushed as I turned the handle. The door swung open to revel the most beautiful interior.

The house had already been furnished, Rose was talking back and forth with a designer for weeks, and the house looked amazing. It was modern but still suited this beautiful landscape.

I placed Ozgur on the carpeted rug in the lounge room; he crawled straight to the toys placed close by. I turned and beamed as Rose leaning in she drew her face up to me kissing me softly, before the kiss picked up some pace and she brushed her fingers through my hair as I cupped the back of her neck. She smiled against my lips a content sigh escaping my lips.

"Are you ready to go surprize your family?" Rose smirked.

"I was ready 2 months ago Rose." I laughed taking both her hands in mine and pulling her close so I could wrap my arms around her tightly.


Dimitri knocked on the wooden door of his family home; his lips were twitching trying to hold back his grin. I held Ozgur's warm little body against my chest as I held onto Dimitri's arm, I didn't have the willpower Dimitri face was frozen in an all out grin.

"Coming." We heard Dimitri's mum calling, we could heard her footsteps grow louder as she approached. My heart was racing.

Olena opened the door out wide and her eyes almost popped out of her head. Her hand shot to her mouth and she let out an actual squeal. Viktroia came running out from the kitchen her heels sliding as she stopped shocked by us standing in the door way. Ozgur and I in our big puffy coats.

"Rose! Dimka Ozgur!" Olena exclaimed ushering us into the warmth of their home.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Viktoria laughed. Olena shot her a look that was missed by Viktoria as she embraced Dimitri in a bear hug.

Olen was chuckling as she pulled Ozgur and I into a hug, I pressed Ozgur into her arms and she smiled down at him tears pooling in her eyes.

"He looks so much bigger in person. He is growing up so fast, I have missed so much." Olena said wistfully her long strong fingers caressing his little pink cheek. He was smiling goofily back at Olena.

As Viktoria pulled me in for a hug I looked over to Dimitri and gave him the Cue to tell his mother.

"Well, mum. You won't be missing much else." Dimitri said his face giving nothing away. Olena furrowed her brow looking up at her son like he was talking nonsense.

"What do you mean Dimitir?" Olena said her mind obviously clicking over. Dimitris face suddenly broke out into a grin and Olena gasped. "No!" she cried tears forming in her eye again, Dimitri stepped forward and embraced his mother, her face pressed into his chest she was making a noise somewhere between sobbing and laughing.

"What is going on Rose?" Viktoria asked looking up at me. I smiled and stroked my hand down her beautiful face. She looked so much like Dimitri, she had the same warm endless brow thoughtful eyes.

"We have moved to Russia to raise Ozzy" I grinned. Viktoria eyebrows shot into her hair line and she grasped me so tightly I couldn't believe she was laughing and so was Olena hugged me from the other side.

When I pulled back Dimitri was standing just beside me, Ozgur pressed into his side, the biggest and happiest smile I had ever seen on his face. And in the moment I knew that I had made the right decision moving our little family to the place that made Dimitri the amazing man and father that he is.

Dimitir handed Ozgur over to Viktoria as i made my way towards him, he pressed me into his arms and kissed my lips slowly tilting my body over his arm.

"I love you always and forever Rosemarie Belikov." He whispered against my lips.

"I love you too Dimitir. always and forever." i sighed. my heart was so full, i couldn't beleive i had gotten everything i ever wanted. Dimitri, a child. a family. a life.


its over guys! i think this little baby is ready for bed. i have really really enjoyed writing this and i hope that you all loved it as much as i did.

as i said in the start that i am going to be writing a new original story. if you liked this then i suggest if you like to read my new story. i will try my hardest to update more frequently then i did in the last half of this.

thank you so much to everyone who read and reviewed. i love your guts!

Aly. xxxx